{Epilogue} Of Nakji Bokum and Anniversaries

You're Worth It

It’s been two years since Jin and Yoongi graduated community college. Two years since they’ve moved in with their boyfriends, and two years since Jin and Namjoon have been together. And of course, life couldn’t be any better.


As much as Jin enjoyed (not really) the countless times he had to wake Yoongi up almost every morning before classes, he definitely didn’t have any regrets trading their dorm for a nice posh apartment Namjoon just so happen to buy. Now Jin’s routines consisted of waking up to sweaty morning kisses (maybe a couple quickies if Namjoon was needy), making breakfast for him and Namjoon before he’d leave for classes and Namjoon to his job.


Coming home was also the best part, after a long day at work and school, Jin would come home just in time to make dinner for Namjoon, then spend the rest of the night either watching a movie or a drama before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


However, their life wasn’t all lollipops and sunshine. They still had their flaws. Even though they adored each and every one of them, it didn’t mean it wouldn’t cause conflict. For example; Namjoon is very very VERY clumsy. The first time he broke a plate: fine. The second time he accidently ripped one of Jin’s favorite shirts: Not bad, but he still got a beating.


But the the third time, when he spilled the cake Jin had been working on for his home ec class day and night, putting as much care and affection into every slice...let’s just say that Namjoon didn’t get for a month.


Jin’s flaws on the other hand were a bit more benign, such as leaving his laundry around the apartment or forgetting to wash the dishes. Nothing major, unlike Namjoon.


However, whatever flaw they had to put up with only made them feel so much more like a married couple. It brought them closer as a couple and made them realize just how much they meant to one another.


Since it was their two year anniversary, Namjoon wanted to make up for all his accidents and give Jin something special.




Spring was in the air; No duh since it was the middle of May. Jin, who had begrudgingly stayed up till midnight studying for his photo class, decided to sleep in. On a Tuesday. The said male was practically dead, snuggled in a white cocoon with a kitty plush in his arms. Needless to say, he was on cloud nine.


No amount of stress couldn’t possibly prepare him for what was going to come in the next few hours though.


Stepping into their shared room, Namjoon laughed out loud at the sight of his boyfriend, lying face down on his stomach, so that his legs and hands were dangling off of the side. His plushie was squished against his stomach and mattress, practically being suffocated.


Namjoon removed his earbuds from his ear and tip toed over to the bed, sitting beside Jin’s head. He placed a hand on his head, ruffling his brown hair (since he decided to dye it back in the beginning of college). The younger male heard a soft sound resonate from the sleeping beauty.


“Wakey wakey Jin~” The latter cooed, continuing to his lover’s hair.


The elder male stirred in his sleep, but instead of waking up, he just shuffled onto his boyfriend’s lap and just laid there. Namjoon could feel his steady breathing warming up his knee as he watched his lover snooze on top of him. Chuckling softly, he brought a hand up to tangle his fingers into his brown hair.


“What’s the point in getting your beauty sleep when you’re already beautiful enough?”


Namjoon felt a hand pinch the side of his thigh, making him bite his sleep to keep himself from laughing once more. You would think that after two years of dating, Jin didn’t care about the way he looked. He was still the self-conscious male that Namjoon came to adore.


With a lot more force than he intended to use, Jin pushed himself up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He wrapped his arms around the cute kitty plushie that had been squished against his stomach. Jin stared at Namjoon with tired eyes. “Alright I’m up, happy?”


Smiling to the point where his dimple showed, Namjoon leaned in and pecked his lips, ignoring Jin’s protest of ‘morning breath.’ “Much, now why don’t you go freshen up and I can fix us up some coffee.”


Jin’s eyes widened. Whipping his head around to the panda alarm clock (a gift from Tao) the red digital numbers read 9:15. Classes started at exactly 10:00.


“! Why didn’t you tell me it was late?!” Jin quickly scrambled out of the covers, kicking them onto their hardwood floor and rushed into the bathroom to freshen up. Namjoon could hear the sound of the shower turn on, as well as the amusing sound of Jin shouting “hot!”


Namjoon rolled his eyes, shaking his eyes in amusement. Standing up, he went into the kitchen to fulfill his promise. Coffee was the only thing Namjoon was able to make without breaking anything or setting something on fire. Of course, he was forbidden from the stove.


Namjoon grabbed a tub of Jin’s favorite flavoured coffee and placed it inside of the coffee maker. Leaning against the counter, the sound of the coffee spilling out into the mug filled the silent apartment, save for the sound of the shower.


After about ten minutes, Jin got out of the shower, hair still damp, dressed in a red and black flannel. Strapped around his shoulder was his denim messenger bag and camera. Waiting for him by the table was a hot mug of coffee in his favorite pink thermos. Smiling to himself, he grabbed his coffee, along with a glazed doughnut that Namjoon was so considerate to pick up.


Before leaving, Jin walked over to Namjoon and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “See after work baby. Extra keys are under the mat, snacks are in the pantry, stay out of my kitchen, and I love you.” Giving him one more kiss on the cheek, Jin finally ran out of the apartment.


Namjoon watched as his boyfriend slipped out of their apartment in a mad rush to get to his photo class to take his test. He took another sip of coffee and smiled to himself. He knew Jin gave him an order to stay out of his kitchen, but his anniversary surprise involved the kitchen. As well as some flowers and lots and lots of kissing.


The latter then took out his cellphone. After sending a quick message, his anniversary plan was now in full throttle.  


Step 1: Keep Jin out of the house as long as possible.




Jin held the camera up to the sky, snapping a quick picture of a kite that some kid was playing with. He had just barely made it to photo class, only to find out that the exam they were supposed to take was moved till tomorrow. All that hard work gone to waste. Of course, that didn’t mean Jin wasn’t relieved. In fact, he was more than happy to skip some boring test and take more pictures for his project.


Other students of his photo class were scattered around the large park, taking pictures of whatever caught their interest.


Jin was about to take a picture of a couple swans that were floating on the water, when a face suddenly blocked his field of view. Looking up, he came face to face with the happy smile of a certain dancer.


“Jimin, you’re blocking the view!” Jin whined, trying to maneuver his way behind Jimin.


The squishy cheeked individual puffed his cheeks into a pout. “Last time I checked, I thought I was the view.”


Jin rolled his eyes, than in a flash, snapped a picture of a not prepared Jimin with the flash on. “There, happy?”


Jimin blinked his eyes a couple times, blinded by the sudden flash of light. “Sheesh, didn’t expect you to take that seriously.”


The brunette only stuck his tongue out teasingly. Jimin responded with one of his adorable laughs. “So what brings you here?” Jin asked, tucking his camera back in its case.


Jimin stuffed his hands into the pocket of his shorts. “Oh, Kookie and I are supposed to have a workshop to go to, but not till later. Jungkook wanted to grab some breakfast just so we had energy.”


Jin nodded in understanding. “Aw, if you two wanted something to eat, you should’ve called! I could’ve cooked something.”


Jimin giggled once more, shaking his head. “Nah, it’s cool hyung. Anyway, I should probably head back, Jungkook’s waiting.” Jin watched as the latter turned around and started jogging away. He suddenly stopped.


Jin watched as Jimin took out his phone and looked at the screen. Jimin then stuffed his phone back into his pocket and jogged back over to where Jin was standing. “Actually, do you want to join Kookie and I?”


Jin stared back at Jimin. “Join you for breakfast? I don’t know, I still have to take a couple more pictures…”


“Knowing you, you probably overslept and only had a doughnut or a bagel with coffee for breakfast, so you’re going to be hungry in the next fifteen minutes.”


“...” Jin remained silent.


“And,” Jimin added. “The café Kookie and I are eating at is really vintage-y, so that means they’ll be some nice spots to take pictures of.”


Freaking Jimin, always so persuasive. How can he say no now?


“I’m in.”




Jungkook was more than happy to have his Jin hyung over for breakfast. When he caught sight of him with Jimin, the maknae wasted no time jumping out of his seat and wrapping his arms around Jin. “Oh! Jin hyung, what are you doing here?”


The elder patted the maknae’s back, smiling in adoration. Jungkook had definitely grown a lot in the span of a year. “Jimin invited me for breakfast.”


Jungkook flashed Jimin a smile. Releasing Jin from his embrace, Jungkook walked over to Jimin and pecked his lips, causing Jimin to smile. “Good call.” He grabbed a hold of his boyfriend’s hand, then turned to Jin and laced his hand with his. “Now, let’s get some breakfast, shall we?”


Jungkook led his boyfriend and bestfriend to the back of the café, where they were seated around a high table with a checkerboard square in the center. There was also a sphere shaped vase with a small cactus growing inside.


A waitress suddenly came by to ask them for a drink. “Would you care to try our new organic coffee?”


Jimin turned to both Jungkook and Jin, asking them what they wanted. The duo shrugged in response, indifferent with their decision. Jimin turned to the pretty waitress again. “Sure, we’ll have three.”


The waitress nodded, before bowing and walking away to retrieve their beverages. After about ten minutes, she returned with three mugs filled to the brim with coffee. The waitress carefully placed one in front of the three males. “Is there anything else you would like to order.”


“A chocolate croissant please,” Jungkook answered. “Jin?”


“A cherry crépe sounds nice.”


The waitress jotted down their orders. “And you?” She asked, turning to Jimin. The (now) orange haired male shook his head. “I’ll be fine for now, thank you.”


Once she had all their orders jotted down, the waitress bowed once more then walked back to her station.


Jungkook picked up his mug, blew on the coffee, before taking a sip. “Huh, what do you know? It’s not bad.” He took one more gulp before placing it back on the table. He covered his mouth with his fist when he hiccuped. Jimin giggled at how adorable his boyfriend was, taking a sip of his own coffee.


Jin on the other hand looked more immerse with moving his mug around on the table, trying to figure out what looked nicer; his mug next to the cactus plant or next to his phone. Being a photography major practically made anywhere he went his own mini studio.  


“So hyung, how are things with you and Namjoon?” Jimin asked out of the blue.


Jin looked up at him, abandoning his rearranging. “Hm? Namjoonie? Oh, we’re good. It’s been really cozy living with him now,” the elder answered in bliss. “He can be a little clumsy though.”


Jungkook snickered. “Just a little?”


Jin rolled his eyes. “Alright, so maybe he’s a bit of a klutz. So what? Nothing to worry about?”


“I can only imagine how anniversary is going to be. Remember the time Jimin forgot our anniversary?”


“Yah!” Jimin exclaimed, smacking his boyfriend behind the head. “That was one time baby, one time!” He emphasized his point by holding up his index finger.


Jungkook quirked his brows, sipping his coffee. “Mmhm, sure.”


Jin covered his mouth to stifle back a laugh as he watched the couple bicker. A sight he had grown so used to since he’s known them ever since Jimin first asked Jungkook out, albeit anxiously. Something suddenly hit him. He didn’t know why, but Jungkook had said something that seemed to jog his memory.








Jin frantically grabbed his bag in a haste, digging inside for his cellphone. Once he grabbed ahold of the rectangular device, he opened his calendar app and checked today’s date, as well as the reminder.


May 16, 2016



Namja and I’s Anniversary


The phone almost slipped from Jin’s hand as he stared out in space, wide eyed and pale faced. Jungkook and Jimin took quick notice as to why their friend seemed like he had just seen a ghost.

“Um, Jin hyung? Is everything alright?” Jungkook asked his pallid friend. Jin suddenly rose from his seat, chugged down his coffee, muttered an ‘I gotta go thanks for the meal loves,’ and fast walked out of the cafe.


Jimin suddenly face palmed. “Ugghhh,” he hissed under his breath. “Baby, why?”


“Hm?” Jungkook stared at his boyfriend. “What? What did I do?”


The orange haired individual fished out his phone from his back pocket, opened up a recent text and passed the phone over to Jungkook, who picked it up to read the message.


Namjoon: Yo Jimin, what’s up? Hey, I need you to do me a BIG favor. It’s the beauty and I’s anniversary and I’m planning on surprising him. If you see him, keep him as distracted as possible. Make sure he doesn’t have any idea!


“Oh…” Jungkook passed the phone back to him. “Mianhae.”


Jimin released a sigh, pulling the younger into a quick embrace. “It’s fine baby. Knowing Namjoon, he probably sent the text to Hoseok and Suga. They’ll stall him.”


Jungkook returned the hug. “Is it just me though, but did Jin look like he had no freaking clue that it was their anniversary.”


Jimin’s eyes widened. He suddenly started to snicker, which soon erupted into a loud shriek of laughter. A couple of customers even turned their head to look at him confusingly. Jungkook stared at him, completely lost.


“Um baby?”


“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s forgotten their anniversary!”


The maknae’s shoulders sagged as he continued to stare at his laughing boyfriend with an ‘are you serious’ glare. It was also at that moment when their waitress returned with their order. “Huh, what happened to the other guy who was here?” She asked, looking around.


“Oh, he had a meeting he had to get to,” Jungkook answered.


With a shrug, the waitress placed his chocolate croissant as well as Jin’s cherry crépe on the table. Jin grabbed his chocolate croissant and started munching on it, sighing in content from the heavenly chocolatey taste. Jimin watched as he ate, when his stomach suddenly started growling.


Jungkook heard the audible sound and snorted. He slid Jin’s abandoned cherry crépe over to Jimin. The orange haired individual picked up his fork without another word, stabbed the crépe and stuffed the piece into his mouth. “You’re lucky I like cherries.”


Jungkook giggled, wiping his boyfriend’s chin with a napkin. “I know you better than anyone Minnie.”  






“Kiss me.”




Jin was going crazy. No, he was freaking out. Scratch that, he was having a total panic attack. How in the hell could he forget him and Namjoon’s anniversary. He was usually so meticulous with events such as birthdays, meetings, and vice versa. But how could he forget their anniversary after two years of dating.


Looks like all those weeks of catching up photo projects and studying for exams had finally taken his toll on him. Making him lose focus on things that mattered to him. Relationship wise.


Jin stopped walking and just covered his flustered cheeks with his hands. He hoped that Namjoon didn’t suspect him of forgetting. Jin had to make it up to Namjoon somehow. A light bulb suddenly went off in his head.


Putting his legs back in motion, Jin rushed into the nearest grocery store. What better way to repay him than with homemade food?  As Jin started throwing things into his cart, he started planning what he would make. Nakji bokum seemed like a good choice since it was spring. Fresh vegetables and seafood were in season.


Jin was about to throw in a container of webfoot octopus when he heard someone call his name.


“Oh, Jin!”


The latter looked up and saw Soyou, pushing a cart of her own with a male next to her. Jin recognized the male as Soyou’s boyfriend. Junggigo, he was sure was his name.


The former model flashed her a smile. “Soyou noona!” He stepped away from his cart and ran over to give her a big hug. Soyou, nearly tripping over, giggled as she returned his hug. “Aww, sweetie, it’s so good to see you!”


Jin pulled away to look at her. Again, she was beautiful as ever. Her hair was cut shorter, losing the hot pink ombré she had back then and reverting to a simple dark brown color. She was also wearing a bright coral lipstick on her lips.


The latter looked at up at Junggigo and smiled. “Nice to see you again.”


The tall male returned the smile. “You too Seokjin,” he said as he ruffled the latter’s hair.


“So what brings you here?” Soyou asked.


Jin gestured over to his cart. “Oh, I was just grocery shopping. Have to make dinner for Namjoon and I tonight. It’s actually our anniversary.” Which I completely forgot.


Soyou clapped her hands excitedly. “That sounds lovely, don’t you think so?” She turned to look at her boyfriend, who only nodded in response, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Jin could tell by the look in his eyes that it was getting rather awkward.


“Anyway, I should probably tell you that we brought Taehyung and Bora along with us since we invited them over for dinner.”


“Really?” Jin’s eyes sparkled at the sound of the adorable male’s name. “Where are they?”


“Snack aisle, I thi- Oh wait never mind, there they are.”


Jin turned around and saw Taehyung walking with Bora, their hands laced together. When Taehyung caught sight of Jin, his face lit up brightly. “Jin hyung.” He started rushing over to him, dragging Bora off her feet.


The elder nearly fell backwards when Taehyung trapped in a big, tight embrace. “Uhhh, I missed you hyung!” Taehyung exclaimed.


“Tae..you saw me last week.” Jin returned the hug nonetheless. He loved his dongsaeng after all. Taehyung released his hyung, then looked at the contents in his cart. “Oh, you cooking too?”


Jin nodded, stepping protectively in front of his cart, as if to keep Taehyung from eating anything. “Yes, and they’re for Namjoon and I.”


Taehyung chuckled. “Yah, I wasn’t going to eat them...maybe.” He chuckled once more, Jin joined in this time. “Ah, Taehyung sure is lucky, to have you cook for him.”


Jin nodded, then was suddenly hit with another wave of realization. How was he supposed to cook in the apartment when Namjoon was going to be there. Jin held back a groan of exasperation. Why was god being so mean to him?


“Hey Tae.”




“The thing is, I’m planning on surprising Namjoonie and I don’t want to have to risk having him see me cook for him,” the latter explained.


Taehyung nodded in understanding, trying to figure out a solution to Jin’s current dilemma. Bora suddenly snapped her finger, alerting that she had an idea. “Dawon!”


Jin and Taehyung both stared at the petite female.


“Hoseok’s sister. Her house isn’t that far from here. Plus, Hobi and Yoongi are visiting,” Bora finished her explanation with a wink.


Jin’s lips formed a smile of relief. He took two steps and pulled Bora into an unsuspected hug. “You are a saint noona.”




Just as Bora had said, the ride to Hoseok’s sister’s house didn’t last too. It was also convenient since Junggigo and Soyou lived like five blocks away. Jin wondered sometimes if everyone planned to leave close to one another even if they were away at college.


“Thanks guys, you honestly saved my life!” Jin praised as he slammed the door of Junggigo’s car. The passengers inside all waved goodbye as they drove off.


Jin took a look at his watch; noon. He still had enough time to cook and beg ask Yoongi or Hoseok for a ride back to his apartment. Walking up to the house, Jin rang the doorbell. After a moment, a tall woman answered the door. Jin recognized Dawon.


“Hey Dawon, I’m Jin, in case you don’t remember.”


Dawon’s eyes suddenly lit up in realization. “Oh yeah, I remember you! Please come in.” She tugged the latter inside, then hollered, “Yah, Jung Hoseok. I would like to inform you that we have a guest, so I don’t think getting a is necessary right now!”


Jin could hear some shuffling coming from another room in the house, as well as a couple colorful words that belonged to a voice he knew by heart. Hoseok finally ran out of the room he was in, looking disheveled. Yoongi also tailed behind him. His bright blonde hair was a mess, and there was also a couple noticeable marks dotting his neck.


Not to mention his shirt was backwards.


“I’m going to pretend nothing happened before I came,” Jin snickered, taking in their disheveled glory.


“Shut it hyung,” Yoongi growled through gritted. Ah, still vicious as usual. Hoseok patted his shoulder, then turned back to Jin with one of his signature smiles. “So, what brings you here Jin hyung?”


“Long story short, it’s Namjoon and I’s anniversary and I’m planning on surprising him with some home cooked Nakji Bokum and I need to use your kitchen so pleaaase?” Jin released a breath after explaining everything in rapid speed.


Yoongi and Hoseok both stared at Jin as if he was insane. A thick silence filled that atmosphere that Jin thought his head was going to explode if he didn’t get a response.


Hoseok suddenly grinned. “Spices are in the top drawer, pans are on the bottom, if you need help just call us.”


It took Jin a moment to process what he said. His eyes widened once he processed Hoseok’s words. Picking his groceries off of the flood, Jin kicked off his sneakers and pounded his way into the kitchen, throwing a ‘thank you Hobi’ over his shoulder.


And just like that, Jin got down to business. The kitchen practically became a no entrance zone as Jin got to work on preparing his dish. Pretty soon, a savory aroma filled the Jung household, that Yoongi and Hoseok started to drool. They’d be dead if they tried to sneak a bite though.


After a total of two hours, Jin spooned the Nakji Bokum into an airtight container. He looked at his watch. 2:30 P.M. Namjoon was probably home by now. Panicking, Jin rushed into the living room, where Yoongi and Hoseok were making out without a care in a world.


“I need a ride!”


Jin’s booming voice practically had Yoongi falling off of Hoseok’s lap. He shot Jin a sour glare. “Way to ruin the mood…”


“Less talking, more driving me to my apartment!” Jin jumped up and down like an antsy child getting taken to the carnival.


Hoseok stifled back a laugh as he helped Yoongi off of the ground and grabbed his coat, slipped on his shoes, and grabbed his keys. He walked over to Jin and pinched his cheek. “Come on lover boy, let’s get you to your man.”




Once again, the ride didn’t last too long. Probably because Jin kept rushing Hoseok by shouting “Faster, but be careful. But faster!” Yoongi had to resist the urge punching Jin out cold just so he would shut up. Good thing the latter was his best friend.


Once they reached the apartment complex, Jin gave both of the boys a kiss on the cheek since his arms were a bit occupied for a hug. Jumping out of the car, Jin rushed to the apartment. Hoseok and Yoongi watched amusedly as the latter ran/nearly tripped towards the building.


Hoseok sighed. “Young love, wouldn’t you agree baby?”


Yoongi scoffed. “More like idiotic love. I wonder what Namjoon had in mind for Jin.”


“Let’s just pray he didn’t decide to cook for him again,” Hoseok deadpanned as he shifted the car in drive and started driving back towards the house.


Little did they know…


Once Jin opened the door to their apartment complex, he was welcomed by the sound of the fire alarm, cloud puffs of smoke, and the sight of Namjoon trying to fan away some of the smoke pouring out of the oven.


In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back.


Jin had to say something. Like a simple “are you okay?” Or “what happened?” Instead, the first two words Jin uttered out in pure horror was “My kitchen!”


Namjoon turned around. Oh . Abort mission Kim Namjoon. Abort mission! Namjoon released a cough, nervously laughing. “Hehe, oh hey babe. How was your day?


Jin only glared at Namjoon with a deathly stare. Forcing an all too innocent smile on his face, Jin put the container of food on the table, stripped off his jacket, and took steady strides over to Namjoon. “Oh, it was swell.” Namjoon gulped when he heard him crack his knuckles. He could practically see flames behind his eyes as he glared at him.


“And how was..your day?”


Lord save me.




“Sure your hand is alright?” Jin asked in a worried tone as he rubbed his thumb against Namjoon’s bandaged hand. His hand had sustained a bunch of knife wounds when he tried to cut some onions for his casserole.


Namjoon shook his head, Jin’s hand. “Nah, I’m good.” I wish I could say the same for my though Namjoon begrudgingly thought. Well, at least Jin let him off easy since it was their anniversary.


“Are you mad that I forgot our anniversary?” Jin pouted as he ate some of the naki bokum.


Shaking his head once again, Namjoon took a bite of the octopus and pork stew Jin made. “Of course not baby, you being here is more than enough to make this anniversary special.”


At least they were able put that fire out of the kitchen.


Jin’s heart did a backflip. It suddenly did twenty more the moment Namjoon reached from under the table and took out a bouquet of white and pink azaleas. “Happy Anniversary gorgeous,” Namjoon handed the bouquet over to his boyfriend.


“Aww, Joonie.” Jin couldn’t help but blush as he accepted the beautiful flowers. “You shouldn’t have.”


Namjoon only smiled once more. “Again, anything for you.” He stood up so he could walk over to Jin and give him a peck on the lips. Gazing into his sparkling eyes (lined with black liner since Namjoon did his makeup to apoligize for nearly incinerating his kitchen," he whispered an, “I love you.”


Jin only hid his flustered face behind the flowers, causing Namjoon to laugh. "I love you too boo." Looking up at him, he fidgeted slightly, biting his bottom lip. “Sorry I couldn’t get you anything though.”


Namjoon clicked his tongue. After a moment of contemplation, he leaned forward so he could give Jin one more lingering kiss. This time, without pulling away, Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jin’s waist, causing the latter to release a sigh. Taking the opportunity, Namjoon shoved his tongue inside his awaiting mouth.


Jin moaned at the intrusion and only tugged on the collar of his blazer to pull him closer. Keeping him distracted, Namjoon hooked Jin’s legs over his arms and started carrying him bridal style over to their room. Pulling away, he said in a husky as hell voice, “That’s alright. You’ll do.”

Needless to say, it was probably one of the best anniversary gifts Namjoon could’ve asked for.

Hahaha, who thought I'd end this story without an epilogue?! Oh my goodness loves it has been too long! I missed every single one of you so much. I just want to take this time to sayi thank to any of the new subbies for subscribing to YWI. Also want to thank all of the ones who have subscribed to Shattered. Anyhoo, this chapter definitely took a lot of procrastination since all I've been writing is angst lol, but it was fun. Thank you all so much for all the love you've given to Namjin and my fic. And again, thanks for the memories <3

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*