Of Soju and T-shirts

You're Worth It

Kind of a short update.


Jin couldn’t comprehend what exactly he was doing. His mother nearly fainted when he told her he’d be going back to Korea two months before the actual deadline. After explaining his reason as to why he had to go, Yerin gave in and contacted his father, telling him that he was coming home.


With the help of Luhan and Hyosang, Jin was able to get a ticket for a plane set to fly out to South Korea. And that was why he was seated on an airplane at eleven thirty at night, with nothing but a suitcase and backpack, next to a snoring man.


Jin took a deep breath. The nerve wracking part was what he was supposed to do when, or if he found Namjoon. He only prayed that he was safe or at least eating.


Come to think of it.


Jin rummaged around in his backpack and took out a cereal bar. He was in such a rush that he barely had enough time to grab some breakfast. Damn Luhan and Kris for not being courteous enough to get out of bed and make him some breakfast. Even Tao was half asleep when he drove him to the airport.


The purple haired male smiled as he chewed. Come to think about it, he never had a chance to say goodbye to Luhan or Kris.


Taking out his phone, Jin proceeded on sending a quick message to the honey blonde male. Just as he was about to type, the flight attendant’s echoed through the plane, advising everyone to put away their devices, for they were about to take off.


Jin’s thumbs flew across the keys as he sent the scrambled message before hitting send and stuffing it into his pocket. Double checking to make sure that his seatbelt was secured, Jin slipped on the complementary sleeping mask on his eyes and proceeded on catching up on his sleep.


Needless to say, Jin slept for the entire flight.




Jin was awoken by a soft beeping. Removing the mask, he let out a yawn and looked from left to right. Half of the passengers had already departed, leaving him and the still snoring man beside him. Jin debated whether or not he should wake him up, but decided to let the flight attendants handle that.


After taking his suitcase out of the luggage compartment and shrugging on his jacket, Jin walked off of the plane out into Incheon national airport. Jin his phone, hoping to get a message from Yoongi.


Once it , he nearly dropped the phone when a loud voice screeched his name.


“Yah! Kim Seokjin.”


Jin turned around and smiled. Yoongi was such a sight for sore eyes. Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Jin ran over to his best friend, trapping him into a tight embrace.


“I missed you so much Suga…” Seokjin tightened his hold around the blonde.


“Missed you too pretty boy,” Yoongi whispered, nestling into his hard chest. When he pulled away, the first thing both males said in unison was, “Your hair!”


Yoongi chuckled, tugging on his blonde locks. “I just felt like I needed to change.”


Jin nodded, brushing his hand through his own purple hair. “Same.”


The duo shared one last hug before Yoongi picked up his suitcase, despite Jin’s protest, and led him to where the car was. After stuffing the suitcase in the back, Jin rode shotgun while Yoongi got in the drivers seat.


Jin looked at the time on his phone; 1:52 a.m.


“Surprised I can actually get up this early?” Jin heard Yoongi ask.


“Kinda,” he shrugged. “Knowing you, you probably didn’t even sleep.”


“Bingo!” Yoongi snorted.


Jin chuckled and just went back to looking at his phone. When the silence grew thick, Jin butted in by saying, “So, why couldn’t Jimin, Jungkook or Hoseok come?”


“Hoseok has work tomorrow so he had to turn in; Jimin and Jungkook went out for dinner and crashed at Jimin’s place.”


Jin nodded in understandment


Yoongi continued to babble. “Anyway, in case you’re wondering where I’m taking you, I am taking you home. Jungkook and Jimin wanted to see you, but I figured we could catch up once you’re well rested.”


Jin bit the inside of his cheek. After a moment of hesitation, he said, “actually, I was wondering if you could take me to Taehyung’s apartment.”


Yoongi stopped at a red light. He turned to the latter with a confused expression. “Taehyung, why?”


“I just, I just need to see him,” he mumbled, not turning to the blonde. “Please Yoongi.”


The rapper stared at his friend with empathy. Releasing a sigh, he shifted his car into drive and started driving towards an entirely different destination. When he slowed the car down, Yoongi parked the car in front of a familiar apartment complex.


“Give me a call when you’re done,” he said.


Jin smiled at his best friend and threw his arms around him. After thanking him, Jin jumped out of the car and ran into the apartment.




The elevator was broken, so Jin had to take the stairs. Jet lagged legs combined with the productivity of climbing two flights of stairs was just plain evil.


Jin huffed and puffed as he finally reached the last two steps, flopping down onto the ground to catch his breath. Standing up, Jin walked over to the room. He knocked once. When there was no answer, he knocked a second time.


“Hello, Taehyung? It’s Jin, Tae!” He gave it another knock. “Please open.”


After a moment, the door slowly opened, revealing a thing lanky girl with long blonde hair, dressed in nothing but a pair of biker shorts and a t-shirt. “May I help you?” She asked


Jin was speechless. “Um, I’m looking for someone named Kim Taehyung?”


The girl nodded, then looked over her shoulder. “Yah! Taehyung, there’s someone here to see you.” She turned back to Jin and flashed him a smile. “Come in,” she cocked her head towards the living room.


Jin stepped in. The room looked like nothing had changed. There was more dishes in the kitchen, some laundry on the ground, but the couch was flipped revealing the bed. Jin also noticed that there was some female clothes on the laundry rack.


It was also at that moment Taehyung stepped out, shirtless. “Yeah, what is it Bo-” The latter’s eyes widened when he caught site of Jin.


Jin barely had enough time to wave, because Taehyung had pounced on top of him. The duo were practically on the floor, Taehyung clinging onto him like his life depended on it.


The purple haired male could feel hot tears drip onto his shirt. He a hand through Taehyung’s soft locks. “Shh, it’s okay Tae. I’m here.”


“J-Jin hyung,” he hiccuped. “I-I...Is this real? A-are you?” Taehyung pulled away to look at Jin, who only smiled in response.


“It’s me Taehyung.”


Taehyung’s face broke out into his famous killer grins. He gave Jin another squeeze before helping him up. Turning to the female standing in the middle of the room, smiling in amusement, Taehyung wrapped an arm around her waist. “Um, yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “This is Bora, Jin. My girlfriend.”


Jin smiled. “Oh, so you’re Hyorin noona’s sister! Please to meet you.”


“Pleasure,” Bora replied with another gorgeous smile.


Taehyung quickly grabbed a random red t-shirt off the ground and walked into the kitchen. He started clearing some things off of the table and set some cups. “Do you want something to drink Jin?”


“Um, some coffee if you have some.”


Taehyung nodded and started boiling some water. Jin and Bora both stepped into the kitchen and sat down with Taehyung. “So hyung,” Taehyung started. “What made you change your mind?”


Jin shifted in his seat. “I-I was wondering, what happened to Namjoon.”


Taehyung’s mouth became a thin line as he nodded. “N-Namjoon,” the name felt unusual on his tongue. “He, he’s seriously not himself anymore Jin.”


Jin felt his heart contract. “Could you please tell me what happened?”


Taehyung took another deep breath as he rubbed his face. “Well, after you left, he started taking some days off from work. It was only a week before he went back. Up until then, everything was fine.” The light haired male released another sigh.


“Or, so I thought. After a while, Namjoon started coming home late. Sometimes even smelling like alcohol. And that guy almost never drinks. The worst was when someone contacted me to get him out of a bar, where he got drunk.”


Jin felt his heart shatter that time. By then, the water on the stove was long forgotten.


Taehyung continued. “When I brought him back to the apartment, he started saying things like, ‘my muse!’ or ‘I have no motivation to live.’”


Jin finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Taehyung, do you know where he might be right now?”


The light haired male thought long and hard. “Well, knowing him, he’s probably at the bar he always goes to. I can give you the address.” Scribbling the name on a piece of paper, Taehyung handed it to Jin.


Jin thanked him and got up to give him one last hug. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the latter, burying his nose in the crook of his neck. His scent was so familiar, that Taehyung almost started tearing up. “Please hyung,” he whimpered in a deep voice. “Please bring Namjoon back.”


Jin nodded, thankful for Taehyung. “I promise Taehyung. You’ll see, he’s going to be fine.”



“Jin please listen to me, can’t this wait till the morning?” Yoongi protested as they pulled up to a suspicious looking pub. Jin had demanded that they drove to the place Taehyung told him to go to.


Jin closed his phone and stuffed it into his pocket after trying and failing to call Namjoon for the fourth time. He glared at Yoongi. “This cannot wait, Suga! I flew for over an hour just to get to Namjoon and you’re telling me to wait?!”


Yoongi stared at Jin with sad eyes. “I’m just worried. I don’t want to see you end up broken Jin. I don’t think I could bear it.”


Jin’s glare soften, his shoulders slumped. With an apologetic look, he pulled his friend into a hug, his soft blonde locks in a comforting way. “I’ll be fine Yoongi. I promised everyone that.” He pulled away so he could brush his bangs out of the way. “But right now I have to do this.”


Yoongi sniffed and just tightened his grip around his best friend’s waist. He unlocked the door and gave him one last squeeze. “Go get that moron, .”


Jin didn’t need anymore of Yoongi’s ‘motivation’ as he hopped out of the car and walked inside of the bar.


It was one of those jazzy looking pubs; smokey, dim, and filled with the scent of beer and peanuts. The place was also packed to the max. Jin squeezed his way through the sea of bodies, ignoring the smell of smoke, alcohol, or any y hands that had the audacity to touch him.


Jin looked from left to right, hoping to catch any sight of Namjoon. He only hoped that he didn’t already leave. As he was about to reach for his phone to call him, a bulky man ran into him, making him drop his phone.


“Yah!” He yelled at the man, only for him to not listen. Jin scoffed and got on his knees in search for the device. Once he got a grip of his pink phone, he stood up and wiped off any smudges that had gotten on the screen.


He finally opened his contacts and dialed Namjoon’s number.


The buzzing was faint, but he could hear the familiar sound of Namjoon’s ringtone. It was the ringtone that Namjoon put especially for him. Jin continued to look aimlessly around the crowded bar, until his eyes landed on a familiar figure.


“Namjoonie, you haven’t even been answering my calls. Can’t I at least buy you another drink?”


Namjoon brushed his faded pink hair out of his face as he shrugged his shoulder out of the nosey girl’s grip. He took another sip of soju. his lips, he brushed an eyelash away from her pink cheeks.


“You’re so needy,” he slurred in a husky voice. One that usually send shivers down Jin’s spine. “Is this how you always flirt?”


Anger and jealousy boiled, and bubbled inside of Jin’s system as he continued to watch the girl run her well manicured nails down his boyfriend’s shoulder. Making his way towards the duo, he gripped the girl’s forearm, tight enough so it left a mark, and pushed her to the side.


“What the ?!” She screeched.


Jin ignored her and just glared at Namjoon, who looked at him with wide, surprised eyes. “Ji-”


“I’m gone for over three months, wondering how you’ve been doing, and you go ahead and quit your job just so you can screw around with some without even having the right to tell me?!” He went ahead and gave his cheek a hard smack, one where the sand echoed around the entire room, causing heads to turn.


Namjoon covered the mark where Jin had slapped him, which had already started to turn bright red. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t even move.


Jin breathed heavily. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his wrist, tugging him onto Namjoon’s lap. The purple haired latter squirmed on his legs as he tried to slip out of his grip. “Get your freaking hands off me you-”


His protests were interrupted by by a loud scream. His turned around and realized that the woman he had pushed aside was cradling her hand, her knuckles bruised, scratched, and bloody. It looked like she had attempted to punch Jin, only for her fist to collide with the hard wood of the table and have her scratch herself with her rings.


If Namjoon hadn’t pulled him aside, the sight probably would’ve not been pretty. Jin stared back at the mad woman, who literally looked like she wanted to rip out his intestines. Jin suddenly felt another harsh tug and was lifted to his feet, and led out of the bar.


Once the two were outside, Namjoon released Jin’s wrist. Jin winced as he rotated his wrist, the after effect of having Namjoon’s hand squeezing the life out of his. For a moment, the two just stood in silence without even looking at one another.


“So,” Namjoon started cautiously. “Why did you come?”


Jin scoffed. “Isn’t it obvious. I came back for you.” He leaned against the brick wall of the pub. “Of course, doesn’t look like you really need me.”


Namjoon’s jaw clenched. He wanted to place a hand on his shoulder or hug him, anything with some sort of physical contact. In all honesty, he was still trying to process the fact that Jin was there.


Not wanting to provoke him any further, Namjoon took out a flask from his pocket and took a swig. Jin watched his movements with curious doe eyes. He really changed; he still had the same faded pink silver hair, but his skin was pale and there was dark shadows under his eyes. “I didn’t even knew you drank,” he mumbled.


Namjoon released a bitter chuckle. “Then there’s probably a lot of things you don’t know about me.”


His words felt like a stab in the heart to Jin. What happened when he was gone that caused Namjoon to act like this? He clenched his fist, willing himself not to cry. Especially not in front of Namjoon.


“Why?” He started.


“Why what?” Namjoon asked, still reluctant to look at him.


“Why did you quit?”


Namjoon took another swig from the flask, the taste of scotch burning his throat, but numbing whatever he was feeling. “Because…” He took another drink. Jin resisted the urge to grab the flask out of his hand.


“Because, I had no inspiration,” he replied plainly.


Jin stared at him in confusion. “What does that mean?”


Namjoon stared at the flask in his hand. “I didn’t have the motivation to actually do anyone else’s makeup. Every time a new model came, every time I did their makeup, it was no good.


“No matter what I did, I kept thinking of you. You were my muse. Without you, this hobby just felt meaningless.”


Namjoon shifted so he was standing in front of Jin, who was staring at his feet. He placed a gentle hand on his cheek and rested his forehead on the top of his head. “I missed you.”


Jin bit his lips, his fingers itching to touch Namjoon. “Namjoon I-”


Namjoon suddenly tipped over and nearly fell on the ground. Jin, acting fast, quickly grabbed his body, gently moving him to the ground. He cradled him in his arms and shook  his shoulders.


“Yah, Kim Namjoon!”

When the latter didn’t respond and just snored softly, Jin decided not to disturb him. He brushed some pink hair out of his face and his cheek. He sighed in defeat. “I missed you too.”

Hello my lovelies, sorry for the long wait. That little action scene was pretty baddass if I say so myself. Anway, kind of a bitter Namjin reunion, but don't worry, It'll get better. Only a couple more chapters left, so I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Much love! 



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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*