{Epilogue} Of Cinnamon Rolls and Rainbows

You're Worth It

*CL Voice* HELLO B*TCHES. Hahahahaha, guess who's back? Omigod since I have been suffering with severe writers block, I wrote this just to cure it that or I'm just a er for Jikook But anyway, this chapter is gonna be hella fluffy and hella geigh (Literally it was inspired by a meme). If that's your drift through, please enjoy! Also, I know I'm really late, but Happy Pride Day!


“Jiminnie, hurry up!”


Using his height as an advantage, Jungkook stood on his the tips of his toes in search of his boyfriend through the large throng of people. In the sea of rainbow tank tops, attractive guys, and flower crowns, Jungkook could see a small sliver of Jimin’s bright red hair.


Jimin waved once he managed to slip out of the crowd. “Coming Kookie!” Jimin jogged towards Jungkook and grabbed his hand. When he looked up, he couldn’t help but take in the beauty of his boyfriend.


Jungkook’s light brown hair had been crimped and dyed hot pink, courtesy of Hoseok, and he was dressed in a white t-shirt (typical Jungkook style) with a denim jacket thrown over it, hot pink shorts that showed off his long legs and black converse highs.


Cutie, Jimin thought, smiling involuntarily. Leaning in, Jimin quickly pecked Jungkook’s lips, which tasted like bubblegum. Along with the fact that Jungkook’s eyes were lined black and dotted with glitter practically made him eye candy for his Jimin.


That didn’t mean it wasn’t any different the other way around. Jungkook loved the look he was sporting...but maybe just maybe loved the way Jimin looked a little bit (more like a thousand times) more.


Eyeing him up and down, Jungkook admired how Jimin looked in his sleeveless, black and white striped shirt, showcasing his toned arms, ripped jeans, and converse highs. In his pocket was a pink bandanna and on his upper lash line were rows of black polka dots.


Hands down, Jimin just looked downright y, and Jungkook was getting a little breathless.


Draping his arms across his neck, Jungkook kissed Jimin’s squishy cheek twice before saying, “I missed you.”


Jimin snickered, wrapping his arms around his waist. “I was only gone for two minutes baby.”


“Still, that's a long time.”


Jungkook then wasted no time nuzzling the crook of Jimin’s neck as he pressed his lips to them, only to blow on his skin, causing Jimin to release a giggle. The maknae couldn't help but stifle back a laugh when he felt Jimin tickle his waist.


They probably looked like a couple of fools at the moment, but they didn't care. It was Pride day after all.


Pulling away, Jungkook laced his hands with his lover and started tugging him forward. “Come on, the parade awaits us.”


Shaking his head in amusement, Jimin started following him. Jungkook was practically bouncing up and down as they walked along the street that was littered with rainbow confetti, admiring all of the decorations and the people.


People who were proud of who they were and who they loved.




In hopes of escaping the scorching summer sun, Jimin and Jungkook stepped into an indie looking gift shop. Immediately they were hit with the scent of lavender incenses. Inside the vintage shop were crates of records, shelves that had twinkling fairy lights wrapped around them, hangers with silk scarves, and other trinkets.


“Pretty,” Jungkook cooed adorably when he caught sight of a bright red beanie, pulling away from his boyfriend to take a closer peek. Picking it up, he stretched it over his head and looked at his reflection from a heart shaped mirror.


From the other side of the store was Jimin, who was admiring the rows of wind chimes, sometimes running his fingers through the chimes, which resulted in a soft tinkling sound. He also hummed along to the Melanie Martinez song that was playing through the store.


Kids forever, kids forever

Baby soft skin turns into leather

Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic

No one will love you if you're unattractive


“Stay forever, even if your face won’t stay together,” Jimin mumble sang under his breath as he picked up a couple records from the crate.


“Jimin…” Someone whispered behind the said male’s back. Recognizing whose voice it belonged to, Jimin turned around.




Only for him to come face to face with a horse mask. Jimin released a shrill scream, accidently dropping the record he was holding. He held his hands up to cover his face for protection.


Jungkook laughed evilly as he removed the rubber mask. He almost wish he took a picture of his boyfriend cowering in fear. Of a horse!




Looking up, Jimin caught sight of Jungkook. Of course. The poor latter felt his cheeks start to burn from the intense blush that bloomed on his cheeks. “Yaaah! I’m not playing!” He gave his boyfriend a light shove, which only made Jungkook laugh more.


“Sorry but,” Jungkook took a breath. “But your face was just too funny.”


Puffing his cheeks in annoyance, Jimin folded his arms across his chest, averting his gaze away from Jungkook.


Noticing his boyfriend’s adorable pout, Jungkook tossed the horse mask to the side and poke Jimin’s cheek. “Jimin?” No answer.


Jungkook poked his other cheek. “Minnie?” He didn’t flinch.


Biting his lips in contemplation, a light bulb suddenly went off in Jungkook’s head. Bending his knees so Jungkook’s head was nuzzled below Jimin’s chin, he started rubbing his soft hair against Jimin’s skin, eliciting a small giggle. “Babe, I’m sorry,” Jungkook apologized.


As much as Jimin didn’t want to give in, he made the big mistake by looking into Jungkook’s doe like eyes. The eighteen year old then jutted his bottom lip out into a pout. “Do you forgive me?” The corner of Jimin’s lips twitched. Jungkook then added a kiss on his neck for good measure.


Jimin finally cracked. Sputtering out a mirth filled laugh, Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s waist, tugged him up and started planting numerous pecks on his neck, cheek and nose.


Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh as his lover continued to shower him with butterfly kisses. Jimin went ahead and placed one final kiss on Jungkook’s forehead before muttering a, “now I forgive you.”


Cheering internally, the maknae pulled away from his affectionate lover and poked his cheek teasingly. “By the way, was that Mrs. Potato Head I heard you sing under your breath Park Jimin?”


“So what? I only know it because you keep making me listen to the album,” Jimin retorted.


Jungkook pursed his lips, rolling his eyes. “Mmhm, whatever you say.”


Shoving his boyfriend lightly again, Jimin bit his lip to keep from smiling. Jungkook was honestly too cute. Too much for him to handle, let alone everyday.


“Anyway, did you find anything you liked?” Jimin paused, then quickly added. “Besides the horse mask.”


Jungkook snickered then held out three small buttons. One with the words CRYBABY, another with the Rolling Stones symbol on it, and one that had a picture of an alien with the words believe scribbled underneath it.


“I thought this would be pretty,” Jungkook answered cheerfully, fiddling with one of the pins.


Jimin’s lips twitched to a side smile. Cocking his head to where the cashier was, he said, “go pay, I’ll be waiting.” With a nod, Jungkook walked over to the cashier and placed the three buttons on the counter.


“Find everything alright hon?” The cashier asked. She was a tall girl wearing black framed glasses and had long chocolate brown hair that went down to her . On her grey sweater was a nametag that read; Hello my name is Dasom.


“Mmhm!” Jungkook replied curtly.


Placing the pins in a small plastic bag, the cashier, Dasom, handed them to the awaiting customer. “A dollar ninety nine please.”


As Jungkook handed her the money, Dasom suddenly leaned in with a mischievous smile on her red lips. “Just so you know, I thought it was really funny when you scared your boyfriend with that mask.” She started to giggle as she spoke, Jungkook soon joined in, muffling his laughter with the back of his hand.


“And another thing, you and your boyfriend make a cute couple.”


Jungkook couldn’t help but turn pink. “Oh, thank you miss.” Picking up his bag, he bowed politely, then spared her one more bunny smile. “Have a nice day.”


“As to you, bye!” Dasom smiled and waved, watching as Jungkook retreated back over to Jimin, laced his fingers with the shorter male’s and placed a kiss on his cheek.


Dasom hummed. “Cuties.”




Once out of the small Indie store, Jungkook surprised his boyfriend by lacing their fingers together and giving him a loud smooch. Jimin turned to look at Jungkook, brows raised. “Hello to you too.”


Giggling softly, Jungkook tugged on his hand, pulling him back into the massive crowd of people. Maneuvering their way through the sea of rainbows and music, the couple found themselves standing in front of a cafe.


Jungkook turned to Jimin catching him staring at a glass container filled with pastries. The male looked at the pastries, then back to Jimin. “Hmm, do you want some?”


Jimin nodded fervently, causing his red hair to ruffle, much like how a puppy’s fur would. Laughing at how cute he was, Jungkook tugged his excited boyfriend into the cafe.


Pretty soon, the couple was seated by the window with a plate of two freshly baked cinnamon rolls. After thanking Jungkook multiple times for the meal, Jimin picked up the glazed bun, gave it a sniff, then took a big bite.


Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute Jimin was as he ate. His eyes were closed, savoring the taste of cinnamon rolls and his cheeks were stuffed, making them look like squishy hamster cheeks. There was even glaze staining his lips and chin. In all honesty, Jimin was practically a cinnamon roll.  


“Cannibalism,” Jungkook whispered.


Jimin, who had heard Jungkook’s hushed voice, turned to him with a look of confusion, wide eyes, chubby cheeks, and all. “What?”


Jungkook stretched his long arms across the table as he rested his cheek on his bicep, smiling brightly as ever. “I’m sorry but, you’re just too cute, the way you eat your cinnamon roll, it’s so...adorable.” You’re so adorable.


Jimin only cocked his head to the side and cupped his face in an aegyo style, batting his eyes. He even went as far as to purse his luscious lips, which caused Jungkook to squeal like a thirteen year old getting her first phone.


Jungkook ignored the stares people in the café were giving him, because honestly, he couldn’t help it. Jimin’s lips were his weakness. They were like a drug, to the point where he could kiss him for days on end.


In fact…


In a flash, Jungkook grabbed a hold of Jimin’s collar and tugged him close enough for him to press his mouth against his. Jungkook could taste the sweet glaze of the cinnamon roll that was still all over Jimin’s lips. his lips with tongue, Jungkook got a better taste of the glaze.


Jimin’s head started spinning, alarms going off in his head as Jungkook swiped his tongue along the seam of his lips again. Opening his mouth, Jimin allowed Jungkook’s pink muscle into his warm cavern. Their fight for dominance began, which of course, ended with Jimin being victorious.


Jungkook moaned softly as Jimin’s tongue tangled with his own before massaging it gently. The feeling of his soft lips attacking his own and strong hands gripping his waist was manna from heaven.


Eventually, the two pull away because one; oxygen is essential and two; Jimin didn’t want to risk getting a hard on out in public. Of course, Jungkook has no qualms with having a quickie. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jungkook ever so slowly slid his hands up Jimin’s sides, feeling the ridges of his muscles.


“Are you sure you don’t want to continue Minnie?” Jungkook asked in a cute voice, winking for good measure.


Jimin audibly gulped, biting his tongue to keep a moan from slipping past his lips, which would only satisfy his boyfriend. It took every inch of self control for Jimin to shake his head and press a kiss to his forehead.


“Not today baby.”


Patting his cheek curtly, Jimin stuffed another half of his cinnamon roll into his mouth before hopping off the seat. Jungkook pouted. Picking up the leftover pastry, the maknae popped it into his mouth.


- Jungkook’s plans were foiled yet again.


Jungkook suddenly felt something soft pressing against his lips. Jimin smiled endearingly as he wiped Jungkook’s mouth a napkin. “And, done!” Jimin crumpled the napkin in his hand before turning around to throw it away.


When he turned back, his self was control was practically thrown out the window the moment Jungkook swiped his tongue along his bottom lip, off the rest of the frosting.


“You had something on ya,” Jungkook said smugly before walking out of the café, abandoning his red faced boyfriend, who was muffling his squeals by burying his face in his arm and pounding the table with his fist.


Jimin may have been the one to foil Jungkook’s plans, but it was Jungkook who got the last laugh. Sorry Jimin.




When the couple exited the café, they walked through a stream of bubbles that were being blown from a bubble gun held by a cute thin male that had short black hair. Next to him was a taller male with red hair and a beautiful face. His arm was draped across the shorter’s shoulder.


“Tag you’re it!” The one with the black hair laughed.


Jungkook laughed along with him in amusement, blowing at the bubbles he had blown at him. The taller male smiled shyly as he looked down. “Sorry about him, I won the bubble gun from a street dance competition, babe hasn’t put it down since I got it.”


The red haired beauty nuzzled the neck of the shorter male. “Ain’t that right, Bam?”


Bambam squirmed when he felt his boyfriend nuzzle his neck for he was ticklish in that area. “Gyeomie, stooop~” He aimed the bubble gun in his face and gave it a squeeze, bubbles flying out of the nuzzle.


Jungkook cooed at the couple, adoring their presence. “Oh no, it’s completely fine. I love bubbles too!”


This was why he loved Pride day so much. There wasn’t a judgemental glance as far as the eye can see. Only smiling faces and mirthful laughter. No one ever judged you for who you loved. Love was love were the words they lived by.


Love was their escape.


Looking at Jimin from the corner of his eye, Jungkook couldn’t help but smile in pure adoration. He loved Jimin. So ing much. He loved his laugh, his smile, his cheeks, the way his nose would scrunch up before he’d sneeze and well, basically everything.


Faster than light, Jungkook placed a kiss on his cheek for the nth time. Once again, Jimin was left speechless, smiling like a dork and scrunching his face adorably. Jungkook felt his heart flutter.


A thought suddenly struck. “Wait, did you see dance competition?” Jungkook as Yugyeom.


Yugyeom looked up at him and nodded, draping himself on top of Bambam. “Hm? Oh, yeah, there’s a street performance going on right now as we speak.” He cocked his head to the right.


Jungkook followed his general direction that was going towards a large crowd cheering on someone who was breakdancing to a Chris Brown song.


“Oh, Gyeomie, they’re playing the song you danced too!” Bambam stated, going up on tip of his toes to press a chaste kiss to his jaw. “Of course, you dance better than them.”


Yugyeom turned red, smiling as Bambam continued to pepper his jaw and cheek with kitten like kisses. Jungkook turned to Jimin with an excited sparkle in his doe eyes.


“Jiminie, he said there’s a dance competition going on, you should go!”


Jimin laughed in exasperation. His boyfriend was practically glowing with anticipation. He’d hate to see it fade away if he said no. He could already imagine Jungkook’s non existent bunny ears dropping in disappointment.


“I don’t know baby, I mean those people look kinda professional don’t you think?” Jimin searched for a gentle way to say ‘no’ but alas, Jungkook was persistent.


“Come on Jimin! You work as an assistant dance instructor with pros anyway.”


Jimin smiled pridefully. “Well, you’re right about that.”


Jungkook batted his eyes, hopeful that Jimin would say yes if he used the for me card. “So is that a yes?” He could see Jimin’s lips quirk in another cute smile. “Please Jimin?” He draped his arms across his neck. “Pretty please, for me?”


Jimin finally cracked, throwing his head back, he released a sigh. “Fine!”


Jungkook bit back the triumphant cheer and victory dance, and opted by kissing his cheek. “Thanks baby, now go!” The maknae started pushing Jimin towards the circle of people, who made room when they had a fresh new face.


Jimin stood awkwardly in the center. He felt small, no doubt, but hopefully his dancing could make up for his short stature. Eventually, the dj, a girl with hot pink pigtails, shuffled the song to an upbeat jam. The people surrounding him waited in anticipation for Jimin to start dancing.


Four counts later, just as the bass had dropped, Jimin started popping. Jutting his muscles to the beat and moving to the rhythm. The crowd, especially Jungkook, all cheered him on as he took the spotlight. Eventually, one of the previous dancers, joined in on Jimin’s popping dance, immediately syncing with him. The cheers of the crowd only grew in volume.


Once the song ended, the dancer gave Jimin a high five as well as a hug. Reaching into a small basket, he handed Jimin his prize. When Jimin returned to his boyfriend, Jungkook immediately threw his arms around his body and started kissing his cheek. “I told you didn’t I? You got this.”


Jimin chuckled, then held up the prize he got. It was a small circular container decorated to look like a daisy. When he opened it, inside was a rainbow colored highlighter. Jimin smiled up at Jungkook. The maknae mirrored his smile and grabbed his hand. As he was about to lace his fingers with his, he stopped when he noticed something wedged into his palm.


“What the…” Pulling it off, Jungkook realized that it was a heart shaped sticky note with a phone number on it and the words call me with a heart next to it.


Jealousy bubbled in his chest. “Yah, what the heck is this?” He held the wad of paper in front of Jimin’s face, who looked read what was on it.


“A phone number?” He suddenly blushed. Oh . “I-I have no idea where that came from, honest! The last person I remember touching my hand was the guy that gave me a high five-”


That was enough for Jungkook, because he was glaring at the last dancer and looked like he was about to pounce if it wasn’t for the iron grip Jimin had on his waist, holding him back. “Yah! Ground rules buddy, Jimin is mine and mine only, kay? Okay.”


With that, he gave Jimin a loud smooch, then pulled him out of the crowd, who only released innocent noises as he was dragged away.


If there was anything Jimin loved about Jungkook, was how clingy he was.




Nightfall had finally hit the parade, the stars were out, and the people in charge of the celebration were getting ready to start the fireworks. Already, there were people getting out sparklers, glow in the dark body paint, and light sticks.


On lone hill that overlooked the parade, Jimin and Jungkook sat down on the hood of Jimin’s car, putting on glow in the dark necklaces and clinking cans of peach iced tea in cheers. Jimin had also unscrewed the lid of the rainbow highlighter and was trying to swipe it onto Jungkook’s cheekbone with his thumb. Keyword; trying.


“Damn, how does Namjoon hyung do this without breaking a sweat?” Jumin muttered, rubbing more product on his thumb, which started to look more like a rainbow.


Jungkook giggled as Jimin brushed the highlighter onto his other cheekbone. Eventually, Jimin threw his hands up with a “good enough!” and slipped the container into his pocket. Wrapping his arms around the maknae’s waist, Jimin pulled the two of them down to lie down on the hood of the car.


“Jiminnie, it’s almost midnight,” Jungkook said in a sing song voice.


Jimin giggled, lacing their fingers together and placing a kiss on his knuckles. “Any last minute wish you’d like to make baby?”


Jungkook thought long and hard, then shook his head. “Nope, mine’s already come true.”


“Oh yeah?” Jimin leaned in, curious as to what he wished for. “How so?”


Just as Jungkook was about to open his mouth to speak, he flinched when he heard a loud bang. The two males looked up to see bright fireworks being fired into the night sky. Radiant colors flashed all sorts of different shapes. Some hearts, some stars, and what not.


Jungkook’s favorite one probably had to be a rainbow colored firework that glimmered in the midst of a million stars. His eyes were studying the fireworks so intently that Jungkook almost forgot Jimin was right next to him.


“They’re so beautiful,” Jungkook sighed in bliss.


Jimin hummed, gazing straight at Jungkook, finding him more beautiful than any of the fireworks. Despite how poorly applied the highlighter was, his cheekbones glowed as more fireworks were being fired into the sky, illuminating his features.


Jungkook slowly turned to his side once he started to feel Jimin’s eyes on him. When their eyes met, their movements were instantaneous. Jungkook was the first to close the gap and pressed a quick yet tender kiss to his lips. “This,” he whispered. “Spending the entire day with you was my wish.”


Jimin released an incredulous laugh before wrapping his pale fingers around the back of Jungkook’s neck, pulling him close to press their lips together again. Their lips moved in synch, piecing together like a perfect puzzle.


It doesn’t too take long before their innocent kisses turn into a passionate lip lock, searching for more heat. Jungkook’s nimble fingers find their way up to Jimin’s sleeveless top and start to the front one by one.


Once Jungkook ed the last button, Jimin waist no time tossing his top to the side, leaving his upper body bare. Jungkook drooled at the sight of Jimin’s chiseled abs and smooth skin. He wondered how they would taste on his lips.


Pressing his lips onto his clavicle, Jungkook began to nibble down towards his . He gave it a small flick with his tongue. Jimin released a sharp gasp, threading his fingers through Jungkook’s light brown hair. Grabbing ahold of Jungkook’s denim jacket, Jimin forced it off his shoulders then pulled off his shirt.


It was his turn to stare. Jimin’s lip attach to Jungkook’s neck, wasting no time on the sensitive skin, which immediately turns red to the touch. Jungkook threw his head back and released a soft moan as Jimin started dragging his tongue along the column of his neck.


“Jimin, baby, please…”


Jimin felt a moan rumble in his throat. He was already starting to grow hard. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Jimin grabbed ahold of his boyfriend, tossed him over his shoulder, then opened the back door of his car, throwing Jungkook into the backseat before crawling on top of him and attacking his lips.


Jungkook opened his mouth, allowing Jimin’s warm tongue to slip in and tackle his tongue. Pulling away, a string of saliva connecting their tongues, the two hormone crazed couple can’t take it anymore.


Between harsh pants and hot tongues, clothes are being ripped off of their bodies until there’s nothing left but pale skin which will soon be patterned with purple bruises. As more fireworks are being blasted into the sky, the couples in the town all cheer in celebration, hugging and kissing one another, unaware of the couple on the hill, lost in the heat and foggy windows.  


Whispers of love are being traced across Jungkook’s body as light moans escape his lips. Jimin’s name was there. It was faint, but it was definitely there. After two more harsh s, both of them come at the same time.


Jimin collapsed on top of Jungkook, panting harshly. Their bodies are still hot and slick with sweat and come. Pushing himself up on his elbows, Jimin gazed into Jungkook’s deep brown eyes, admiring his beauty.


Jungkook’s lip curl into a content smile, staring back at his boyfriend. Brushing strands of red dyed hair behind his hair, Jungkook pressed Jimin against his chest and started kissing his neck. The three words that slip past his lip are muffled, but bring a smile to Jimin’s face.


They always do.

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH...I told you it was gonna be hella geigh. Also, that YugBam scene was unintentional. My fingers have a mind of their own apparently...But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this epilogue. Thank you loves for reading! xoxo


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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*