Of Haejangguk and Sweaters

You're Worth It

Happy Update at last! 


Namjoon woke up with a nerve racking headache the following morning. Pushing himself up on his elbows, he realized that he couldn’t even sit up. Turning to his side, he found a very clingy and sleepy Taehyung lying down next to him with his arms and legs wrapped around Namjoon’s body.


The elder couldn’t help but smile softly. While he sort of wished that it was actually a certain purple haired male, he was more than happy to see Taehyung.


Gently pushing Taehyung’s arms out of the way, Namjoon sat up and started tapping Taehyung’s cheeks.


“Yo, Tae. Wake up,”  


After a couple more taps, Taehyung finally roused. He rubbed his tired eyes, then turned to his side and looked at Namjoon. “Namjoon,” he whispered, voice hoarse from sleep. “You’re awake.”


Namjoon smiled and was about to open his mouth to say something, when a blur of orange suddenly whacked him in the face.


“You. Jerk. Faced. Pabo!” Taehyung all but growled as he continuously snacked Namjoon with his monkey plushie.


Namjoon shielded his face with his hands, blocking Taehyung’s abuse. “Yah! Yah! Yah!” He yelled. “Cut it out!”


The light brown haired male slowed down his whacks, but continued hitting him nonetheless. He gave Namjoon one final smack in the face. He ‘hmph!’ And squeezed his plushie close to his chest. “And that one was for being a total douche to Jin hyung.”


He then plopped himself on top of Namjoon’s body, making him groan. “And this is for coming home drunk...again!”


Namjoon released a sigh of exasperation. Trying his best to sat up, he managed to push himself back onto his elbows while Taehyung sat down on top of his waist. “Alright. Mianhae.” He bowed his head in apology.


Taehyung pulled his lips into a straight line. Part of him wanted to forgive Namjoon since he was his hyung and all, but another part of him just wanted to smack him with his monkey plushie again for being a complete idiot. Or smack him with a pillowcase filled with bricks.


With a sigh, Taehyung chose option one. “Fine, I forgive you.” He then narrowed his eyes at Namjoon. “But if you ever hurt Jin hyung again, I guarantee that I will not show any sort of mercy what so ever.”


Namjoon gulped. He grew wary from the way Taehyung’s voice dropped down an octave. He also noticed how he was practically strangling his monkey plushie. “A-arraso, Taehyung.”


Taehyung nodded in approval. He patted his shoulder. “Good boy.”


The soft sound of someone clearing their throat brought the boy’s attention to the door, where Bora was standing with an amused expression. “Sooo, I’m not disturbing anything, right?” She asked with a quirk of her brows, taking in the sight of Taehyung sitting on top of Namjoon’s lap.


Taehyung threw his plushie at Namjoon’s face as he scrambled off of his lap, ever so smoothly. He stood next to Bora and gave her cheek a kiss. “Ew, don’t even go there.” He faked gagged, causing the blond beauty to giggle.


Bora picked up a bag that was on the ground. “Anyway, I just came to say that I’m heading out now; hence the luggage.”


Taehyung pouted, but pulled her in an embrace nonetheless. He her silky blonde hair and gave her forehead a kiss. “Text me when you get back to your sister’s place.”


Bora nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist.


Namjoon, long forgotten by the two love sick couple, couldn’t help but smile in adoration. A part of him of course couldn’t help but think of a certain someone. Getting out of the bed, he allowed the couple to have some alone time and slipped out into the kitchen.


The pink haired male stretched his arms above his head as he released a wonton yawn. When he stepped into the kitchen. He noticed that the exhaust fan from the stove was on. Walking over to turn it off, he also noticed a pot left on the stove.


He removed the lid and found a big batch of haejangguk inside the pot. And from the looks of it, it looked like it was still warm. Namjoon began to wonder who made it. Clearly not Taehyung, that boy wasn’t as bad at cooking as Namjoon, but he still wasn’t a five star cuisine chef. Bora maybe?


When he turned to the fridge, he noticed a purple sticky note stuck onto the door. Namjoon took a closer look to see what was written on it.


Eat the haejangguk in the pot to cure that nasty hangover


- Anonymous


P. S. I kind of made it a little bit spicy XP


Namjoon couldn’t help but release an incredulous chuckle. Even though the note was signed as anonymous, he could tell right right away that it was from Jin. Who else would write in pink glitter ink?


Smiling to himself, almost in relief, he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured himself a generous heaping of soup. Namjoon sat down at the table and started slurping on the hot broth. He almost coughed soup all over the table when the broth scalded his throat. Jin wasn’t lying when he said he made it spicy.


Namjoon shrug. It was probably just punishment for last night’s misfortune. Thinking about last night brought a bitter taste to the makeup artist’s mouth that he just continued to eat the soup. Pretty soon, the spiciness subdued, and the soup started to taste delicious.


After finishing his morning meal, Namjoon stood up to take a shower. He knew that he had to see Jin and make it up to him. Somehow. Once he checked that the coast was clear in his bedroom, Taehyung walked Bora out to her car, Namjoon went into his closet for a fresh pair of clothes. Namjoon started pushing back his array of sweaters a various t-shirts. “Hey Tae?” He called out when he heard his roommate enter the room.


“Neh?” Taehyung replied.


“Have you seen that white sweater?”


Taehyung poked his head through the door. “Specify please, you have a lot of white sweaters.”


“The one that says $WAG on it.”


Taehyung thought for a moment then shook his head. “Nope, haven’t seen it. And in case you’re wondering, I didn’t take it.” He held his hands up. “Honest.”


Namjoon sighed, then figured that it didn’t matter. He grabbed a black hoodie and a pair of army printed jeans. Putting them on, he grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone, and left the apartment.




Minji walked into the kitchen, stretching and yawning, when she heard the sound of eggs frying in the skillet. There, she found her adorable cousin in a pair of flannel bottoms and a white sweater.


The younger walked up to her cousin and his messy purple locks. “Morning,” she greeted in a soft voice.

Jin looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw her leaning against him. “Morning, I’m just about finished making brunch,” he said, going back to frying and laying his eggs on a clean plate.


Minji stretched her arms above her head. “Is it that late already? What time did you get home?” She caused recalling last night’s events. Her and Jinyoung waiting for Jin in the dead of night. When he didn’t arrive at the suggested time, Minji turned in while Jinyoung continued to wait.


“About..four in the morning,” Jin replied with a sheepish smile.


The short haired girl smacked her cousin in the back of the head. “Aish, what caused you to stay up that late?”


Jin rubbed the back of his neck. “I had a rough night.” Not wanting to mention any details of last night, Jin spooned the eggs onto happy helping of bibimbap. He brought two tables over to the table while Minji brought the third one.


Jin cupped his hands over his mouth as he shouted, “Appa! Food’s ready!”


It took a moment, but Jinyoung finally came down from his room into his kitchen. “Sorry, I was just talking to your mother, asking me if you settled in. I told her yes.” He spotted the food on the table. “Oh, did you make these yourself Jin?”


Jin nodded proudly. “I did.” Him and Minji both pulled up a chair at the dining table. Jinyoung join his son and niece, and soon, a quiet atmosphere filled the kitchen as the family ate their brunch.


Minji broke the silence once she had eaten only a bit of her bibimbap. “Hey Jin, I’ve been meaning to ask…”


Jin felt his heart freeze. Please don’t ask about Namjoon.


Minji pointed her chopsticks at the sweater he was wearing. A white sweater. “Did you get a new sweater.”


Jin looked down at the clothing he was wearing and blushed, immediately remembering where he got it. He cleared his throat. “Erm, my roommate Tao back at Hong Kong left it in my suitcase before I left.” So much for a white lie. At least Minji seemed to buy it, when she didn’t question him any further.


That was until Jin’s father decide to ask about the topic that made the model tremble in fear. “So, about Namjoon. You and him broke up, right?”


Jin bit his lip in contemplation. To be honest, he never gave any extended thought on whether he and Namjoon were over or not. “Well, I wouldn’t say we’re over, but I also wouldn’t say we’re on good terms at the moment.”


Jinyoung nodded in slight approval. “Well, at least we won’t have to worry about you getting negatively influenced.”


“Appa!” Jin exclaimed, half shocked and half disgusted.


“I was being sarcastic Jin,” Jinyoung replied half heartedly. He then stood up to put his dish away. “But really though, maybe it’s best that you and Namjoon take a break.”


Jin watched as his father left the kitchen and retreat back upstairs. It was everyone’s day off at the restaurant since they were low on cooks. Jin poked at his bibimbap with a heavy heart, puncturing the yolk of his egg.


“You alright Jin?” Minji asked in a worried tone.


“Hm?” Jin hummed, watching the yellow liquid pool in his bowl. “I’m alright.”


Minji sighed. “Look, as much as I hate Namjoon’s guts for cheating on you-”


“How did you know he cheated on me?!” Jin exclaimed.


“I didn’t,” Minji replied bluntly. “That was, until you told me. Anyway, if you would let me finish, even though Namjoon screwed up big time, he’s probably the only one that can help you.” She paused.


“I mean, you were the only one who could help him.”


Jin stared at his cousin, processing what she was saying to him. It made sense. Maybe there wasn’t any harm in giving Namjoon a chance. Even though there was probably more than a billion reasons as to why giving Namjoon a chance was risky.


Sighing in defeat, Jin nodded. “You’re right Min, maybe I should give him a chance.” He lowered his voice down to a whisper. “I didn’t want anyone to know, but I really really miss the guy.”


Minji smiled, nodding in understanding. “Another reason as to why you should see him.” Something suddenly caught the younger’s eyes, causing them to pop out of her eyes. “And I think you’re just about to.”


Jin cocked his head to the side, then turned around. He almost spitted out his bibimbap when he saw who was rapping on the glass of the door; Kim Namjoon.


Jin jumped out of his seat, not even bothering to pull on his shoes, and ran out. He closed the door behind him and stared at Namjoon. “What. The. .” He mouthed.


Namjoon pulled one corner of his lips to a side grin. “Surprised? Don’t worry, I understand why you probably don’t want to talk.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets and sighed. “It’s just that, I really need to talk to you.”


Jin folded his arms, thinking about what to do. Part of him really wanted to say ‘no,’ but the other part of him was screaming ‘yes.’ “If you want,” Jin finally answered, arms dropping. “But not here.”


He grabbed onto the sleeve of Namjoon’s sweater (he was still awkward about holding his hand) and started him leading him to a random destination away from the restaurant.


He also ignored Namjoon’s question of, “Is that my sweater?”




Jin lead him to a random park that was more than a five minute walk away from the restaurant. He rubbed his arms. Even with Namjoon’s sweater on, he was still cold. Not to mention that wasn’t even wearing shoes.


Throughout the walk, none of them said a word. Jin was worried that Namjoon would’ve heard the rapid thumping of his heart against his chest.


Looking up at the taller male, Jin finally asked, “So, what do you want to talk about?”


Namjoon turned from the lake he was staring at to Jin. He chewed on his bottom lip before nodding. “Us.”


Jin scoffed, almost unintently. “What ‘us’? You go out with some random chick to drink with behind my back, plus you quit your job without even telling me. Was there an us there?”


Namjoon turned to face Jin this time. “Look,” he said sternly, causing Jin to flinch slightly. “I ed up. Big time. I became under the influence of alcohol, thinking that it would numb the pain.”


“Numb the pain?”


Namjoon sighed, combing his fingers through his hair. Jin only looked at Namjoon with those adorable doe eyes. “Namjoon, were you really hurting that much?”


Another sigh slipped past Namjoon’s mouth. “I was dying on the inside Jin. After you left, I couldn’t focus properly. Everywhere I went I thought of you. It only got worse at work.


“Whenever I did someone’s makeup, I couldn’t see anything. No blank canvas, no white slate. Nothing. I had no inspiration or will to continue the thing I loved the most.”


Namjoon took a deep breath before continuing. It felt good to finally share his problems. “I not only missed you, but I miss the inspiration you gave me. The motivation, everything. Without you, nothing just seemed to matter.”


Jin stared at Namjoon for a long long time, almost not believing what he had heard. Motivation? Inspiration? How did he provide that? The questions almost made Jin the same way he felt when Namjoon first told him why he liked him. Why he chose him out of all the other people out there who deserved someone like Namjoon.


Jin dug his nails into the palms of his hand, forcing himself to keep his together. “Namjoon. Everything you taught me meant so much; you made me feel like I was beautiful inside and out. Even when I still disregarded it, you made me believe in your words.


“If I really did matter to you, you would’ve pushed through, not just give up on something that you found passion in. I don’t want to give up on you. To me, you’re happiness and well being is my everything.”


Namjoon gazed at Jin with sad eyes. On instinct, he opened his arms, half expecting Jin to just stand there and not do anything. Instead, Jin took two tentative steps towards him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Namjoon, missing the feeling, engulfed the elder in his arms.


Jin inhaled Namjoon’s scent, immediately blessed with the feeling of nostalgia. He only tightened his grip around Namjoon’s waist.


“Told you you’d be back in my arms,” Jin heard Namjoon whisper.


The plum haired male released a soft giggle as he burrowed deeper into the younger’s hard chest. “Please Namjoon. Please go back to doing the thing you love; I promise I’ll always be there for you. Even if I’m not there.”


The duo pulled away and gazed at one another for a lingering second. They weren’t sure who leaned in first, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was the feeling of lips on lips. Namjoon tangled his fingers in Jin’s purple hair, pulling him closer.


Jin gripped onto his jacket as he allowed himself to be dragged closer. When the couple pulled away for a breath, Namjoon’s face only broke out into a grin, causing Jin to blush. “So, I’m kind of guessing that we’re in love again?”


Jin faked gag. “Still a dork I see,” he giggled, then Namjoon’s cheek, before pulling him down for another kiss. “But yeah, it does.”


Namjoon only pressed his lips once more to Jin’s lips, making up for countless months without kissing him. "My sweater really does look good on you though," he commented in a deep voice. Jin only smiled in the kiss. Before they knew it, it was already passed twelve.


“I should probably get home,” Jin said reluctantly.


Namjoon nodded and laced his fingers with Jin’s. “C’mon, I’ll walk you home.” As he started walking towards the direction where the restaurant was, he felt a light tug on his hand. He turned around and realized that Jin wasn’t moving. “What’s wrong?”


Jin pouted ever so cutely, then looked down at his feet. His bare feet to be exact. “I forgot to put on shoes.”


Namjoon let out a husky laugh, one that caused Jin to shudder. He shook his head then released his hand. He turned around and kneeled down, his arms facing the back. The type of position you would usually find with someone who was offering a piggyback ride. “Hop on.”

Jin contained a squeal of joy that wanted to be set free and just hooked his legs on Namjoon’s arms and draped his arms around his neck. Namjoon stood, gave Jin a little bounce just so he was secured, and started jogging towards the restaurant.


Hey loves, I hoped you enjoyed that chapter. NamJin is back together!! Thank you guys so much for being paitent, testing has just been crazy that I am actually about ready to drop dead and sleep for an eternity. Only one one chapter left though TT-TT But you never know, I may add an epilogue *winkwonk* Once again, I want to thank many of you for staying with me until the end. Even on my first fic! Till then, I'll see you guys in chapter 29!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*