Of Mooncakes and Dresses

You're Worth It

Ta-da! Hey loves, I am back with another update. Hope you enjoy this chapter! 


After grabbing a quick a meal at an in and out burger, the couple was now driving back towards the apartment. Most of the time whenever they stopped at a red light, they’d sneak a smooch or two.


The drive to the building lasted a bit longer than the drive to the diner though. Especially since Namjoon started getting clingy through the trek to his room. Jin started to grow a little fussy.


“Namjoonie stop..! I’m trying to op-”  


His nagging was interrupted as Namjoon placed a soft kiss on his lips. He gave him a cheeky grin then opened the door. The two entered the apartment complex, only to be greeted by Taehyung.


“Back so soon bish?” Taehyung asked, sitting in the middle of the living room sorting through a pile of mail.


Namjoon rolled his eyes. “A welcome home would be a bit more appreciative.”


Taehyung scoffed. When the light brown haired individual looked up, his face brightened once he saw who else was there.


“Jin hyung!” He trapped the eldest in a bone crushing hug.


Jin nearly toppled over but returned the hug. “Hello to you too, Taehyung.”  


After a maximum twenty seconds, Namjoon cleared his throat. “Alright Tae times up. Now get off.” He gently pried the younger male off of Jin, only to drape his arm around his shoulder.


“What are you doing here anyway? I thought you had work.” Namjoon questioned.


“Shop didn’t need me due to the festivities.” He used air quotations when he said festivities, then turned around to sort through their mail again.


Namjoon arched a brow. “Festivities?”  


Taehyung waved his hand absentmindedly. “Some mid-autumn festival or something.” Jin’s ears perked up. Before he had a chance to question him, Namjoon pulled him into his bedroom.


Immediately, Namjoon’s fingers find their way around Jin’s belt loops as he pulled him closer to his body. “So, where were we?” He asked in a husky voice that sent a shiver down Jin’s spine.


Jin responded by wrapping his arm around his neck and tilting his head to devour his mouth. Tugging on his belt loops, Namjoon pulled his boyfriend over to his bed, only for him to end up falling and Jin landing on top of him.


Jin pulled away and laughed before giving him another peck. Namjoon combed his hand through his hair. The two switched their position so Jin and Namjoon were now lying opposite from one another. Jin closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the way Namjoon massaged his scalp.


“Have I ever told you you’re so beautiful?”  


“Maybe. A little bit I guess.” Jin scooted closer to his body.


Namjoon kissed his forehead. The two stayed in their comfortable position for what seemed like forever. Again, awkward silences just never satisfied the makeup artist.


“So, mid-autumn festival?” Namjoon randomly said. “Wonder what that means.”  


Jin shifted, so he was now flushed pressed against his chest, nuzzling his neck. “It’s kind of like a harvest festival, a chuseok.” He bit his lip, before saying, “but in Chinese it would be, zhōngqiū jié.


Namjoon rested his head on his elbows, suddenly intrigued by the other’s fluent Chinese accent. “You speak both?”  


Jin nodded, before continuing. “My appa is Korean born, same as my umma, only she was raised in Hong Kong.


“When we were kids, she would take my brother and I to Hong Kong just for the mid-Autumn festival. It was kinda like a day where we could see most of my mother’s side of the family.”  


Namjoon blinked his eyes. “You sound like that doesn’t happen much anymore.”  


Jin hummed with a small ‘mmhm.’ “Hyosang and I are all grown up now, that and the fact that we have to take care of the restaurant. It was my mother’s dream; to own a Chinese restaurant somewhere in Korea. Now that funds are a bit of a hassle, it hasn’t been easy on us.”  


Namjoon nodded, moving his hand to his hair again. “Lucky they have you.”  He kissed the tip of Jin’s nose, which caused to latter to giggle softly.


“Which brings me to my next point.”


Jin cocked his head to the side. “Hm?”  


Namjoon’s sweet smile suddenly changed into a smirk. Oh no. Inching himself closer, his fingers found their way back onto Jin’s belt loops, only etching down lower to cup his soft globes.


Jin released a cute squeak as he was pulled into his body again. As his mouth was left agape, Namjoon took the opportunity to shove his tongue into his mouth. Seokjin closed his eyes and moaned softly.


His hands started to trail from his shoulder towards his torso. He slipped his fingers underneath his shirt and the curve of his hip.


Namjoon shivered and just tugged his boyfriend closer, deepening their kiss. The two started to move their lips in synch with one another. Jin somehow ended up crawling on top of Namjoon, which caused his crotch to straddle his own.


Before things could get even more heated, the two finally pulled away and stared at each other with dilated eyes. Before either of them could utter a word, a cough caused their heads suddenly whipped to the door. Taehyung stood with a judgmental look on his face.


“Okay, next time you guys end up mouth ing one another, close the door.”  


Jin blushed, while Namjoon laughed.


“Anyway, if you’re finished, I need help with that love seat.”


“It came in?” Namjoon asked, sitting up. Taehyung nodded. Giving Jin an apologetic smile (which Jin replied with a kiss on his cheek), Namjoon got off of the bed and walked with Taehyung to get the chair.


Jin sat up and looked at the time. His parents were probably wondering why he wasn’t home from school. Getting up, he adjusted his jeans, which somehow managed to have gotten pulled lower. As he walked out into the living room, he laughed when he heard Taehyung say, “by the way are you wearing nail polish?”   




“I’m home!” Jin pushed through the doors of the restaurant. Some of the customers turned to look at him. Most of them waved since they were regulars.


“Yah, just because you gotta boyfriend doesn’t mean you should make it a habit to come late to work,” Hyosang nagged, waving a spatula at him.


Jin gave his head a push through the little window of the kitchen, then ran upstairs to his room to change into his work clothes. As he passed through one of the rooms, he noticed the door to his parents room was left opened.


Curious, he entered the room. His umma walked out of the walk in closet and gasped when she saw her son. “Oh Jin, oh honey you scared me.”  


“Sorry, um, I’m not intruding on anything am I?”  


Yerin shook her head. “No no of course not, I’m just looking for something.”  


Jin walked over to his mother. “Mind if I help?” He gave her a warm smile.


Yerin returned the smile. “Of course.”  


His mother led him into the crowded, yet organized closet, where she searched high and low for whatever it was she was looking for. Jin pushed through his father’s heavy jackets as he helped his mother.


“What exactly are we looking for umma?” He finally asked.


Almost as if his words were magic, he heard his umma exclaim, “Ah, found it!”  


She held up a small metal urn that had the name Xiao Le Rin on it.


Jin’s eyes widened, tears started to form in the back of his eyes. “Is that…”  


“Haraboji.” Yerin nodded with a sad smile on her face. “Your grandfather.”  


She held the container out to him. With hands as careful as a surgeon’s, Jin accepted the jar from her. He remembered quite well how they got the news that his grandfather had taken ill. Since they weren’t able to travel back to Hong Kong anymore, they had missed him when he passed away.


That was also another reason why they just couldn’t find the heart to go back to China. They always celebrated with him. It just never felt the same without them. Especially since Jin was the closest with his mother’s father.


He hugged the urn close to his chest. “Yéyé,” he whispered as a couple tears flowed down his cheeks.


Yerin patted her son on the shoulder and his cheek, wiping away the tears. “The mid-Autumn festival starts tomorrow night. Traditionally, we’d have to visit our ancestral home, but for this year, I figured it be best to invite some family and friends, and just enjoy life as it is.”  


Jin looked at the urn in his hands. He sniffled and wiped away more tears. “Yeah, that-that sounds great, actually.”  


Yerin nodded, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. She gently picked up the urn from his hands. “I’ll put this somewhere safe until tomorrow night.”  


Jin nodded. After checking himself in the mirror to make sure he didn’t have any puffy eyes or what not, he went back downstairs to help with work.


Once his shift ended, Jin took his usual spot by the booth, but instead of picking up his 3DS to play Mario Kart, he took out his phone and dialed a very familiar number.




Jin’s lips formed a smile. “Hey boo, um I was wondering if you’re busy tomorrow?”


“No, of course not. Have something in mind?”  


Jin could practically hear him smirking on the other end. He cleared his throat. “My family is throwing a mid-Autumn festival party at the restaurant, I was wondering if you wanted to come.”  


From the other line he heard Namjoon talking to someone in the background. “Tae’s wondering if he can come, mostly for the food.”


“Yeah,” Jin chuckled. “Of course he can come.”  


“He said yes.” ‘Thanks hyung!’ “Well, you made someone happy.”  


Jin shook his head, amused by Taehyung’s cuteness. “Oh, I’m also wondering if you can get a hold of Hoseok for me.”  


“Sure, I’m pretty sure he can make it.”


“Great! I’m inviting the rest of my friends, so I want him to be there. Especially for Yoongi.”  


He heard Namjoon release a husky chuckle. “Look at you being a little matchmaker.”  


Jin was grateful Namjoon wasn’t there to see him turn red. “I’m just being a good friend.”


“Uh huh, you sure are,”  Namjoon replied sarcastically. “Well, I gotta go, Tae’s bothering me to take him out for food, so I’ll see you.”  


“See you,” Jin hesitated before saying, “saranghae.”  


There was a small pause on the other end. Namjoon’s breathy laugh signaled he was still there. “I love you too Jin, remember that.”  


Once the call ended, Jin covered his face with his hands and released a string of high pitched squeals.




“Yah! Watch it Jin, this braised pork took forever to make!” Hyosang nagged as his brother ran past him, almost making him drop the tray of delicacies he was balancing on his hand.


Jin poked his head from behind the door and smiled innocently at his brother. “If I may recall, I technically made it, adding spices and herbs doesn’t count.”


“You punk!” Hyosang smiled nonetheless.


Seokjin gave him another smile. “Like you said, better cook.”


Hyosang shook his head, amused. “When did my adorable little brother turn into such a little sass?”


Once their playful bickering subdued, the two went out into the dining room and placed the food on a long white table. Jin placed a plate of mooncakes that were fresh out of the oven on the surface. He playfully slapped his brother’s hand away when he tried to sneak one into his mouth.


“Those are for our guest pabo.”


Hyosang pouted, then left to go tidy up. Jin walked over to one of the dining tables and picked up the urn. “Kuàilè de zhōngqiū jié, Happy mid-Autumn festival grandfather.” He hugged the small container close to his chest. “Wish you were here,” he whispered.


The chiming of the bell brought his attention to the entrance. Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jimin walked inside. “Xīnnián kuàilè Jin hyung!” Jungkook gave him a hug. Jin giggled as he patted the back of his head.


“You do realize you just said happy new year right?”


The maknae looked at him with wide eyes. “I did?” Jin nodded. Jimin laughed and once again wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder. “You tried babe, you tried.”


Jin turned to Yoongi, who was avoiding eye contact. “You okay?” He asked.


Yoongi met the other’s gaze. He said in a meek voice, “did you...did you invite, Hoseok?”


Jin couldn’t help but smile. Pulling his friend in a small hug, he whispered in his ear, “you’re not the only one who’s in love.” He gently pushed him off and told them they were welcome to make themselves at home.


“So hyung, now that we know you have a boyfriend…” Jimin started, walking in circles around the other.


“I don’t like where this is going,” Jin muttered, eyeing his chubby cheeked friend suspiciously.


Jimin’s smile only seemed to grow wider. “Since this is a time for friends, families, and loved ones to get together, Kookie, Suga and I thought it would be appropriate if we dressed you for the occasion.


Jin’s eyes widened in horror when he saw what Jungkook and Yoongi were holding.


Shaking his head, he started backing up towards the stairs. “Oh no. Hell no.”


The trio of friends shared the same playful smirk. Just like the day they did Jin’s makeup, Yoongi gave the signal: “Grab him.”


Yerin walked over to Minji. Tapping her niece on the shoulder, she asked, “Minji, have you seen Seokjin?”


Minji smiled, like she knew exactly where he was. “Well, you see...pfft, he’s…” She pointed upstairs. The sounds of footsteps and the constant ring of “Grab him!” or “Get the hell away from me!” was loud enough to probably wake the entire neighborhood.


Yerin shook her head amusingly. “Boys will be boys.”


The door suddenly opened, revealing Namjoon, Hoseok, and another individual they haven’t met yet.


“Namjoon, I’m glad you could make it!” Yerin smiled as she gave him a small hug.


Namjoon returned the hug. “Glad I could make it too ma’am.” He looked around the room for any signs of his boyfriend. “Where’s Jin?”


“Upstairs,” Minji answered. “Getting, dressed.”


Just as soon as she said that, Jungkook and Yoongi ran downstairs, laughing incredulously. When the younger individual spots Namjoon, his smile brightens. “Something tells me your Namjoon.”


The suspected man blinked then nodded. Jungkook just clasped his hands together happily. “Perfect, you’re gonna love this~!”


“Love what?”


Yoongi patted his shoulder. “Trust me , you’ll find out when you see him.”


When his eyes meet Hoseok’s, he immediately avoided eye contact, and moved back next to Jungkook. Hoseok pretended not to feel hurt and just gave him a welcoming grin, which causes Yoongi’s insides to twist nervously.


Taehyung, who had somehow managed to eat at least seven of the strawberries on the fruit platter looked up and stared and Jungkook. He scooched over to Namjoon and asked, “who’s the cutie? Is he single?” He turns to Jungkook and smirks flirtatiously.


Jungkook’s cheeks flush a pretty pink as he shook his head. “Um no, I actually have a boyfriend so…”


Namjoon trapped Taehyung in a headlock. “Don’t mind him-Jungkook was it?-he is just an idiot.”


Taehyung growled as he tried to scramble out of Namjoon’s hold.


“Forget it Jimin, I am not going downstairs!”


The five males all turn towards where the staircase is. Jungkook and Yoongi exchange the same mischievous smirk again.


“Come on hyung you look great!” Jimin reassured him.


“Namjoon’s here too you know!” Yoongi yelled to make Jin’s current matters worse.


There was a slight pause before the eldest of the group literally screamed, “I am not coming down then if that is the case!”


Jungkook exchanged a worried glance with Yoongi. The other latter just shrugged it off and turned to Namjoon. “Say something,” he mouthed.


Namjoon sighed. “Come on Jin, what’s the worst thing they could’ve done? Besides it’s just me, I promise whatever they did I won’t laugh.”


There was another slight pause. “Promise?”Jin asked shyly.


Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head. “Promise.”


He could hear a little shuffling of feet before Jimin finally came downstairs with Jin hiding behind him. Jimin gave his behind a light pat. “Go on,” he coaxed. “Don’t be shy.”


Although reluctant, Jin shuffled out of the only shield available for him and just stood out in the open; wearing nothing but a red silk Chinese dress that covers him from head to toe, only to not end up closing in the back due to his broad shoulders.


Hoseok and Taehyung’s mouth practically kissed the ground as they eyed him from head to toe. Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jimin covered their mouths to stifle back their triumphing laughs. Namjoon just stared back at Jin with wide eyes, then slowly said,


“You, put my baby in a dress?”


Jin covered his face in sheer utter humiliation. “Stop staring!”


The next thing he knew, he had Namjoon standing next to him wrapping an arm around his waist, pulling him closer to his body. “To be honest, I applaude your friends for finding a dress that not only matches your skintone and hair color, but also accentuates your curves.”


Jin stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. “Excuse me?”


Namjoon just smiled and gave his lips a kiss, much to Jungkook and Minji’s delight, who squealed in the background.


“Damn Namjoon, I didn’t know your beau was also y,” Taehyung crossed his arm and smirked.


“If I made myself clear Tae, Jin is mine and mine alone. Especially if it means I get to see him dressed in a skin tight Chinese whenever I want to now.”


Jin is once again in the state of mind where he thinks he is just being talked half heartedly about as if he is not even in the room. If there was anytime in his life that was the most humiliating, this moment was right next to the time Namjoon saw him half .

Seokjin suddenly drops to his knees, one hand still gripping onto the fabric of his boyfriend’s trousers. “Ummaaaa, what did I do to deserve this?!”


Hahaha, Jinnie is such a cutie patootie here omg X3. Naughty Namjoon, what do you think you want to do with Jin in a skin tight dress  maybe? By the way, I feel that this is a good time to mention that you guys should take a look at one of the fics I started writing before this. It's called On The Up Side. It's a Block B fic that is still in the making, give me some feedback as soon as possible. You're Worth It is obviously my first priority of course! Comment, subscribe, and upvote my lovelies, I will see you in the next chapter! 

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*