Of Popcorn and Eyeliner

You're Worth It

Hyosang, Minji, and Yerin all watched dumbfounded as Seokjin skipped around the dining room serving his customers with a happy go lucky smile on his face. Sometimes they even heard him humming to himself. They've never seen him this happy. Well, except for the time Hyosang bought him the latest Mario Kart game for his twentieth birthday, limited edition.


"Aish, he's got it bad," Minji hissed as she grabbed extra glasses from the cupboard.


"Tell me about it," Hyosang agreed.


Jinyoung walked into the kitchen and overheard their conversation. "What? Who's got it bad?


Hyosang nodded towards his ditzy brother. "Jin, Appa. He's been acting weird since this morning. No lie! When I woke up, he was literally singing in the shower like a princess in a Disney movie!"


His father looked absolutely lost. "Wonder what’s gotten into him..."


Minji sighed blissfully. "Isn't it obvious ahjussi? Our Seokjin's in love!"


Jinyoung now looked absolutely mortified when he heard that statement.


Once fewer customers started to pour into the restaurant, Jin went on break. As usual, he took out his trusty 3DS and started playing some Mario Kart. Halfway through one of the levels, his phone buzzed, signaling a text. Now, usually Jin would've ignored the smaller device and just focused on his game, but in a flash, he paused his game and looked at his phone.


Jin giggled. It was a text from Namjoon.


Hyosang watched as his brother typed away on his phone like some love-sick teenage girl. "Unbelievable'" he gawked at his brother in disbelief. "Please tell me you did not just pause Mario kart to text someone."


Jin looked up at Hyosang in confusion. "Hm, did you say something hyung?"


Hyosang sighed. "And you're ignoring me." He turned around and left the dining room, leaving Jin alone.


Seokjin shrugged and just turned back to his phone, laughing when he saw a selca of Namjoon looking like a disheveled mummy with his face mask.




Hoseok walked down the sidewalk after buying a couple more cans of hairspray and some hair brushes from a nearby drugstore. Now that Jin was going to be his regular, he figured he needed to replenish. As he was walking down the paved road, he noticed something from the corner of his eye. Looking to the side, he saw none other than Yoongi pushing a shopping cart in a parking lot. Before he had a chance to say hi, another stray cart started whizzing towards Yoongi. "Yah! Min Yoongi!" He shouted.


When the other didn't respond, Hoseok acted fast. Dropping the things he was holding, he ran over to where Yoongi was and managed to catch the cart in the knick of time. Sighing in relief, he looked up at the man in front of him.


Yoongi turned around and finally noticed someone was right next him. Taking off the beats headphones off of his ears, he asked, "when did you get here?"


Hoseok sighed in exasperation. "Did you not see that this cart was about to hit you?!"


Yoongi shook his head. "No, I didn't even see the cart coming towards me."


Hoseok pushed the cart aside and looked at Yoongi in the eye. "Well, next time be careful. You could’ve gotten hurt!"


Yoongi was surprised by the protective tone in his voice. It made him look a lot ier than he expected though. He avoided Hoseok's glare in embarrassment. "Yeah, thanks. For keeping me from getting hurt, I mean.” He gave him a soft smile. “That was really thoughtful." He gave him a soft smile.


Hoseok's stomach dropped. He actually thanked him. He never thought that Yoongi was ever rude, it’s just that was probably one of the 'nicest' things Yoongi had ever told him since they met. Which was like last week. He felt like he could literally explode in a ball of happiness and just be content with life. Instead, Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck and turned to the side, hoping to mask the blush on his cheeks. “N-no problem, Yoongi-ah.”


Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he was. After placing all of his things inside the trunk of the car, he turned to Hoseok and asked, “do you need a ride or…”


Hoseok shook his head. Even though part of him was squealing yes, he didn’t want to obligate Yoongi. “Nah, it’s cool. I actually have some things I have to take home.”


“You mean the stuff on the road?”


Hoseok followed the direction Yoongi was pointing at, and blow in the hole, the things he had carelessly left on the street got run over by a kid on his bicycle. Hoseok tapped the pads of his forefingers together. I did not see that one coming. Then turned to Yoongi. “On second thought, I’ll go wherever you’re going.”


Yoongi gave him a lopsided smile. “Hop in then.”


Once the two were settled in the front of the car, and were buckled up, Yoongi adjusted the review. “Oh, by the way,” he looked over at Hoseok. “You might wanna hang onto something.”


Before Hoseok had a chance to even utter a single word, Yoongi shifted the car in drive and quite literally jammed his foot on the ignition. The car zoomed past other vehicles, and down sharp turns. The whole time, Yoongi looked calm, while his passenger right next to him looked like he was dreading for his life. After what Hoseok assumed was five minutes, the car (thank heavenly) slowed down, and came to a stop in front of Yoongi’s apartment.


Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt, turned to his side, and laughed at the sight. Hoseok was curled up in a ball with his auburn hair in a mangled mess. His grip on the grab handle was so tight his knuckles had turned white.


Yoongi couldn’t help but snicker. “You okay there?”


It took a moment before Hoseok answered in a hoarse voice. “I think I just felt my life flash before my eyes.”


Yoongi helped Hoseok out of the car and into the apartment. Luckily his room was on the second floor, so they could just use the lift. The shorter individual sat Hoseok down on his couch then sat down next to him. He started rubbing small circles on his back. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” he said in a somewhat soothing voice.


Hoseok nodded, then straightened up, claiming that he had gathered himself. He turned to Yoongi and gave him a weak smile. “For someone your size, I didn’t expect you to drive like such a maniac.”


“Pfft. Now you know why I turn down anyone who wants to take me home. I’d rather drive than be driven. Also, I am not that short!”


Hoseok cocked his head to the side. “You seem pretty short to me. No offense, of course.”


Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Whatever, at least I’m older. Anyway, do you want something to drink?”


Hoseok shook his head. “I’m good. Is there anything you have in mind while I’m here?”


Yoongi blushed, which Hoseok found the sight insanely cute. “Well, I was actually planning on watching a movie...by myself.”


The taller male couldn’t help but pity Yoongi. He knew how to make it better. “Cool, I like movies.”


“You sure you want to watch, I wouldn’t want to bore you.” As much as Yoongi did want Hoseok to stay at his place, he couldn’t help but feel a little awkward around said man.


“Yoongi, the day I will get bored of you, will be the day when Leonardo Dicaprio will win an oscar.”


Yoongi laughed at that one. “Alright, you’ve made your point.” He sat up. “C’mon, the theater’s not that far by car.”


Hoseok turned green. “C-car?”


The shorter male suddenly bursted out laughing. Hoseok stared at him in bewilderment.  “Aw man,” he wiped his tears as he gasped for breath. “You should’ve seen your face!”


Hoseok bit back a grin of delight. He was just played.


Once his laughs died down, Yoongi said, “we can watch a movie here.”


Hoseok sighed in relief. “Yeah, that sounds a lot better.”


Yoongi nodded. “Just give me a minute. I’ll just take a quick shower, then we can watch!”


With that, Yoongi ran off down the hallway. Hoseok heard the door close, then the sound of a shower turning on. He drummed fingers on his knees as he waited. After his shower, Yoongi came out changed into a white t shirt. His copper red hair was still damp. He picked up a couple movies and laid them down in front of Hoseok. “Okay, you have three choices.” He held up three fingers. “We can either watch; romance, comedy, or horror.”


Hoseok arched a brow. “Romance? I thought you hated that mushy stuff.”


Yoongi shrugged in reply. “So-so, sometimes I like to watch it. Just not in real life.”


Hoseok ruffled his wet hair. “No need to feel ashamed. Everyone has their tastes, and their guilty pleasures.” Hoseok winked, and Yoongi blushed. “If I had to make the obvious choice, I think I’ll go with romance.”


Yoongi nodded without complaint. After cooking up some instant popcorn, grabbing a couple cans of diet coke, and turning off the lights, he hopped down next to Hoseok on the couch and held out the bowl. Hoseok accepted the popcorn and popped a couple into his mouth. The two were then immersed in the movie once it started. The two had agreed to watch Seducing Mr. Perfect (Mr. 로빈 꼬시기). They were already twenty minutes into the movie by then. As Hoseok kept his eyes on the screen, he felt a light weight on his shoulder. Eyes widening, he slowly turned to his side and saw Yoongi resting his head on his shoulder. His breath hitched when he felt him shuffle closer. Through the thick silence, the only sounds were the voices coming from the T.V. and the light, yet audible heartbeat of Hoseok. A million scenarios played through his mind. Should he hold his hand? Should he wrap his arm around his shoulder? Should he kiss him? The last option caused the blood to rush to his cheeks. If it weren’t for the dimness of the room, he probably would’ve looked like a cherry tomato. At last, trembling fingers, he latched onto Yoongi’s pinkie finger. Then his ring finger, then his middle finger, until he was holding onto the tips of his hand. Yoongi flinched a bit, but didn’t pull away. The two awkwardly held hands, until Yoongi, feeling bold, laced their fingers together. Hoseok swore he just felt a shiver run down his spine.  


“You know,” Hoseok gulped. “We could kiss, if you want to.”


Yoongi turned to his side and met Hoseok’s gaze. “Um..sure, I guess we could-”


He didn’t need to say more as Hoseok pressed his lips against his own. Everything seemed to fade away. The movie was no longer audible in the boys ears as they lost themselves in their own little world. The kiss was short and sweet, lasting only about three seconds. However, it felt like three years to Hoseok. Once they pulled away, Hoseok had a goofy grin on his face.


“My god that was great.”


Yoongi was lost for words. He bit his lips and nodded. The two turned their attention back to the movie, but ended up cuddling the entire night.




“This one is really nice. It’s waterproof so it’s not going to smudge, even in the rain!”


Seokjin nodded at the store clerk’s words. He examined the pencil liner in his hand. “Kinda pricey, but I think I’ll take it.”


The clerk smiled, revealing a gap in her teeth. “Is it for a girlfriend?”


Jin shook his head. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.” Not interested.  


The clerk pouted. “Oh, well I hope you found what you were looking for.” She handed Jin a small paper bag with a couple cosmetics.


Jin wouldn’t be lying if he said they were actually for his cousin. The eyeliner, however, well he was curious on how it would look.


“Um, just for testing, do you mind if you could apply some on me. Just so I can see if it applies well.”


The clerk’s eyes widened in surprise. She suddenly smiled, revealing the gap again. “Of course.”


She grabbed the same brand of eyeliner he had bought, then tilted his chin upward so she could apply some on his lower lashline. While she was gentle at handling the product, no one could beat Kim Namjoon. Jin felt butterflies flutter in his stomach at the thought of him.


“Finished!” She held up a mirror for Jin to see. The black was noticeable, but wasn’t heavy. The dark line made his eyes look bigger than normal, they also seemed to sparkle. Smiling in approval, he grabbed his things, thanked the clerk, and exited the store.


After texting Minji that he got her stuff, he patiently waited by the bus stop. His car was in repair, so he had Hyosang drop him off. It was only eight-fifty, so the restaurant would be closing soon. Hyosang unfortunately didn’t have time to pick up his brother, for he was out socializing with his old frat friends. As he waited, Jin heard a familiar jingle. Yoongi.


Jin took out his phone and answered the call. “Hello?”


“Hyung! I have a big problem!”


Weird, Jin thought. Yoongi only ever called him ‘hyung’ when there was an emergency. It must’ve been important. “What is it?”


“Well, I invited Hoseok over for a movie. Well technically he saved me from getting hit by a shopping cart and I drove him to my place after his thing got run over by some kid on a bike.”


“You lost me at ‘shopping cart’ Yoongi.”


The man on the other line groaned. “Uggghh...this is serious! Anyway, we ended up watching a movie at my place, and we…” He paused.


Jin grew impatient. “What? You what?’


“We kissed.”


Seokjin took the time to process the words. Kissed. They had kissed. His hairdresser and his best friend freaking kissed. “What?!” Jin finally exclaimed. “H-how, how did this happen?!”


“Today pabo!” Jin heard a sigh come from the other line. “I just don’t know what to do.”


“Yoongi, you just told me that you kissed a guy, which, if I may remind you, you swore to never do. Gay or straight, no one was going to soil your precious lips.”


Yoongi laughed sarcastically. “Blah blah, okay I get it. Just, tell me what to do. I’ve never felt this way before.” His voice started to grow heavy.


Seokjin couldn’t help but smile. “Yoongi, it’s okay for you to feel this way. I told you, you just haven’t found the right person. Well, guess what, you just did!”


“Hoseok? But he’s so…”


“Absolutely adorable, hilarious, and considerate? Yoongi, if I wasn’t crushing on Namjoon, I probably would’ve fallen for Hoseok.”


“Yah! Back off!” Yoongi snapped, before grumbling, “he’s mine.”


“See what I mean?” Jin teased. He sighed. “Anyway, just give it some time. When you’re ready and clear with your feelings, tell Hoseok how you feel.”


Jin imagined Yoongi nodding on the other line. “Yeah, alright. I’ll give it some time.” He hesitated before saying, “thank you Jin. You’re a great friend, you know.”


Seokjin smiled at his best friend’s honesty. “Damn right I am.” Jin suddenly felt something land on his head. He looked up and realized that it started to rain “. Sorry Yoongi, gotta go.” Once he hung up, it had already started to downpour. Jin pulled his jean jacket over his head, but alas, that only made things worse. He looked at his surroundings hoping to find a shop to take shelter in. Suddenly, a random car parked right next to him. The stranger rolled down his window.




“Get in it’s pouring!”


Jin did as he was told without hesitation. He got into the passenger seat of Namjoon’s car and wiped some water off of his face. “Thanks. I didn’t expect you to come for me.”


Namjoon smiled cheekily. “Hey, I’m just doing my job. Keeping an eye out for you.”


“I thought your job was to make me pretty?”


Namjoon frowned, but there was a hint of amusement in his face. “You’re already pretty. I’m pretty sure I’ve told you.”


Jin blushed as he nodded. The sweet moment was suddenly interrupted by a snicker. “However, I wouldn’t say you look that pretty now that you look like a depressed racoon.”


Jin gave him a look of confusion. “What-” Namjoon flipped the car mirror so Jin was now facing his own reflection. He grimaced at what he saw. Namjoon wasn’t lying. The eyeliner that he had forgotten to remove was now melty and dripping down his eyes. “Waterproof, my ,” he muttered. Namjoon only laughed, then grabbed some tissues to clean off the smudges off of his eyes and cheeks.


Once the makeup was removed, Jin asked, “so, are you gonna take me home now?”


Jin was surprised when Namjoon shook his head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to drive in this weather. Besides, you’re soaking wet. You’d be better off taking a shower at my place.”


“Your place?” Jin echoed.


“My apartment is just around the corner from here. That’s where I was intentionally going anyway.”


Jin suddenly grew bashful at the thought of going into Namjoon’s home. Let alone take a shower in his bathroom.


Namjoon shifted his car into drive. “It’ll be fine. Just call your parents and tell them you’re with me. You’ll even be able to meet Taehyung.”


Seokjin felt his heart stop. “Taehyung?” He couldn’t explain it, but he swore to god that what he was feeling now could not be jealously. Right?


“Yeah, Taehyung.” Namjoon sensed that something was off when he said that. He looked at Jin and noticed the look of frustration on his pouty face. On instinct, he reached over and placed his hand on top of Jin’s. “Don’t worry, he’s just my roommate.”


Jin felt a sudden wave of relief wash over him. “Yeah, okay, that’s good. He’s just your roommate,” he repeated under his breath, just to reassure himself.


Namjoon smirked. “Of course, if you’re jealous, I could ask him to leave.”

“A-ani!” Jin blushed. “That’s fine, that’s totally fine!”


Hello loves, I figured it was best if I updated a little bit early. Just for you guys! Ooooh, what do you think is going to happen at Namjoon's apartment? Are things going to work out with Taehyung? You're just gonna have to find out later *evil laugh*Anway, I hope you guys enjoyed that little Hogi scene. Also, check out the movie they were watching, it's absolutely fabulous! I'll probably start typing the next chapter this weekend. Until then, here's a little hint on what going to happen in the next chapter

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*