Of Chicken Skewers and Polaroids

You're Worth It

Told you update would come sooner! Enjoy this surprise chapter, will finally see what has happened to Namjoonie!! 


The March sun leaked through the cracks of the window, casting a bright, warm glow into the room. Tao only burrowed deeper into his covers and snored softly into his pillow. He had forgotten to remove his makeup prior to last night, so it was only obvious that remnants stained his pillow.


Seokjin on the other hand slipped out of his bunker bed and tip toed over to the window, careful not to wake the younger. He pulled back the curtains a bit just so he could see the outside. It never really snowed ever since he arrived to Hong Kong two months ago.


The late winter chill also began to decrease, making the temperature feel more moderate, much to Jin’s pleasure. Cracking the window open a bit, a gentle breeze seeped through the crack and caressed his cheeks.


He sighed in content before closing it again, then retreating back to his blankets. Jin left the blinds open, allowing the natural lighting to light up the room. Once his head touched the pillow, he fell back into a deep slumber.


A few hours later, two things happened. First; he was awoken by the sound of the shower and food sizzling on a hot pan resonated from downstairs. Second; Hyosang came up when he was still half asleep with some mail in his hand, saying, “Yo Jin, I got some mail for you that came late, and it looks like this time it’s a big one.”


Jin rolled onto his side and stared at his brother. “What?” He asked in a hushed voice.


His brother started flipping through the stacks of mail. “Well it looks like we got a letter from Minji, two letters from appa, some subscriptions to magazines that are like two months old..”


“Mmhm…” Jin hummed, uninterested.


“Oh! And it looks like you got a letter from Namjoon-”


Jin’s eyes widened. In less than a second, he bolted out of his bed and snatched the letters out of his brother’s hand, discarding the ones that didn’t say they were from Namjoon. He finally found the envelope he was looking for. On the back, written in smudged, dark blue ink read the words To my beautiful Jin.


Without wasting another minute, Jin ripped open the envelope and slipped the piece of paper out. He couldn’t keep his hands from trembling as he held the paper up and started reading.


Hey baby, how’s life been treating you for the last two months (or three?)  


It’s been vaguely boring here lately. Tae and Bora have been hanging around more often to the point where I have to rent a room at a motel just so I can get some peace.


Valentine’s day is on the way, and I really wish you were here to spend it with me. In my arms. I’m missing you baby, I really am. Whenever I fall asleep, I always reach out to wrap my arms around you, but then I remember that I’m alone.


By the way, I got the keychain you sent to me. It’s so cute! I clipped it onto my keys, so that way when I look at it, I’ll think of you.


That wasn’t too cheesy right?


Jin giggled at his corniness. He continued reading the letter.


Of course, since I’m an amazing boyfriend I decided to give you a little something something.


“‘Inside you’ll find a bunch of polaroids that I snapped with my new polaroid camera,’” Jin read. He then picked up the shredded envelope and discovered a bunch of polaroids, each bearing some type of caption written in sharpie.


Jin started flipping through the pictures. Once was a picture of Namjoon sleeping, wrapped up in a blanket burrito, another of him taking the picture in the bathroom, and random ones, such as him eating breakfast or him playing with makeup.


The plum haired individual couldn’t help but giggle in pure adoration at the fact that Namjoon was selfless enough to send him pictures of him and his daily life. In a sense, it made Jin feel like his boyfriend was right there with him.


He went back to reading the letter.


Why does time have to go so slow? I’ll be patient though. Only two more months until you’re back Jin. Be prepared, because I’m probably not gonna let you go for at least a year.


I love you, remember that




Jin smiled softly. Picking up a polaroid of Namjoon amongst the flowers, he gave the picture a kiss, wishing somehow that Namjoon could feel the peck.


He gathered up the letter, along with the pictures, and placed them into his suitcase, which was located in the corner of the room. Jin then took another gaze at the polaroid in his hand. He the image of Namjoon, staring at it as if to burn every little detail into his mind just so he could remember what he looked like.


Soon my love, soon.  


Jin then took a sharpie marker and wrote down the date of when he was to return back to Korea on the back.




Seokjin walked down the streets, struggling to carry one large brown paper bag, one plastic bag full of groceries, as well as making sure not to lose his little cousins in the street.


Jin turned to his side, Chang’s tiny hand gripping onto his sleeve while the other was wrapped tightly around his sister’s hand. To be honest, Jin found the sight adorable.


“Ge, I’m hungry,” Fang said in a meek voice.


“I know sweetie,” Jin sighed. “Just one more stop and we can go home, okay?”


Chang looked up at one of the shop windows, then stopped at his tracks, almost causing Fang to bump into him. “Ge! Can we buy some chocolate?!” He pointed to the candy shop.


Jin looked at the shop than back to him. Part of him really wanted to say yes because the way Chang looked at him with those eyes was just so unbearable. Of course, his aunt would have his head if she found out they had something sweet before lunch.


He shook his head. “Sorry Chang, you still haven’t had lunch.”


The six year old pouted. “Pleeeaaase?”


Seokjin giggled. “Nope.” Chang remained silent after that and just followed Jin into a cute bakery. “Ni hao,” he greeted the two girls at the front desk, who bowed in response.


One of the female clerks then held up a platter that had some bungeoppang (similar to taiyaki) pieces. “Care for a sample?”


“Shì!” The twins exclaimed, rushing to get the sample. Jin grabbed the back of their identical hoodies. “Sorry, we’re gonna have to pass on this one.”


“Eh, how come?” Chang and Fang said in unison. Jin crouched down in front of them and tapped their button noses. “One word; lunch. We’ll eat when we get home.”


Chang hugged his leg. “Jin ge is so cruel!”


Jin bit back a smile when Fang hugged his other leg and just patted her head. He then placed a loaf of bread plus a bag of red bean buns on the checkout counter. He watched as the cashier started bagging his items. She released a chuckle as the twins latched onto his legs. “Siblings?” She asked.


Jin shook his head. “Cousins. Oh thank you.” He grabbed the bag of bread that was passed to him.


“Well, I hope you cook your kids something yummy that will make that waiting worth it,” she smiled.


The plum haired model nodded, picked up Fang, and started leading Chang out of the bakery. The family of three was soon walking down the sidewalk towards the house. The youngest boy seemed to lag, dramatically stating, “Jin geeee...starviing!!” His legs suddenly stopped working as he flopped down onto the cement and laid on top of his tummy.


Jin released another laugh and paced Fang onto the ground so he could crouch down and console her brother. “Aiya, what did I do to deserve a cousin as cute and whiney as you?”


A tiny person suddenly bumped into the latter’s leg, almost making him trip. “Wh-” He looked down and saw a tiny child with dark black hair and big brown orbs. She on her thumb and gave him an innocent look.


“Oh! sir, I’m so sorry!” A tall well built man suddenly ran over to him with another child in his arms. He placed a gentle hand on top of the girl’s head and ruffled her hair. “Sooyoung, you shouldn’t walk away like that, you could get in big trouble,” the man scolded despite how sweet his voice sounded.


He looked up at Jin and bowed apologetically. “Again, I’m really sorry.”


Jin quickly shook his head reassuringly. “R-really, it’s fine. I’m just glad that you found your sister, um…”


“Yixing,” the man replied with a pink tinge on his cheeks. He hesitated before saying. “And, she’s not my sister, I work at the orphanage that she lives at.” He pointed his thumb over to where a building was. Jin noticed that there were in fact a couple children and even teenagers inside.


The latter couldn’t tear his eyes away from the orphanage. Something inside of him brought his past back to haunt him. In a way, he felt almost connected with those kids. “Oh. Well then I’m glad that you found her. God knows what could’ve happened if she got lost.”


He gave the little girl a smile before pinching her cheeks. “Hope you get adopted soon.”


Yixing released a chuckle. “Say thank you Sooyoung.”


Despite how shy she was, Jin could’ve sworn he made out a small, “Xíe xíe.” He cooed at how adorable she was. Waving goodbye at the tall male and the children in his arms, Jin watched as they retreated back to a playground beside the orphanage.


A small tug finally brought Jin back to reality. He looked down and saw Fang staring back at him with big round eyes. But no Chang. He looked around him, then back to Fang. “Where’s your brother?”


Fang shrugged her shoulders.


Jin finally started to panic. He grabbed her hand and started walking back towards the bakery. When he got inside he quickly asked the cashiers if they had seen him. But alas, they didn’t. The duo rushed out to the streets.


Without any trace of her brother, little Fang started to tear up, worried for his well being. Jin turned around and heard some whimpers and hiccups coming from her. He stopped and crouched down in front of her, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. He whispered sweet nothing into her ear.


“Shh, it’s alright Fang. We’ll find him. Ge ge’s here.” Jin’s gentle face and soft caresses on her back finally seemed to calm her down. She wrapped her tiny arms as far as they could around his broad shoulders, hugging him back.


Jin pulled away once she stopped crying and her hair. “Now. Think, where could Chang be?”


Fang really did think hard, to the point where her little face scrunched up. Jin would’ve found the sight cute if it weren’t for the current situation they were facing. “Chang kept saying, he was hungry,” she finally said.


“Well, I know that, but where would-”


“Chicken skewers.”


What? Jin cocked his head to the side, showing that he had no idea what she was talking about. Fang suddenly pointed to a chicken skewer cart across the street. Jin still had no idea what she could be trying to show him, but he allowed her to drag him towards the cart.


Jin looked at the man selling the array of meat. “Excuse me, Xiānshēng, you would’ve happened to have seen a little boy about as tall as her, would you?”


The elderly man thought for a moment. When he wouldn’t say anything, Jin thought he hadn’t seen him. But before he could say anything, the man let out an, ‘ah!’ “You mean him?” He pointed to the curb, where a lonely looking Chang was sitting.


Jin released a breath of relief and rushed over to him, holding him tight. “Oh thank god!”


“Jin ge?”


“We were so worried!” Jin scolded, not releasing the smaller child. “Why did you run away?”


A soft rumbling sound resonated in between them. When it happened again, Jin looked down and smirked. It was the sound of Chang’s tummy growling. “Hungry?”


Chang pouted and nodded frantically.


Jin couldn’t help but giggle, which soon grew into a full on laugh. Jin clutched his stomach as he continued to laugh, people passing him and giving him weird looks. Chang and Fang also stared at the elder in confusion.


Once Jin’s laughing had ceased, he looked at the chicken skewer cart, then back to Chang. “Wait here.” He got up from his sitting position and walked over to the cart, where he bought one big skewer of chicken.


Walking back to Chang, he handed him the chicken skewer. “Here. It’s not sweet, so you can eat it.”


And just like that, the little boy’s face brightened as he held onto the stick with his little hands and munched on the tender meat, the sauce getting all over his cheeks. Jin watched happily as he scarfed down the delicious skewer.




Jin was tired to the bone once he came home from not only from his shift from the breakfast diner, but from going out shopping for clothes with Tao. For four hours. He now planned his afternoon; lying down in bed with snacks, tea, and a nice drama to watch.


With a blanket pulled over his head, Jin indulged himself by eating chocolate covered almonds, watching the tenth episode so far of 'She Was Pretty'. He laughed each time the main protagonist made a fool of herself.


“So dorky,” he said to himself as he sipped his tea. A sudden tri tone interrupted his alone time. Jin chose to ignore and moved his phone, then focused his attention back to his laptop.


When the ringing didn’t falter, Jin groaned and paused the drama. He grabbed his phone and proceeded to switch it off. The messages suddenly caught his eyes.


{4 Unread Messages}


Hannie: Hey Jin

Hannie: Jin txt me

Hannie: !!!!!

Hannie: mother effer text me!!! >:(


Wondering what got Luhan all worked up, Jin texted back a ‘Okay I’m alive. What’s wrong?


Almost as if Luhan was waiting by his phone the whole time, the text didn’t take too long to arrive.


Hannie: get on your PC and open up skype asap! No questions!


Jin stared at the device as if something was wrong with it, before closing out of fullscreen on his laptop and skype. Once he opened it, however, someone was already making a call. Under the name K00kie.


Accepting the call, the face-time window popped up, revealing the face of a frantic Jungkook. “Jin hyung? Are you there?”


“Yeah I’m here. Luhan was pretty heated when he texted me. Is there something wrong?”


Jimin’s voice came into frame. “Is he on baby?”


“Yeah, he’s on.” Jungkook turned from Jin to his boyfriend. Jimin sat himself down next to Jungkook and looked at Jin from the computer. “Alright Jin, we’re just going to ask you a couple questions, ‘kay?”


Jin didn’t like where this was going, but he cooperated. “Alright, what?”


Jungkook asked first. “When was the last time you heard from Tae and or Hoseok?


“Not recently.”


“Okay, how about Yoongi hyung?”


“I felt like he called me, but I missed the call due to the time zones.” Jin scrolled through his phone.


Jimin suddenly spoke. “Alright hyung, last one; when was the last time you’ve heard from Namjoon.”


Jin started to grow restless, and slightly frustrated. “Okay, enough with the freaking riddles! What the hell is happening?!” Jin’s snapping made the two lovers jump, but they complied.


Jimin sighed. As he was about to open his mouth, his head whipped to the side at the sound of a door opening. “Yoongi hyung?”


{Jikook POV}


Jimin could tell Jin was frustrated, so he decided to come clean. Just as he was about to let the cat out of the bag, the front door open. In came a running Yoongi and Hoseok. “Yoongi hyung?” Jimin uttered.


“Are you talking with Jin?” Yoongi asked, clearly breathless. When Jimin and Jungkook both nodded, Yoongi quite literally pushed them out of the chair and took their spot. “Jin?”


“Yoongi? Is that you?” Jin’s eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets.


“Thank god they got ahold of you!” Yoongi choked out in relief. He gave Jin a smile that the latter missed so much.


Jin, overwhelmed, felt himself smile a bit. “I miss you,” he whispered.


Yoongi nodded, wiping his eyes. “I miss you too...but that’s not important now!”


“Yoongi. What’s going on? Is it Namjoon? Please tell me what’s wrong with my baby!”


The blonde rapper could hear the desperation in his voice. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Before I tell you, please tell me you’ll make the right choice.”


Jin was leaning so close to his laptop in anticipation. The suspense was killing him.


And then, Yoongi said it. “Namjoon, quit his job as a makeup artist.”


{Seokjin POV}


Jin felt as if a bus had hit him. His Namjoon. Quit the job he loved. Gave up his passion. Jin couldn’t believe it. “W-what are you talking about. You mean he quit?” Jin shook his head, clearly in denial. “Why would he do that?”


“Let me talk baby,” Hoseok tapped Yoongi on the shoulder before occupying the seat next to him. “Hey Jin, first calm down.” When he did, he continued, “Alright, two nights ago, I received a call from Tae, telling me that for some time Namjoon hadn’t been himself.


And I quote, he hasn’t been at the apartment, or has been coming home late, he won’t tell Taehyung where’s he’s been, and sometimes he comes home smelling like alcohol.”


“What about Soyou noona. or Hyorin noona?” Jin asked, still trying to make sense of all of this.


Hoseok shrugged. “Even they or my dad don’t know Jin. We’ve tried contacting him, and sadly, it just keeps heading to voice mail.”


Jin felt his shoulders sag. His eyes trailed over to the suitcase full of polaroids. Polaroids of Namjoon happy. Why would he quit? More importantly, he hasn’t he contacted him in over three months?


Hot tears started to sting his eyes, but Jin wiped them away. He knew that he had only two months till he would be back in Seoul, but at this point, he couldn’t wait. He had to get to Namjoon.


Only question was, how?




Jin had to endure dinner. Not only did he want to explain to his mother as to what happened to Namjoon, due to not wanting to worry her, but he also tried to look impassive to everyone.


After dinner, Jin told his family that he’d be out taking a walk. He needed time to think. Grabbing a warm coat, Jin walked out of the house and started jogging towards an unknown destination.


In the end, Jin arrived at a nearby park, one where you could find people doing tai chi by the lake. Now that it was dark. the park was empty. Jin sat himself down on one of the benches and buried his face in his hands.


A figure suddenly approached him and occupied the spot next to him. “My child, why are you crying?”


Jin looked up and came face to face with his grandmother. “Nǎinai? What are you doing here?”


Hui fang gave him a tender smile. “Try as you might, but you know that there’s no such thing as looking impassive when it applies to me.”


Jin released a small chuckle. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”


Hui fang placed a light hand on his knee. “Now. Tell me, what’s wrong?”


Jin sighed. If there was anyone he could trust right now, it was his grandmother. Within minutes, Jin explained to her the story of what happened to Namjoon. All the while, Hui fang nodded at his words in understanding.


Once he had finished his explanation, Hui fang stood up and walked over to the lake. Jin followed her movements. “Um, Nǎinai, what are you doing?”


“Did you know that this is where your grandfather used to come for his morning tai chi?” She stated randomly. “Sometimes we would even walk together.”


“Okay,” Jin tried to conceal the confusion in his tone. “And you’re telling me this, because why?”


Hui fang chuckled. “Our routine was always the same; wake up, go to the park, go home, and run the restaurant. On the day you and Hyosang were dropped off by our front doorstep, our routines ultimately changed.


“It went from the last routine to; wake up, take you with us on morning walks, go home, and run the restaurant with two little children running around in the kitchen.” Hui fang paused before continuing.


“But we knew that, along the way, you needed a mother and father. When your mother found out about you two, she was over the moon. She immediately flew to Hong Kong with your father just for you and your brother.


“You and Hyosang have been the apple of her eye ever since she adopted you. Of course there were times when she felt homesick or if she questioned if she did the right thing or not. But I can tell you this, she absolutely did the right thing, seeing how both of you grew up.”


She walked over to her grandson who had been listening the entire time. “Now tell me, what will your choice be, and will it be the right thing?”


Jin thought long and hard about it. Across the other side of the world, was his boyfriend, the one that he had abandoned. The one that needed him more than ever. He knew what he had to do.

Nǎinai,” Jin smiled softly. “I want to go back to my love.”


Well, the cat's out of the bag now. This is also the part where I'm going to say that this story is (sadly) almost over *cries a river of tears* We've come so far, and I would just like to thank all of my subscribers for being not only my inspiration, but also my motivation. You guys are the best. Until then, comment, upvote, and subscribe and I'll see you in the next chapter!


Chang and Fang renders omg


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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*