Of Smoothies and Gifs

You're Worth It

Hey loves, I'm back, and I apoligize very deeply for not updating soon enough. But I am back. I figured I wanted to add a little fluff into your guy's lives after some minor confusion in the last chapter. Till then, enjoy some Jikook! 


“The usual Mrs. Chang; one order of orange chicken with a side of shark fin soup.” Jin gave one of their regulars a charming smile.


The middle aged middle school teacher smiled in gratitude. Her eyes flickered over to his neck, where she flashed him a grin. “Aw, got yourself a little someone, haven’t we Jinnie~”


Jin stared at her in confusion. “What do you-” His sentence was cut short when she held up a small compact mirror. That was when he noticed something on his neck. Tilting his head, his neck revealed what seemed to look like a red kiss mark.


Jin’s shaw slacked. His thoughts rewinded to last night’s makeup turned session. Using the heel of his hand, he quickly wiped off the red mark, only managing to smudge it more.


“Um, yeah. S-something like that,” Jin laughed nervously, then cleared his throat. “Anyway, I should get back...to work.” He started backwards walking towards the kitchen, almost tripping on the way.


Hyosang heard the door slam open and noticed his brother awkwardly moonwalking in all red faced and sweating. “Yah, what’s got you all hot and bothered?”


Using the metal tray he was holding, Jin covered his neck and chin. “N-nothing hyung, just a busy day at work, we gotta lot of people!”


Hyosang arched a brow then looked out the small window that overlooked the dining room. “Hm, there are a few stragglers out there.” He turned to look at his dongsaeng again with a suspicious glare. “Anyway...you should probably take this,” he held up a plate of gā lǐ, “over to table-”


“Thanks hyung, will do!” Jin grabbed the plate then rushed out of the kitchen.


The older individual just went back to sauteing a pan of onions. “Weird,” He mumbled to himself.


As the lunch rush finally came to an end, Jin sat himself down on his desk, munched on a meat bun, then fired up his laptop. Once his laptop , the chat icon started ringing, signaling that someone was on and wanted to chat.


Curious, Jin clicked the icon open. and have signed on. Jin rolled his eyes at the cute little pet name the two shared on the chat room. Jin moved his mouse over to the little phone symbol and clicked call. After a couple rings, two windows popped open revealing the faces of Jungkook and Jimin.




“Kim Seokjin, you have some major explaining to do mister!!” Jungkook pointed a finger at him and threw him an accusing glare.


Jin looked behind him, then back to the screen. “Jinja, what about?


“You know exactly what I’m talking about!”


Seokjin turned to the other window that was on the screen. “Jimin, can you please tell me what your boyfriend is talking about.”


Jimin gave him a lopsided I-saw-what-you-did-there smile. “Oh, you know, he’s talking about your little randevu with a certain someone someone.”


Jin didn’t miss the way he quirked his brows. On instinct, his hands found their way on his neck, almost as if hoping to hide the faded kiss mark. “Who told you,” he hissed.


“Looks like you’re not the only person who’s a victim of the call hyung.”


Seokjin mentally cursed himself.


“So, Jin hyung…” Jungkook smiled mischievously.  


Jin cringed. “Neh?”


“Was he big?”




“Who topped? You or him?”  


“Baby please-”  Jimin protested.


“Wait, did you guys have or was it just oral?”  


“Jungkook!" Jin interrupted Jungkook’s fleet of questions. "As I much as I would love to intrigue the two of you about my life, I’d rather not."


Jin heard Jungkook scoff. “You’re no fun, don't you at least trust us?"


"I'm pretty sure he doesn't," Jin heard Jimin mumble, then a thwack! which Jin assumed was Jungkook's hand coming in contact with Jimin's head.


"Aish, what was that for!"


"Apapapa! Baby, we is talking!"


Jin bit back a smile as he listened to their little lovers’ quarrel.  “Please tell me you guys are not chatting with me on separate windows, even though you’re literally in the exact same room.”


The couple was silent for a moment, until Jimin interrupted with an audible cough. “Hehe, well would you look at the time, I should probably get to work, later Jin hyung!”


With that he signed off.


The only two left were now Jungkook and Jin.


“So,” Jin started. “I guess it’s just us.”


Jungkook giggled. “Yeah.” A pause. “I’m kinda glad he left, because there’s something I have to ask.”


Jin was now intrigued. “Hm? What?”


Jungkook bit his bottom lip before saying, “Well you see, today marks the twelfth month Minnie and I have been dating, and I kinda want to do something special for him.”


Jin felt himself coo on the inside. He was aware of how on every occasion, it was always Jimin who would surprised his younger boyfriend. How romantic was it that Jungkook wanted to return the favor?


“What do you have in mind?” Jin asked in anticipation.


“That’s the thing, I haven’t exactly figured it out. I want to do something that’s not too extravagant, but something that’ll be memorable.”


The older individual nodded in understandment. At the same time, he started thinking of ways to this friend. Opening up the search engine, he started searching up different ideas. When in doubt, use Google. His eyes wandered over to a certain tutorial.


His smile only grew wider as he read the steps. “Jungkook, I think I have the solution to your problem.”




Jimin rushed about the tiled floor, sometimes skidding towards the smoothie machine to get to his customers fast enough. “One avocado and mango smoothie,” he handed the healthy beverage over to a tall college girl, who nodded as she handed him a tip.


Hour after hour passed until the skies started to change into a pretty hue of pinks and oranges. Jimin was cleaning up one of the machines when his manager walked over to him.


“Jimin-sshi, you just sold our last pumpkin pie smoothie to a customer, not to mention it’s time to lock up sweetie.”


Jimin nodded and just smiled cutely. “Yes ma’am.”


His manager returned the smile. “Ah, I really do hope you have something special planned for Kookie.”


Jimin, who was in the midst of pulling on his jacket, stopped and looked at the woman in confusion. “Special, for what?”


She gasped. “Why Jimin, don’t tell me you forgot that it’s your’s and Kookie’s twelfth month anniversary, did you?”


Jimin’s eyes practically bugged out of his eyes, and his mouth formed into a straight line when he heard that statement. Bidding his manager a quick farewell, he got out of the shop and started sprinting down the street, releasing a string of, “, , , …”


He couldn’t believe that he had forgotten one of the most important occasions for him and the love of his life’s relationship. Twelve months ago Jimin had fallen for the younger individual, and about a week later, asked him to be his.


Now that it was September, that meant there were only three months left until they’d be together for a solid year. Every embrace, every kiss, and every sweet gesture made it clear that they were meant to be.


And he ing forgot their anniversary.


Jimin rushed into the nearest flower shop and bought a bouquet of red roses, since they were the only ones available at a cheap price.


He checked his watched and realized Jungkook was probably home from his own shift at the Apple store. Sighing in defeat, he figured he’d just get home and apologize for the delay.


His thoughts of dread were interrupted with a sudden tri-tone. Fishing out his phone from his pocket, he checked to see who it was from.


Underneath the name Kookie baby <3 was what looked like an image link.


He opened the link and smiled when he saw the gif image of Jungkook making a heart gesture to him. Underneath was a text that read:


Kookie baby <3: Happy Anniversary my love xoxo


Jimin bit his lip as he typed a message then hit send.


Jimin: Thanks baby, I love you so much xxxoo


He waited until another text arrived from him.


Kookie baby <3: Keep in mind; part 1 ;)


Jimin stared at the text in confusion as he continued walking down the street. Before he knew it, he was in front of his house. When he looked up and noticed what was peeking out explicitly on the upper balcony, he was left speechless.


Standing on the upper balcony was none other than his lovely Jungkook, holding onto a sparkler, where he wrote the words LOVE in the night sky, then a heart. He also noticed that out the windows were the rest of his friends and family;


Hoseok and Yoongi were waving around sparklers of their own from the window on the first floor, Namjoon and Jin made a heart of their one with the sparkling wands in his own room, Taehyung, along with his own mother twirled the sparkling sticks out through the second floor window.


He watched as Jungkook carefully walked down from the balcony over to him, where he wrapped his arm around his neck and pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. Jimin’s hands s around his boyfriend’s waist as he pulled their bodies closer to one another.


“Happy anniversary boo,” Jungkook whispered into the kiss. “Saranghae.


Jimin pulled away and gave him a warm smile. He presented the bouquet to him. “Always, baby, I’ll always love you.”

The two once again melted into another loving kiss. Twelve months and counting, and they still knew how to make one another’s day.


Sorry if this chapter was hella short. At least it was fluffy. Next chapter is gonna be Namjin, I promise. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this little Jikook filler. Comment and subscribe loves, I will see you in the next update! 

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*