Of Bubble Tea and Skype

You're Worth It

Hello my lovelies, I'm back! Oh gosh, I missed you guys so much (and Namjin)! But I am back with another chapter. Decided to make this one a bit more light hearted so please enjoy! 


The Breakfast house had never been this busy until now. At least from Yifan’s preference. Customers kept buzzing in and out; some satisfied with their meal and others coming inside for a meal to eat. He could hardly keep up with the breakfast rush.


I guess breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.


The tall blonde’s eyes wandered over to the honey haired elder who was trying to make a conversation with one of the customers. Trying. Luhan wasn’t used to seeing to seeing so many people, especially in a single day! Jin on the other hand looked like he was a natural.


The purple haired pretty boy started conversing with many of the customers, almost as if he had known them all his life. The customers also seemed to have taken a liking to their rookie waiter as well, whispering comments about how ‘handsome’ or ‘polite’ he was.


Looks like our Deer prince has some competition, Yifan couldn’t help but chuckle to himself from the thought of Luhan’s prince like personality underneath his prince like facade.


“Yah, what are you snickering about?” Kris was immediately snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a flick on his forehead. He looked up to see a pouting Luhan, who was waving a piece of paper in his hands, which was probably a customer’s order.


Yifan grabbed the piece of paper out of the boy’s hand and went back to flipping another batch of pancakes and bacon.


Once the breakfast rush had ceased, Luhan and Jin retreated to the breakroom. Luhan flopped down on one of the chairs and sighed. “Jesus, I don’t understand how you can handle all of these people Jin!” The latter then went ahead and pulled his cellphone from his pocket.


Jin sat down across from Luhan. “If I may remind you, I have worked at a restaurant ever since high school. And for your information, breakfast rushes aren’t as hard as lunch and dinner rushes,” the latter sniffed with a sassy hair flip.


Luhan hummed, his chin was resting on the edge of the table as he stared at the screen of his phone, his fingers typing away.


Jin pursed his lips. He wished he had somebody to text other than Hyosang or Tao. It seemed like the long distance calls weren’t going to happen. After a moment or two, boredom got to Jin, and the twenty-two year old was next to Luhan’s side with his arms draped over his shoulders. “Who are you texting?”


Luhan poked the latter in the forehead when he started leaning in closer to the screen. He pressed send on his phone then turned back to the clingy Jin. “My boyfriend,” he said with a smile. “His name’s Oh Sehun and he’s a dance major in Korea. Him and I met when I took an internship trip to Korea two years back.”


Jin lips formed an ‘o’ shape in understandment. “Do you have a picture?” He scooted a chair over so he could sit closer to him. Luhan nodded and his phone so he could show him his lock screen. Jin recognized Luhan in the picture, hair pink at the time, and he was smiling with another male kissing his cheek.


“Aww..is this him?” Jin asked.


Luhan nodded and hugged himself. “It’s been pretty hard what with him traveling abroad for school. I probably won’t get to see him until Summer vacation.”


Jin nodded. “I know how that feels,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper. Luhan seemed to have heard it. Taking his hands in his own, Luhan asked, “Now that I think about it, you’ve never told me about your boyfriend.”


Seokjin couldn’t help but blush. “Well…”


“Well?” Luhan echoed with a smile.


Jin didn’t really know where to start. I was given the opportunity as a magazine model and I happen to fall hopelessly in love with my makeup artist? Jin had only known Luhan for about twenty-four hours.


“My boyfriend is...a makeup major, and his name’s Kim Namjoon.” He fished out his phone so he could show the elder a picture. The only picture he could find was the one they had taken at the gala (from chapter 14). He couldn’t help but stare at his Namjoon, the feeling of yearn finding its way into his system.


Luhan admired the picture on his phone. “How sweet,” he tilted his head to the side. “Who’re the two gals in the picture?”


“Oh, they’re just some friends of ours.”


Luhan nodded. “Well, now that we’ve each taken a look in our love lives, what do you say about some bubble tea?”


Jin’s eyes sparkled at the sound of a fruity tapioca drink. “I’d say yes in a heartbeat.”




Luhan and Jin both took a seat next to the window with their orders of bubble tea in hand. Luhan had already slurped at least have of his drinks in the blink of an eye. He swallowed before saying, “Mm, I’m telling, Sehun can probably down two of these babies in less than three seconds!”


“No kidding,” Jin responded as he sipped on his honeydew bubble tea. If anything, this was the most relax he’s been; having a drink and chatting with someone he felt he could be close with. Along with the fact that no one seemed to pay any attention to Jin anymore. In a sense, it was kind of a relief.


The duo was silent for most of the time. The only sound that resonated was the sound of Luhan finishing his drink. Playing with the straw, he suddenly said something that almost made Jin choke on one of the tapioca balls.


“So you said that you’re boyfriend worked as a makeup major and that his name was Kim Namjoon. Funny, I didn’t expect him to have the exact same name as Kim Namjoon...Kim Seokjin-sshi’s makeup artist.”


Jin coughed, face flushing a bright crimson color. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was sweating. “Yeahh..very weird.” He averted his eyes away from the honey haired pretty boy.


Of course, Luhan didn’t seem to be buying it. While he may have appeared ditzy and clueless to others, he wasn’t as naive as he looked. In fact, he was even smarter than his friend Yifan.


This time when he spoke, Luhan lowered his voice. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with him.” He gave him a wink. Jin finally seemed to relax. Once the two disposed of their drinks and safely made it outside, Jin finally popped the question, “So, when did first find out? And why didn’t you tell anyone?”


Luhan thought about it. “Well for one thing, I’ve seen your face countless times one the front page of magazines. When I first met you though, the purple hair threw me off.”


Jin laughed.


“And two,” Luhan continued, “When I heard you say your boyfriend was Kim Namjoon, I knew it was you.


“Now you’re probably wondering why I didn’t tell anyone. I know how hectic it must be if you have a bunch of people on your tail, so I didn’t want to have to ruin your privacy by spreading it. So, don’t worry about it, besides Yifan and I, I don’t think anyone knows.”


“I can only hope,” Jin replied in a soft voice.


The two finally came to a stop once they reached Meilin’s house. “Now, my only question for you is...why did you leave? Did you not like being a model?” Luhan asked in pure curiosity.


Jin let the question linger so he could process it. “To be honest, the only reason for why we left was because of my mama. Not seeing her family in over fifteen years must’ve taken a big toll on her.”


Luhan nodded. “As for the modeling part,” Jin continued. “I..I actually loved it. I adored the people working there; my hairdresser Hoseok, Soyou and Hyorin noona, and of course Namjoonie. They were probably one of the few people who actually made me feel pretty inside and out.”


Luhan’s eyes sparkled in pure adoration. He pulled the younger into a hug and his purple locks. “Oh Jin, you have know idea how much joy that brings me to know that you are so happy.” He softened his voice. “I only hope that when you return, everyone will be waiting there to see you.”




One month later...


When Jin flopped down on his bed that night, he went ahead and pulled the letter from under his pillow. He had placed it there, thinking that if he did, he’d see his friends in his dreams. Cheesy. Jin kept rereading word for word about what how much they missed them.


“Miss you too guys,” he whispered before tucking it back under his pillow. As he laid down on the soft futon, he still couldn’t believe that a month had ended. Now that just meant that he would have only four more months until he had to go. In a way, Jin could hardly contain his excitement. It wasn’t long until Jin’s tired mind drifted off to sleep.




“Jin ge!”


Soft little footsteps pounded its way into his room and then a tiny little body flopped down on top of his body.


Jin grunted in his sleep, then pulled blanket away to see who the culprit was. “Ugh..Chang, what are you doing buddy?”


“Mama says that she wants all down for breakfast! Says she’s got a surprise! Do you think it could be candy Jin ge? Or cake?” The little child bounced excitedly on top of his older cousin.


Jin couldn’t help but smile before picking up the child, tickling him behind the ear, then proceeded on going downstairs.


“Aunty,” he sang, “what’s the surprise that’s got Chang thinking we’re having cake for breakfast?”


Meilin rushed over to Jin and trapped him, as well as her son, in a hug. “Oh Jinnie, sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us you were a model?”


Jin nearly dropped Chang. “Say what?”


“These came in the mail,” Hyosang waved around magazine catalogues with his face on them with one hand, while his other hand was carrying Fang.


“Lā shǐ,” Jin cursed under his breath. Luckily the children hadn’t heard him. He cleared his throat. “So um...yeah I’m a model. A-are you, surprised? Mortified?”


“Why on earth would we be mortified?” Jin’s grandmother exclaimed.


Jin shrugged. “Well, I just thought you guys didn’t really expect me to be in that kind of scene..”


Meilin and Yerin both chuckled. “Oh Jin,” his mother smiled tenderly. “don’t keep secrets, even from your Aunt and grandmother. We love you no matter what.”


Jin’s face finally cracked into a small smile. No more secrets I guess.


“Now,” Hui fang (his grandmother’s name) stated boldly. “Why don’t you start talking about this Namjoon fellow.”


Jin should definitely not keep any more secrets from his family.




“Well that was a dreadfully awkward morning,” Jin sighed as him and Tao started walking towards the breakfast house. Since it was Yifan and Luhan’s day off, the duo had invited them to hang around.


“Tell me about it,” Tao agreed, holding the door open for Jin. Seokjin smiled then stepped in, with Tao following suit.


“Ge ge~” Tao cooed as he walked over to his boyfriend, who in turn wrapped his arms around his waist and gave him a wet kiss. “Sup babe,” Yifan replied huskily.


Luhan gagged (in a very Yoongi sort of way in Jin’s opinion). “Ew, mushy session going on.”


Jin giggled and just walked over to Luhan, ignoring the couple on the other side of the diner. He sat down in the empty space next to Luhan, who looked like he was typing something on his laptop.


“What cha doing?” Jin asked leaning closer.


“Hm? Oh I was setting skype up, planning on talking to Sehun. Haven’t seen him in a month so...Oh! maybe you’ll get to see him too!”


Jin’s smiled only radiated more happiness. “I’d love to meet him.”


Luhan returned the smile, then pressed the phone icon. After a few momentary beeps, the video started up, revealing the face of Oh Sehun.


“Sehunnie~ can you hear me baby?” Luhan pouted, switching from Chinese to Korean.


“Yes ‘Han I can,” the man on the other end of the call answered. The first thing Jin noticed was that he had a cute little lisp.


“I’ll give you credit on timing, coach just gave us a ten minute break,” Sehun held his phone higher so that Jin and Luhan could see that full view of the dance room he was in.


“Awesome, which means I can have ten minutes of you all to myself,” Luhan replied flirtatiously, batting his sparkly eyes.


Sehun rolled his eyes, then turned to the side. “Yo Jimin hyung, I’m skyping my boo, wanna say hi?”


“Sure,” another, familiar voice suddenly stepped into frame. Jin’s eyes widened when he saw who it was.


“Luhan, this is Jimin hyung, he’s one of the assistant dance coaches. Jimin hyung, this is my boyfriend Luhan.”


“Halooo~” He replied cheerfully.


Jin nearly pushed Luhan out of the booth when he realized that it was in fact Park Jimin! “Ji-Jiminnie!” He pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.


From the eye Jimin’s eyes nearly bugged out of his eyes made it seem like he had pinched himself as well. “J-Jin hyung?! Holy , is that really you?!”


Jin nodded frantically. “It’s me, it’s me..!” He practically started kissing the screen of the computer, much to Luhan’s dismay.


“Yah!..friend of yours?” Luhan asked.


Jin nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me your boyfriend knew my friend?” He asked between tears of joys.


“Because he just introduced us?” Luhan reminded the excited latter.


“Hyung!” Jimin’s voice finally brought the duo back to the skype call. “Kookie’s in the other room finishing up another choreography, do you want to-”


“YES YES PUT HIM ON!” Jin all but yelled, jumping out of his seat.

“On it!..mind if I borrow this?” Jin watched as the screen shook, making him think that Jimin had taken Sehun’s phone and was running to reach his boyfriend.

Taoris probably had me cringing though lol. Next chapter is in the making loves so please be patient. Also, I meant to post this, but I forgot. If y'all would be so kind as to answer the poll below, that would be swell. Till then, I will see you in the next chapter!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*