Of Wine and Blush

You're Worth It

Finally got a chance to update loves! This chapter is going to be super mushy, just sayin'. Anyway, hope you like it. Enjoy! 


Seokjin trotted down the stairs, through the kitchen, then into the dining room. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Namjoon dressed in a black sweater with a white dress shirt underneath, a pair of black slacks, as well as some converses of his own. His platinum blonde hair was also styled upwards with a bit of mousse. If Jin weren’t so nervous, he probably would’ve died from how hot Namjoon looked right now. Instead, he walked into the dining with a shy smile on his face. Namjoon caught sight of him and smiled.




“Hi,” Seokjin blushed. “You look nice,” he added.


Namjoon nodded with a small, “thank you,” then handed him a bouquet of yellow roses. “Um, these are for you. Hope you like them.”


Seokjin’s eyes widened. He couldn’t help the joyous grin that formed on his lips as he accepted the beautiful array of flowers. There weren’t too much, maybe about fifteen or twenty, but they were all a bright happy yellow that smelled lovely. Jin bit his lip and started wiping his eyes when he felt moisture form in his tear ducts.


“Hey, are-are you crying?” Namjoon asked with a small hint of worry.


Jin shook his head. “No! I just had something in my eyes,” he sniffled.


Namjoon chuckled. He wiped away some of his stray tears that managed to fall with his thumb and smiled sweetly. “It’s only the first date and I already have you in tears. I’m pretty impressed with myself if you ask me.”


Jin giggled.


“So, is this the man that’s treating my baby to dinner?” Jin turned around and saw Yerin and his father, Jinyoung standing side by side.


Namjoon nodded. “Yes ma’am.”


Jinyoung cleared his throat. “Remember that he’s still my son. He may be older than you, but I assure you that he’s still the vulnerable little child that I raised to be a man. I won’t tolerate any ignorant, or even worse, ual business, do I make myself clear?”


“Appa!” Seokjin whined.


Namjoon was the only person who took his warning calmly. “Yes sir, I understand completely.”


Jinyoung nodded, seeming pleased. For now. Yerin on the other hand was excited for her son. “Well, I guess it’s time for you two to head off now.”


“Yes I agree too,” Jin said rather quickly, then grabbed Namjoon’s hand and started leading out the restaurant.


“Make sure you have him home by 10 P.M. No later than that!” Yerin added.


The two were already out the door, much to Jin’s relief. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” Jin apologized for his parents overprotectiveness.


Namjoon waved his hand dismissively. “Nah, it’s cool. They have a point. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to their small, vulnerable baby~” He tapped his cheek flirtatiously.


Jin playfully pushed his hand away with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Yah! Don’t go turning into them!”


Namjoon laughed, then opened the car door for Jin. “Alright. Now let’s go, we don’t want to be late.”


Jin got into the car, placed his bouquet in the backseat where they would be safe, then buckled up. Namjoon took the driver's seat, then finally drove down the road.


The drive didn’t last too long, which meant that it wasn’t that awkward either. The two were escorted into the restaurant, Bésame, then situated in their seats. Jin admired the room they were in in awe. The Italian restaurant had a warm and homey feeling, with candlelit tables covered in yellow-orange table cloths. Jin smiled as Namjoon pulled Jin’s chair out for him. “First the car and now this, gentleman much?” he teased.


Namjoon chuckled as he took his own seat. “What can I say, I’m just that polite.” He ran his fingers through his hair, smoldering.


A waiter arrived and handed them their menus. Namjoon eyed the array of food. “So, anything look good to you?”


Jin hummed. “Well...The zucchini ravioli sounds good. What about you?”


Namjoon's lips quirked. "I’ll have whatever you’re having."


After a small pause, Jin covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. "Pfft..! That was a little cliche, doing you think?


"Yah! It sounded less cheesy in my mind okay."


Jin shrugged then rested his chin in the palm of his hand. "Whatever," he sighed.


Namjoon suddenly grabbed the wine that was perched on the table, courtesy of the restaurant. "You can drink right?"


"Do I really look that young to you?" Jin questioned.


The platinum blonde haired man chuckled, then poured two glasses for them. He handed one to Jin, then held the other one up. "To..."


"Our first date?" Jin suggested.


Namjoon smiled adoringly at the man in front of him. "New beginnings."


The two clinked glasses and drank.


Once their dinner arrived, the duo started to create a light, carefree atmosphere. Namjoon was mentally patting himself on the back for ordering the same thing as Jin, because the zucchini ravioli was delicious.


Halfway through the meal, Namjoon thought it appropriate to get to know the man in front of him. Even though they had only met a few days ago, he felt as though there was something special about Jin. He was beautiful yes, but it almost felt like he knew that there was something more to Jin than meets the eye. Definately something more than looks.


He wanted to ask him. Ask him what there was about him that made him, well, Jin.


Instead, Namjoon cleaned his mouth with the napkin then randomly asked, "so, how old are you?"


Jin looked up at him with curious eyes, his cheeks puffy from stuffing at least three pieces of ravioli into his mouth, making him look like a hamster. He swallowed. "How old am I? Twenty-one, why?"


Namjoon's brows lifted in surprise. "Wow...I'm only twenty, so this is kinda awkward."


Jin giggled. "You don't act like you're twenty."


"How so?" He asked.


"Well, take me for instance, I'm a twenty-one year old who works at his family's restaurant, goes to community college, spends way too much of his time playing Mario kart, collecting fluffy alpaca plushies, and might I had, who also happens to be working part time as a magazine model. Whereas, you're a makeup artist who probably has a lot more experience with stuff than me."


Namjoon laughed once he finished. "Well, you practically answered every question I intended to ask you."


Jin gaped at him in mock offense. "That entire montage and that's all you have to say?"


Namjoon all but nodded, a smile still on his lips. "I just wanted to know about you, and only you."


Jin's eyes widened. The way Namjoon said only you caused his face to heat up. He fanned his cheeks and started gulping down the rest of his wine, which didn't help at all. Jin looked into Namjoon's eyes to see if he was joking about the only you part. When he looked up, Namjoon continued to look at him with tender and sincere eyes that were telling the truth. "Why-why me?" He asked in a small voice.




"I've only met you once, well technically thrice, and you're doing this for me. Why me? They're plenty of other guys out there who are probably prettier than me. You've heard what I said, I'm just normal."


Namjoon sighed. He stood up from his chair and approached Jin. He got down on one knee then took Jin's hand in his own. Before he knew it, Jin felt like his eyes were bugging out of his eyes as the man kneeling in front of him started peppering his fingers with small kisses. Each time his lips came in contact with his fingers sent a jolt of excitement all the way to his heart. And the blood to his cheeks.


Namjoon hummed then placed a final kiss on his pinkie. "I swear this is going to be the last time I'm going to say this. Kim Seokjin, you're probably one of the most beautiful person I've ever met, with or without makeup, nobody. You're smart, you're adorable, but most importantly, you're courageous. Not too many guys would have the guts to be in your shoes." He rubbed his thumb along the back of Jin's hand. "I want you to know Jin that I like you, quite a lot actually. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true. You're worth it, Kim Seokjin.


The entire time Najoon spoke, tears streamed down Jin's cheeks. His heart soared and his fingers tingled, wanting to reach out to Namjoon and kiss the day living lights out of him. Part of him said that now was the perfect opportunity, but the other part of him was saying that it was too early. He liked Namjoon, that was definite, and he now knew that he did as well. Something just felt like it was missing. Jin wiped his eyes and laughed breathlessly. He opened his mouth to say something, but Namjoon stopped him by placing a finger on his lips.


In a low voice, he said, "not here. There's one more place I want to take you."




Namjoon drove a couple blocks down the road, before stopping at a random area. As he got out to get the door for Jin, the other individual couldn't control his heart rate. Multiple thoughts buzzed through his mind. Oh my god, is he gonna kiss me, or does he want to...His thoughts were interrupted as Namjoon grabbed his hand and escorted him out of the car.


Namjoon led him to the center of a small part of town. Nearby shops were still lit on the outside, illuminating the cobblestone path in front of them. He stopped when they reached their destinations. In the center of the cul de sac was a fountain. The pristine water sprayed into the air, and caught the glow of the fairy lights hanging above them, making it look like diamonds shimmering in the water. But what made it even more stunning was the array of lotus flower candles floating about in the water. Jin swore he had never seen anything more beautiful than that (well except the man who brought him there of course).


He sat down on the ledge and looked in the water. “It’s so beautiful,” he whispered under his breath. Namjoon had obvioiusly heard his little voice. He sat down next to him and admired the way the candle’s gentle glow illuminated Jin’s flawless skin. “Isn’t it?” Of course, he may have been talking about the man sitting beside him, instead of the candles. Faking a cough, he caught Jin’s attention. “You know, they say if you light one of the candles and make a wish, it’s suppose to come true.”


Jin’s face lit up with delight. “Can we make a wish?” He asked excitingly.


Namjoon replied with a smile. He reached into his pocket, grabbed the lighter he always carried around with him, and handed it to Jin. As much as there were many things Jin wanted to wish for, he wanted to stick with only one; I wish for Namjoon and I to become something more. He carefully stretched his arm over the water and lit one of the unlit candles.


Jin passed the lighter to Namjoon, and watched as he lit a candle for himself. The two males watched as their lotus flowers floated ight next to each other. Namjoon flashed Jin a smile, then reached for his hand. He laced their fingers together, causing Jin to blush for the umpteenth time the entire night. If Namjoon didn't know better, Jin probably would've looked like he was wearing actual rouge on his cheeks.


"Should we go?" he asked.


Jin shook his head. He rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder and whispered, "stay." And so they did.


For the rest of the time, Namjoon either played with Jin's fingers or his hair. He noticed a faint scent wafting behind his ears. Something lavandery. "You wearing cologne?" He asked.


Seokjin nodded. "Minji suggested it."


"Remind me to thank her, it suits you."


Jin buried his face in Namjoon's shoulder in embarrassment.


"It does, I'm serious!" Namjoon persisted.


After a bit, Jin figured it was time to go. But before he told Namjoon, he wanted to ask one question he'd been meaning to ask.


"I'm not the only guy you've dated right?"


Namjoon turned to the man next to him whose fingers we're still laced with his. "Well, yeah actually. But that doesn't mean what I said wasn't real!"


Jin nodded in understandment. "So, when did you find out that you liked boys?”


That question caught Namjoon off guard. "I guess I always sort of knew,” he replied vaguely. “There were times when I'd force myself to date a girl, but there just wasn't that kind of feeling I was looking for, you know. I was never interested. How about you, when did you find out?


Jin shrugged. "I don't really know. It just came to me. I was never interested in girls, no matter how many times Appa wanted me to. I tried, but just like you said, there wasn't any initial feeling. Whenever I looked at Jimin and Kookie, they would  always look so happy. So loving towards one another. I wanted to have the kind of relationship.


Namjoon eyes softened. He nuzzled the top of his head and took in his scent. "You can now."


Jin looked up at gazed into Namjoon's deep brown eyes. Time slowed down for the two of them. They didn't even realized that they were starting to lean in closer to one another. Namjoon's breath ghosted over Jin's lips for about a minute, before a ringtone interrupted the two.


"Son of a..." Jin mumbled bad words under his breath as he begrudgingly fished his phone out of his pocket. "What?!" He asked a little too harshly. His expression changed from annoyed to sheepish when he found out who was talking to him. "Oh Umma! Ani, I wasn't mad. Wh- No Namjoon did not do anything to make me mad! It's only nine though...but..Ugh, alright alright, I'll be right there. Okay, love you, bye."


He turned back to Namjoon with an apologetic smile. "That was Umma, she called to ask me to come home."


Namjoon nodded. "I had a feeling. Alright come on," he stood up. "Let's take you home."


The duo walked back to the car hand in hand. "Oh!" Jin suddenly exclaimed. "You never told me your wish!"


Namjoon chuckled, then kissed his cheek. "If I told you, it wouldn't come true."


With that, they got into the car and drove off. I wish for the man I love to realize how much he means to me.




Turned out, it was already half past ten once they got back. Screw traffick. Jin unbuckled his belt, then got out of the car with Namjoon. The lights inside the restaurant were all turned off. Jin turned to Namjoon one last time, and smiled.


"I want to thank you for a wonderful evening. It meant a lot."


Namjoon nodded in agreement. "Maybe when I get the chance, we can have dinner at your place. On the house of course.”


Jin chuckled my lightly pushing Namjoon on the shoulder. "Don't expect a second date to come that easily!"


"So, next time?" Namjoon asked in hope.


Jin thought about it. "Next time."


Namjoon smiled brightly. He pulled Jin into an embrace. When he pulled away, his gaze once again flickered towards the elder's lips.


"Are you gonna kiss me?" Jin asked.


"If you want."


Jin started blushing furiously again. "I-I mean if it's alright with you, I can wait, there’s nothing wrong with that!"


Namjoon started laughing, much to Jin's annoyance. "You really are adorable Jin, I swear to god." He stopped laughing then pressed his forehead against his. "When you're ready. I want your first kiss to be perfect, more than anything.


With that, Namjoon pulled away and got in his car. Before driving off, he lowered the window and said, "next time Seokjin, remember that!" Namjoon finally put the car in drive and drove off.

Jin watched lovingly as Namjoon drove away. After a minute or so, he turned around and walked inside. After changing out of his clothes, he laid down on his bed, alpaca in his arms, and stared up at the ceiling with a goofy grin stuck on his face, while thinking about tonight's events and others that were sure to happen very soon.


*Tear Tear Crai Crai* ughghghghg this chapter was way too cute for my own good!!  I promise you guys more is going to happen. I can't tell you anything yet, but I will keep updating. My general updates will probably happen during the weekends..Hopefully I can get the chance. Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed this very very cheesy chapter :3 

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*