
It's You

It has already been a month since they knew each other and they got really close. Hyoyeon was still living in Eunhyuk's apartment.

One day, Doojoon came over to invite Hyoyeon since it was Eunhyuk's birthday. Hyoyeon just got back from work at that time.

"Why are you inviting me? Is it okay with him?" she asked.

"Yeah he actually told me to invite you." he answered.

She nodded and went to her room and changed. After an hour of preparing herself they were now on their way.

Their ride was quiet only the music was playing. Suddenly SuperJunior's Reset started to play (lol this is totally random we were actually on our way to a party and I was typing this through my ipod and that was the song that was playing at that time :p) and it made both of them a little bit sentimental. Doojoon remembered his bestfriend whom he loved more than a friend and Hyoyeon remembered her family back at the orphanage. It was traffic so their ride to the venue took longer than expected.

"I don't have any gift." she suddenly said.

"It's okay he doesn't want any anyway. He's not into material things since he's a wealthy guy."

"He's wealthy?"

"Wae? He doesn't look like one?" Doojoon curiously asked.

"No he looks simple.” she answered. “So that's why he's so carefree."

"He sure is carefree but he's a responsible guy and you can always count on him."

"Hey! can I change the song?" Hyoyeon suddenly asked. Doojoon's iPod was actually playing.

"Sure the password's ****." he said.

Hyoyeon took it and typed the password she scrolled down the songs and one song caught her attention. She then played that song.

"I didn't know you were into this kind of songs." she said as she started to sing along.

Doojoon wanted to stop the song but he heard her sing along so he didn't. He didn't want anyone to know that he was into love songs (hehe I don't know if guys listen to this kind of songs. Let's just say that in Hyoyeon's  POV she thinks that guys doesn't listen to love songs :p)

"So you like slow songs as well." she said as she saw another one of her favorite song.

"Yah! Just don't tell anyone." he firmly stated.

"Why?" she curiously asked.

"Because my friends might think that I'm a soft guy."

"What's wrong with that? It's not like you're gay right?"

"I'm straight." he retorted.

"If you say so." she teased.

After a few minutes Hyoyeon fell asleep since they were barely moving and the songs playing made her even sleepier that she eventually went to dreamland. Doojoon glanced at her since he noticed that she stopped singing along then he saw that she was peacefully sleeping. A smiled formed on his lips.

After an hour they finally reached their destination.

They were now walking towards the door. Hyoyeon saw a lot of people some were formal, mostly elders probably his relatives or their business partners. Then she saw people around the same age as her and younger.

Eunhyuk saw them and he waved at them while he was walking towards them.

"Glad you could make it." he said as he smiled.

"Happy Birthday hyung." Doojoon said as they did something like a brotherly hug.

"Happy Birthday!" Hyoyeon greeted.

"Thanks." he said then he shook hands with her.

Eunhyuk dragged them along and introduced Hyoyeon to his closest friends. There were a total of 13 guys and 8 girls. His group warmly welcomed her. She immediately became comfortable with the girls since they were so friendly. They made her feel like she was part of the group.

"Well excuse me, I'll go meet the other guests." he said then walked towards the people who just came in.

"Woah I never knew that he was this rich." Hyoyeon mumbled as she looked around the venue. Unfortunately they heard her. The girls giggled at her reaction.

“So how’d you know oppa?” a tall girl asked. She was thin and had long hair and she was tall.

“She had known him through me.” butted Doojoon.

“So you’re Doojoon oppa’s friend.” a girl with a short hair said with matching aegyo.

She comfortably talked to them for a while. Of course Doojoon was there talking to the guys.

The venue was actually Eunhyuk's house. It's so big that it has different venue rooms. Their house can be considered like a hotel already, well at least that's what Hyoyeon thought.

Then Doojoon excused themselves and he introduced her to his group once he saw them arriving.

“Gikwang imnida.”

“Junhyung imnida but you can call me Joker if you like.” he said.

Hyoyeon smiled at his introduction.

“I’m Dongwoon the maknae.”

“I’m Yoseob and I’m the cutest.” he said with matching aegyo.

“Hyunseung imnida.”

After meeting them she immediately got close with Yoseob since he was super friendly and he talked to her a lot.

Finally, the program had started and there were special performances while the guests were eating. Eunhyuk had prepared a special number, he sang a song until the first chorus then a hip hop song played and he started to dance and after the first song his friends came in and joined him. Hyoyeon can't help but watch, her eyes seemed to have been glued to him.

After the program the party was still formal because the elders were still there and mostly it was his parent’s friends and business partners and of course some of his relatives. But once they had left, the party turned into how their age defines partying. Loud music was playing and people were dancing and some were drinking. But it's not a ‘wild party’ there's just loud music playing and people drinking while chatting. Hyoyeon told Doojoon that she wanted to go home already since it was getting late and she doesn't drink.

"Arasso then let's say goodbye. I'll take you home." he said as he stood up and she followed.

They bid goodbye to Eunhyuk.

"Don't you want to stay for a little while longer?" he asked.

"Anio thanks again and happy birthday." Hyoyeon said.

"Arasso take care." he said then went back to partying.

They were already at the door when Hyoyeon saw someone familiar.





~here's an update though I still feel sick i felt like updating hehe :p I hope you like it please leave comments  ^^

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parkhyojin169 #1
Wow wow wow
Chapter 31: Sooo good~ :D I hope you'll update soon!
im doohyo shipper :D
so, of course i love all their skinship here..
but, there are less skinship bout them.. :'(
i wish hyo is not jonnie sis..
please dont make hyo junghye's daughter, jebal!!!
update more :))
sugarsong #4
oh!my. just like my heart broken.
Don't teel me that kid is hyukjae and gyuri's child.
please update ASAP.
Thank you.
hey guys! I hope you can read this... anyway thank you for the comments it makes my day and it gives me inspiration.... I'm currently working on the next chapter :p it's nice to know that you guys are still reading this... once again thank you :)
b2stie #6
whoa. i havent been updated with this fic. its been long. xD But lets see, dont tell me hyoyeon is junhye's daughter. T.T OMG. SHE KISSED EUNHYUK but on the cheek. xD Poor dujun, i kinda have a feeling that hyoyeon will be his sister. o.O Didnt eunhyuk had a kid with gyuri? OMG! Ahhhh!
._. I hope the commenters below are wrong. I really hope it isn't her baby. I wouldn't know what to think.
plzz dont let Ha Eun be Hyuk's and Gyuri's daughter D:
that'd break Hyo's heart T.T
update soon ^^
tthnguyen #9
I guess Gyuri's child is Ha Eun right??
Update Soon!! Can't wait to find out what would happen!! ^^
sugarsong #10
please update.
I'm still waiting for your update.