The Truth

It's You


“Like I said, before I leave I want us to be friends again.” she started off again.

“You broke up with me because you’re leaving? And now you want us to be friends again?” he asked obviously angry.

“I have my own reason for breaking up with you.” she stated.

“Then tell me so I would understand then I might consider being friends with you again.”

“I just don’t love you anymore.” she said as her voice cracked, obviously she was trying her best to stop her tears from falling. She must look convincing but from her voice it’s evident that it’s the opposite.

“You expect me to believe that crap? I’m not stupid and I can feel that you don’t want to, so tell me the truth now.” he said he’s almost about to explode but he’s restraining himself since they were in a public place.

“Please don’t make this hard for me.”

“You’re the one doing that. All I’m asking is for you to tell me the truth.” he said.

“Why won’t you believe me? Why else would a person want a break up?”

“Arasso if that’s what you want fine. We’ll be friends again so you can leave now. I’ve had enough of this talk.” he said and left.

Gyuri held a sigh when he left. She wanted to cry but she tried her best not to. She needs to compose herself. She asked for the bill.

The whole time they were talking Hyoyeon was watching them. She gave Gyuri the check and she saw that her eyes were swelling up. She wanted to ask if she was okay but she couldn’t. She walked away and gave the cashier her payment. Gyuri was about to leave when his uncle saw her and called her attention. Hyoyeon was cleaning a table at that time and she was still watching her. She saw Gyuri embraced her uncle and from the looks of it she was crying. The owner said something to Gyuri and they went to his office which was located upstairs.

Hyoyeon heard some of her co-workers gossiping about her. She can’t help but stop them.

“We should respect their privacy.” she simply stated.

“Do you know anything?” they asked.

She shook her head and left them and went to welcome another customer that arrived.

After a while her shift was over and she changed into her casual clothes and headed out, at the same time she saw Gyuri leaving. She wanted to approach her but she doesn’t want to look like she’s butting into their lives so she went her way and headed home.

When she got home she saw someone sitting in front of her door. His knees were pulled up and his head was bowed down and he was hugging his knees. And it looked like he had been there for a while now. She approached the person and when he looked up she saw Eunhyuk.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

“Can we go inside its really cold?” he asked as he pointed to the door.

Hyoyeon took her key and opened the door. Eunhyuk followed and he sat on the couch.

“Do you want anything like coffee or tea?” she asked.

“Anything as long as it’s warm.”

Hyoyeon made coffee for the both of them. Once it was done she went to the living room and gave him his drink and she sat beside him.

“I don’t want to be rude or anything but why are you here?” she asked.

“I don’t want to go home just yet. Sorry I was just used to go here when I’m sad. This place is like my escape pod.”

“What happened? I actually saw everything.” she truthfully stated.

“I told you I’ll tell you when we’re close.” he said as he smiled.

She was about to say something when Eunhyuk’s phone rang. He looked at the caller and he just rejected the call. Then it rang again so he just turned it off. Then Hyoyeon’s phone rang, she immediately answered it.


“Is Eunhyuk there? I really need to talk to him right now.” the voice on the other line said.

“Yeah.” she answered.

“Okay don’t let him leave. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” he said as he hung up.

Hyoyeon was now confused, what’s happening? She thought.

“Who was that?” Eunhyuk curiously asked.

“Just a co-worker of mine.” she lied.

After a while someone knocked on the door. Hyoyeon went to open the door and Doojoon barged in and went straight to Eunhyuk. He grabbed him by the collar. Hyoyeon was taken aback by his action.

“What is wrong with you?” Eunhyuk asked as he tried to calm him down.

Hyoyeon also tried to calm Doojoon but he just won’t listen and just looked at Eunhyuk with fury in his eyes.

“I should be the one asking you that.” he said.

“Okay just calm down first violence won’t solve anything.” Hyoyeon butted in. She took Doojoon’s arm and tried her best to get his grip away from Eunhyuk. After a few minutes of calming Doojoon he finally did and he let go of Eunhyuk. He sat down on the couch and sighed. Hyoyeon gave him a glass of water.

“Now tell us what happened?” she calmly asked.

“It’s about Gyuri.” he said as he looked at him.

Eunhyuk just avoided his gaze and Hyoyeon was really confused she doesn’t know anything so she can’t really relate.

“I have nothing to do with her anymore.” he said.

“How could you? She’s pregnant and you don’t even freaking care?” he asked as he was fuming.

“Bwoh?” was all that came out from Eunhyuk’s mouth. He had no idea that she was pregnant and more importantly he was thinking how did that happen.

“Taeyeon called me and told me that news.”

“I have no idea.” was all Eunhyuk could say. He felt guilty getting mad and almost shouting at her earlier.

Hyoyeon was shocked.

“You have no idea? What kind of boyfriend are you? I entrusted my bestfriend to you and that’s just what you’re gonna do to her?”

“Hey! I haven’t done anything to her she was the one who wanted the break up and you know that because I told you what happened. Besides we didn’t do anything so how did she end up getting pregnant? Did you talk to her and confirm it?”

“No how will I be able to confirm when she had already left?”

“She already left? But I just saw her a while ago before I got home.” Hyoyeon suddenly butted in.

The two boys looked at her.

“Where did you last see her?” Eunhyuk asked.

“At the restaurant, she left the same time I left.”

Eunhyuk immediately left and Doojoon followed and Hyoyeon was dragged along.










~here's an update.... ^^

~He finally knew the truth :p will he see her again? please leave comments ^^

~thanks for subscribing and commenting ^^ saranghaeyo

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parkhyojin169 #1
Wow wow wow
Chapter 31: Sooo good~ :D I hope you'll update soon!
im doohyo shipper :D
so, of course i love all their skinship here..
but, there are less skinship bout them.. :'(
i wish hyo is not jonnie sis..
please dont make hyo junghye's daughter, jebal!!!
update more :))
sugarsong #4
oh!my. just like my heart broken.
Don't teel me that kid is hyukjae and gyuri's child.
please update ASAP.
Thank you.
hey guys! I hope you can read this... anyway thank you for the comments it makes my day and it gives me inspiration.... I'm currently working on the next chapter :p it's nice to know that you guys are still reading this... once again thank you :)
b2stie #6
whoa. i havent been updated with this fic. its been long. xD But lets see, dont tell me hyoyeon is junhye's daughter. T.T OMG. SHE KISSED EUNHYUK but on the cheek. xD Poor dujun, i kinda have a feeling that hyoyeon will be his sister. o.O Didnt eunhyuk had a kid with gyuri? OMG! Ahhhh!
._. I hope the commenters below are wrong. I really hope it isn't her baby. I wouldn't know what to think.
plzz dont let Ha Eun be Hyuk's and Gyuri's daughter D:
that'd break Hyo's heart T.T
update soon ^^
tthnguyen #9
I guess Gyuri's child is Ha Eun right??
Update Soon!! Can't wait to find out what would happen!! ^^
sugarsong #10
please update.
I'm still waiting for your update.