Rainy Night

It's You

Hyoyeon was walking the busy streets once again. She found a street food vendor so she went near him and bought food. She only had small amount of money so she just bought one. After eating she walked to who knows where while looking for a temporary place to stay.

It was already a bit late when Eunhyuk decided to go home. He bid goodbye to his friend whom he was glad was always there for him. Doojoon listened to all his blabbering the whole day. He rode his car and drove off. It suddenly rained when he was already near his house.

“Aish Kim Hyoyeon it’s already raining where are you supposed to go? You were stupid to leave the orphanage without even having a place to stay.” she said as she face palmed herself. She was standing at the bus stop to have shelter from the rain until it stops pouring.

Eunhyuk stopped since the stop light was red and he saw a girl face palming herself. He laughed at her then looked back on the road. He saw that the girl was still there continuing on hitting herself then he found her familiar. He parked his car in front of her.

Hyoyeon was hitting herself endlessly until she saw a man standing in front of her.


“What are you doing here?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Why are you here, we broke up already right? So why do you care?” the girl answered back.

“Does that mean that we can’t be friends as well?” he asked.

The girl looked at him with teary eyes. She stood up and started to walk away. Eunhyuk grab hold of her wrist and made her face him.

“What do you want?!” she shouted.

“A-are you drunk?” he asked as he went near her and smelled alcohol.

“What’s it to you? I told you to leave me alone.” she said.

“I’m taking you home.” he said as he pulled her towards the car and pushed her inside. He placed the seatbelt on her and ran as fast as he could to the driver’s seat so she couldn’t run away. He started the engine and drove off.

The girl had no choice so she sat there completely ignoring him. Their ride on the way home was totally quiet. He stopped the car when they reached her house. The girl immediately got out and stormed of inside her house. Eunhyuk just watched her inside his car when he was sure that she was inside he left. Once she saw that Eunhyuk had left she plopped herself to bed and covered her face with her arm.


Hyoyeon was running under the rain. She didn’t bother to look back because she was afraid. She didn’t care if she was soaking wet. She was able to hide behind a dumpster. She peeked to see if those guys were still following her. When she was sure that the coast was clear she went back to the bus stop. She saw a guy standing there holding her bag. She quietly and slowly turned back. The guy saw her and shouted.

“Yah!’’ he said as he saw Hyoyeon who was now running, he ran after her bringing along her bag.

He finally caught up with her.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

Hyoyeon was panting hard when she heard a familiar voice and so she looked back. She saw Doojoon and she just suddenly hugged him. Doojoon was shocked but he hugged her back. When she was finally calm and stopped crying she broke the hug. Doojoon took her home first he didn’t ask what happened. He lent her clothes since almost all of her clothes got wet.

They were now sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate which Doojoon had made.

“What happened? What were you doing under the rain? and why did you leave your bag.” he asked.

“I was just at the bus stop having shelter since it suddenly rained and I have no umbrella. Then a group of guys stood in front of me, they were kinda drunk. One almost touched me but I jerked his hand away and I ran from them.” she answered as she shivered over the thought of it.

“They weren’t able to touch you, right?” he asked worriedly.

“Ani. Sorry you also got wet since I ran away from you.” she said as she changed the topic. She didn’t want to remember it.

“Tomorrow we’ll look for a place you can stay.” he said sternly.

“I can handle myself.” she stubbornly answered.

“Look what happened earlier? It was a good thing you were able to run. I’ll help you and that’s final. You should rest now.” he said as he stood up.

Hyoyeon stood up as well and headed to Doojoon’s room.

“Good night.” he said.

“Good night.” Hyoyeon answered and then she closed the door.

Doojoon sat on the couch and called someone.

“Are you currently staying in your apartment? Mind if I borrow it?” he asked. He paused since the person on the other line was talking. “Thanks see you tomorrow then.” he said then hang up. After the phone call he slept.





~here's an update hehe ^^ hope you like it

~by the way who do you think was Eunhyuk's ex? any suggestion... I actually have someone in mind already but I might change it if you have any suggestions ^^

~thank you for subscribing and commenting it's what inspired me to update ^^ please continue to leave comments :)

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parkhyojin169 #1
Wow wow wow
Chapter 31: Sooo good~ :D I hope you'll update soon!
im doohyo shipper :D
so, of course i love all their skinship here..
but, there are less skinship bout them.. :'(
i wish hyo is not jonnie sis..
please dont make hyo junghye's daughter, jebal!!!
update more :))
sugarsong #4
oh!my. just like my heart broken.
Don't teel me that kid is hyukjae and gyuri's child.
please update ASAP.
Thank you.
hey guys! I hope you can read this... anyway thank you for the comments it makes my day and it gives me inspiration.... I'm currently working on the next chapter :p it's nice to know that you guys are still reading this... once again thank you :)
b2stie #6
whoa. i havent been updated with this fic. its been long. xD But lets see, dont tell me hyoyeon is junhye's daughter. T.T OMG. SHE KISSED EUNHYUK but on the cheek. xD Poor dujun, i kinda have a feeling that hyoyeon will be his sister. o.O Didnt eunhyuk had a kid with gyuri? OMG! Ahhhh!
._. I hope the commenters below are wrong. I really hope it isn't her baby. I wouldn't know what to think.
plzz dont let Ha Eun be Hyuk's and Gyuri's daughter D:
that'd break Hyo's heart T.T
update soon ^^
tthnguyen #9
I guess Gyuri's child is Ha Eun right??
Update Soon!! Can't wait to find out what would happen!! ^^
sugarsong #10
please update.
I'm still waiting for your update.