Getting To Know Each Other

It's You


"How may I help you?" asked Hyoyeon.

"May I know who are you? Are you staying there?" she politely asked.

"Yes I'm renting for this place." she answered.

"Well sorry to bother you." she said as she walked away.

"What was that all about?" she asked then she went back inside and took a bath. After an hour she was ready to head out and look for a job. She finally was able to find one after almost half the day. She will be working on a restaurant as a waitress for now since she can't be picky. She'll look for another job when she has enough savings. She was able to ask for an advance payment and so now she's at the grocery store getting necessary things she needs. When she got back she saw a familiar person standing in front of her door. She walked pass the person and opened her door.

"Why are you here?" she asked as she got inside.

"Are you living with Eunhyuk?" the girl suddenly asked.

"Anio I leave alone. Are you related to him?" she asked.

"Never mind. Don't tell him that I stopped by. Sorry to bother you." the girl said as she bowed and then left.

"Jakkaman.” Hyoyeon suddenly said.

“Just for you to know I have no relationship with him and nor am I related to him in any way.” she said. She didn’t know why she said that but she just had the feeling that the girl has a special relationship with him.

The girl just smiled at her, but her smile had a hint of sadness in it. When the girl was gone she went inside and arranged her groceries. After that she prepared her dinner. She was peacefully eating when someone knocked on the door. She looked through the peephole and she saw Doojoon so she opened the door.

“Good evening!” he greeted.

Hyoyeon greeted back and let him inside. Doojoon took off his shoes and closed the door behind him and followed her to the kitchen. She placed another plate opposite of her and signaled Doojoon to eat. He gladly accepted.

“Sorry I wasn’t able to stop by and help yesterday. So how’s your stay? Did my hyung help you?” he asked.

“Hyung? You mean to tell me he’s older than you?” she asked surprised.

“Yeah but he doesn’t act like one, right?” he said.

Hyoyeon nodded in agreement.

“So did he or did he not?” he asked again.

“I didn’t let him. Oh! And by the way I found a job and I can repay you easily. And when I have enough money I’ll be leaving.” she answered.

“Arasso but you don’t need to pay me.” he said.

“I will and that’s final.” she strictly said.

“Okay I guess I can’t protest.” he said and they continued to eat in silence.

After eating Doojoon helped her clean and after that they went to the living room. Hyoyeon wanted to ask Doojoon about the girl that came by today but she remembered that she didn’t want Eunhyuk to know that she came. And she thought that Doojoon might tell him. She also find the girl familiar like she’s already seen her before but shrugged it off since she grew up in the orphanage how would she know someone like her.

“Hey! can I ask you something?” she suddenly said out of the blue.

“Well you’re already asking.” he pointed out. “What is it?”

“Why did you help me? I mean we don’t know each other and all. Or are you just that nice?”

Doojoon kept silent for a while before he answered. He thought about it and he didn’t really know the answer.

“To be honest I also don’t know. I guess when I saw you three times that night I thought that they wanted me to help you.”

“Well it’s rare to see guys like you around nowadays.” she truthfully stated.

“I know right?” he joked.

“Uhm..can… can we be friends?” he asked shyly.

“Sure why not?” Hyoyeon answered as she gave a smile.

Doojoon held out his hand to shake and Hyoyeon shook it.

“So you grew up in the orphanage, right?” he asked.

“Yeah and I think I was also born there. Well that’s what the sisters told me. My mom asked if she could stay there until she could give birth apparently she and my dad were not married and she left me there.” she said.

“Why did she have to leave you?” he asked.

“I don’t know that’s the only thing I know ‘cause that’s the only thing they told me.”

“Don’t you want to look for them?”

“Nah I don’t need to. They didn’t want me so why would I bother look for them and I don’t think my dad knows I even exist.”

“They’re still your parents.” he said.

“Let’s not talk about that. How about you?” she asked.

“Well I live by myself since I left home.” he answered.

“Why did you leave?”

“I just want to live on my own since my parents are always away.”

“So how old were you when you left?”

“When I was about to graduate high school.”

“What did your parents say?”

“Nothing they just let me be.”

“Really? They allowed you just like that with no condition or anything?” she asked curiously. She watches a lot of dramas and based from what she watched when a person leaves home there’s like a condition or something.

“Nothing they just let me be.”

“Wow you’re parents are cool. Usually it’s like you have to take over the company or something like that.”

“Are you talking about dramas?” he asked.

“Yeah how’d you know? Are you watching as well?”

“Ani but my friend does. Oh and it’s not Eunhyuk.” he defended.

“I don’t think it’s in his personality to watch those kind of things.”

They comfortably talked and they got to know each other more.







~updated... ^^ sorry if it's a bit boring I'm not feeling well today.... anyway please leave comments ^^

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parkhyojin169 #1
Wow wow wow
Chapter 31: Sooo good~ :D I hope you'll update soon!
im doohyo shipper :D
so, of course i love all their skinship here..
but, there are less skinship bout them.. :'(
i wish hyo is not jonnie sis..
please dont make hyo junghye's daughter, jebal!!!
update more :))
sugarsong #4
oh!my. just like my heart broken.
Don't teel me that kid is hyukjae and gyuri's child.
please update ASAP.
Thank you.
hey guys! I hope you can read this... anyway thank you for the comments it makes my day and it gives me inspiration.... I'm currently working on the next chapter :p it's nice to know that you guys are still reading this... once again thank you :)
b2stie #6
whoa. i havent been updated with this fic. its been long. xD But lets see, dont tell me hyoyeon is junhye's daughter. T.T OMG. SHE KISSED EUNHYUK but on the cheek. xD Poor dujun, i kinda have a feeling that hyoyeon will be his sister. o.O Didnt eunhyuk had a kid with gyuri? OMG! Ahhhh!
._. I hope the commenters below are wrong. I really hope it isn't her baby. I wouldn't know what to think.
plzz dont let Ha Eun be Hyuk's and Gyuri's daughter D:
that'd break Hyo's heart T.T
update soon ^^
tthnguyen #9
I guess Gyuri's child is Ha Eun right??
Update Soon!! Can't wait to find out what would happen!! ^^
sugarsong #10
please update.
I'm still waiting for your update.