
Letting You Go


The next morning, you were woken up by a huge weight that landed like a bomb on your stomach. You groggily opened one of your eyes and saw Minhyuk happily sitting on top of you.

“Good morning, baby boy. Why aren’t you asleep?” Your voice still laced thickly with sleep. You closed your eyes again, letting the sleepiness overtake you, but was abruptly brought back out of your sleep by Minhyuk who had taken to bouncing on his spot on your stomach.

“Wakey, mommy!” He said while continuing to bounce on top of you. Thankfully, he didn’t weigh that much or you’d definitely be in a lot of pain right now. You reached up and pulled him down into a hug. “You should go back to sleep and let mommy sleep a little longer.” You mumbled into his hair.

Minhyuk struggled weakly against your hold and half-whined, “Hungry, mommy.”

You stayed still for a couple more seconds before you gave in to him. “Aigoo! Okok, mommy’s awake. Lets go make some breakfast for my baby boy, ok? But first, you have to brush your teeth!” You held him tightly and padded off to the bathroom.

“Hmm.. what shall we have today? Should we have pancakes?” You opened the overhead cupboards and looked at what you had.

“Yay! Pancakes!” Minhyuk clapped excitedly.

You laughed at his adorable mannerisms. “Alright, pancakes it is then!” You proclaimed and proceeded to take the flour and other ingredients out.

“Slow down, Minnie. You need to chew your food before you swallow.” You watched him fill his mouth with food until his cheeks were puffed out. You couldn’t help but chuckle because he really resembled a hamster. He also kind of reminded you of Jinki and Taemin when they ate.

With that thought still lingering on your mind, you took your phone and secretly took a picture of him before sending it to Kibum, with the caption – ‘Reminds you of anyone?’

You were about to put the phone back on the table when you decided to send Jinki another text to check on him as well.


To: Jinki Oppa

Oppa! This is -------. How are you feeling?? Quickly get well so that I can see you again! I miss you~!!!!


You gave the text a once over before sending it and to your surprise, received a text back almost immediately. You opened it and saw it was from Kibum.


From: Cupcake

Aww!! My baby boy is too cute and too perfect!! He does resemble Taemin when he sees food though.. doesn’t he? T.T Anyway, got to go pumpkin! I’m in the middle of recording now. I’ll call you later when I’m done! Miss you!


To: Cupcake

Yes he does! Jinki oppa as well! Ok, miss you too! Do well for your recording! ^^


You typed back a quick reply and turned your attention back to Minhyuk, who had by now, stopped stuffing food into his mouth and was working on munching and swallowing his food.

“Minnie?” You called to get his attention and he looked up at you, face still intently focused on chewing.

You couldn’t help but laugh again. “I told you not to force so much food into your mouth at once right?” You chided softly as you went to him and gave him his juicebox. He took small sips of the juice and quickly managed to swallow the rest of the food.

“Aigoo! Don’t eat so fast next time ok? You can choke on your food!” You wagged your finger at him.

“Neh, omma.” He said, looking just very slightly guilty and you knew that he would definitely be doing this again.

You shook your head. “Anyway, you remember Soojin imo right?”

He looked at you and nodded.

“Do you think she is nice?”

He nodded again. “Neh!”

“Ok, mommy needs to go out later for a while so Soojin imo will be coming over to look after you. I’ll only be gone for a little while, so be a good boy and don’t make things difficult for Soojin imo, alright?” You knew that he generally never misbehaved but he did have moments where he would throw small tantrums and you didn’t want Soojin to have to deal with that.

“Neh.” He nodded in agreement but you could tell that he wasn’t too happy that you were going to be leaving him.

“Ok, if you're good, mommy will buy some ice-cream back for you. How does that sound?” His face lit up instantly at the mention of ice-cream.

“Ok! I’ll be good.” He beamed up at you.

“Promise?” You held out your pinkie towards him and he immediately hooked his pinkie around yours.

“Promise!” He chimed.

“Ok, come on. Lets get these cleaned up so we can get you all showered and changed by the time Soojin imo comes over.” You cooed as you reached over and took Minhyuk’s plate, as well as yours, and headed into the kitchen.

“Omma?” Minhyuk called out while you were washing his back for him.


“When can we see appas again?” He asked innocently.

“Does Minhyukkie miss appas already?” You turned him around to face you so that you could see his expression.

He nodded with a cute pout on his lips.

You chuckled as you rinsed the shampoo and soap suds off his body. “I’ll talk to your appas and see when we can meet them but remember that your appas are very busy so we cannot always disturb them, ok?”  

“Neh!” He started clapping again.

You smiled down at him and tried to hold him in place so that you could rinse him off properly. 



Ok, back to proper length chapters.

Brain cells are sort of dying but I'm already writing up the next chapter :) 

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14 streak #1
Chapter 109: Awwww kibum xD my feels for taemin ><
Chapter 109: Haha I just read this fic again. XD well, starting from when Kibum comes in.

It's just so good.
Chapter 106: This is the last chapter? Noooooo~~

I mean, it was great, but I wanted them to reunite.

Just so you know, if you write a sequel, I would definitely read it. XD
Demilee_16 #4
Chapter 34: If key really did have an appartment like that I would be like "can I pwease~ stay with you??"
Chapter 106: I honestly read this story over 8 times
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #6
Thank you for writing such an amazing fic. I loved the ending with so many things popsicle. <3
I can't believe it ended already. It seems like a few days since I first read this fic, but in reality it has been a year. I also can't believe that I waited for your updates all through out my last year of high school. I've been a ghost reader then a nice one who leaves flattering comments then a ghost reader again. Do you still remember me? Haha. It's okay if you don't, considering the many other not-so-silent readers/subscribers you have. Anyway, I don't have much to say about the final chapter, other than it's still the same ol' awesome writing style, so I want to take this opportunity to thank you. :) for being a selfless author and not abandoning this lovely fic. Now I'm not gonna ask you for a sequel, because I don't to sound so whiny and stuff, and also I think equels ruin a piece of work. :) that's all.
Chapter 106: Awww, it ended already :(( Oh gawd, I really love your story author-nim~! I want a sequel author~!! Jebaaaaaal :)) This was one of the most daebak story here. It was worth the wait, author-nim~! ^^ ♡
hopelesswriter #9
Chapter 106: aww, it finished...:/
bittersweet but i like open ending n this is sort of open-ending for me. i like seeing endings with so many possibilities laid ahead. n i'm glad she went ahead to finish her studies.
anyway, haven't gotten much time to comment eversince the chaps got really long...xD...but but...love it of course...longer chaps=more great stuffs to read...just...lost on how n where to start commenting...xD
aww, and a bit bittersweet for Junhyung too...well at least he got to spend some time n be a father to Minhyuk even with limitations and all...lucky kid to have so many idols fanboying him...lol.
nothing to say on cupcake...since it'd be just repetition of my old comments on him so yeah...xD
Congrats for completing the fic^^ and thanks for the awesome journey!
Chapter 106: Yay~ Updated and Completed! :D Im gonna finish this now! Thanks AUTHOR NIM