Three ~ Kai's Coven

You Can't Screw With Destiny ( EXO au )
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed est diam, porttitor vel rhoncus in, fringilla et ligula. Praesent cursus, nisl ac tristique molestie, quam turpis hendrerit mauris, ac gravida metus mi ac ligula. Duis sed venenatis felis, vel facilisis mi. Morbi ultricies condimentum sapien pretium interdum. Morbi in semper mi, sit amet dapibus eros. Phasellus non semper odio. Donec et imperdiet elit. Cras dapibus quam non leo pulvinar condimentum. Duis ornare efficitur arcu, sit amet pulvinar augue rhoncus ut. Nam rutrum in diam quis vestibulum. Maecenas tellus velit, dictum ut orci quis, pulvinar iaculis diam. Nulla congue mauris ut sem vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque non ipsum eu est dapibus rhoncus. Nam vitae bibendum lorem, aliquet venenatis mi. Cras ligula sem, porttitor a quam eu, vulputate consequat lacus.

Donec non vestibulum augue, vel iaculis arcu. Quisque tincidunt sapien nec tempor rutrum. Aliquam maximus pulvinar dolor, sed iaculis velit volutpat auctor. Sed congue augue sed neque dignissim imperdiet. Aliquam volutpat malesuada bibendum. Quisque tincidunt elementum arcu, id cursus erat. Sed hendrerit molestie ligula, eget aliquam ex auctor sed. Quisque auctor, tortor ultricies rutrum ultricies, quam massa blandit augue, eu mollis quam sem eu nisl. Etiam a mattis ipsum, eget gravida felis.

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Duis auctor risus nec lectus volutpat, et suscipit diam volutpat. Suspendisse eget velit vel sem semper dignissim. Sed non felis malesuada, placerat arcu sit amet, rhoncus erat. Sed tristique at arcu eu dapibus. Fusce bibendum tincidunt sapien ut semper. Mauris ornare, risus vitae sodales posuere, enim eros pellentesque lorem, sed imperdiet est urna ut elit. Nam nibh lacus, ullamcorper vel porttitor a, venenatis fermentum tortor. Nulla a tempus nulla. Aliquam a congue lorem. Donec dignissim egestas diam non sagittis. Nulla facilisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed est diam, porttitor vel rhoncus in, fringilla et ligula. Praesent cursus, nisl ac tristique molestie, quam turpis hendrerit mauris, ac gravida metus mi ac ligula. Duis sed venenatis felis, vel facilisis mi. Morbi ultricies condimentum sapien pretium interdum. Morbi in semper mi, sit amet dapibus eros. Phasellus non semper odio. Donec et imperdiet elit. Cras dapibus quam non leo pulvinar condimentum. Duis ornare efficitur arcu, sit amet pulvinar augue rhoncus ut. Nam rutrum in diam quis vestibulum. Maecenas tellus velit, dictum ut orci quis, pulvinar iaculis diam. Nulla congue mauris ut sem vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque non ipsum eu est dapibus rhoncus. Nam vitae bibendum lorem, aliquet venenatis mi. Cras ligula sem, porttitor a quam eu, vulputate consequat lacus.









Chapter Three: Kai's Coven


Chanyeol and Sun Young looked at each other in confusion. What was Kai trying to say? How could a vampire they just met tell them that the world is in need of their help?


"I figured that you guys wouldn't believe me," Kai suddenly said, shocking the two. "Come with me. I'll show you." 


"How are we sure that you're not going to kill us?," Chanyeol stood in front of the door and blocked the exit to prevent Kai from leaving.


Kai rolled his eyes. "I told you, I won't."


"What makes you think we can trust you?," Sun Young said from behind Kai. "You're a vampire. We're humans. It just doesn't add up."


Kai frowned. He was honestly hurt by those words but he didn't let it show. "You two are so stubborn. Do you really want me to prove it to you guys the hard way?"


"Go ahead and try," Chanyeol threatened as he summoned a fireball in his hand. Sun Young twirled the knives in her hands.


"Well, if it's what you want," Kai smirked. His eyes turned redder as he bared his fangs. A low growl escaped from his throat, making Sun Young a bit frigthened.


"Sun Young, duck!," Chanyeol shouted. Sun Young ducked just as Kai pounced on her, resulting in him crashing on the dining table ( and breaking it in the process ).


"My cake!," Sun Young whined as she watched the cake kiss the floor.


"There are more things to worry about than your cake right now!," Chanyeol punched Kai in the gut.


"This is for my cake!," Sun You did a battle cry as she jumped and stabbed Kai in the side. She smirked but it soon faded when the vampire pulled the knife out of his body. His wound healed as quickly as it came.


"I guess you didn't read enough Twilight," Kai chuckled and threw the knife at Sun Young. She dodged it but the blade managed to cut her cheek.


Chanyeol threw some fireballs at Kai but the vampire dodged it ( which resulted in a burning kitchen ) and kicked the hunter. Sun Young's brother hit the wall with a thud. His head hit the concrete, knocking him out.


"Chanyeol!," Sun Young screamed. She was about to go to her brother but was prevented by Kai, who pinned her to the wall.


Sun Young flinched as Kai bared his fangs and growled. Once again, their noses were almost touching. She could feel the vampire's breath on her face.


"I honestly thought that you two would put up a fight," Kai chuckled, revealing his fangs again". "I was obviously wr--"

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Chapter 34: You have no idea how excited I am for the next few chapters. I absolutely CAN NOT wait to see Daesung in action. And I'm really curious about when Seungri is going to come into the picture. :')
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 34: Is this on hiatus lol :x
Chapter 34: I started to read this story yesterday, and I don't think the plot is messy. All looks good to me! You don't need to edit it :D But I'm not insist you. You're the author, be free to do everything to your story^^
Chapter 34: Its all your decision
mirjaelli #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back
For me its okey well its tor story so you chose
Chapter 34: Welcome back!! :)
Well, it depends...
Will you publish them all at once, when you have written it? Because then it will be alright, but if you are just publishing the new chapters like new updates (one after another) then I would say no :o

Right now I am editing the chapters of my story as well, but I choose to publish the edited chapters all at once so that the readers wouldn't wait longer for me to go on with the story :) I found it not fair towards them ^-^
But in the end it's your decision, right? :D
LilyClover #7
Chapter 34: Yes its alright!^.^ i also want to read the EDITED chaps! Sooooo...... GOOD LUCK AUTHORNIM!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Ooh okay although yes waiting is sad but updates make me happy! I will gladly read the WHOLE updated story!!! Take it easy and have fun writing! :D and yes, I will keep hush hush about anything after chapter 1 XD
koreankimchibaby #9
Chapter 31: Chapter 30: yknow what? u..ur gonna let someone die isnt it? ughhhhhhh Lay died now someone else is gonna die?!?!?! in hell let me crrriiiii..btw authornim cri with me
Chapter 31: Oh for the love of apple cinnamon biscuits, why do all my favourite stories have cliffhangers -.- now I need to wait... And waiting is sad.