
Flower detectives



This chapter will most probably and requires quite a lot of references to previous chapters.


Minho’s POV

“You told Gami about my site, didn’t you?” His deep voice filled the abandoned factory. (a/n: refer to chapter 18, when Gami and Gongchan is at the park. Guess now you guys know why Baro and Sandeul appeared at such a good timing :p)

I swear I heard that voice before somewhere else but I just can't figure out where exactly did I heard of it. 

“How did you know?” I asked as I stared at the back of the guy in black hoodie warily. Who knows what he will do to me now that he knew that I told Gami about him.

“Why? Are you trying to make up for your ‘mistakes’?” He asked mockingly, avoiding my question.

I kept quiet, unsure of what to reply. Sure, I have the answer in my heart, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to say ‘yes’.

“You really like Gami, a lot huh?” He turned around, facing me, with his usual black mask on. I nodded. “But do you really think it’s worth it for her?” He questioned.

“It is.” I answered firmly, not caring about the possible consequences of offending the dangerous mastermind.

“You are really foolish, Minho. You still think that you have a chance with her, don’t you?”

I glared at him as anger built up within me, anger from the fact that he hit the bull’s eye. I know that it is pretty much impossible between Gami and I, but I won’t deny that I still habour a little hope.

He smirked and shook his head. He took his phone out, tapping for a while before passing it to me. I eyed the phone and him suspiciously, but I still took it anyway.

My eyes widened as a rush of anger mixed with jealousy rushed through my body. It was a photo of Gami and Shinwoo, running with their hands held together. (a/n: Chapter 19, if you want to ^^)

“Get it now, Minho?” I tore my vision from the phone and looked at him. “Why are you doing this? As a form of punishment for telling Gami?”

He shook his head. “Ani.” He looked at me straight into the eyes.

“Minho, I need your help.”

I gulped, unable to predict what is awaiting me. “Why?”

“It seems like you are unwilling to. But I will give you time. Call me when you have made your decision.”

Is it so obvious that I didn’t want to help?


I slowly walked towards her. I have been waiting for her here for the past few days after learning from Jeongui that she and Shinwoo go for such underground dance battles.  She finally came today. This is the first time I saw her dance. I have always knew that she is perfect, but I didn’t know that she is this perfect. Her dance made me fall all over in love with her again. (a/n: chapter 23~)

I hastened my steps as something caught my eyes. Shinwoo approaching her. I made sure that I reach her before he does and tapped her shoulders lightly. She turned around.

“Sh…” She stopped and her smile quickly turned into a frown. So, she was expecting Shinwoo, huh?

She observed me for a few seconds before her eyes widened, which I took it as a sign that she finally recognized who I am. “Gami, it has been a long time.” I spoke first with a smile. “Minho… You look really good like this, I almost couldn’t recognize you!” My heart fluttered at her compliment.


“So, how have you been?” I decided to break the silence that filled the space between us ever since we stepped into the café. “Fine.” She replied with a smile as she sipped her green tea latte. I decided to cut the chase, I was anxious for the answer. “So about your promise to me… I was wondering if you still remembers…” I looked at her with a hopeful look, but she wasn’t paying attention. She was looking out of the café window. I looked in her direction. It was an unfamiliar guy, but not totally though. I saw him with Shinwoo at the dance battle ground just now.

“Erm, Minho, I think I have to go now. Thanks for the treat.” She said hurriedly with a smile as she grabbed her bag. I forced a smile before she left.

“Waiter, bill please.” I called out. I quickly paid and went out of the café. I followed the two of them into an alley.


“Because he likes you. He truly likes you. He hasn’t been like this to any other girl after HyoSun.” The guy said. Gami froze at his statement. Why?

“That’s impossible…” She mumbled.
“You like him too, right?” He asked Gami.
“I-I…” Gami stuttered.

He smirked. “I guess we pretty much know the answer ourselves already, huh?” He stood up straight from his original leaning position and begin walking out of the alley. I quickly hid myself behind the wall. “Oh, by the way.” 

I slowly stuck my head out. “Shinwoo is in the park just across the road.” He turned back and I retracted my head behind the wall again. He left the alley. Gami too, left the alley soon after. She seemed to be deep in her thoughts, too deep to not realize me as she passed by me.

I followed her cautiously as she made her way into the park and sat right beside Shinwoo. I found a tree that provides me with a good view of them and hid behind it.

They exchanged a few sentences before Gami burst out in laughter.

How I missed her laughter. But my heart arched a little when I realise that it is not me who made her laugh so heartily this time.

He suddenly pushed Gami against the back rest of the bench. Their faces were too close for comfort, at least for me. They looked into each other’s eyes affectionately before Shinwoo begin approaching her lips.

They kissed, in front of me.

I clenched onto the tree trunks of the tree I have been hiding behind. A surge of hatred and jealousy completely buried any logic that used to exist in my brain. I reached for my phone and dialed a number.

“I want revenge…” I said into the phone, eyes never leaving the couple even after they broke the kiss. “Finally Minho, finally” His deep laughter echoed through the phone. I shivered a little. I can never get used to his laughter. It never fails to send chills down my spine.


“How long are you intending to stalk us?” A voice asked. I jumped a little from the sudden voice, but soon recovered myself as the rush of anger came back to me. I took in a deep breath to calm myself down before forcing my lips to curve upwards.

“Oh, Shinwoo, what a coincidence!” I exclaimed, fakely. I decided that maybe acting all nice and unsuspicious would make the revenge a more exciting one. He looked at me sternly, not speaking a word.


“You saw what happened between Gami and I, didn’t you?” He gave a proud smirk, as if mocking how I lost Gami to him. I could feel anger burning through every part of my body. I clenched my fist, trying to suppress the overwhelming emotion.

“You shouldn’t even have tried acting nice in the first place. What do you intend to do?” He went back to his serious expression. I growled. There is no point in the act now that he has saw through it.“Don’t be too happy. Gami will realize how foolish she is to give you her heart to break.” I smirked.

“I won’t.” He replied firmly. “I won’t break her heart.” His eyes were filled with sincerity and determination. If I hadn’t knew better, I would have thought that he truly –

“I truly love her.”

“NO YOU DON’T, YOU PLAYER!” I growled. He stayed in his position, unfazed.

“Minho…” A soft voice called. “Please don’t turn into a monster again.” She pleaded. Tears started filling my eyes.

Monster? Am I?

She grabbed my arm and gently turned me around, facing her. I softened when I saw tears b in her eyes. “Please don’t turn into a monster again.” She repeated.

It hit me. The series of actions and thoughts I made today. I have turned into a monster again, the monster that was supposed to disappear one month ago. Logic finally came back to my anger-filled mind. I regretted joining Jeongui’s side, but there is no way that I can back out now.

“Shin Dongwoo, promise me that you will not hurt Gami. If you—“

“I swear upon my life that I will love and protect Gami forever.” He raised his hands, with three fingers up. “If I break my promise, you can take my life.” His unwavering determination shone through his eyes. I am finally convinced that Gami is in good hands.

I gave a relieved smile and nodded.

I made my decision. Since I can’t back out now, I might as well make something good out of it.

I decided, to be some sort of spy. Pretending to be on Jeongui’s side while helping them secretly. 



“Minho, I am really glad that you made the right choice.” He said in dark glee the moment I stepped into the room located on the third storey of the abandoned factory.

Indeed, I have made the right choice.

“So, can you tell me why you need my help now?” I asked, as I remembered how he avoided my question. He chuckled a little.

His right hand went over to his right ear, slowly pulling the band that secured the mask to his face down.

I gulped. “B-Baro...?!”


A/N: This chapter is basically like a 'how it all happened' from Minho's point of view. I didn't expect a POV for him, but still~ ^_^

You have been warned. And trolled. I know you guys want to know who is it that saved Jinyoung~ XP

But please don't hate me because of the trollings!! :'(
I HAVE HOT VIDEO OF OUR LOVELY BOYS! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UNrrQkg0KlM 
They are so OMGOMGOMGOMG!! * dies of excessive spazzing*

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 41: Im crying it ended
It was good hoped to be longer but its ok
I swear this reminds me of Taiwanesr drama PiLIMIT because of te whole detective and mastermind thiNg
Witg the games and what not haha
AnStHa #2
Wow, I actually knew who the antagonist was right when he sent Fei the first supposed "fake" letter that turned out to be true....Seems like I've been reading too much detective stories..The story is really interesting.
AnStHa #3
What's not to like? A detective story and my favorite girl group.
amnesia????...he was just joking right????right????sequel????cuteness!!!!yay!!!!everyones happy now!!!!
awww!!!baro realized his mistake!!!!waah!!!!sandeullie and baro bffs forver!!!!waah!!!!...i cried...
aww!!!!sandeullie still cares bout baro!!!!aww!!!!you sweet thing!!!!...or im hoping its for sweet reasons...awww!!!!jinyounggie and fei!!!!cute cute cute!!!!even cuter...gongchannie and suzy!!!!waah!!!!adorable chappie!!!!
aww!!!!yay!!!!omg!!!!yay!!!!waah!!!!thats the way to go!!!!yay!!!!
omg!!!!yayness!!!!theyre all alive!!!!yay yay yay!!!!quick!!!!get them to a hospital!!!!...eyes wide...sandeullie!!!!waaah!!!!how awesome of you!!!!sooo brave!!!!
...eyes wide...what is this????im soooo lost!!!!well...not really...more curious...aaahhhh!!!!
...blink blink...you mean...it might not have been minho who saved jinyoung????...blink blink...hesitantly...suzy????no!!!!<br />