Uh oh

Flower detectives

Gongchan's POV

“Yes, Gongchan?” She replied.
“Gami, I heard about what Min did to you, are you—“
*THUD* A loud thud could be heard from the other end of the line.
“Gami, are you there? GAMI!” I shouted frantically as there is no response from her. Oh no!
I quickly ran to our meeting place and informed the hyungs to meet there.

Shinwoo’s POV

I hid myself behind the pillar while making sure that Suzy is still within my sight as she opens her locker. *sigh* I hope nobody will see this. I can’t imagine what they will think if they see me ‘stalking’ Suzy...

My phone vibrated. My eyes widened a little.

From: Gami

Minho ah~


To: Gami


She actually sent the message to me thinking that I am that nerd?! Where the hell are we similar?! ARGH!

My phone vibrated, again. I took it out, frustrated.

From: Gongchan

Hyung! Meeting place, NOW!

I looked up to make sure Suzy is still safe, but she is no longer there. She didn’t even lock her locker before she go.

No.... SH*T!

Gongchan’s POV

I twisted the old doorknob and dashed into the room.
“Gongchan, what happened?” Baro asked worriedly.
Wow, he actually reached here before I did…
“Gami is in trouble.” I replied as I quickly took out my laptop and went to a website.

The school website. Everytime he attacks, he would hack into the school website, streaming the whole attacking process live there. What a sadist!

Just like I expected, the school website is hacked into. It shows a room, a deserted one like the one Gami kidnapped us to, and two figures could be seen in the video, both lying on the floor.
“Gongchan, is Gami in trouble?” Jinyoung asked while panting. Shinwoo and Sandeul appeared behind him.
“Wow hyung, how did you know?” Baro asked, amazed by how Jinyoung knew it even before I said anything. “We all expected it don’t we? It’s just a matter of time.” Jinyoung gave a little sigh.

Shinwoo’s POV

“SHE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO US! WHY DIDN’T SHE LISTEN TO US?!” I yelled. I lost control of myself. My heart feels like it has been ripped apart, it hurts so badly. Images of her suffering started flashing through my mind. It hurts whenever she gets hurt in the image. Thoughts started to run wild.

“Get a hang of yourself mad bear, it’s not the time for this now!” Jinyoung shouted. I took a deep breath. He’s right. “Gongchan, is there any way you can block the video from being seen by other people?”
“I am not sure, but I will try.” Gongchan replied and his fingers started hitting the keys on the keyboard furiously.
“Ok, done.” Gongchan announced.

“Look!” Sandeul shouted as he pointed to the screen.
One of the two figures lying on the floor started fidgeting. She slowly picked herself up into a sitting position. She started turning her head around, observing the surrounding.
“Suzy, Suzy.” She called as she shook the other figure, who is still unconscious.

“Look carefully at the surrounding, look for clues that can tell us where this place is.” Jinyoung commanded like a calm leader. Although I still can’t stand him, I have to admit that he is a good leader, at least for now.
“OH YA!” Gongchan suddenly shouted and ran towards the small table in this corner of the room.

Gongchan’s POV

I ran towards that small table in the left hand corner of the room. I took out the macbook that was hidden under the table (under the table there is this small compartment).  


“Gongchan…” She called me while I was pouring some milk for myself in the kitchen. There were only the two of us in the kitchen then. The rest were either playing in the living room or in their rooms.
“Yes?” I replied with a cute smile.
“If Suzy were to ever get caught by him, and if I happen to be unable to save her, can you go to the small table at the left hand corner of our meeting place, take out the macbook and open this software? You will be able to locate her through this software. Please?”


I the macbook and moved the cursor to the software. I double-clicked it.

“Hyung! I know where they are!” I shouted loudly with my eyes fixed to the screen.


Gami’s POV

I opened my eyes slowly. Where am I? I asked myself as the environment looked unfamiliar. I slowly picked myself to a sitting position. I looked around to survey the surrounding. My head stopped when I realized there is someone lying beside me.

“Suzy, Suzy.” I called as I shook Suzy using my body as both my hands and legs were tied together tightly.
No response. *sigh*

I stood up and jumped my way to the door.
1… 2…. 3-- I was going to knock the door down, but it opened by itself.

Narrator’s POV

Gami’s eyes widened in shock.
“What are you trying to do, huh?” A guy in a gold full-faced mask with holes for his eyes, nose and mouth, and a black hoodie asked, while walking towards Gami. Gami jumps back one step every time the guy takes a step towards her.

“Gongchan shik, Cha Sunwoo, Lee Junghwan, Shin Dongwoo, Jung Jinyoung, and you… Mysterious Hunters…” He said while waving her phone in his hand.

D*mn it… She cursed in her head.

“So, the thing about you liking Jung Jinyoung was just an act?” He asked.
Gami smirked. “Ani, it’s true.”
He stares at her, and continued to walk towards her. His stare sends chills down her spine, as she continues to jump back, despite her ankle hurting.
Suddenly, she stopped. Something, or someone, is blocking her.

“Where am I?” The figure lying on the floor asked.
“Suzy…” She muttered. He gave an evil smirk.

He pushed her away and grabbed the just-regained-conscious Suzy.
He pushed Suzy against a wall. He raised his right hand and pressed it hard against .
“L-let m-me go…” Suzy pleaded while gasping for air.

“GET YOUR FREAKING HANDS OFF SUZY!” Gami shouted and used her body to push him away from Suzy.
Suzy slide to the ground the moment his hand left .
“I would rather you attack me instead!” She shouted, as she glared at him angrily with tears in her eyes.

He narrowed his eyes, and smirked. “Alright then.” He dashed towards her and grabbed her by her collar, pulling their faces close together. Their faces were only few inches apart.

*BANG* He turned to take a look. It came from the door.

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* The door gave way.

“YAH, LET HER GO!” Someone shouted. He turned around, his hand encircling .

“Shin Dongwoo? I was expecting Jung Jinyoung…” He said disappointedly.
“YAH, YOU BETTER LET GO OF HER, NOW!” Shinwoo shouted angrily, again.
The masked guy just shook his head. “Not until he comes…”

“It’s five against one,” Jinyoung said, popping out from the door, with Sandeul, Baro and Gongchan behind. “It would be a smarter choice to just surrender.”
The masked guy laughed a little and shook his head again. “Not when she is in my hands.” He said and tightened his grip on .
He threw some ropes towards Jinyoung. “Tie all their arms and legs together tightly, or else…” He looked at Gami, with that evil smirk that was plastered on his face all along.

Shinwoo stared at him, but he knew that he had no choice but to follow his instructions. He doesn’t want to risk anything, not Gami.
He took the ropes from Jinyoung. He tied his legs together, and held his hands out to Jinyoung, signaling him to tie it. Jinyoung tied Shinwoo’s hands together, reluctantly. The same thing happened for Sandeul, Baro and Gongchan.

“It’s you and me now, Jung Jinyoung.” The masked guy pushed Gami down to the floor. 



Yay~ Time to give the narrator some love. He's getting bored~ Hahaha XP

I feel like I didn't do justice for the plot... x.x 
But I shall ignore this fact and spazz about B1A4's new hairstyles. XP
They all look so good oh my god~
Especially Channie (HOT HOT HOT), Baro (Y~) and Jinyounggie~ (SO HANDSOME OMG~) 

Oh my god~
*dies of excessive spazzing*

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 41: Im crying it ended
It was good hoped to be longer but its ok
I swear this reminds me of Taiwanesr drama PiLIMIT because of te whole detective and mastermind thiNg
Witg the games and what not haha
AnStHa #2
Wow, I actually knew who the antagonist was right when he sent Fei the first supposed "fake" letter that turned out to be true....Seems like I've been reading too much detective stories..The story is really interesting.
AnStHa #3
What's not to like? A detective story and my favorite girl group.
amnesia????...he was just joking right????right????sequel????cuteness!!!!yay!!!!everyones happy now!!!!
awww!!!baro realized his mistake!!!!waah!!!!sandeullie and baro bffs forver!!!!waah!!!!...i cried...
aww!!!!sandeullie still cares bout baro!!!!aww!!!!you sweet thing!!!!...or im hoping its for sweet reasons...awww!!!!jinyounggie and fei!!!!cute cute cute!!!!even cuter...gongchannie and suzy!!!!waah!!!!adorable chappie!!!!
aww!!!!yay!!!!omg!!!!yay!!!!waah!!!!thats the way to go!!!!yay!!!!
omg!!!!yayness!!!!theyre all alive!!!!yay yay yay!!!!quick!!!!get them to a hospital!!!!...eyes wide...sandeullie!!!!waaah!!!!how awesome of you!!!!sooo brave!!!!
...eyes wide...what is this????im soooo lost!!!!well...not really...more curious...aaahhhh!!!!
...blink blink...you mean...it might not have been minho who saved jinyoung????...blink blink...hesitantly...suzy????no!!!!<br />