Another one

Flower detectives

 Gami’s POV

I went into the kitchen to get some water after Shinwoo went back into his room. “Erm, Gongchan…” He turned around while opening a bag of chips. “You are back!” He smiled. Since we are alone, I might as well use this opportunity to ask him. “Erm Gongchan, About the website…” I started.
“OH! Sorry, I forgot to update you." He gave a sheepish smile. "I couldn’t hack into the website. It suddenly had this extra webpage security shield that I can’t break through.” I gave a small sigh. “But the strange thing is, I remember that it did not have this extra security shield that day when you told me about it.” He continued. My eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown.

“Sorry that I couldn’t help you.” He said apologetically. “It’s okay, you have tried your best.” I smiled.

I plopped onto my bed and hugged my life-sized teddy bear, still trying to figure out why the sudden extra protection for the website. I looked around the room, and looked back at the clock hanging on the wall. It is already 12pm, unnie has been out for so long already! I got a little worried, but I was soon reminded on the fact that there is no crazy creep that is waiting to capture unnie, so I left it there. Soon, my eye lids grew heavy and I fell asleep unknowingly.


I stretched my back lazily as I sat up on my bed. “Good morning, unnie.” I turned to where unnie’s bed is located, but she is not on her bed, unlike what I expected. Guess she is eating her breakfast.

I grabbed a bottle of green tea, but just when I was about to drink it, someone stopped me. “Yah! Don’t drink cold stuffs in the morning! It’s not good for your health!” He nagged and took the bottle of green tea away from me. “He raised it up high, once again reminding me how short I am compared to him. I gave him my cutest pout. “Yah, I prepared hot green tea for you, it’s on the dining table.” He softened, giving in to my rare ageyo. I couldn’t control my lips from curving into a smile. “Are you that sweet to your previous girlfriends too?” I asked playfully. He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me seriously.

“Yah, I know I have a bad record. But believe me, my eyes only have you now.” He said sincerely. A warm tingly feeling crept through my heart. I pulled him into a hug. “I believe you.” It has been a long time since I said those three words. No, I am not those female leads in television dramas that got cheated or something, causing them to seal their hearts. I am smarter, I think. I learn from them before I get hurt myself. That’s why my heart is was sealed.

“EHERM!” Jinyoung coughed loudly, and fakely. I glared at him, but he rolled his eyes. “Yah, do you know where is unnie?” I asked. He turned around sharply. “I was about to ask you that.”

His brows furrowed into a deep frown. “…!” At that very moment, someone’s phone rang.

*Goodbye baby goodbye
Dwidoraseo geudaero apeuro gamyeon dwae*

“Unnie’s!” I exclaimed as I tried to source for the phone. “Here!” Baro ran towards me with a phone in his hand. He passed the phone to Jinyoung, who answered the phone and put it on loudspeaker. Gongchan and Sandeul gathered too.

“Fei… Isn’t she beautiful?” A robotic voice said through the speaker. It was a video call. We could see an unconscious unnie lying on the concrete floor. “What do you want?!” Jinyoung yelled at the phone. “Relax… It’s just a little game that I would like to play with you, Jung Jinyoung.” Unnie started fidgeting. “Oh, looks like she is going to wake up soon. Let the game begin.” He ended the call hastily.

I dropped onto the floor, sitting. How can I be so careless! If only I realized that unnie is in trouble sooner! I…! I couldn’t fight back the tears anymore. “I know you are blaming yourself for this, but it’s not your fault. None of us expected this.” Shinwoo wrapped his arms around me and whispered. “I am okay.” I forced a smile. He, too, forced a smile and patted my head. I don’t want to worry him, but I can’t stop reprimanding myself too.

Jinyoung’s POV

“Fei… Isn’t she beautiful?” A robotic voice said through the speaker. It was a video call, we could see an unconscious Fei lying on the concrete floor. “What do you want?!” I yelled at the phone, losing my calm. “Relax… It’s just a little game that I would like to play with you, Jung Jinyoung.” Fei started fidgeting. “Oh, looks like she is going to wake up soon. Let the game begin.” He ended the call hastily.

Gami fell onto the wooden flooring. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Shinwoo comforted her and she forced a smile.

“It’s all my fault, Fei is in this because of me.” I said as a matter of fact. “Hyung, don’t be like this.” Gongchan held my shoulders. Sandeul and Baro looked at me worriedly. “I am fine. Let’s get ready, we still have school.” I said as I went into my room.

As soon as I closed my grey room door shut behind me, tears started falling uncontrollably. It has been a long time since I last cried. I bit my lips to prevent any sound from escaping, in fear that the others will find out.


We gathered in the meeting place as soon as the school ended. I played the recorded video call on my macbook as we watched it closely for clues. “Hey, look!” Baro suddenly exclaimed in the middle of the video. “Doesn’t this building you can see from the window look familiar?” He asked as he paused the video. I looked at the video closely. Something struck me. I looked out of the window. “The new school building.” I said as I pointed to the building that can be seen from the windows of our room. “So, that means that Fei is in this exact building where we are now.” Shinwoo concluded.

“We will split into teams of two. Baro will go with Sandeul, Gongchan will go with Gami and I will go with Shinwoo.” I opened a file in my macbook that has the map of the old school building and signaled for them to come closer. “Sandeul and Baro will look at fourth storey. Gami and Gongchan at the third storey and Shinwoo and I at the second storey. Be sure to look into every single room.” I instructed before we went separate ways.


Gongchan’s POV

“Gami… Can I ask you something?” I asked softly as she pushed a door on her left open. “Yes?”
“Are you and Shinwoo hyung dating?” I plucked up my courage and asked. I braced myself, getting ready for her flaring up. “Erm… How did you know?” She replied shyly. I blinked my eyes, surprised that she didn’t flare up or anything. “It’s kind of obvious when hyung is comforting you in the morning.” I replied truthfully as I pushed the door on my right open. “I see…” For the rest of the journey through the third storey of the old school building, it was all pushing-doors-open-and-see-nothing-inside.


Shinwoo’s POV

Jinyoung pushed a door open carefully but he sighed when he saw nothing but a closet in the room. We have been doing this for around 10 doors. Seriously, the old school building is bigger than I thought. There are just so many rooms in here!

“This is not working.” Jinyoung suddenly said. “Why not we split up. I will look through that stretch of room over there and you will look through the other side. We will meet here, in the middle after searching, okay?” He instructed and started walking.

I pushed the fifth door of the stretch I am supposed to be looking through. Another empty room. And that same closet in every room. *sigh* Just as I was about to proceed to the next room, something caught my eye. Something shiny…

I made my way into the room cautiously and picked up the thing that was shining in the room. It’s a bracelet. There is something written on the bracelet. I held it closer and read. It writes ‘Fei’.

“JINYOUNG!”  I immediately shouted for him. Just then, someone came from the door. Wow, he is faster than I thought. “Jinyoung, look at this brace….” I stopped when I noticed that it wasn’t Jinyoung who entered the room.

“You… What are you doing here?” I asked, taken aback by his sudden appearance. He just smirked and dashed towards me, covering my mouth with a piece of cloth swiftly and roughly, leaving me with no time to react. My body suddenly felt weak as I inhaled through the cloth. He dragged me into a closet in the room. 


Guess it would be better to reply the comments here! ^_^

@DanggeunMarshmallow : Sure! ^_^

@TheCuteArticFox : Omo! What have I done?! Please don't hate on Fei! Sorry... :( 

@kekeIfarted : Thanks! It means a lot to me, really! ^_^

@krispythekreme : Lol! I think it sounds pretty good! At least better than ShinMi or something! Haha! ^_^

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 41: Im crying it ended
It was good hoped to be longer but its ok
I swear this reminds me of Taiwanesr drama PiLIMIT because of te whole detective and mastermind thiNg
Witg the games and what not haha
AnStHa #2
Wow, I actually knew who the antagonist was right when he sent Fei the first supposed "fake" letter that turned out to be true....Seems like I've been reading too much detective stories..The story is really interesting.
AnStHa #3
What's not to like? A detective story and my favorite girl group.
amnesia????...he was just joking right????right????sequel????cuteness!!!!yay!!!!everyones happy now!!!!
awww!!!baro realized his mistake!!!!waah!!!!sandeullie and baro bffs forver!!!!waah!!!!...i cried...
aww!!!!sandeullie still cares bout baro!!!!aww!!!!you sweet thing!!!!...or im hoping its for sweet reasons...awww!!!!jinyounggie and fei!!!!cute cute cute!!!!even cuter...gongchannie and suzy!!!!waah!!!!adorable chappie!!!!
aww!!!!yay!!!!omg!!!!yay!!!!waah!!!!thats the way to go!!!!yay!!!!
omg!!!!yayness!!!!theyre all alive!!!!yay yay yay!!!!quick!!!!get them to a hospital!!!!...eyes wide...sandeullie!!!!waaah!!!!how awesome of you!!!!sooo brave!!!!
...eyes wide...what is this????im soooo lost!!!!well...not really...more curious...aaahhhh!!!!
...blink might not have been minho who saved jinyoung????...blink blink...hesitantly...suzy????no!!!!<br />