Case closed.

Flower detectives

Gami’s POV

 “Gami…” He called, choking. “I am sorry... Will you forgive me?”
I looked at him. His eyes were filled with tears.
I nodded my head lightly.
His lips curved upwards as tears flowed out of his eyes.

“Is there any chance, we can be together?” He asked while looking down.
I shook my head. “Friends, that’s all we can stay as.” I replied softly.
He laughed bitterly. “Sorry, I should have known better to ask that question.”
He stopped laughing. “After this, we won’t get to see each other again… Can I have one last request?” He looked at me, signaling for my reply.
“If we are to ever meet again, and if you heart is vacant then, will you accept me?” He asked, looking straight in my eyes.
I smiled a little and nodded my head.
“Gomawo.” He smiled.

Although I made that promise to him, I have actually decided to forget my feelings for him. To stay as friends and nothing more, that’s my decision.


Suzy’s POV

“Unnie, are you feeling better today?” I asked in concern as I placed the basket of green tea (yes, not fruits, green tea.) on the small table. She nodded and smiled, indicating that she is okay.

“Erm…” I mumbled. “Suzy, there is no need to hide things amongst the two of us.” Unnie said as she looked at me.

“Unnie, have you forgiven Minho?” I asked as I sat on the chair beside the bed. She nodded.
“Then, are you guys going to be together?” I asked again.
She shook her head this time.

“Why? Is it because of me?”  Although Minho tried to hurt me, I want them to be together, because I know they like each other.
She shook her head again and smiled bitterly. “It’s just, everything will never be the same again. I guess we are just not meant to be.” 
“But unnie, you haven’t even tried!” I cried. I want unnie to be happy, and I know Minho can bring her happiness.

“Suzy, I know you care about unnie, but I have decided, and I will not regret my decision.” She took my hands and patted them lightly.
I gave a little smile. “I will respect your decision, unnie.” As much as I wish for unnie to be with him, I can't force her.
“That’s my little Suzy!” She smiled and ruffled my hair.
“Unnie! My hair is so messy now!” I pouted.
She chuckled and gently adjusts that few strands of my hair that are sticking out.

That’s my unnie for you, protective and extremely caring despite her cold appearance. Meeting her is one of the best things that happened in my life. School used to be such a torture, especially with Min and Jia around, but after meeting unnie, I learned how to stay strong despite all the people dragging me down.


“Omo! Min, look! Our little Suzy is crying! Don’t worry though, unnie will help you wash down those tears.” Jia gave an evil smirk and poured yet another pail of ice water on me. I shivered from the coldness of the water. It was winter then, but that didn’t stop them from doing so.

“Jia, let’s bring Suzy out to the field, she looked really hot!” Min suggested with an evil smirk. They pulled me up by the collar and dragged me from the toilet all the way to the field.

They threw me against the fence. The cold breeze blew across my drenched body. I sneezed while curling my body, in hope that I will feel better.
“Still hot?” Jia asked. “Maybe taking off your jacket would make you feel better!” She said and swiftly took my jacket off.
“P-p-please, g-give it back.” I pleaded as my teeth chattered in the cold.
“No Suzy, we are helping you!” Min walked towards me and held my head up.

“PLEASE JUST STOP EVERYTHING! JUST GIVE ME BACK MY JACKET AND STOP YOUR ACT!” I shouted in Min’s face. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I would always silently endure what they do to me, but this went a little too far. Cold tears started to flow down my cheeks.
“NO ONE SHOUTS IN MY FACE LIKE THAT!” Min shouted and slapped my left cheeks. I turned and glared at her. It hurts, but at least my cheeks feel less cold now.
“Looks like one slap is not enough for you, huh!” She raised her right hand up high. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the slap that was about to come.

“What the…” Min muttered. No pain on my cheeks. I looked up, a female figure is standing right in front of me.
“Wang gami! This is none of your business so back off or you shall take her place!” Min threatened as she glared at the female figure. The female figure didn’t reply, but instead, grabbed my jacket as well as my left hand swiftly and ran, dragging me along.

“Gomawo…” I thanked softly as she wrapped my jacket around my shivering body.
“It’s nothing… It’s just, you need to learn how to protect yourself, arrasso?” She pushed up her falling glasses while looking somewhere else. She looked cold, but I could feel the warmth in her. I hugged her warm body. She was startled at first, but hugged me back in the end.
“Can you be my unnie?” I pleaded with puppy eyes. She blinked rather furiously. “Please??”
She nodded lightly and I grinned. “YAY! I HAVE A UNNIE! YAY!!” I started jumping around in joy despite the gloomy weather. She chuckled while watching me jumping like a hyper kid.


“Oh, Suzy, you are here too!” Gongchan exclaimed as the guys walk into the room.
“Are you feeling better now?” Gongchan asked unnie. Unnie simply nodded.

“Are you sure?” Shinwoo questioned. “Don’t lie to us you know?”
Unnie glared at him. He shrank back a little.
“Looks like you are fine.” Jinyoung smirked.

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to visit me.” Unnie smirked while raising her eyebrows.
“Please don’t be mistaken, Wang Gami,” Jinyoung replied, rolling his eyes. “It’s just that we have some hanging questions…” He looked at me, and the rest followed suit. Okok, I know what to do, don’t stare at me like that… x.x

“Unnie, I will go now.” I said as I stood up from the chair.
“Wait, Suzy.” Unnie grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned around, facing her.
“Return that pair of earrings to unnie.” She said as she pointed to my ears.
“WHY?!” I cried. Why would unnie want me to return her the earrings she gave me? :(
“Babo, that pair of earrings, is a location tracker. You wouldn’t want unnie to know everywhere you go right?” She chuckled.
Suddenly, Gongchan came really near me, our faces only inches apart. He was looking at my earrings. I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks, but I guess he didn’t notice it since he was so focused on my earrings.

Gongchan’s POV

“Babo, that pair of earrings, is a location tracker. You wouldn’t want unnie to know everywhere you go right?” Gami chuckled.
I went near Suzy as I wanted to take a closer look at that pair of earrings. Wow, location tracking earrings! This is so cool! I was so focused in admiring the earrings that I didn’t realize how close I was to Suzy until Baro and Sandeul coughed, fakely. I immediately pulled myself away. I could feel my heart pounding hard. Guess I am just shy being at such close proximity with a girl.

“Sorry Suzy, it’s just, hi-tech stuffs attracts me.” I rubbed the back of my neck and bowed a little.
“It’s okay.” She said and turned to Gami. “Unnie, I would like to keep this pair of earrings, can I?”
“Are you sure?” Gami asked while raising her eyebrows. Suzy nodded her head furiously. “Alright then.”
“Thanks unnie! Oh, and before I go, unnie, you look really beautiful like this!” Gami blushed a little and smiled.
“ Annyeong!” She waved us goodbye and disappeared from our sight.

 “So, let’s get down to business.” Jinyoung said as he got into the ‘business mode’. “So what’s the question that is bothering you, Sandeul?” He asked.
“I was wondering why Gami sent me this message right before Gongchan asked us to meet.” Sandeul explained as he took out his phone. He tapped on the phone’s screen and extended his hand out for us to take a look at the message.

From: Gami

Minho ah~

"I got this message too!” Baro exclaimed. Shinwoo and I nodded along.

“You guys replied with your names?” Gami asked.
We nodded. “No wonder he knows who you guys are despite me not saving your numbers under your names.” She gave a small laugh.

“But I didn’t.” Jinyoung replied coldly. “I knew that something is wrong.”
“So what did you reply?” Gami asked with her eyes narrowed into a slit.
“’So do you like me, or Lee Minho?’ I replied that.” Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders.
Gami shot him a disgusted look. “Don’t look at me like that, I am just cooperating with your act!” Jinyoung defended. Gami rolled her eyes and looked away.

“So, if there aren’t any more things that doesn’t make sense in this case, I suppose that the case is closed?” Jinyoung asked as he scanned through us. We all nodded. 



Suzy's debut POV! Oh yeah~

Anyway, there will be a new character in the next chapter, so stay tuned! ^_^

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 41: Im crying it ended
It was good hoped to be longer but its ok
I swear this reminds me of Taiwanesr drama PiLIMIT because of te whole detective and mastermind thiNg
Witg the games and what not haha
AnStHa #2
Wow, I actually knew who the antagonist was right when he sent Fei the first supposed "fake" letter that turned out to be true....Seems like I've been reading too much detective stories..The story is really interesting.
AnStHa #3
What's not to like? A detective story and my favorite girl group.
amnesia????...he was just joking right????right????sequel????cuteness!!!!yay!!!!everyones happy now!!!!
awww!!!baro realized his mistake!!!!waah!!!!sandeullie and baro bffs forver!!!!waah!!!!...i cried...
aww!!!!sandeullie still cares bout baro!!!!aww!!!!you sweet thing!!!!...or im hoping its for sweet reasons...awww!!!!jinyounggie and fei!!!!cute cute cute!!!!even cuter...gongchannie and suzy!!!!waah!!!!adorable chappie!!!!
aww!!!!yay!!!!omg!!!!yay!!!!waah!!!!thats the way to go!!!!yay!!!!
omg!!!!yayness!!!!theyre all alive!!!!yay yay yay!!!!quick!!!!get them to a hospital!!!!...eyes wide...sandeullie!!!!waaah!!!!how awesome of you!!!!sooo brave!!!!
...eyes wide...what is this????im soooo lost!!!!well...not really...more curious...aaahhhh!!!!
...blink might not have been minho who saved jinyoung????...blink blink...hesitantly...suzy????no!!!!<br />