Change of hearts

Flower detectives

Baro’s POV

“Uncle Jung!” Fei happily exclaimed and hugged Mr. Jung. Uncle Jung? o.o
“Fei! Oh, how I miss you!” They broke off from the hug and Mr. Jung signaled us to take a seat on the sofa. “Guys, this is Fei. Fei, this is—“
“Gongchan, Shinwoo, Sandeul and Baro.” She saw me looking at her and smiled.
“Good.” Mr. Jung nodded his head.

“So guys, Fei will be joining the group as an assistant, just like Gami.” Mr. Jung announced. “Assistant? I have always thought that Gami is like an official member of the group!” Gongchan asked. The rest of us nodded in agreement. “Well, actually they are more or less like you guys, just that they will get less involved in the cases.”Mr. Jung explained. “Anyway, the seven of you will still be working together, so Fei will move into the dorm later after school.” I cheered internally at this.

“So, that’s it! Class is starting soon, now go back to your respective classrooms!” Mr. Jung said as he went back to his office chair.


Gongchan’s POV

“Gongchan….” Gami called, the same way she called me when she wanted me to protect Suzy

“Yes?” I replied with a cute smile, since it’s not every day that she would take the initiative to talk to me, although it always comes with a motive.

“Are you free after school?” She asked.
“Ya, why?”
“Meet me in the park just around the corner after school, is it okay?” She asked with slight puppy eyes.
I nodded my head and went back into my classroom.


“Gongchan!” She shouted and waved to me. She is under this big tree in a quiet corner of the park near the school.
I walked a little faster towards her. “SHere.” She patted on the spot right next to her.
“Okay.” I flashed one of my cutest smile.
“How did you—“ She was surprised, but quickly realized why. “I must have done that too often. Sorry.” She laughed awkwardly.
“Gongchan, is it possible for you to hack into this website and find out who the creator is?” She pulled out her macbook and placed it right in front of me.
“’’, wow, what kind of weird website is this?” I asked as I navigate around the website.
“Minho sent me this last night. ” She took out her phone and showed me.

From: Minho (a/n: It's just a random weblink I thought of! I am not sure if it exist or something! Ok, it exists. The website is not mine!)

ID: Minho17
Password: 123456

“I logged into his account yesterday after I received his message. Apparently Minho got the revenge plan from this website. This guy, Jeongui (a/n: Korean for “justice”, or at least that’s what google translator told me XP), the creator of the site, gave him advice on how to carry out the plan, in great detail.” She moved the cursor and clicked onto the chat history. My eyes widened as I read.

‘Looks like you are suffering.’

‘Yes, I am.’

‘Revenge. Would it be better?’

‘I guess so? But how?’

‘Capture her, and do anything you want to her, to make her suffer, just like you did.’

‘No! That’s too…’

‘Why are you caring about her when she doesn’t care about you? You are nothing to her, NOTHING!’

‘But how am I going to do that?’

‘Find a time when she is alone, hit her unconscious, and bring her to the room at the top level of the old school building. Do whatever you want to her, and stream it, live, on the school website. Let everybody in the school see how she suffers and pay for what she did to you.’

"And apparently, Minho wasn't the only one who asked for his help. The last few cases that Jinyoung and I handled also got the idea here." She explained. 

“I will try.” I replied as I got myself ready.

“YAH! What are the two of you doing here?!” Someone shouted. I turned my head around, only to find Gami’s face only inches apart from mine. “OH MY GOD! Are you two dating?!” Another person with a significantly lower voice shouted.
Gami and I jumped away. I could feel a gush of blood rushing up my cheeks.
“We are not dating!” Gami quickly replied
. “Yah, aren’t you two supposed to be watching that Twilight movie now?” She asked as she pointed to the two of them and quickly closing the lid of her macbook with the other free hand.

“Nah, the tickets are sold out.” Sandeul replied disappointedly. “So, we decided to walk around in the park, but saw the two of you… Hehehehe!” Baro laughed evilly. Sandeul joined in too.
“Yah hyungs! It’s not what you think!” I shouted nervously.
“Yah, the both of you! Don’t you dare to tell anyone! Or else…” She smirked. “I will poison the two of you mute!”
The both of them gulped and pretended to zip their mouths.

“Gongchan, I think I should go now.” She turned to me. I nodded lightly. She went out of the park.

Sandeul and Baro looked at me and gave a playful smirk the moment Gami is out of the sight. I gulped.
“I have something on, I will go now. Annyeong!” I quickly took flight. I went deeper into the park, the other end of it, in case they start guessing again if I were to go the same way as Gami.

The part of the park where Gami and I were was quiet and peaceful, but the deeper part of the park was even quieter and even more peaceful. Maybe it’s because of the lake.

*sniff sniff* I could hear someone sniffing. It sounds like that person is crying.
I followed the sound, and found a girl, wearing our school uniform, sitting by the side of the lake, with her face buried in her knees. She looked kind of familiar.

Suzy's POV

So that's why unnie always warned me about getting hurt if I like Jinyoung? Why did she hide it from me? She could have just told me about Fei unnie! *sniff* 

Suddenly, I could feel a gentle tap on my shoulder.. “Gwenchanna?” A male voice asked.
“Nae…” I replied weakly and slowly turned around.
“Omo, Suzy!” He exclaimed. “Gongchan?! Why are you here?!” I quickly wiped off my tears.

Gongchan's POV

“Why are you crying?” I asked in concern. A little sadness could be seen in her eyes.
“Ani, I am not crying.” She denied. I didn’t expect her to be so stubborn. 

“Follow me!” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her. “Where are we going?” She asked. She seemed a little scared. “Don’t worry, we are going somewhere fun!” I happily exclaimed. She chuckled.

“Come on Suzy, vent all your sadness and whatsoever on this thing! Hit on it as hard as you can!” I cheered her on. She stared at the soft pad. She raised the hammer in her hands and raised it high, before it landed with a loud ‘thud’.
“Woah, you are stronger than I thought!” I was surprised by her strength.
“I am more than you think I am!” She pouted angrily. Despite being classmates with her, I have never really noticed her, and never really knew how cute she is, until now.

“Gongchan, let’s have a challenge at the basketball machine(a/n: Sorry, I don't know what's that called :p)!” She challenged and pointed to the gaming machine. “Are you sure?” I questioned. “Yah! Don’t look down on me!” She quickly ran to the machine and got ready. “Well, I shall be a gentleman and let you throw for 10 seconds while I don’t.” I suggested. I know I shouldn’t be looking down on her like that, but it’s only gentleman of me to do this, right?

“NO!” She firmly rejected. “Ready. 1, 2, 3!”
We started tossing the basketballs into the hoop frantically. I took it slow in the beginning, but soon sped up to my usual speed when I saw how quickly her score is rising. It was a tie.
“Wow!” I exclaimed. “That will teach you not to look down on me!” She smirked arrogantly, but cutely, if that even make sense.


“Gongchan, we have reached my house.” She turned around while still hugging the big pororo plushie. “Thanks for accompanying me the whole day. And this too!” She smiled and held the plushie higher. “It’s nothing. Anyway, it has been a fun day!” I flashed my signature cute smile.

*bicycle ringing*

“Be careful!” I shouted as I pulled her towards me, away from the bicycle.  “Gwenchanna?” I asked. She looked up. Our faces were only inches apart. To be exact, even closer than Gami’s and mine this afternoon.

Suzy’s POV

*bicycle ringing*

“Be careful!” He shouted and pulled me. I landed on his chest.  “Gwenchanna?” He asked with concern. I looked up. Our faces were only inches apart. Suddenly, his hands left my back (he was sort of hugging me before this) and moved to my glasses. He took them off, slowly and gently. My heart was beating like crazy.

Gongchan’s POV

I don’t know what got into me, but my hands went up to her glasses without my permission. I gently took off her glasses. Her eyes, I never knew that such mesmerizing eyes could exist. I moved down to examine the other parts of her face. She is really pretty, but just like Gami, her beauty is hidden behind the frames. My heart started to beat uncontrollably. I have never felt something like that before. Yes, not even when my face was very close to Gami’s. Why?

Suzy’s POV

He was staring at me intently. I have always knew that he is good-looking, and has a flawless face like Jinyoung, but I have never really examined his face up-close like this before. His eyes, I don’t know how to describe it but I just couldn’t take my eyes off his. Suddenly, his face started to come closer to mine, despite how close our faces are in the beginning. Moments later, I could feel a pair of soft lips touching mine. I was a little startled, but somehow, I liked the feeling. I kissed back without realizing. 

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 41: Im crying it ended
It was good hoped to be longer but its ok
I swear this reminds me of Taiwanesr drama PiLIMIT because of te whole detective and mastermind thiNg
Witg the games and what not haha
AnStHa #2
Wow, I actually knew who the antagonist was right when he sent Fei the first supposed "fake" letter that turned out to be true....Seems like I've been reading too much detective stories..The story is really interesting.
AnStHa #3
What's not to like? A detective story and my favorite girl group.
amnesia????...he was just joking right????right????sequel????cuteness!!!!yay!!!!everyones happy now!!!!
awww!!!baro realized his mistake!!!!waah!!!!sandeullie and baro bffs forver!!!!waah!!!!...i cried...
aww!!!!sandeullie still cares bout baro!!!!aww!!!!you sweet thing!!!!...or im hoping its for sweet reasons...awww!!!!jinyounggie and fei!!!!cute cute cute!!!!even cuter...gongchannie and suzy!!!!waah!!!!adorable chappie!!!!
aww!!!!yay!!!!omg!!!!yay!!!!waah!!!!thats the way to go!!!!yay!!!!
omg!!!!yayness!!!!theyre all alive!!!!yay yay yay!!!!quick!!!!get them to a hospital!!!!...eyes wide...sandeullie!!!!waaah!!!!how awesome of you!!!!sooo brave!!!!
...eyes wide...what is this????im soooo lost!!!!well...not really...more curious...aaahhhh!!!!
...blink might not have been minho who saved jinyoung????...blink blink...hesitantly...suzy????no!!!!<br />