░ Chapter 7 ░

◄◄The Play House ►►

Author Note: Since we're on Chapter 7 for a story with GOT7 I thought I'd take the opportunity to thank you all who have subbed you guys are the bees knees♥ Now what could possibly be so bad about BamBam visiting? Please enjoy this week's Playhouse m(_ _)m Do you want to play?

Maids watched in awe as Faun and Talia raced down the hallway with their mops leaving behind a soapy wet trail. Mark liked his Dolls to be proper ladies and chores were a way for them to learn responsibility, even if they did not perform them in the most responsible way.

"Dammit Faun you tripped me!"
"Not my fault you got in my splash zone!"

Chrysalis thought she'd start keeping count of the proper outfits Master Mark had for any occassion. First the school uniform, then the tea party dresses, the gym clothes and now proper maid uniforms that were a bit more flashy than the normal Maid's attire.

They looked exactly like the uniforms that the maids in the cute cafes wore in Karin's mangas. Speaking of Karin she was dusting air with a giant fluffy duster instead of the hallway decorations with her nose still deep into a new manga that Master had gifted her and she let out an adorable gasp from some unexpected plot twist.

"Chrysalis can you head downstairs and fill this bucket with water please"
"Yes Ma'm!"

The head Maid Lillith smiled kindly while handing her the empty plastic bucket. She was from the demon realm and has been working in the Tuan Manor since he created the place. Her light hair was pulled back into a neat bun and her brown eyes crinkled at the corners.

She was as beautiful as her husband who is the chauffer was handsome and Chrysalis did not dare ask how old they were. With two hands on the handle she traveled down the stairs and peered out the window into the garden.

Rea was t the flowers with such care and admiration and Chrysalis could've sworn she saw her smile and talk to them. Mari was following her around with a parasol and hose and the two marveled at the way she would spray the water into the air and the sun would hit it at just the right angle to make a wall of rainbows.

It was intriguing to find out that the whole manor was decorated in flowers by Miss Mona's request. Mona loved flowers so much so Master Mark had gifted her the entire landscape.

There were flowers of all types, all colors, various heights and sizes from all over the world but the air was never overwhelmed by the many scents but instead they all created one beautiful harmonious smell. It was sweet, light and as elegant as Miss Mona herself.

As she walked into the kitchen a group of maids around her age were chatting in a corner and when they noticed her their gazes hardened and they left without giving her a second look.

Chrysalis placed the large bucket into the sink and ran the water. As she waited she leaned against the island and enjoyed the fresh air as all the doors and windows of the manor were open to let out dust.

The air was so clean, so pure and crisp, the complete opposite of the air she's come to know in the alleyway. She didn't choke on pollution and her eyes didn't water from car exhaust and she could take in a deep breath without her lungs feeling like they were being attacked by pins.

Mari had called her to help roll out more hose so she could reach the flowers further in the back and Chrysalis turned off the faucet and ran excitedly outside.


Once she was done assisting in the garden Chrysalis returned to the kitchen and yelled in horror as the bucket and sink were overflowing with water and it was flooding the floor.

She rushed over to the faucet that was open all the way and turned the knobs and she screamed as she slipped and landed right on her bum.

"Pretty if you want to take a bath then do so in the bath house not the kitchen"

Chrysalis crawled onto her knees and peered over the island counter and bowed her head to Mark who had just woken up. His dark hair was in disarray and he was aside from his blue flannel pajama bottoms and slippers and every muscle on his body flexed as he wiped the sleep from his eyes and he yawned loudly.

"Chrysalis where's that wat....oh my goodness are you alright?"

Lillith came in and whacked Mark's torso saying he would catch a cold and he whined and covered himself with his arms then she noticed the disoriented girl behind the counter who was struggling to catch her footing.

"What happened?"
"I don't know Ma'm I went out to help Mari in the garden...."
"Did you not turn off the faucet when you left?"
"That's the thing I did! I swear I did!"

Mark chuckled and shook his head as he remembered something. He snapped his fingers and all the water from the floor disappeared and Lillith helped Chrysalis to her feet.

"Be more careful will you"
"Yes Master I'm sorry"

Karin's eyes continued to travel back and forth as she read her new manga and the sight of an animal wearing a pirate hat with antlers made her eyes sparkle and her cute pink lips curl at the corners.

As she finished another major happening in the story she tucked her book away in her uniform's pocket and began to diligently dust all the knick knacks on the mahogany table while humming a little tune.

Miss Mona would travel all over the globe when she was searching for Doll candidates in earlier times and she would bring back little souvenirs. Snow globes, little miniature figurines of great land marks, and even framed post cards but Karin's favorite was the mini London Eye figurine. That's where Miss Mona found her, cold and hanging onto her life by a thread that frigid winter night.

Karin broke out of her nostalgia and looked up at the regal mirror in front of her and noticed the hanging painting behind her was crooked. She placed her feather duster down on the table and turned to adjust the portrait.

Once it was straight as a needle she turned back and her eyes rounded. Where was her feather duster? She knelt and looked under the table but it was nowhere to be found and as she stood up and glanced in the mirror once again she gasped and spun around.

The painting was now upside down!

"How in the world?"

She walked over cautiously to the painting and plucked it off the walls and examined it. Karin turned her head up and down the hallway but there was no one in sight. How did this happen? She placed it back onto the wall and as she walked back to the knick knacks she let out a small yelp and fell to her knees as she tripped over her feather duster.


As she peered upwards her eyes bugged out of her head. All the knick knacks she had just cleaned and arranged were now balanced on top of each other forming a tower and she squealed and lunged foward as it began to teeter.
Once it was stable Karin sighed in relief and she turned her head towards the end of the hallway. She could've sworn she heard....giggling?

The sound of wood colliding with each other rang through the halls as Faun and Talia had a sword fight with their mops. They lunged, they jumped, they yelled, and they were scolded by an older Maid and were told to place the mops on the wall and scrub the floors with sponges since they weren't mature enough to handle adult cleaning tools.

"This blows we totally won we shouldn't have to do chores today!"

Talia puffed out her cheeks as she scrubbed the floor spotless with two hands then wiped the sweat from her forehead. She turned her head towards Faun and whined because she was blowing bubbles with her hands instead of listening to her.

"Yah Faun are you hearing me?"
"Bet I can make a bigger bubble than you~"

The two girls plunged their hands into the bucket of soapy water and began blowing bubbles until the Maid had come back to scold them again and told them she did not want to hear another sound from them until the hallway was cleaned.

Faun concentrated with her back to Talia and she yelped as something whacked her in the head. She flung her head around and noticed one of the mops that were leaning against the wall was laying next to Talia's leg.

She got up, picked up the mop and poked Talia with it before placing it back in it's proper place then she returned to her post on the floor. Talia reached her arm out to dip her sponge into the bucket and she fell to the floor with a thud as her arm dipped in air.

Talia rubbed her chin and turned to find the bucket next to Faun's leg.

"Yah don't be selfish I need the bucket to..."
"What are you talking about it's right next to you..."
"No it's not look...."

The maid's hiss echoed from the end of the hallway and the girls apologized then gasped as they turned around. The mops were gone! Faun and Talia stood up and followed their soapy trail up the hallway and both girls fell to the floor with a thud as the wooden handle poked out from around the corner and tripped their feet.

As Talia laid there face planted she could've sworn she heard the sound of tiny heels on the floor.

"Maybe...you left it outside....."
"You saw me place it on the side of the door Rea"

Mari whined as she flipped the cushions in the living room and Rea followed after her to place everything back in it's proper place. The girls had come inside to arrange the furniture in the room and Mari left her parasol by the entrance and when she looked back it was gone!

There was no one else around who could have taken it and she was absolutely positive she left it leaning against the white marble frame. The girls turned their heads towards the stairs as Karin came down clutching the feather duster like a bat and looking around as if she were paranoid.

"What's wrong with you?"

Mari questioned with her hands on her hips then her gaze followed as Talia and Faun followed behind her walking back to back and handling mops in a defensive manner.

The three joined the two girls in the center of the room and their heads never stopped looking around cautiously and Mari yelled impatiently.


The girls went on to explain how strange things kept happening to them. Things kept disappearing and reappearing in different places and they could've sworn they heard faint giggles and running in the halls.

"Did anything happen to you guys?"
"My parasol went missing but I'm sure there's a reasonable explaination for this!"
"What's wrong Rea?"
"I found it"
"My parasol? Where?"

Rea pointed past their heads and the girls followed her finger and froze. Walking across the floor holding Mari's big pastel pink parasol was....a porcelain Doll. It's hair was dark brown, wavy and had a little ponytail on the top of it's head.

It was dressed in a dark and light lavender asian style dress and little black heels and as it stared at the girls with it's pale pink eyes it suddenly dropped lifelessly to the floor.


The girls trudged foward cautiously and Talia poked the doll with the end of her mop and the group jumped back just incase but the doll didn't move.

"Anybody else see it moving?"
"I sure did, can't fool these peepers!"

Once Mari collected her parasol Faun knelt down and grabbed the doll in her hands and examined it. It looked like any ordinary doll? Maybe Master was playing a prank on them or something?


The Doll's lips smirked and she latched onto Faun's braid and tugged hard causing the girl to scream and drop her to the floor and the little Doll took off up the stairs.


Faun bellowed and four pairs of feet rushed up the stairs followed by one pair of feet that were walking gracefully.

Chrysalis opened the door to a hallway closet and began to arrange the inside when she heard yelling. She peered behind the door and noticed a doll was lying on the floor next to her feet. Had it fallen out of the closet?

She picked it up and dusted off it's clothes and held it's cute porcelain face up to hers and she smiled.

"Well aren't you pretty"

The Doll grabbed onto her face and kissed her nose with an exaggerated "mwuah" sound then dropped to the floor. She tripped and locked Chrysalis in the closet and she snickered as she leaned her ear against the door to listen to her cries and thuds against the door.

"umm....picking on people is not nice!"

Talia, Mari, Faun and Karin stampeded towards the Doll who stuck it's tongue out at them and ran up the hallway. Once they dissappeared Rea followed slowly behind and opened the rattling hallway door curiously and caught Chrysalis as she fell out.

"What's going on?"
"I believe Master Mark has a guest"

The little Doll slipped through the crack of Master Mark's opened door and slammed it shut in the girls' faces. Before Talia could pry the door open in a fit of rage she took a deep breath and knocked sweetly with the other girls behind her catching their breaths.


The doors slowly opened and the girls' gazes fixed on the Doll that was blowing rasberries at them with it's hands in her ears as she was being held by a young thin man with dark hair and adorable cheeks.

"Well ladies, don't be rude"

Mark mused from the bed and the girls bowed stiffly in unison and the annoyance radiating from his Dolls caused him so much amusement his demon canines elongated behind his lips.

"Welcome Master BamBam"

Rea and Chrysalis came up behind them and Mark whined unhappily as Chrysalis adjusted a bandaid on her nose bridge. The girls bowed and BamBam's face lit up.

"Hello Rea Noona~♥"

He blurred inbetween Chrysalis and Rea with hearts in his eyes and Chrysalis squealed as something thick and scaley whacked her leg causing her to fall. BamBam turned to the girl on the floor and blinked curiously.

"Ugh who are you?"
"Chrysalis and who are you?"

"Masta Masta she called me pretty~" the Doll bounced in BamBam's arms excitedly and he bent down and helped Chrysalis to her feet. Chrysalis looked for what ever had tripped her and she gasped as she saw a tail curl from the floor and all the way up behind BamBam.

BamBam followed her gaze then laughed and wiggled his tail back and forth.

"Sorry when I'm excited my tail slips out~"

Mark's Dolls gathered around curiously as BamBam continued to swing his tail back and forth and he even balanced his Doll on the tip and she did tricks.

"Ahem, BamBam you're in my house please try to control yourself"

Mark blurred over and playfully shoved BamBam causing the Doll to fall from his tail but she quickly grasped onto Mark's fingers with her little hands. As she hung there she waved at the rest of the girls and Mark laughed brightly as his girls tried to conceal their aggression.

"I see you've all met Neema."
"Name's Neema nice to make your aquaintanceseses~!"

The girls held Faun back as she trudged foward ready to bash the little Doll in. Rea turned to BamBam and patted his head causing the little thai boy to swoon.

"Your vessel evolved, congradulations Master BamBam"
"You're so sweet Rea Noona♥ I love you~"

As he made a kissy face towards Rea Mark smashed his fist on top of BamBam's head causing him to crash to the floor.

"She's not into you bro and incase you've forgotten she's mine"
"Don't be so selfish Hyung"

Neema swung from Mark's fingers and onto her Master's head and held on cutely as he stood up. He pouted then held his hand out to Chrysalis who looked at him warrily.

"As I said before I'm BamBam, one of Mark's erh your Master's brothers♥"
"Well not technically but he's practically family. What's wrong Pretty?"
"We're not suppose to interact with other Puppeteers Master"

The rest of the girl's giggled and Mari spoke out.

"Not allowed to interact with other Puppeteers without the Master Chrysalis. He's here and it's just Master BamBam"
"What do you mean JUST Master BamBam!?"

Chrysalis shook BamBam's hand and she flinched as he grasped her hand with both of his.

"You're so cute!"
"Yes she is and she's mine release her at once"

Mark slapped BamBam's hands making him whine and he gentley pulled Chrysalis behind him with the rest of the girls.

"Mine Mine Mine you sound like an old Hyung"
"What was that?"
"Excuse me Masters but are we just going to ignore that this little pest harrased us? You didn't even tell us they were coming!"

Talia asked and she glared as Neema stuck her tongue out at her.

"Why ruin the fun?" 

Mark chuckled amusedly and grasped Chrysalis' face in his hands. His eyes flashed blue and the seal came alive for a second before dying down again. He removed the bandaid from her nose and made it vanish into thin air.

"There all better Pretty"
"Thank you Master"

Chrysalis looked down as Neema tapped on her leg then the little doll looked away with her arms crossed and her eyesbrows furrowed.

"I ughh I'm sorry for shoving you in the closet. My bad."
"How come she gets an apology, you pulled my hair!"
"She called me Pretty ya brat! And when I'm a full grown Marionette I'll do more than play small pranks on you hags!"

The four larger Dolls argued with the little porcelain one as BamBam continued to drool over Rea and Mark shook his head and kissed the side of Chrysalis' head affectionately.

"Mona won't be pleased that BamBam distracted you all from your chores"
Author Note: If you saw a Doll walking around in your house how would you react? I'd probably cry lol See you all next week for another Playhouse m(_ _)m Do you still want to play? (and thank for for making Play House my second most subbed story~)

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Pop goes the weasel♥


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Chapter 39: Hix... /tears in my eyes/ i feel Mark like when you have someone you love for too long suddenly taken it would make you feel sad :( I LOVE YOU MOORRKKK ♡
Chapter 38: Ahsgshdkxlfllf the ending notes lmao you created demon Mark true ???
Chapter 36: Damn jb.................. How could he?? Wont he be even stronger with a Deity besides him??? Heol.
Chapter 35: I wonder what made Loreli hates jb/? Well i just need to continue reading then ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ heol that disgusting scene heu poor Miyoung but im glad she's happy with Mark :" youngjae im- ???
Chapter 32: I knew it. Rea Jackson. NGAHAHAHAHA. But cant Victoria listen to the female voices/? Like didnt 'mark' said 'queen' /? Is a marionette stupid? But mona wasnt stupid... Does mona really died... :(
Chapter 27: Sunmi the snakeu...
Chapter 26: Ah so Mari didnt end up with Nyoungie.... Its okay Mari, THERE'S OTHER DEMON FOR YOU /wut
Chapter 22: Mari will be with Jinyoung, Karin will be with Yugi, Chrys happily ever after with Morkyy
Chapter 20: This is my favorite part too, now! Heu Chrys taming Beasty Mork :"(