
Gongzhu/Princess [Currently Being Revised]

(^At the image above^)

This is just soooooo cute! >u<


Hellu my sunshines! ^^

Thank you for waiting for so long =3=

Lets start the next chapter with a bit of 'mysteric, mysteric'~


Unknown POV:

An ominous voice whispered through the phone, "So, youve found her? Shes back in Taiwan?". "Yes boss." replied another voice on the other side of the call. A laugh rang through, "She thought she could hide from us, how foolish". The man smiled in the darkness,

"We've waited for this oppurtuinty for years! DONT let it slip away".

"Of course...we will get the job done".  


Amber POV:

Running to her personal chambers, Amber leaned against a wall. Her hand against her beating heart, she tried to catch her breath. 'I cant beleive I actually did it...' she thought with her hands on her warm cheeks. 'My secrets finally out...' Amber felt as if a huge weight was lifted from her, but now another weight was repalaced. She knew she could trust Kris, but could she trust the other three? One of the things that Amber had learned from working in politics was that people usually didnt do something unless it favored them. She just hoped her faith in human kindness didnt betray her, Amber could do nothing but beleive in them. True, she could threaten them, just as gege suggested they do, but she didnt like to threaten people unless it was absoulutly neccesary. She had to give them a chance first. Walking to her bed, she pushed the chiffon curtains aside and flopped down into the silk. Her eyelids started to get heavy and her breathing became softer. She didnt think she could be this exhausted. Just as Amber was about to drift off to sleep a thought suddenly exploded in her mind. "Oh my gosh!" she exclamied as she sat up, she didnt even realize until then...'Im going to be living with them in the palace for a month!!'. Theyre trip to Taiwan lasted that long and she invited them to stay here! She coudnt just take her words back...but she didnt think she could take seeing him everyday like that. She was ok if it was just for a few hours, but the whole day? However, the palace is huge enough, she could avoid him. 'No, I dont have time to avoid him! I have responsiblities! Wait...why am I even trying to avoid him?!' Amber shook her head, trying to empty out her thoughts. 'Hes Kris, hes my friend.' But she coudnt help but wonder if he had changed these past few years. It wouldnt suprise her if he did. From what she saw, it seemed he was a bit more open to people than before. 'I guess it because he doesnt have the label of the "cool guy" anymore...'. Amber hugged one of her stuffed bears, resting her chin on its head. 'It took me years to be close to him...but he already seems really close to Li Kun even though theyve only known each other for an year. 'Why does it feel bad?' she thought as unsettling emotion fell on her heart.

Amber sighned, getting up, "I dont have time for this." she said to herself as she walked to her clothes room. She had practically begged guma not to give her so many clothes that she need a whole seperate room for it. But her guma insisted, saying it was normal for a princess. 'This isnt normal no matter how much you look at it' Amber thought as she walked past rows and rows of silk robes, jewlery, slippers, and accesories of every color. Finally, she reached her usual wear, simple silk pants and top. It was the tradtional wear for guys but Amber decided this was the best for her when in the palace. She'd ususally wear the fancier silk robes whenever she had a guest and she'd wear a simple silk robe when she went outside with a tradtional chinese hat that had a long chiffon veil, covering her face and most of her body. She had to keep her identity safe from the villagers, she didnt want them caught up in her trouble. But on normal days, she'd just wear the pants and top. If she had a choice, she would wear the pants and top over the robe anyday. But guma had told her that if she wore it infront of people, they wouldnt take her seriously as a princess. And Amber believed that, almost all the politicians were constantly looking for any chance to bring her down. But she wasnt going to give them that chance. Amber let her robe fall to the ground and slipped into the pants, letting out a breathe of relif. The robes werent so bad, but this just felt so much more mobile.

She stepped out her clothes room and walked over to her balcony where she could see her entire palace bathed in warm sunlight. Amber looked over at the gardeners in the field, attendants cleaning the court, and guards stationed here and there. It had taken her a long time to get used to people doing stuff for her. She didnt think she could ever be comfortable with people obeying her either. In fact, it STILL made her cringe at the thought. Sometimes she just wanted to yell 'Stop, its all fake!!! Im not a princess so let me clean and cook!! Dont listen to a word I say and just boss me around!!'. But her guma had taught her that this was how it was suppose to be and that everyone loved doing their duty. She had intially refused to beleive it until all of them one day gathered around to tell her that they wouldnt want to be anywhere but here. That was when she decided they were not just attendants but part of her family...and she loved each and everyone of them.

A loud bang suprised Amber as she looked off to the court, wondering what the commotion was. She squinted her eyes and saw two figures. 'Ah, it was the swords that fell' she thought as the two figures scambled to try to pick up the swords. 'Wait...isnt that Kris and Li Kun? It is!' She laughed out loud as Kris dropped the swords that he had just picked up, 'Why is he such a clutz?'. A few attendants rushed to them to help, eventually taking all the swords from Kris and Li Kuns hands. Amber shook her head, a smile plastered on her face as she watched Kris apologize to them over and over.

"Cute..." she whispered to herself quitely.


Kris POV:

"Excuse, but whose weapons are these?" Kris asked pointing the array of different swords, daggers. arrows, metal rods, etc. He knew Amber had an intrest in them but he didnt think she would have this much. "This is sometimes used as the training ground for the guards. It is also where dianxia and Dao Fang spar in their free time." an attendant said. 'Dao Fang? Who is that? Her instructor?' he thought, an eyebrow raised. Seeing his confuesed expression, the attendant smiled, "Dont worry, youll meet him soon". "Yi Fan, lets go look around some more!" Li Kun said, her arm looping around his. "Er, okay. Thank you so much" Kris said to the attendants as he walked off with Li Kun.

Kris didnt think that they could ever explore the whole palace, even if they had the whole day. 'But Amber did say we can stay here...looks like Ill have a whole month to look around!' he thought with a smile; where else can he get such an awesome oppurtinuty? He gets to live in a real palace! Kris hadnt noticed where Li Kun had led them till he realized the change of color. While the other areas of the palace all had a silimilar stlye (but all in diverse colors), the are they were now in was somehow different from the rest. It seemed almost...sacared. "Um, Li Kun, I dont think we are suppose to be here without permission." he said, his feet stopping. "Hm? Why not? Its just another place." she said looking up at him. "No, I think normal people arent allowed to come in without someone else knowing." he said, his suspicion becoming stronger. "Normal people? Yi Fan, you and I arent normal. We are Chinas top stars! And whats the difference between us and that girl?" she said. Kris saw her point but still...royalty is royalty. "No Li Kun, let go." he said turning around and preparing to walk off. But Li Kun held onto his arms, "Please Kris, this place seems to be the prettiest. And if it people arent allowed to go in, why arent there any guards? Come on!" she said pulling on his sleeves slightly. Kris signed, well she was right, there were no guards and the place did seem beautiful. "Okay." he said with a slight smile as Li Kun went "Yay!" and pulled him along. They passed large landscape paintings of Taiwan, several show cases of what seemed like ancient pottery, and even a large study room filled with scrolls and books. 'This is amazing!' he thought, flipping through some of the pages of a book. The pages felt so delicate under his skin; it all seemed so old. He then walked up to a large desk in the middle of the room, papers pilled on it, an ink bottle, and a large stamp. Kris looked at the stamp, it was gold with jewels embezzled in it. Thats when Kris' suspicion returned. "Li Kun lets go...Li Kun? Li Kun?" he looked around, where was she? "Wow, Yi Fan look!" he heard her say in another room. Kris ran out to where she was, standing in the doorway of the biggest room of the area they were in. 'A bed? Wait...' Kris suddenly realized where exactly they were. "Li Kun-" he was interupted as a voice sliced through the air, "Why are you here?". Kris and Li Kun turned to where the voice was coming from. A figure in black robes emerged from behind a shiffon curtain, pulling the red aside to reveal himself. He was Kris height, with a fair complexion, jet black hair, sharp eyes, small lips, long narrow nose, and a muscular build. He gave off an aura of authority and they coudnt help but be startled. "Who are you?" Li Kun asked, her voice shaking slightly. 'And when did he get here? He didnt make a sound!' Kris thought. The man ignored her question and took a few step foward, stopping a feet away from them. "Leave" he said, not looking away from them for a second. Kris didnt want to make trouble for Amber, epecially on his first day here. But this man, Kris didnt know why, but the way this guy was looking at him was... threatening. Kris became deterimned not to look away from the guys stare. Kris knew he was pushing it but he wasnt going to run that easily. When the guy realised Kris wasnt leaving, his eyes hardned. 'Maybe now not the time' he determined, sense coming back to him. Kris put on his 'cold face' and walked off with his swag-while-trying-not-to-trip-on-the-robe walk, Li kun following after him.

'I knew we shouldnt be here! But still, even if we werent allowed,

why did he look at me like that?

Like he wanted to punch me square in the face?

...Who is that guy?'


Dao Fang POV:

'How dare they enter Ambers Chambers? People dont randomly enter a girls bedroom, especially a guy.' Dao Fangs eyes narrowed as he watched their retreating figures. 'Hmph, so thats Wu Yi Fan or Kris.' he thought while leaning slightly on a wall. 'Amber says she trusts him the most out of the four...but I dont trust him at all. The coward who left his life in Korea and ran to China with his tail inbetween his legs.' His fist clenched, 'Dont dare to come near her heart again.' he thought, jaw tightneing. Amber didnt know, but he knew. Dao Fang knew that Amber had a special spot for Kris. The way she talked to him about Kris, the videos he had watched with her and Kris, and how she acted when he was mentioned...not to mention how hurt she was when Kris left without a goodbye. He didnt want that special feeling to grow into something more, especially with a guy like him. Dao Fang watched them disappear, 'Looks like that girls intrested in him...good. Hope that keeps him busy'. He slipped his hands into his pockets and walked off.      

Dao Fang would never let Amber go with Kris. 

He needed to feel assured that the man Amber was with would take care of her, protect her...and never leave her...

And he knew that wasnt Kris.


This was a short chapter (Sowie =u=")

But I just wanted to give you guys a little something ^^


Ill be taking a break for a while because of finals (HELLLPPPP MEEEE TwT)

Ill see you guys during Christmas Break >3< ~ <3

Dont worry, there will be more Krisber!!! >u<



These clothes malfunctions....

Kyaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!! >/////<

(Dont worry, I have many more gifs like these kekeke)










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Honestly, idm if u go back and change the names. But i do see this as just characters
Chapter 28: I would love to if you continuing this krisber fanfic because I love this couple since the beginning. But, about Kris situation, I hate what kris's teams doing to my good boy pcy. How could they doing it to him?? I'm disappointed in Kris and his teams. What they did to pcy is mean!!!
Lisakrisber_1 #3
Chapter 23: Beautiful Story
Chapter 26: If you think you should revamp it, I think you should do it. Since there's so many things that have happened between the shake that brass era+sowk and the current ones. Especially with songs like 3 million years and other people and Eternal Love HAHAHA. And it's a give for your style to change. So I'll just support you!
AnyBer_Lover #5
Chapter 26: I'm so glad you're back! Throughout the years this has been one of the most memorable Amber stories to me. It's understandable to want to revamp the story since 3 years have past and people change; so write what you want to write, I'll be happy if you're happy with what you are writing.
themisberry #6
Chapter 26: I will support you in either way. As long as you update this story. I will be your loyal reader until the end. Just keep writing because i would love to read yours. Stay healthy
Chapter 25: Yeeeaaayy finally!!!! But why gege said those things? And no krisber interactions here huhu I need more krisber. But thanks for the update, cant wait to read more :)
Chapter 25: Finally... Glad that ur back...
Thank uuuu....