Chapter 7

런던의 봄 Spring in London (Revamp)

Image result for wooyoung and iu behind the scenes

Chapter 7

Wooyoung took her to a restaurant that Ji eun had never been to. Maybe it can’t be called a restaurant, because it’s just kind of cramped little shop specialized in selling fish and chips, which is the most delicious all over London as Wooyoung said before, no tables or chairs in that shop, so people enjoy their fish and chips on the side of the road, on a park bench, or on the way. However, the shop was very crowded. A very long queue of buyers to the outside of the shop.

“So, you’ve never been here?” Wooyoung said after he received two packs fish and chips and get out into the street.

Ji eun shook her head as she received one of the bundle with raised eyebrows. Apparently, the fish and chips wrapped just in a paper. Absolutely not…well, not classy.

Wooyoung chuckled. “Don’t let appearances deceive you,” He said as if he could read Ji eun’s mind. “Although the cover is a bit mess, it’s completely different.”

Ji eun opened the fish and chips a little and immediately smelled a bit sweet. Her stomach automatically rumbling slowly. She looked around and said, “Where are we going to eat this?”

Wooyoung moves his head. “Come, follow me.”

Once again Ji eun found herself following Jang Wooyoung. She was somewhat surprised to realized that this guy seemed to know more about London than her, but Ji eun had lived here for almost three years.

Apparently, Wooyoung took her to a small park not far from the street corner. Ji eun also have to admit to herself that this is the first time she saw this park, or just realized the existence of this park in London.

The park was just a small park on the street corner, with a path around a pond that’s not too big and trees that lined the path. Ji eun looked up at the sky. The sun is beginning to peek out from behind the clouds and peeping from between the leaves. An occasional bird’s chirping sounds add a peaceful.

Actually, this is one thing that Ji eun really want to do, but she has never had a chance to do it. A leisurely stroll in the park, or sitting in one of a bench that’s often seen there and don’t do anything. Just sit on a park bench and enjoy the day. Without doing anything. But during she stayed in London, she had never managed to fulfill her desire. Her work made her always busy, always moving from one place to another. Never pause just standing and looking around.

“Why don’t we just sit here?” Wooyoung’s voice interrupted her reverie. Ji eun turned and saw Wooyoung pointed an empty green-painted bench that lined the edge of the trail, overlooking the pool.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never come here,” Wooyoung said when Ji eun was sitting next to him.

“I haven’t,” Ji eun replied. Her eyes were devouring the beautiful scenery around her. An atmosphere of a quiet park, her heart was light flying, make a happy smile tugging at her lips involuntarily. “I like to be here.”

Wooyoung inserts a piece of french fries into his mouth. “This is a place I always visit whenever I come to London,” He said. “The park is always beautiful in any season. Spring, summer, autumn, winter, you name it. But I liked this park in the springtime when flowers begin to bloom.

Ji eun looked around. She didn’t saw there are many flowers that bloom there.

“Now is the interest hasn’t yet appeared,” Wooyoung said, once again managed to read Ji eun’s mind. “Wait a few weeks later and you’ll see.”

Ji eun nodded, then opened the package and began to eat her lunch. A second later, her eyes widened and she turned to looked at Jang Wooyoung. “Gosh, this is really delicious,” She said.

Jang Wooyoung smiled broadly. “I told you.”

Ji eun smiled and for two or three minutes they eat in silence. Lost in their thoughts. Ji eun then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “This is the first time I eat, sitting in a park,” She said.

“You have a lot of new things today, isn’t it?” Wooyoung said. “First time eating the most delicious fish and chips all over London, the first time stepping your feet on this park, the first time lunch in the park.” Ji eun nodded.

“The first time you get to eat with a nice friend like me?” Ji eun turned and looked at Wooyoung with his small laugh. Then she shrugged and replied, “Maybe.”

Wooyoung smiled. “That’s good enough for me.”

Several minutes passed without a sound, only sound of a gentle breeze and the chirping of birds. Ji eun closed her eyes for a moment. The atmosphere is really peaceful till she felt she could sleep there.

“Do you often visit a park like this when you were still living in Japan?”

Wooyoung’s voice makes Ji eun’s eyes opened. “No,” She said after some thought. Whether in Tokyo or in London, her schedule is always dense. She never could relax. “Actually, I’ve forgotten the last time I visited a park anywhere. In Kyoto?”

“You live in Kyoto?” Wooyoung asked.

“What? Oh, no. I lived in Tokyo. My parents who lived in Kyoto,” Ji eun said. “My father didn’t really like living in Tokyo, so my parents moved to Kyoto and opened an antique shop there. My sister and I remained in Tokyo because we didn’t want to change school. So…” Realizing that she had talked more about her family, Ji eun stopped herself and muttering, “That’s it.”

But seemed Wooyoung unaware a sudden stop of Ji eun’s speech. He reflected for a moment, then looked at Ji eun. “So, you have a sister?” Ji eun nodded. “I had an older sister and a brother,” Wooyoung continued.

“Um, I’ve heard from Yoon,” Ji eun said mused.

Wooyoung turned to her and smiled. “Well, it turns out you’ve been asked the other about me?”

Ji eun grunted but didn’t answer.

“My sister is a former model who now works as a fashion designer. My brother… well, he used to be a television producer.” Wooyoung paused, then continued, “If you’ve been told about my brother, you’d know that a few years ago he suffered a severe accident and was coma for two months before he passed away.”

Ji eun fleeting glance at Wooyoung but didn’t say anything. Wooyoung just sat there and stared blankly ahead. Because don’t want this fun atmosphere ruined because of unpleasant memories, Ji eun changed the topic. “My sister and I were twins.”

Wooyoung’s eyes widened in surprised. “Twins? Jeez…”


“I can’t imagine anyone else exactly the same as you,” Wooyoung murmured. “Are you two had a similar face?” Ji eun nodded.

“Is she also a model?” Ji eun shooked her head. “She worked at a library in Tokyo.”

“Oh.” Wooyoung nodded. “Is she so grumpy like you?”

This time Ji eun turned to him with furrowed. “I’m not grumpy.”

“Okay, okay. You’re not grumpy,” Wooyung said quickly, then shrugged, “just a little… well, scary.” Wooyoung saw the grinning, Ji eun turned away and laughed.

Wooyoung looked at her thoughtfully, then said, “Who would have thought to see you laughing I only have to buy fish and chips and take you to the park?”

Ji eun and Wooyoung turned back for two seconds they just stared at each other. Before Ji eun had opened to say something, –not that she wanted to say something, because her brain had gone blank and her voice is also flying off somewhere- she heard someone calling her name.

“Hey, Ji eun!”Ji eun dragged her gaze from Jang Wooyoung and turned. Apparently, that’s Ji yeon, and she was standing next to Ji eun. “Oh, Ji yeon.”

“Just happened to see you here,” Ji yeon’s eyes shone with joy. She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. “I just finished the audition and I’ll go lunch with my friends.” Ji eun looked over Ji yeon’s shoulder and saw five friends of her waited for a little way from there.

“Have you eaten? If not, come along with us,” Ji yeon said. She turned her eyes to Wooyoung who sat next to Ji eun. “Of course, your friend must come too.”

Ji eun recognize the flash of Ji yeon’s green eyes full of interest. Her friend was definitely surprised to saw Ji eun sitting in a park with a man. This morning, Chansung said that he had never seen Ji eun with any guy. Ji yeon also certainly had never seen it. And Ji eun sure Ji yeon will tell this extraordinary event to Chansung when she arrived home later.

Ji eun suddenly feeling a pinch in her arm. She grimaced and glared at Ji yeon. And Ji yeon just smiles sweetly at her, then looked back at Wooyoung. That’s really obvious. Ji eun secretly sighed, then said dutifully. “Ji yeon, this is Wooyoung.” Then she turned toward Wooyoung. “This is Ji yeon, my flat mate.”

Ji yeon featuring the brightest stage smile while Wooyoung stood and held out his hand.”It’s nice to meet you,” Ji yeon said as she shook Wooyoung’s hand. “I don’t know Ji eun have fri–ouch!” Ji yeon glared at Ji eun who had pinched her secretly and then re-install her bright smile to Wooyoung. “So, you want to join us for lunch?” Ji eun saw Wooyoung also gave a smile, which surely makes him the most popular model in Korea as Yoon said.

“Thanks for the offer, but we just ate.”

“Oh , I see,” Ji yeon mumbled stared at Ji eun with a knowing look. “Then, Ji eun, see you at home later.” Then she turned to Wooyoung. “And good bye, Wooyoung. Once again, nice to meet you.”

After Ji yeon back to her friends and disappeared from their view, Wooyoung said, “Your friend looks funny.”

Ji eun shrugged. “Don’t be fooled by her smile. Sometimes she can be really  troublesome.”

“More troublesome than you?” Ji eun glanced at him, then smiled faintly. “By the way, I think it’s time to go.”

Wooyoung looked at his watch, “That’s true. Hyung will be mad if we wouldn’t show up.”

Ji eun got up and looked around for the last time. “I have to come here again next time,” She muttered.

“If you need a friend, you must take me,” Wooyoung said.

Ji eun stared at him. Wooyoung stared back at her with furrowed. “What? We still friends despite this music video shooting was finished, right? You can call me, you know if you need a friend. For example, if you feel don’t like eating lunch alone, or if you don’t wanna sitting alone in the park.”

Ji eun thought for a moment, then slowly she took a deep breath and smiled slightly. “I’ll remember that,” She said.


* * *


Ji eun was right when she thinks that Ji eyon will surely tell Chnasung about her beeing seen sitting in a park alone with a guy. But she was wrong when she thought Ji yeon would wait until she got home to tell Chansung. In fact, when Ji eun has disappeared from her view, Ji yeon immediately issued a cell phone and called Chansung.

“What did you saw?” Chansung asked on the other line. The noise of pots, dishes, and people scream out to each other, heard in the background.

“I saw her with a guy in a park,” Ji yeon said again. “And I saw she smiled.”

“Who? Ji eun?”

“Of course Ji eun. Who else?” Ji yeon said. “They even have lunch together! I almost didn’t believe it.”

“Oh, is it possible that guy is the man who she told me this morning?” Chansung muttered to himself.


Chansung told her what happened in their flat kitchen this morning, what was Ji eun said, and what Chansung suggested to Ji eun. “What do you think?” He asked finally.

Ji yeon tapped her chin with her index finger. “I think you’re right.”

“That guy, how his look?” Chansung asked. Ji yeon could hear a laughter in his voice.

“Really handsome. It’s really your type,” Ji yeon  said with a softly chuckled. “And he looks good.”

“Oh, I really want to see him,” Ji yeon groaned. But soon his voice grew serious. “And how was Ji eun? Is she okay?”

“Yes,” Ji yeon said. “You know, I saw her smile, even laughed, with him. It’s been a long time I didn’t saw her laughing like that. That’s good, right?”

“Yes. Yes, of course,” Chansung said. He paused, then added, “I hope so.”


* * *


Didn't Wooyoung said that Ji eun doesn't like him? Park Jinyoung thought to himself as he watched that two people from behind the camera. It was the scene taking Wooyoung and Ji eun together and their relationship looked fine, in front and behind the camera. In fact, Park Jinyoung somewhat impatient when Wooyoung always makes Ji eun lost her serious expression. They both should stand to face each other and hold hands, then Ji eun’s face slowly lifted looked at Wooyoung, and after that, she must be smiling with teary eyes as she finally met the man who always helped her and loves her from afar. It should be a romantic scene. But the reality?

“Wooyoung, we’re not here to make a comedy movie,” Park Jinyoung warned him from behind the camera. Wooyoung turned and bowed apologetically. Ji eun was also bowed, but she did as she covered with her hands, try not to laugh.

Park Jinyoung exhaled. “Once again,” He said.

“Jeez, don’t laugh on. I guarantee you don’t want to see Hyung get mad,” Wooyoung said to Ji eun. But Park Jinyoung could see his eyes shining in laughter. Then, he looked down and said something to Ji eun that’s couldn’t be heard by Park Jinyoung, and a second later she looked at Wooyoung with wondering look, then glanced at Park Jinyoung, and finally back at Wooyoung with a small nod.

Park Jinyoung sighed and shooked his head. This boy is really…

Then he saw Ji eun’s smile slowly expanded. Oh, oh, oh! Park Jinyoung quickly signaled the cameraman who hold a camera to take her picture close up. Soon, Ji eun’s smiling face fulfill Park Jinyoung’s monitor. Really good, Park Jinyoung thought with a happy smile. He certainly could use this image later.

Park Jinyoung looked up and stared at the two people again, standing in front the camera. He doesn’t care how they form their relationship. Maybe Lee Ji eun doesn’t like Wooyoung, though Park Jinyoung doesn’t sure the reality is really like that and Wooyoung is okay to joke as he wasn't, as long as Park Jinyoung can get the picture he wanted. That’s all the matter. At least for Park Jinyoung. And now the work should continue.

Park Jinyoung clapped his hands twice and exclaimed, “Everyone, return to the first position. Let’s try one more time.”


A/N: Chapter 7 is finally out! Sorry for making you guys wait. I was out of town and couldn't update. Thank you for the new readers and subscribers!


Special mentions:

@ iuismylife, sorry for the wait, hehehe

@sinikka7, thank you. The story is originally written by Ilana Tan, an Indonesian write. All credits to her ^^

@wooyoung_jwy, Here's another beautiful chapter ^^

@jlove2pm, sorry for confusion. I need to fix that. Thank you for letting me know about it ^^

@Hanminse_ here's another cute chapter ^^

@WooUthebest, here's another beautiful chapter. Oh by the way thanks for reading the story ^^


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Chapter 27: I love this story .Im glad IU believes in Wooyoung
Thank you so much. Now Im waiting for ur old story and new story
Chapter 27: Thanks also for you who have finished this wonderful story and I will wait for your new WooU story again.
Chapter 25: I love this chapter too. This story always makes me imagine as drama of Wooyoung and IU. Thanks for update and fighting!