Chapter 23

런던의 봄 Spring in London (Revamp)


Chapter 23

Tokyo, Japan


A taxi that is carrying Wooyoung stops across an old apartment building that is two-story building at a suburban in Tokyo. "Is this where is the place?" Asked Wooyoung to the taxi driver in Japanese language, sounded a bit jaded and broken. At least the driver understand and he nodded in response.

"Wait a minute," Wooyoung said to the driver. Then, move the hand to clarify the intent. "Wait a minute here. Ok? " The driver nodded and gave an okay sign with his hand.

Wooyoung ot out of the cab and looked around, his hand lifted into his eye to withstand sunlight. The area is fairly quiet, but not lonely or scary. It was like a soothing silence. He looked down at the paper in his hand. Shabby because it often opened to be read and then folded back. If the address given Chansung is indeed true, then this is the place where Ji eun is stayig at. And Wooyoung should be doing now is to look for an apartment numbered 202 and knocked.

Wooyoung was about to cross the road when something catches his attention. From across the street he could see a woman went out of the apartment on the second floor. And Wooyoung heart seems to stop beating for a moment when he recognized the woman.

Ji eun. It is Ji eun.

Wooyoung's eyes can not be separated from the figure that was coming down the stairs in the apartment building. Wooyoung was so transfixed until it took a few seconds for him to realize that there was a man down the stairs who is together with Ji eun.

Wooyoung squint his eyes to see more clearly. Who is that man? And what is his relationship with Ji eun? But the next question had not occurred to Wooyoung because
at the time Ji eun and the man had arrived at the ground floor and Wooyoung could see Ji eun was smiling.

She smiled to the man beside her. A smile he never seen previously. Smile it means ... Oh, damn. Now the man lean forward to her to say something that made Ji eun smile widened, then laughed.

Wooyoung immediately felt something pierced in his heart and legs as if he got stuck to the ground where he stood. He could not move. All his body was petrified. Ji eun is completely unaware of the existence of Wooyoung across the street. She and the man walked out of the apartment building and started walking down the road, away from Wooyoung. Then, Wooyoung saw the man stretched out his hand and holds the hand of Ji eun as though he is entitled to do so. As if he gave a statement to the world that Ji eun is only his.

And Ji eun did not withdraw his hand. Ji eun let the man to hold her hand. They both look very happy and relaxed, as if they had often done it and get used to doing it.
Wooyoung suddenly found it difficult to breathe. He was almost sure there is nothing wrong with himself. Irregular heart beat, his chest suddenly felt very, very heavy. And pain. He had to hold on to the cab beside him so that he doesn't fall as he sat on the ground. And on top of everything, he felt the urge to punch someone.

Especially the man who walked with Ji eun earlier. The man who took the hand of Ji eun and she smiled at it.

Oh, damn ...

In a state of delirium, Wooyoung went back into the cab and sat leaning back with his eyes closed. Supposedly he was pleased. Ji eun looks good. Ji eun looks healthy.  Ji eun looks happy. Ji eun looks very happy indeed. Yes, Wooyoung should feel pleased with it. Isn't that what he really want is to see Ji eun okay? Isn't he really wants to see Ji eun happy?

Of course. Of course, but ...

The pain in his chest deepened and Wooyoung winced. He did want to see Ji eun happy, but he wanted to see Ji eun happy with him. Only with him.

If he had waited too long? Is two years too long? Was his decision to wait two years has made it lose Ji eun?

What should he do now?

What could he do now?


A/N: Finally! I am really sorry for not updating. I got so busy on my new job and my sister's wedding. I literally had no time to touch my computer. And two days ago I bought my own laptop! Yazzz! By the way have you guys been listening to IU's new song? It's so awesome especially the one with G-dragon and Kim Soo Hyun. Reverie on Dream High days, hehehe. Anyway, I hope you gus still reading this story. THANK YOU and THANK YOU again. I love you guys. Double update for you guys :) 

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Chapter 27: I love this story .Im glad IU believes in Wooyoung
Thank you so much. Now Im waiting for ur old story and new story
Chapter 27: Thanks also for you who have finished this wonderful story and I will wait for your new WooU story again.
Chapter 25: I love this chapter too. This story always makes me imagine as drama of Wooyoung and IU. Thanks for update and fighting!