Chapter 6

런던의 봄 Spring in London (Revamp)


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Chapter 6


The next morning Chansung stood in front of the kitchen window and sullenly staring at the cloudy sky outside. He was already familiar with the city's weather that is uncertain, but it does not mean he liked it. He takes a sip of his tea, then refocused on pancake batter on the table and sighed. He likes to cook, and he believed the words of his mother since he was small, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What a shame both of his friends does not believe the same thing. Ji yeon just need a cup of coffee in the morning and Ji eun is too busy to eat. If Chansung isn't live with them, the two girls would have dried up like a skull.

He looked up when the bedroom door open and Ji eun is wrapped with robes that appeared with a pale face and dark circles around the eyes. "Gosh, lass, what did you do? You look like had a sleepless night," said Chansung.
"I could not sleep," Ji eun muttered hoarsely while she sat in one of the three wooden chairs at the dining table and bring both legs up the chair.
"Wait a minute," said Chansung quickly. "I'll pour some tea for you, then you can tell me."
"Tell you what?" 
"Don't play dumb, dear," said Chansung, putting a cup of steaming tea in front of Ji eun, and then sat down in front of her. "I have known you long enough to know that you have a problem. Now, can you tell me about it while we're eating? It's pancakes and honey. I know you like to eat pancakes with honey."
Ji eun smiled a little when Chansung pushed a plate the warm pancakes to her direction. "You sound like my mother," she murmured softly.
"Someone had to as a mother if there's you and Ji yeon here." Chansung muttered. But then he smiled when he saw Ji eun started devouring the pancakes. "Now tell me, what makes you not to sleep all night?"
"Where's Ji yeon? She's still not awake?"

"She's been away earlier this morning," said Chansung. "She said there was an audition."

Ji eun nodded.

"Now tell me before my patience runs out," insisted Chansung.

Ji eun grimaced and eat her pancakes again. Then, she hesitated, seemed to be thinking of the right words, finally she said carefully, "There's a man."

Chansung's eyebrows raised in surprise. As long as he knows Ji eun, he had never Ji eun talking about man. "Man? Who?"

"My colleague," said Ji eun, without looking at him. "In the music video. He ... "
"He's bothering you?" Chansung guessed with his furrowed brows.

Ji eun looked up and quickly shook her head. "He's not. No, no ... I mean not like that." Then, she turned her gaze out the window. "He's not bothering me."

When Ji eun was still silent, Chansung guess again. "Then, he seduces you?"

Ji eun turned her attention to him. "No, he does not," she murmured, sighed.

"Then what?" Chansung moaned, too curious to be patient.

Ji eun bit her lip for a moment, then looked up looked at Chansung and said, "It's okay. Absolutely okay." She shrugged. "You may not know, but I never felt comfortable together ... With a male and ... "

"I know," interrupted Chansung. When Ji eun looked at him confused, he added, "Ji yeon also know."

"You know?" Ji eun looked at him in surprise.

Chansung rolled his eyes. "Of course we know, although we do not know what the reason is. How many years since we live together? During this time we have never seen you with any man. You don't even have any make friends. Except me, of course, but its a different case."

Ji eun put down the fork and hugged her  legs. "You want to talk about the reason?" Asked Chansung.

"No," Ji eun replied quickly.

Chansung exhaled slowly. "All right. Let's just talk about this man. What's your problem with him? You said he's not bother you."

"He is nice?"

Ji eun shrugged. "Well ... you could say that."

"He's handsome?"

"Does it have anything to do with that?"

"A Lot! Well, is he handsome or not?"

Ji eun was silent for a moment, then muttered, "Not bad."

Chansung leaned back. "All right. So he's good and handsome. So far I don't  see any problem with him."

Ji eun took a deep breath, looked out the window, then muttered, "He ... he reminded me of the things I never want to remember anymore."

Chansung looked at Ji eun for a moment. "You mean, he reminds you of someone in your past? Someone who is not fun?" He asked softly.

Ji eun turned to him and smiled wryly. "I forgot you were smart to read a woman's mind." She grumbled.

Chansung did not heed her words and kept asking, "But someone in the past it wasn't him, right?"

"No he wasn't ."

"Then why do you equate that guy with him?"

"I do not ..."

"No?" Chansung asked with a raised eyebrow. Then, he sighed and leaned forward and grasped her hand. "Listen, Ji eun, I don't know what happened in the past. Perhaps you've hurted by a man. Or maybe a completely different reason. I have no idea. Only you who know. But you should know that not all men are the same. It does not seem fair to all men just because of one mistake. Especially when the man was as good as you say." He smiled. "A normal-handsome man is hard to get, you know?"

Ji eun finally smiled. "I don't have the intention to establish a relationship with him, you know."

"I know. But there's nothing wrong with becoming friends, isn't?" Said Chansung lightly.

"If he was not as good as you think, or if he does something to you, you have me here. I can kick him to the neighboring countries, you know? Or Ji yeon could ask one of her personal bodyguard to finish him in the spot. "

A smile began tugging at the corners of Ji eun's lips. Chansung smiling. "But if he will indeed proved that he's a good man and if you are not interested in him, you should throw it to me. Who knows ...?"

This time Ji eun laughed. "Glad you had a laugh. Now finish your pancake and go to take a bath, "said Chansung with satisfaction. Then, he paused and blinked. "Gosh, I really sound like a mother."
* * *

A typical small cafe in West End's England seemed crowded. Not by guests who wants to enjoy a cup of tea or cucumber sandwiches, but by the production staff of the music video production staffs chatting with each other and cried out in Korean. While the staff is busy preparing everything, Jin young Park sitting outside a cafe, occupies one of the round table that is painted white on the sidewalk, with a cup of hot coffee in front of him. The afternoon sky was overcast, but Jin young Park wasn't worried at all.
Filming today entirely in the room.

"Hello, Hyung." Jin young Park looked up from the sheets of paper in his lap and made a direct eye contact with Wooyoung who somehow already occupied one of the metal chair in front of him. 
"Oh, hello. You had lunch? If not you'd better go eat first because we all have eaten before." said Jin young Park while turning back his attention at his papers.

Wooyoung did not answer, instead he looked around for a moment, then returned to Jin young Park. "Hyung have you seen Ji eun?"

Jin young Park shook his head. "She hasn't come yet. Perhaps briefly she will be here."

"Hyung, what do you think about her?" Asked Wooyoung suddenly.

"She's a professional," said Jin young Park as he back through the paper in his lap. "Got  a face suitable for this music video."

"I mean other than that," said Wooyoung. "What hyung know about her?"

This time Jin young Park looked up and stared at Wooyoung with a surprise response. "Is there anything else I need to know about her other than the fact
that she is a professional, has a face that is suitable for this music video, also is perfect paired with you?" Jin young Park countered. "However also, Junho had decided early on that he wanted you starred in this music video. So we just need to find a suitable female model with you."

Wooyoung winced. "In other words, hyung not know anything about her outside the work?"

"Am I supposed to know?" Asked Jin young Park in surprise. He never care on the private business of the models. For him, as long as they do all the work he wanted in front of the camera, he does not care anything about that they do behind the camera.
Wooyoung exhaled, then said, "She doesn't  like me."

"Really?" Asked Jin young Park nonchalantly. "What have you done to her?"

"I did nothing."

Jin young Park squinted passed the shoulder  of Wooyoung. "That's her," he says. "The person you are looking for has come." Wooyoung immediately turned around and saw Ji at un walking toward Yoon were waving to her. "You have to exert your charm, Wooyoung. Try to get her to like you, at least not in front of the camera." Jin young Park said. "Today you two will appear together in front of the camera and I don't want having trouble."
"I know," Wooyoung sighed. Then, he smiled wryly, standing and walking away. At that time Jin young Park realize that Wooyoung's footsteps looks lame.

"Hey, Wooyoung, what happened to your leg?" He asked.

Wooyoung waved a hand. "There's nothing to worry about."

Jin young Park shrugged. He just hoped Wooyoung will not be visibly lame in front of the camera.
* * *


Ji eun already know that Wooyoung walked up to them even before Yoon invoking the name of the man with a worried tone. Ji eun turned and instantly can guess what makes Yoon sounded anxious. Wooyoung's steps looks lame. But before Yoon could inquire further, someone cried out and called her and the next thing she was aware, Ji eun is left with Wooyoung.

"Hello," says Wooyoung, smiling brightly. "I hope you get time enough rest last night."

"Yes," murmured Ji eun shortly.

Suddenly, Wooyoung bent and brought his face to Ji eun's face. Ji eun was too shocked to move. Wooyoung watched her eyes, then he tilted his head slightly and muttered, "But you still look pale. Lack of sleep?"

Ji eun blinked and quickly stepped back. "Wh-what's with your feet?" She asked somewhat stuttered because she wanted to change the subject.

Wooyoung looked down at his feet, then smiled. "Someone stepped on it last night." he said lightly. "Yesterday was not painful, but suddenly this morning my legs started to swollen. Strange, isn't?" 
'Someone stepped on his foot last night?' Ji eun looked up and looked at Wooyoung who was still smiling. "Me?" She asked doubtfully. She remembered she indeed stepped on his foot on the ladder in the restaurant last night.
"Don't worry," He reassured her. "There are no broken bones. At least it would well if I compress it." 
Ji eun still not sure. 'Perhaps there is no broken bones, but ...' "You've been go to the doctor?" She asked.
Wooyoung shrugged. "Why would I go to a doctor because of this minor problem?" Ji eun furrowed her brow vaguely. "If you still feel guilty," Wooyoung interrupted quickly, "you can buy me a meal. I have not had lunch and I'd love to eat fish and chips. Have had your lunch?"
"I've had breakfast," said Ji eun
Wooyoung sighed. "Breakfast and lunch is different. You don't want to fall fainted again, aren't you?" When Ji eun glared at him, his smile even grew widely and he added, "Come, follow me. The next shooting will be started in two hours away and I know a place that sells the most delicious fish and chips in all parts of London. Hopefully, they have not moved."

Ji eun opened wanted to refuse, but she remembered the conversation she had with Chansung at the kitchen table this morning. 'There is nothing wrong becoming friends, isn't?'
And Jang Wooyoung also said similar thing last night. Jieun shut again and looked at Jang Wooyoung said something in Korean to Director Park. Maybe he just say that they will go to lunch. Then he returned to Ji eun, still with the same bright smile. “Shall we go now?” He asked.
Ji eun hesitated, then she nodded. She will try. Trying to make friends with Jang Wooyoung.
A/N: Chapter 6 is up! Quite long too, hehe. Feel free to comment what you guys think about this chapter. Thank you!
Special mentions:
@iuismylife, Yup. Dream High is the reason why they became so famous! ^^
@iu0431, here's an update :) Thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 27: I love this story .Im glad IU believes in Wooyoung
Thank you so much. Now Im waiting for ur old story and new story
Chapter 27: Thanks also for you who have finished this wonderful story and I will wait for your new WooU story again.
Chapter 25: I love this chapter too. This story always makes me imagine as drama of Wooyoung and IU. Thanks for update and fighting!