Chapter 11

런던의 봄 Spring in London (Revamp)

[OFFICIAL] IU – Concept Photos For ‘Last Fantasy’:

Chapter 11


It is already late in the afternoon when Wooyoung wakes up from his bed. His head still feels heavy, but he doesn't feel dizzy anymore. He got out of bed and realized that his legs also feel better that he is able to support his own body. He touched his forehead. 'Looks like my body temperature has decreased. Nice.' He wants to recover quickly. He hates the feeling of helpless like this. He was about to get up and walk to the door when his phone rang. 

A signal faint a smile appeared on his face

when he saw who was calling. "Mm, noona." he muttered as the phone attached to his ear.

"Our conversation yesterday is unfinished, Wooyoung," said her sister. "But, anyway, what's wrong with your voice?"

"It's okay, noona," said Wooyoung, then cleared his throat softly. "My throat is just a little dry."

"All right," Tiffany said without suspicion. "Then, would you mind to continue what we were talking about yesterday?"

Wooyoung sighed inwardly. He remembered the last conversation with her. At that time Tiffany asked if he had met someone in London. Actually, Wooyoung doesn't want to tell her sister about Ji eun. He indeed realizes that Ji eun started accepting him and he is happy with their relationship now. They often meet, chat, and spend time together. Yet somehow, Wooyoung always felt there's a part of Ji eun restraint. As if she still hasn't  fully trusted him.

"Jang Wooyoung, I'm talking to you."

Wooyoung had to drag his attention back to his sister's voice in the phone. "Sorry, noona," he said. "Now I'm still confused." "Tell me, is she pretty?" Asked Tiffany, ignoring the words he said. 

"Yes," Wooyoung muttered, then, he inhales and exhales. "Like a doll."


Wooyoung let out a short laugh. "She got eyes like the eyes of a doll. At least that's what I thought when I first met her."

"Is that so? And what else?"

Wooyoung recalled his first meeting with Ji eun. "Initially, she looks cold and difficult to approach. But if you manage to know her better, you would know that she really is an interesting person. And the more you know her, you would find yourself feel ... " He paused. The words on the tip of his tongue. You will find yourself feeling happy all the time when she is nearby. But he could not tell to Tiffany. 

Finally, he just muttered, "Well, there you go."

"You got all the impression it was only at the first meeting?" Asked Tiffany in unbelieve tone. "Gosh, she's definitely an incredible girl. I mean, this time Mom had made the right choice."

"What?" He frowned. 

"We're talking about the girl who wants an arranged marriage with you. The girl you met yesterday afternoon?" Tiffany countered. "Or whether you we're talking about two completely different people?"

Wooyoung groaned inwardly. It turns out that his sister is talking about Taeyeon Kim who he met yesterday afternoon, instead of Ji eun "Oh, you mean that girl?" Wooyoung muttered flatly.

"You're talking about a different girl," interrupted Tiffany bluntly. "It turns out I'm right. You've already met someone there."

Wooyoung sighed and exhaled in long-term. At last, he let a smile on his lips. "Yes," he muttered, then quickly added before his sister could interrupt, him "but now is not the time right to talk about it."

"Why? Then when? "Asked his sister, confusedly.

Difficult to dodge from his sister, but finally managed to decide, Wooyoung sighed heavily. Then, suddenly he turned toward the door that is closed. 'Is Ji eun still out there?' It seemed rather unlikely. Wooyoung had slept longer than he planned. Maybe she already went home.

Wooyoung walked to the door and opened it.  His living room was silent. A beam of a feeling of disappointment swept over him as he realized that Ji eun already left. Actually, he wanted to wake up and find Ji eun still in his flat. He wanted to see her, see her smiling at him in a way which always makes him feel light. 

Wooyoung sighed heavily and turned around to go into the kitchen. But suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned over to the couch in the living room and confronted his sight that he didn't expect, but make a smile on the corner of his lips.

It turns out that Ji eun hasn't come home yet. The girl was still there and she was lying sideways on the couch, knees bent and head that propped against the arm of the couch. Fast asleep.
Wooyoung is considering whether he should wake Ji eun or not when she suddenly awake and immediately gasped loudly.

"It's me," Wooyoung muttered quickly when Ji eun jumped up away from the couch. She stared wide-eyed open at Wooyoung looking shocked and ... scared? Wooyoung's heart felt sank. It was the eyes that he saw often at the beginning of their first meeting. Wooyoung stares into her hands that were clenched in the side of her body. Wooyoung furrowed his brow when he sees Ji eun's  shaking hands. Why did her hand shaking? "It's me," Wooyoung muttered again.

Ji eun blinked once, twice, and Wooyoung could see the light of the fear had disappeared from her eyes. She gave a short laugh and said lightly, "Of course I knew it was you."
Is it true? Wooyoung asked himself as if Ji eun could read his mind. Did Ji eun recognize that Wooyoung was standing in front of her? Then, why does she react like that? Why is she so scared?

Wooyoung looked at Ji eun sharply and wonder. Why for a moment did I get the impression that you thought I was someone else?


* * *

Ji eun's heart still pounding. Her whole body felt cold and stiff. For a moment she panicked makes her numb. Her eyes widened and looked at the figure in front of her. But slowly a figure increasingly blurred that made it clear. Then, she saw Wooyoung. Wooyoung Jang. Who stood in front of her is Wooyoung Jang

"It's me." Ji eun heard the words spoken by slowly. She blinked once, twice, and then heard the words again. This time it's more clearly.

"This is me."

A second later Ji eun began to realize what was happening and where she was at that moment. She looked at Wooyoung who stood before her with anxious face and furrowed his brows vaguely. Then, she realized that her attitude might make Wooyoung wonder. Ji eun her dry lips and tried to laugh. "Of course I knew it was you," she said. Then, as Wooyoung kept staring at her with furrowed brow without saying anything, Ji eun quickly cleared and asked, "How do you feel?"

Wooyoung looked at her with a small smile. "It's getting better," he said rather weak. "Because you're here."

When her heart rate is back to normal, Ji eun's heart beats faster upon hearing the words Wooyoung just said. What is this? Wooyoung always like to joke. Then, why Ji eun's heart pounding just because of the words and knew he doesn't mean it? Ji eun quickly controls herself and cleared . "You want to eat something? I've made tea while you were asleep. And you also have to eat. After that take your medicine."

Ji eun was not sure if Wooyoung realizes her efforts to divert the words he said, but he did not say anything. Wooyoung followed Ji eun in the kitchen and sat quietly at the kitchen table while Ji eun pours the tea and prepare a sandwich for him.

"So what did you do while I was sleeping?" Asked Wooyoung when Ji eun already sat in front of him with a sandwich in hand.

"Look around your flat," Ji eun said lightly. "Arranged all the cabinets and drawers." 

"Just so you know, this flat is to my sister," said Wooyoung. "So if you find suspicious items, it's not mine." Ji eun smiled at Wooyoung whose chewing his sandwich. 

"I'm just kidding," said Ji eun. "After looking around your flat until I got bored, I called my mother and sister. Oh, don't worry, I use my phone."

"You must be bored to death," Wooyoung muttered. Ji eun shrugged. "I'm sorry that you were forced to accompany a sick person on your day off," Wooyoung said, "while I'm sure you already have a lot of plans for your day off."

Ji eun tilted her head, wondering if she should be honest or not. At last, she then sighed and said, "Not really. I just wanted to go to salons and have a little shopping today. After that, I plan to eat dinner with you."

He was smiling. "At least partially we did eat dinner together now." He said as he waved a hand in the direction of the sandwich on the table.

"You're right," Ji eun said, then laughed.

Wooyoung just stared at her for a moment stunningly. Before Ji eun could ask, he looked down at the back of his sandwich and cleared his throat. "Because you've been kind enough to accompany me today, I will do the same for you. I will keep you company all day long. When I'm already fine."

Ji eun's eyes twinkle. "You will be with me all day?"

Wooyoung nodded. "Yes, I will."

"And we will do whatever I want?"

Wooyoung nodded again. "Of course."


Wooyoung squinting and smiling. "Assuming you're not going to ask me to do anything illegal, yes, I will do whatever you want for one day." Ji eun's smile expands, and she didn't know what effect smile to Wooyoung.

When that Wooyoung is willing to do everything just so that he could always see Ji eun smiling at him like that. Only him. And before he really realized what he was doing, out of nowhere, words that had rolled off his tongue. "Tell me you're not interested in Chansung."

Ji eun's eyebrows lifted. "What?"

Wooyoung sighed and closed his eyes. A hand raised holding his forehead. "Forget it. I don't know what I'm saying." he murmured slowly, then rose from the chair holding his teacup. "I want to lie down on the couch."

Ji eun's brow furrowed as she stared at him confusedly as he walked slowly to the living room. 

"Why do you think I'm interested in Chansung?" She asked directly. "You know he's gay." 

Wooyoung stopped and slowly turned to Ji eun. He exhaled and shrugged. "I don't know," he said softly. "Might be because he has blue eyes and a Scottish accent that can make a woman fell for him, forget the fact that he is gay." He paused. He groaned. "Oh my god. My brain is really messed up. I'm not able to think clearly. Forget my words."

When Wooyoung was about to turn around again, Ji eun said, "I'm not interested in him. I told you yesterday."

"But you said you feel something for him," said Wooyoung, still clearly remember their conversation yesterday in her flat.

Ji eun shrugged. "You didn't ask me if I feel something for Chansung."

"I remember it clearly," Wooyoung insists. "And I remember you said yes."

"Wooyoung," Ji eun interrupted softly, "you asked me if I felt something. You didn't mention anyone."

He looked confused. "And then?"

Ji eun took a deep breath in. "I ... did feel something," she said quietly. Her eyes looked straight into Wooyoung's. Her pulse is getting clearly audible and she wondered if Wooyoung can also hear it. "But not ... uh, not for ... Chansung."

Wooyoung was still standing there. Wrinkles on his brow slowly disappeared when the words of Ji eun finally absorbed his brain that was still foggy. The silence in the room suddenly broken by the doorbell. Ji eun opened the door, standing in front of her is Taeyeon as she smiles broadly. "Hi, Ji eun, you're still here?" She asked brightly.

Ji eun blinked. "Oh, Taeyeon, hello. Come in." She stepped aside and let Taeyeon walked in.

"I was driving home from work and I thought I should stop by to see if Wooyoung is okay," Taeyeon said lightly. She turned toward Wooyoung and asked, "How are you now?"

Wooyoung raised a hand and smiled. "I already feel much better now. Thank you for your concern."

"Have you eaten?" Asked Taeyeon. "I can buy something or make something."

"No. No need," said Wooyoung. "I've been eating a little earlier. I just want to rest now."

"Oh," Taeyeon murmured, nodding, looking somewhat disappointed though she tried hard to maintain her face remained flat. Wooyoung gaze toward Ji eun. "Ji eun, you should come home now. You must be tired." He said. "I've had too much to trouble to both of you today."

"Oh." Ji eun looked at him, then looked at Taeyeon, then back at Wooyoung. "Alright then."

"I can take you home if you want." Taeyeon volunteered.

"Yes, of course," said Ji eun, and then she went to the lounge to take her bag and jacket. When she returned, Taeyeon was standing in the doorway together with Wooyoung.

"If there is anything you want, please don't hesitate to contact me," said Taeyeon to Wooyoung.

He was smiling. "All right. Thank you very much."

When Taeyeon turned and started to walk away, Ji eun turned to Wooyoung. "Don't forget to take your medication and go straight to bed," she said quietly. Then, she glanced at the table. "You don't need to clean the table now. If tomorrow you still don't feel better you have to ... " she stopped when Wooyoung suddenly placed his palm on both sides of Ji eun's head. Instinctively, Ji eun withdraw, but a large hand cupped her cheeks and stuck in her ear that doesn't move.

Ji eun could not move. She just stood there and looked up at Wooyoung's eyes widened in surprise. His hand feels great. And warm. But at the same time scary. Shortly, Ji eun's heart seems to stop beating, then started pounding and faster and faster. She could not breathe. Oh, dear ...

"Stop worrying," Wooyoung said quietly. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "I'm definitely going to take the medicine and went straight up to bed. I will not clear the table now. And if tomorrow I still feel like a zombie, I would immediately go to the hospital. Ok?" Ji eun could only nod silently.

"Good." Wooyoung smile widened. He dropped his hands to her shoulder. "Now go. I'll call you later."

Currently, Ji eun realized that she was holding her breath. Finally, she draws a deep breath and nodded.

* * *

"By the way, how long have you known him?" Asked Taeyeon when she drove her car after they left the apartment building. Ji eun turned. "Hm?"

"Wooyoung," said Taeyeon. She glanced at Ji eun, then looked back at the road in front. "How long have you know Wooyoung?"

"Not too long."

Taeyeon smiled broadly. "He's very handsome, isn't he?"

Ji eun forced herself to smile. "Mm."

"And very polite."

"Mm." Ji eun looked out the window. And very good, she thought. Very nice, very ...

"I like it."

Ji eun's head rotates back at Taeyeon. "What?"

Taeyeon laughed. "I love it, Ji eun. Very like it," she said firmly. "I'm glad my mother forced me to return to Korea at that time. If I hadn't go home, I will not attend the birthday party of my grandfather and would not have met with Wooyoung's mother who intends to match me with her son."

Ji eun suddenly felt as if the air pressure in the car decreases rapidly. She drew a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Weight. The air was heavy. What is this? "I tell you because you're my friend. Therefore you should help me," said Taeyeon.

Ji eun blinked. There was something in the tone of her voice that made Taeyeon wonder.

Taeyeon turned to look at her for a moment and smiled. "Ji eun, you would help me, right?" 

Oh, dear.

Ji eun took a deep breath. What would she say? Yes, it will help Taeyeon even though she doesn't want to do that? Or not, she will not help Taeyeon to approached Wooyoung? But if Taeyeon asked why Ji eun does not want to help her, what would she say? That she herself also ... Ji eun stunned. What? Jeez ... What had she been thinking? No, it is not possible. Ji eun looked away, staring blankly out the window. Her fingers suddenly turned cold and a sudden chest pain.

"Ji eun?"

Taeyeon calls Ji eun frantic penetrate the brain. Ji eun turned and try to install a flat face. "Yes?"

Taeyeon looked at her asking. "So how? You will help me, right?"

Ji eun hopes Taeyeon had no such urgency. Anyway, Taeyeon is not a shy woman who needs help to establish her relationship with any man. But because she was not about to argue, Ji eun,  forcing a little smile and muttered, "Sure."

Taeyeon smile expands. Ji eun turned back to face the outside window and sighed. Whatever she thinks is currently being felt very unlikely. Very impossible. Because she was not allowed to forget who the real Wooyoung Jang is.


A/N: Chapter 11 is finally out! It's been a while since the last time I update this story. I am really sorry about that guys. I always try to have some time to write but I just couldn't. Busy with life. It's the year to be independent for me, hehehe. Anyway, let me know what you guys think about this week's chapter. I'm gonna say this, I love you guys! ^^

Special mentions:

@iuismylife,  you will find out more of what Ji eun feels for Wooyoung ;) And yes, I am terribly sad for the show. Running Man is the very first variety show that I've ever watch every week. It's so sad it's gonna end :(

@deandew, I feel the same. I love what he said back there :D What a sweetheart <3

@iumylife, thank you ^^ Sorry for not updating soon..

@WooUthebest, you got that right! ^^

@iu0431, Sorry, sorry, sorry for not updating. I'll try my really best to update every week. Thank you for waiting :)

@wooyoung_jwy, the previous chapter is one of my favorite chapter too ^^

@Mandaristone, thank you! Also, I welcome you again to my world hehehe ^^

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Chapter 27: I love this story .Im glad IU believes in Wooyoung
Thank you so much. Now Im waiting for ur old story and new story
Chapter 27: Thanks also for you who have finished this wonderful story and I will wait for your new WooU story again.
Chapter 25: I love this chapter too. This story always makes me imagine as drama of Wooyoung and IU. Thanks for update and fighting!