I never wanted to go



 When something heart breaking left you no choice but to move on until fate brought you back together. If it's really meant for you, never in a million years it will meant for others. But the question is, does fate never change?



(Shout out to SHIN-OPPA for the amazing poster ^^)

Every each story will always tell how a poor people actually living through their life journey. Bitter and sweet of life that they're going through and how rich and powerful people would treat them bad and horrendously without knowing the meaning of real life and as if they own everything but a pure and kind heart. 

 But does all rich and powerful people actually act like that? Perhaps if you just know some of them maybe it is, there's a reason that 'Dont judge a book by its cover' quote actually created. Not all of them act like that carelesly without caring other people feeling, maybe they're just being insecure about how's life turned out if they ever take a wrong step. Bella is indeed undeniably beautiful inside and outside. But does everyone actually know how beautiful she is inside? Depends on who are those people in her life. 

(English is not my first language. So yeah)

I prefer OT12




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