Love or Lost Game

Jongin’s POV

Time passed by fast. And here comes the weekend. Speaking of weekend, FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I’M FREE FROM THAT WITCH!!!! Gosh! I was waiting for this day to arrive and now, I’m not even kidding when I say I can finally breathe.

“Hey, I was thinking on bringing Sora to join our club.”

I almost spit out my drink when Sehun spoke from across the living room. “Are you crazy?!”

Luhan who sat beside Sehun on the couch, laughed at my expression. “I actually think that’s a good idea, considering the two of you are involved in the LOL game.”

I snorted. “And what does it have to do with that game? I don’t see any connection.”

“Simply to bring you and Sora closer. It’s to speed up the progress of the game, isn’t that the goal?” Yixing asked absent-mindedly.

Pssh. “No. And I am NOT going to fall in love with her.”

“Aww~ love hate relationship is so cute!” Baekhyun cooed together with Chanyeol. I just rolled my eyes at their remarks.


Just as I was about to snatch the game console away from Sehun’s hands, the bell rang. That might be the hyungs.

“Yah! Sehun, go and get the door!” I pushed the lad off the couch.

He kicked me back in return. “You’re the house’ owner. I’m the guest. You’re the one who should get the door.”

“Seriously, Oh Sehun? Be good to your hyung once. I want to play the game too!” I fought back.


“Ugh! For God’s sake!” Reluctantly, I gave up and stood. “When I’m back, I’m going to beat you, Sehun.”

The younger boy just waved me off without peeling his eyes off the screen. He was playing Street Fighter 4 with Tao.

Huh. I’m going to redeem my revenge in that video game later.

Making my way towards the front door, I opened it lazily. “Why are you lat-”

Oh boy.


Sora’s POV


Holy !

I was just stepping out of my house gate when Jongdae greeted me cheerily RIGHT in front of me.

I stumbled back in surprise and shot him a glare. “Not a very good morning. I almost have a heart attack.”

“Cold Sora as always, huh?” He clucked his tongue. “Where are you going?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Does it matter?”

He shrugged. “Well, I was thinking maybe you want to join m-”

“No thanks.” I cut him fast and came back to my original intention; to stroll around the neighbourhood.

“Are you sure, Sora?” I heard Jongdae asked. I waved him off and started walking away.

I’m so not going to join him if he’s inviting me to hang out with those monkeys. Hey, I need a peaceful weekend too.

“I’m going to Jongin’s house, you know?”

I just rolled my eyes at his statement. “Now, that would be a solid reason for me not to-”


“Did you just say... Jongin’s house?” I turned around and faced Jongdae once again.

He nodded and smiled lopsidedly, as if knowing exactly what’s on my mind. Oh ho~

“I’m coming with you.”

Well well, seems like someone’s not going to have his peaceful weekend today. MUEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH


As soon as we arrived at Jongin’s house -or apartment to be exact-, my jaws dropped.

Wow... just wow!

“Are you sure this is an apartment? Not a hotel?” I turned to Jongdae.

Damn, the devil sure comes from a rich family. This apartment is hella big and too luxury for a view.

He just laughed at my reaction. “Rather than that, let’s just say it’s a private apartment.” My mouth was still hanged open as I was amazed by the apartment’s building.

So, THIS is where the ever-so-famous Kim Jongin lives?

“Quit that. You sure don’t want your so-called enemy to be laughing at your expression, do you?” Jongdae nudged me and bring me back to reality.

“Oh... Right.”

The both of us then entered the apartment and Jongdae walked up towards the counter at the lounge, with me following behind, now admiring the interior design.

The lady at the counter bowed a little and smiled. “Good morning, Mr. Kim’s friend.”

Jongdae returned her a cute frown instead.

Emm... ew?

“Noona~ how many times should I tell you my name is Jongdae.”

The lady -with the name Yoora at her nametag-, chuckled. “Jongin has so many friends that I barely remember a name. Sorry, I’ll try to remember at least one.”

My eyebrows slightly rose hearing Yoora’s tone suddenly changed into a friendly one. I guess the EX....CO(?) boys come to this apartment frequently then.

“And here you got yourself a girlfriend or... boyfriend?” Yoora then turned to me as she tilted her head, trying to see my face.


“Ahahahahah!” Jongdae laughed beside me as he took off the cap on my head, making my tied hair that was hidden inside my cap to fall on my shoulders. “She’s a girl, and she’s not my girlfriend.” Jongdae introduced.

“Hey, give it back to me!” I frowned at Jongdae who was now wearing MY cap.

“Later princess, later.” He gave a sly smile.

I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Yoora. “I’m Park Sora, Jongdae’s new neighbour.”

“Wow! You’re pretty! I’m Park Yoora by the way.” She chuckled. “And... are you sure you two are not a couple?”

I raised my eyebrows at Yoora who was propping her chin up, looking at us as if we’re some kind of entertainment to her.

“Err... thanks for the compliment. But him and me are not an item.” I cleared out the situation.

“Yeah, she’s Jongin’s girlfriend.”

What... the hell, Kim Dinosaur?

I widened my eyes at Jongdae’s blunt statement and from the corner of my eyes, Yoora’s face lit up in surprise.

“OH MY GOD! YOU’RE KIM JONGIN’S FIRST GIRLFRIEND???!!!!!” Yoora jumped up and down excitedly and held my hands with the excited glint in her eyes. Whoa... hold on right there.

I slowly pulled my hands out of her grasp. “As much as it sounds like an honour, I’m not his girlf-”

“Time to go, Sora! Bye, noona!!!”


Before I managed to say anything, Jongdae pulled my wrist and dragged me away.

“Have fun with your boyfriend!” Yoora waved from the counter.


“I’m giving you back this cap once we arrived at Jongin’s unit, okay?” Jongdae grinned at me as he stepped into the elevator.

Wait! ELEVATOR??!!!!!!

“NONONONONONONONO!!!!!” I halted just outside the elevator’s door and pulled my wrist away from Jongdae’s hold.

That made Jongdae to stare at me confusedly. “What’s wrong, Sora-yah?”

“Uh... I-I think we better take the stairs.” Just as the door’s about to close, I pulled Jongdae out of the elevator and sighed in relief when the door closed with a ‘ding’ sound.

“Sora, is there something wrong?” Jongdae looked down to me with a mix of confusion and worry.

“Err... Let’s take the stairs instead. Shall we?”

“Are you sure about this?”

I nodded.

Please just follow my words. Never in hell am I gonna take the elevator.

“Just to remind you, Jongin’s unit is on the 15th floor.” Hearing that, my eyes almost bulged out of its socket.

Geez… guess what? I don’t care! Whatever it is, elevator is NOT an option.

“Oh well, consider this as… an exercise!” I tried to convince him since he was looking unsure. “Now, let’s go.”

I heard Jongdae sighed as we made our way towards the ‘safe zone’ and climbed up the flight of stairs.

“Can’t believe you’re making me sweat the first thing in the morning.”

I clucked my tongue at his statement. “The first thing in the morning was when you appearing in front of me out of nowhere earlier.”

He just laughed. “Don’t blame me if you’re being such a scaredy cat.”

I sent him a piercing glare, so sharp that it can tore down one’s soul. “I was surprised because a dinosaur suddenly greeted me a good morning.”

“Whatever you say.”

A moment of silence passed when I remembered something. “Is it true what the lady said just now?”

Jongdae turned to me with a question mark on his head. “Lady?”

Duh. “The counter lady. What’s her name already? Park...”

“Ah! You mean, Yoora noona?”

I snapped my fingers when I remembered her name. “Yes, Park Yoora.”

He chuckled at my bad memorizing skill. Well, excuse my short-term of memory. “Just so you know, she’s Chanyeol’s sister.”

“Wait! What?!” My eyes widened. How is that even possible?

Well, thinking back, she does resemble Chanyeol A LOT. How come I didn’t notice?

“What do you want to ask just now?”

I snapped out of my daze and turned back to Jongdae. “Erm... well, she mentioned something about me being Jongin’s first girlfriend or something. Is that true?”

Jongdae’s expression then turned into a playful one. “You’re interested in his love life now, huh?”

Gosh, please... Not in a million years. “I’m just wondering, isn’t he a Casanova?”

He looked at me as if I’ve said the most ridiculous thing ever and then, burst out into a fit of laughter.

What, didn’t I just said out the truth? No?

“Casanova? Who told you that?”

I just shrugged. “No one in particular. I just assumed like that, because he acts like one, and all the girls in the school also fawn over him like he’s the most attractive creature ever. Blergh! I’d rather kiss the toilet seat than dating him.”

“Ah ha! I smell jealousy~”

“God, no! Not in gazillion years!” I almost ripped out my hair talking to the most annoying neighbour ever. “Just ignore what I said. I’m not talking to you.”

I crossed my arms and turned my head towards another direction. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea about my question.

I heard he chuckled from my side. Ugh!

“You’re so cute, you know?”

Eww please... Park Sora and ‘cute’ doesn’t fit in a sentence.

“Alright, if you want to know, yeah, it’s true.” Jongdae finally answered. I tried to make it looks like I’m uninterested to know and just kept silence. “Even though Jongin is famous in school but, he never takes a liking in a particular girl. What he cares about is his friends, and having fun in school.”

Tch. Obviously. He sure does having so much fun *ehem* by torturing me *ehem*.

“But deep down, he’s lonely.” My ears perked up at that one word. “Let me tell you beforehand, he’s living alone in his apartment.”

“What?” Without knowing, my mouth moved by itself and voiced out my thoughts. I bit back my lips but it was too late.

Thank god, Jongdae just flashed me a plain smile. “Yes. The boy lives alone.” His eyes then turned into a sympathy one. “His family is busy with work. Sounds like a typical rich family for you. Jongin gets to meet his parents only during New Year. And his two sisters visit him once in a while.”

I see... He’s the only boy in the family.

Wait! Why am I getting sad over my enemy’s lonely life? I’m just the same as him. Not to mention, I’m the ONLY CHILD in my family! And my parents are always busy working too.

But at least, I’m living with my family...


“He’s living separately from his family?” I asked curiously. “Why?”

Jongdae then pursed up his lips, thinking about it. “Their mansion is too big for him alone. Since his sisters are both married already, he’s the only one left in the house. Maybe for you he looks like a brat, but Jongin is not comfortable with the luxury treatment for him back at the mansion, so he decided to move here. Simply said, he’s free to do anything without his parents.”

I nodded, understanding. Can’t believe I pity him. Is it because we share the same fate? It almost seems like…

“You two are similar.”

I looked up at Jongdae as he voiced out my thoughts.

“N-No way!” As much as it sounds true, I tried to deny. “We’re not the same.”

But I wonder, what does Jongin really feels? Is it the same as to how I despised my parents’ work?

“Claustrophobia?” Jongdae suddenly asked out of nowhere and looked at me intently.

“Huh?” I blinked at him in confusion and then, realized what he was saying. Mannnn~ I thought he forgot about it already.

“I don’t have a phobia.” I replied, referring to the reason why I don’t want to take the elevator just now.

He snickered. “Yeah, right. Said the girl who looked at the elevator in horror.”

“I’m NOT looking at the elevator in horror.” I denied.

“Then why don’t you take the elevator just now?”

Shoot anonymous.


Ugh! I’m dead! He’s going to know my weakness.

“Okay, I got it.” He blurted out. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep it as a secret.” He winked at me playfully as we climbed up the last flight of stairs.

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the chilly hallway. “I’m not claustrophobic, okay?”

“You can trust me, you know? Your secret is safe with me.” He grinned cheekily.

I doubt that.

In the end, I just wailed my hands helplessly in the air. “Fine! Whatever you say.”

When we arrived in front of Jongin’s penthouse, Jongdae pressed the bell.

“Is it soundproof?” I asked Jongdae, referring to the house because we can’t hear anything from outside. He clearly said that the boys are coming over Jongin’s apartment today and OBVIOUSLY, those monkeys are not the quiet type.

“Yeah. Jongin’s family own this apartment by the way.”


My jaws dropped for the hundredth time of the day and I stared at Jongdae with widened eyes at the new fact. The box of donuts that we bought on the way here earlier, almost dropped on the floor.

“Why is he not opening the door?” Jongdae, oblivious to my shocked expression, pressed the bell for the second time.

I shook my head lightly and faced the door once again.


As soon as the door clicked open, I looked up and waited patiently for Jongin’s priceless expression after seeing ‘trouble’ a.k.a me, in front of his house.

Heh, let’s have some fun for today, shall we?

“Why are you lat-”

I was about to smirk when the door opened wide and revealed what hidden behind, my eyes widened immediately.


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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10