Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“I’M WHAT?!”

“Yes, you’re going to join another club. Congratulations!”

“C-congratulations...?” I stared at the damn teacher unbelievably.


My supposed-to-be club teacher, Miss Kang, dropped my name from the Literature Club’s member list and put me into another club. Whatta?

“Are you... Park Sora?”

Hearing a voice behind me, I turned around and saw a male teacher raising his eyebrows at me.


He broke into a wide grin that makes him almost looks like a mad clown. “Thank you!”



My eyes widened when the teacher suddenly grabbed both of my hands with gleaming eyes. Err... “Excuse me, sir...?”

As if coming back to reality, he let go of my hands and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, that’s spontaneous action. Well, it’s been a long time since we last received a new member in our club and I’m truly grateful that you’re willing to abandon your club and join us.”

I almost choked.

Sorry but for your information, I’m FORCED to join your whatever-club.

“Well let me introduce myself beforehand. My name is Jihoon, your new club’s advisor.”

I merely nodded. “I’m Park Sora.”

“Very well then. Welcome to the Performers Club, young lady!”

P-Performers Club...?

“To celebrate the new member’s entry, don’t forget to go to the Studio Room Number 3 after school, okay? I’m so glad to have you in my club!”


“I guess that’s it! I might as well inform the other members about this good news so, till then~”

“Wait!” And without wasting a second, Mr. Jihoon left the staff room.

Haih... I wonder, what kind of fate is stored for me.

Oh well, I should be heading towards my class as well.

But seriously, what kind of club is Performers Club? This is the first time I ever heard of it. Even my previous schools don’t have this type of club.

It does sounds extravagant but, for some reason, I have a bad vibe about it. Hmm...

Well, I don’t care. I never attend any club activities before so why bother?




Out of the blue, a guy was running in my way and before I manage to avoid colliding with him, the impact I got from the mere shoulders bump made me lose my balance.

Fortunately, a pair of swift hands managed to catch me from falling on the floor.

And the noisy hallway suddenly dropped into dead silence.

What just happened?

Opening both my eyes, I was jaw-dropped at the perfect visual in front of me.

W-who’s this flawless prince?

“Are you okay?”

That alluring voice snapped me back into reality and I just realized that the guy’s hands were holding my wrist while the other was supporting my waist.


“Y-yeah...” Pushing him away gently, I composed myself and picked up my cap that fell on the floor. “I’m okay.”

“Good then.” The prince in front of me broke into a gentle smile and I swear, the time seems to stop (as cheesy as it sounds).

“Who are you?”

Oh crap.

Without realizing, my mouth just moved on its own and voiced out what’s on my mind. Damn my slipped tongue.



“My name is Jung Jinyoung.” He answered, the gentle smile not leaving his face. “I apologized for the incident earlier. It’s not nice of me to let such a pretty lady almost fall on the floor.”


Err... that high-pitched screams came from the girls students in the corridor.

For some reason, this guy doesn’t seem princely-like after having blurting out the previous sentence. Well, let’s SAFELY guess he’s one of the school kingkas.

“Umm… it’s okay.”

“HI!” From behind... err (what’s his name already?) the kingka, a guy with crescent-like eyes appeared. “I’m Sandeul!”

Well... “Nobody ask.”

“WHAT?!” The Sandeul guy widened his eyes (still looks like crescent) at my snarled comment. Oh well, seems like my y attitude recovered pretty quickly.

“Ahahah! Don’t mind my friend. Anyway, are you a new student, pretty?” That... Jin(???) guy asked me with a soft voice.

Now that I’ve figured out what kind of guy he is, HE DOES SOUNDS ANNOYING.

“Yes and no.” I simply answered.

“EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH???? What’s that supposed to mean?” Sandeul furrowed his eyebrows at my confusing statement.

“I just transferred here last week so, I’m not a really new student.”

“I see.” Jin tapped his chin as he examined me up and down. Excuse me? “So, I assumed nobody tell you about the ‘Casual Day’?”

Ah~ that’s the reason why he was examining me ever so amusedly.

“I know about that.”

“HUH???????????????????????????” That’s from Sandeul again. “B-But why do you still wear uniform?? And not to mention, YOU FREAKING WEAR A BOY’S UNIFORM??!!!!???”

Guessed as much he would say that.

And yeah, you heard it right. I’m wearing a school uniform on a Casual Day AGAIN. The only difference is, this time I’m wearing boy’s uniform.

“Well, basically, the rule never state that students can’t wear uniform, right?” And boy’s uniform is comfortable, what? (Please excuse Engrish)

“W-well, that’s true but-”

“So, that’s it. There’s no rule so everyone’s free to wear anything.”

For a moment, I saw a playful glint in Jin’s eyes and I took it as the cue for me to leave the place.

“Wait! What’s your name?” I heard his voice halting me halfway.

Tch. First move, huh?

“Figure it out yourselves.” And so, I went to my class.

Somehow, I feel like I was accompanied by murderous glares and stares. Surely it’s from the fangirls.


“Well, they’re really hot as the rumour says, right, Sora?”

Okay, here’s 101 rules on being a wallflower. When someone suddenly asked you something, just agree with it or give a nod.

I merely nodded with my eyes still focused on the comic I was reading.

Yes, peasants. Park Sora brought comics to school and read it during her free time instead of reviewing her subjects because she’s such a genius! Ha.

“See? I was right! And I swear, Sora is the luckiest girl ever alive to encounter the seniors in such an intimate way!”

What? Are they talking about me? But... INTIMATE?!

“YOU... WHAT???!!” Both Luhan and Sehun turned towards me with widened eyes.

Uh... basically, I don’t have any idea on what is this topic about, so...


“SORA! YOU PROMISED TO BEFRIEND US ONLY!! WHAT’S THIS UNHEALTHY RUMOUR GOING AROUND???!!!!!!!!!!” Sehun stood up and shook my shoulders violently.

Is he trying to dislocate my shoulders or something?

“Oy, oy! Since when did I said that?! I never even agree to become your fr-”

Sweetie~ tell me this isn’t true! You’re not flirting with that senior, right? RIGHT??? And why are you wearing a boy’s uniform??????” Now, Luhan turned me around to face him as he showed that puppy eyes of his.

Ugh. Seriously... Cut that uniform part out.

“What senior? What flirting?? For screaming out loud, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS EVEN TALKING ABOUT?????” I exploded in the end.

By the way, I noticed that Jongin’s not in the class. Is he avoiding me? Heh.

Ever since that day’s episodes, I guess he’s scared out of his of my orders.

Don’t even ask what happen in his house. If you ask him, he’ll tell you it’s his worst nightmare ever. Except for the fact that it’s NOT a nightmare but a reality.

“You know, students started saying that you and the senior are doing this at the corridor.” Luhan said and he kinda acted out a scene where he grabbed Sehun’s waist and hold the lad’s right hand. While, Sehun was acting as if he’s about to fall and...


Why does this seems familiar?



That was just now!


I ignored a girl classmate’s eager question as I racked my mind to remember the guy’s name. Uh... what’s his name again? The obnoxious prince... “Err... J-Jin...?”

“Jin?” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

“Jin who?” Luhan’s totally confused.

“The one that I bumped into at the corridor this morning. I think he’s the guy that you refer to, but I can’t remember his name.” I scratched my non-itchy head.

But, wait!

“HE’S A SENIOR??!!!!!!”


Jongdae’s POV

“I see, you’ve returned back, hyung.

“Heh.” The guy in front of Jongin smirked. “Miss me, Kai?

“Pfft.” Jongin automatically snorted. “Never in a gazillion years.”

“Snobbish as ever, eh?” The guy grinned. “Well, it’s nice to meet you here but, first things first, I need to catch up with all the classes I’ve missed. So, let’s hang out next time, okay?”

Jongin returned him the same grin and shook hands with him. “Yeah, let’s catch up with each other some other time, Jackson hyung.”

“Well then, see ya~” And so, Jackson went off towards his class, not forgetting about his flying kiss.

“Is it just me or the situation REALLY give a dark aura?” Baekhyun pointed out.

Chanyeol slunged his arms around Baekhyun’s shoulders casually and replied. “Nope. You’re seeing things right.”

“Our Jonginnie and Jackson hyung may seem to have a usual friendly talk but, there’s an invisible war going on that other people don’t see.” Minseok explained.

I sighed. There they go again. When will they ever reconcile, really? “Well, not to mention, the whole senior line is coming back to school. And you know what that means.”

Yixing turned towards me with a confused look. “What does that means?”

Junmyeon slapped his forehead at the forgetful one. “Seriously, Zhang Yixing, you forgot about that?

As if just remembering it, Yixing snapped his fingers. “Ah~ that! Eheheh... I forgot for a second.”

“Can’t blame you.” Kris shook his head amusedly.

“Well guys, don’t forget about our club meeting this afternoon. Since the seniors are back, I’m sure every club will be busy to prepare for the day.” I reminded.

“Speaking of which, Jongdae, didn’t Sora tell you anything about her club? We forgot to ask which club she joined.” Tao asked.

Hmm... Now that he mention about it.

“I don’t have any idea.”

Seriously, how do you expect me to know everything about my cold and anti-social neighbour?

“What if... she accidentally joined one of the returned seniors’ clubs?”

My head snapped up at Kyungsoo’s statement.

No. That’s going to be a disaster.

“Then, we’re doomed.” Jongin voiced out our thoughts.

“Don’t worry about that.” Suho suddenly said, getting all the attention from us. “She’ll be just fine.”


Sora’s POV


The ringing school bell was drowned by the students’ cheers, signalling that school is over.

I don’t know why but everyone seems more excited than usual today. Or is it just my imagination? Or maybe it’s just because today’s Monday. But why?

After waiting for all of my classmates to left the class, I’m the last one to go. Putting all the stuffs inside my bag, I went out of the class and headed towards the third floor.



I thought everyone went home already?

With a sigh, I continued towards my destination; Studio Room Number 3.

Seriously, if I can, I want to escape from the club meeting but, since Mr...... (ugh what’s his name again) Club Advisor said that he wants to celebrate the recruiting new member thingy, I guess I have no choice.

Even so, the further I walk, the more club room I passed, WHY DOES IT SEEMS THAT THE WHOLE SCHOOL IS ALSO HAVING A CLUB MEETING???????

I mean, literally there are students in every classes and club rooms.

I guess everyone really has a club meeting for today. No wonder the school is more noisy than usual.

Soon, I arrived in front of the Studio Room Number 3. There’s a sign outside saying;

Performers Club

“Well, might as well get this over with.” I pushed the door open and getting myself ready for whatever surprise waiting inside.

As soon as I stepped into the room, I froze by the door.



A/N: Cliffhanger! Yeyyy~ how I love torturing my readers, hohoho~ You must be curious about many things right now, aren’t you? Well, that’s my goal; preparing surprise in every chapters.

Which club does Sora belongs to? What’s with the returned seniors thingy? And what’s going on between Jongin and Jackson?

Fufufu... But don’t worry, everything will be revealed as the story goes by. So, be patient. (but, as early preparation, get yourself ready for new surprises)

Oh well, B1A4 and GOT7 as the seniors. Hmm.... something’s gonna happen, don’t you think? *evil smile*

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10