Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

San Maryosa City.

We’ll be moving in here today.

Oh well, in fact, we’re already in our new house right now.

This is the 43rd times we’ve been moving around, if I’m not mistaken.

Ugh! Blame father’s work. Because of his job, we just can’t stay put at one place. That explains why I don’t make friends. Even my old so-called best friends don’t contact me anymore, so why bother make one?

“Sora-yah! Can you please go and buy ramen at the convenience store nearby?” I heard mom’s voice echoing through the kitchen.


“But mom, we just arrived like... 7 minutes ago?!” I looked at my watch exasperatedly. “And now, you’re asking me to buy ramen? Unbelievable. I haven’t even unpack my stuffs yet!” I shouted from the living room, making sure my voice reached the kitchen.

“Well, I’m lazy to cook today and we’re running out of ramen already. Do me a favor, okay?” I was about to reply back but a second late when mom cut me FAST. “My wallet is on the table. Thank you!”

Le jaws dropped.

Seriously mom... I can’t believe you.

“Ugh! Life is too cruel to me.” Grunting, I took mom’s wallet and went out.

As I reached the gate, an unknown guy, which I assumed same age with me, came and greeted me with a wide smile. Way too wide for me.

“Hi, new neighbour! My name is Jong-”

Before he can finish his sentence, I walked past him and treated like he’s invisible. Don’t try to be friendly with me. It’s disgusting!


It’s been 20 minutes since I walked from home. My new home. Mom said that the convenience store is NEARBY.

Nearby, my !

And where am I now? How do I suppose to get back? We just arrived here like freaking minutes ago?!


“Screw everything. I need to find a map.” Well, that sounds a little impossible, considering this is just a small city. “Or maybe a help would do.”

As I was about to take a turn at the corner, I heard something like... rolling?

Eh? What?

“OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

All of a sudden, a boy was coming in my way and before I can even react, he collided with me.



“Ugh! WHAT THE HELL?!” I blew a raspberry at the unexpected accident.

“OH MY GOD! I’M SO SORRY!” The guy apologized.

I was about to shoot him back when I saw the situation we’re currently in. O........kayyyyyy. This is soooooooooooooooooooo awkward.



“Heesh!” With zero mercy, I kicked the guy’s stomach with my knee, causing him to roll onto the other side. He groaned in pain while clutching onto his stomach.

I just scoffed at the poor maniac and stomped away. Sheez! Who would be in their right mind to roller-skate by the road?!

When I was about to resume my walking, I saw another 5 guys roller-skating. SERIOUSLY?!

“What the hell is wrong with this neighbourhood?!” Grumbling, I crossed the road to the other side to avoid any other unexpected events. Who knows what I might experience soon? Better be safe than never.

Looks like I still have luck on my side. From the place where I was standing, I saw a small convenience store two blocks away. Oh, God bless!

Carrying packs of ramen and some necessities in hands, I made up my mind to stroll down the road for a while.

Seeing a ddukbokki stall nearby, I decided to enjoy some of it because I’m sure as hell I’m not gonna eat ramen for dinner tonight. Never. Ever.


Next day. Next routine. *le sigh* Next school.


            Your dad and I will be late today. So cook your own lunch and dinner. Okay, darling?

Love, mom.


Rolling my eyes, I crumpled the small note attached to the fridge and threw it away. Well, what’s new?

Grabbing the water bottle on the dining table, I dashed out of the house after making sure the windows and doors were locked.

Wearing this new uniform somehow doesn’t leave a new impression to me. It’s as if I’m repeating the same routine all over again.

But there’s only one thing I like about this uniform; the logo. It looks pretty yet unique. But it doesn’t seem like an elite school to me though. Well, I really hope so. So that I won’t be dealing with any self-centered es I often pick up fight with.


“Park Sora!”

Hearing a male voice calling for my name from behind, I slowed down my pace.

Is he calling for me? Now, that’s weird. I just moved in yesterday though.

Nahh... maybe it’s someone else.


Confirmed! This guy is calling someone else. I mean, how can a stranger call your name so casually? So that’s it. I'm positive someone just happened to have the same name with me.

My thoughts flew away when someone suddenly grabbed my wrist from behind. Feeling alarmed, I jerked my hand immediately and turned around to see the culprit.

Eh? Isn’t he the guy from yesterday? I mean, not the stupid one that was roller-skating on the road. It’s the other guy.

“Hi, Sora! We didn’t get a proper introduction yesterday, right? I’m your neighbour, Kim Jongdae.” The dinosaur-like guy in front of me introduced and extended his right hand for a handshake.

Oh great, I guess mom must’ve told him about me. But still! That doesn’t give him the permit to call my name oh-so-casually.

Ignoring him, I continued to walk forward. I’m just a few steps ahead when that Jong-whatever guy caught up with me by my side. Seriously, freaking what does he want?!

I gave him a stare telling him to get lost, but he smiled instead. “We’re going to the same school Sora-yah! In case you don’t know wher-”

Groaning inwardly, I crossed the road and went to the other side, leaving the dinosaur guy dumbstruck.

You know, it’s sick to have someone trailing behind you and most importantly, I know my way to school. I’m not a five-year old kid anymore!

Mom said it’s San Maryosa High School. I saw it when I was out buying ramen yesterday and it’s just 15 minutes walk from home. Hello, I don’t need anyone to guide me.

But wait! He said he’s going to the same school? Heck, he doesn’t even wear a uniform. He freaking wear a casual clothes!

Skipping school, are we? Who is he kidding with?


Yeah. I’m on the right way. As much as I’m bad at direction but voila! Here I am!

Self applaud.

SM High School.

Passing through the gate, I started feeling uneasy.

Walking down the corridor at the hallway makes me feel weird and nervous at the same time.

I don’t usually have this kind of feelings every time stepping into a new school but this time, it’s different.

Because of something unusual.

Having people staring at you is normal. But, having people staring at you for a reason is definitely not pretty. And yes, that’s the current situation I am in right now.


Partly, because I’m a new student and it’s a common thing to stare at me.

But the major contributor is...



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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10