Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“Tell me, what on Mother Nature Earth are you doing?”

“Beats me. This is just one of the things consisted in my third dating package.”

“I don’t see any benefits in bringing me here.

“You will. Soon.

“Get me out of here before I turn your club room into a taekwondo practice room.”

Jinyoung chuckled lightly at my threat. Oh, he sure got some courage there. “Chill. We already experienced how it feels to be your punching bag. And we definitely don’t want another round.” See? I told you he’s fearless.

I scanned the Entertainers Club room and there were 4 guys from that day cowered together in fear, while the other 6 stared at the weird situation confusedly. Well, except for Jackson.

I sighed and bowed lightly at Jackson’s friend, not wanting to be rude. “I’m Park Sora from the Performers Club.”

“Ah!” One of the six guys snapped his fingers. “You’re the one who dragged JB away that day!”

My eyebrows furrowed at that. JB? Justin Bieber?? We have Justin Bieber in this school???

A blonde-haired guy smacked the other guy in the head before clearing my confusion. “He meant, Jaebum. JB is his stage name.”

Oh, okay.

No. Not okay.


Well, speaking of the devil, he’s not here.

I nodded briefly at him and shifted my stare towards Jackson. He threw me a knowing smile before saying. “If you’re wondering about Jaebum,” no, I’m not “…he went over towards your club room just now.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. He’s not… going to reveal anything, is he?

Jackson’s friends then started to introduce themselves to me one by one. Excuse me but, haven’t I told you how BAD am I with names?

I merely nodded when they finished and then, one of them decided to blurt out the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. “So, you’re… Jinyoung’s current girlfriend?”

Snorting loudly in an unlady-like manner, I denied FAST. “Even if he’s the last man standing on Earth, I’m NEVER going to be an item with him. Heck, I might kill him even, and be the last human standing.”

“Aww~ shy Sora is so cute! Just admit we-- AH!”

Before Jinyoung can say out one of his annoying remarks, I shut him straight away by kicking his shin. And that made his eyes to almost bulge out of its socket.

“Say that again.” I threatened in between my gritted teeth. “Your death wish might be granted sooner than you think.”

He quickly raised up his hands in defeat and sighed. “Okay, no more teasing. I had enough ‘fun’ during our little date.”

I smirked slightly at his words. That’s right. When we’re out on a ‘date’ just now, he tried every now and then to ‘demonstrate’ what couples do during dates. And of course, I wouldn’t miss a single opportunity to rip every parts of his body when he started acting so sickeningly sweet.

Should I repeat myself again that playboy is not my thing?

“And of course I brought you here to complete the package, like I said.” He continued.

Walking over towards Jackson, he whispered something to that guy and his forehead roughened hardly when Jinyoung finished whatever he whispered.

For a second, I saw the killer aura in Jackson’s eyes as he shot lasers into Jinyoung’s skull. Well, if it wasn’t because everyone in the room could feel the tension, I would be cheering for Jackson to finish Jinyoung’s life right now.

Jinyoung then muttered a couple of words which brought out a sigh from the other guy’s mouth. Oh. So the winner is that obnoxious princ-- UGH! I REALLY SHOULD STOP CALLING HIM THE ‘P’ WORD.

“Sora.” The older guy’s voice snapped me out of my own mental curse marathon and I lifted up my head to see Jackson gesturing me over towards the door.

Lifting an eyebrow in a puzzled state, I followed him out of the studio room. That was until the decided to block my way.

Jinyoung looked at me with his signature smile dancing on his face and said. “Thanks for today’s date. I’m looking forward for another future dates though.”

I scowled at him, not a teeny bit interested. “Consider today as the first and last. And you know what, keep my number for the I care.” Because I’m gonna change to a new one VERY soon.

Smirking at his baffled face, I walked out of the room to see Jackson handing me a coke. With eyes full of suspicion, I gave him the most firm stare I could make out.

He rolled his eyes and voiced out what I was thinking. “I wouldn’t poison your drink. Heck! I have no absolute reason to do that.”

I took it gladly and replied. “Who knows? You might want to pay me back for rejecting your offer by sending me off to my death bed.”

He chuckled in between absurdity and amusement. “Why would I do such thing? I’m not that mean. Unless we’re talking ‘bout you.”

Ignoring his little remark, I clucked my tongue and gulped down the drink, feeling refreshed after a long day.

“So, I heard you’re interested about Kai.” He started off, leaning at the wall casually.

I grimaced at his choice of words and leaned at the wall, copying him. “Correction. It’s curious, not interested. And why are you all calling him ‘Kai’? It’s not even his real name.” They should stop with the pseudonym already.

Jackson’s laugh filled the air and I briefly stared at him, not seeing anything funny in that. “My sister gave him that name.”


Just as I was about to take another gulp, I stopped midway after that little revelation. I glanced sideways and saw Jackson staring at the can in his hands like it’s the most interesting thing in the whole universe.

“They played the LOL game before. And they lose. Thanks to my sister.” At the end of his words, a faint smile came up to his lips.

So……………………………….. I guess this is a sensitive topic…?

Umm… sorry but I’m not fond of any waterwork scene because I’m the type to keep my nose out of other’s business.

Before I get to voice out any protest, he continued. “It REALLY gave me a huge wave of shock when I heard he started the LOL game again. I began to think he loses a screw in his head and that was, before I met you.” He turned to look at me.

My eyebrows lifted up in a slight surprise. “And what does it gotta do with me and your sister? I don’t even know you for ’s sake.”

That.” He pointed out. “I like your straight-forward attitude. Even though you may come out rude sometimes, which surprised me how well you get along with those EXO boys, but I guess you’re much better than a certain someone who blurts out meaningless sweet promises.”

“I guess I shall take that as a compliment.” I voiced out. Shameless, I know. “But who’s EXO?”

He almost choked on his drink if it’s not for his fast reaction. “ARE YOU SERIOUS???”

…What? Do I look like I’m playing around?

I blinked twice and shrugged. And that’s when the bulb in my mind lights up. “Ah~ so that’s actually the monkey’s clique name? Oh, I see…”

Jackson scoffed loudly beside me, not believing what he heard. “Gosh, Park Sora.”

“I know I’m awesome. Don’t get swayed by my charm.” I crack a little joke, but with a poker face on. Ha. Imagine that.

He chuckled nonetheless, as ridiculous as my joke sounds and then, his serious mode came back. “You know, when my sister played the game with Kai, I started feeling uneasy. And when the time is up and they lose the game, of course they had to play cupid for each other’s. Kai, that kid, he REALLY loved my sister. Not until everything came to pieces.”

As much as I want to block my ears to avoid myself getting deeper into other’s privacy, I can’t help but feeling curious. So, I tried to digest whatever information conveyed to me.

“Everyone knows my sister is a playgirl, yet Kai still wanted to convince himself he can change her. And then, as the punishment for losing the game, he unwillingly hooked my sister up to this one guy. You know what my sister told him?”

I shrugged, not wanting to make myself looking so interested, when in fact, I was eating popcorn in my mind with imaginary 3D glasses on, absolutely enjoying myself watching the movie of ‘Walking Down the Pathway of Kim Jongin’s Past Love Life’.

“You should first take a better look at yourself in the mirror before thinking you can be with a girl like me. I deserve so much better obviously. But thanks to you though, I’m with the man of my dreams. And also thanks for all the special treatment towards me and for all the FUN I’ve got playing with you. So, let’s pretend we never met from today onwards.”

My jaws dropped open hearing Jackson revealing the satan’s past. Okay. I know Jongin is mean and all, but heck, he doesn’t deserve that!

“Oh my god, your sister is a total arsehole!” Without me realizing, those words came out of my mouth like bullets fired from machine gun.

When the realization hit me, my eyes widened and I cupped my mouth, wishing I can punch myself in the face for saying that without much conscience.

“Wait, I-I didn’t mean to-- I’m sorry it came out… I just-- Ah ! What’ve I done?”

“Hey, hey, easy there.” Jackson raised his hands and laughed at my flustered state. Wait. He laughed? Who is he kidding?? I JUST INSULT HIS SISTER IN FRONT OF HIM!

“It’s okay, I understand. And I admit what you said about my sister is right. There’s no point in denying it.”

I fiddled with my fingers before apologizing again. “Right. But sorry though. That’s just what I felt.”

“You also felt Kai didn’t deserve all those, didn’t you?”

I didn’t answer his question because I don’t want him to know that I softened up about the satan a bit. A BIT, okay? Gosh! Can’t believe I would be like this.

“So, what happened next?” I returned his question with another question.

Finished his drink, Jackson threw the can into the bin swiftly. “He tried to prove to my sister that he’s so much better than her boyfriend so, they were put into a dance battle.”

My eyebrows furrowed hardly at those words. I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like I can piece the puzzle together.

“Last year, during the opening festival, both of them were having a duel, and the battle is a draw. It’s not the result that makes Kai ticked off, but the fact that my sister wasn’t there to see him dancing. The day before the festival, she told Kai he’s the worst dancer she ever encounters without even witnessing him dancing and she gave the name just to .”

Wait wait, emm….. excuse me dude, but I’m getting confused here. Didn’t the boys said Jongin was having a battle against Jackson last year but who are we talking about now?

“Since that day, Kai swore to himself, he’ll make my sister regret every single words she ever said wrong about him. And he’s going to live up to his name no matter what. Soon after, my sister and her boyfriend broke up.” He then turned towards me with a smile.

“And the guy that had been dumped by my sister is, Im Jaebum.



My jaws dropped so low and if possible, it might reach the ground. I’m not meaning to be dramatic but the can of coke just slipped out of my hand and dropped onto the floor. Luckily, it’s empty.

“No , Sherlock…” I muttered, loud enough for Jackson to hear.

Alright, hold up. So, what were those s that the EXO boys told me about Jackson being Jongin’s enemy?? Is that a con or whut????

As if knowing what I was thinking, Jackson told me the truth. “Because of the guilt eating up inside me, I promised myself to protect Kai and kept a secret from the students about him and his battle with Jaebum. So we started a rumour that I am his enemy in the dancing world. But the truth is, Kai’s real nemesis is Jaebum.”

I heaved out my breath that I don’t realise holding from just now. Wow~ a round of applause for this impressive high school drama please. I think an agency should take them up for a role in acting.

“So, where’s your sister now?” I asked, feeling curious.

“She’s pursuing her studies in Paris as a fashion designer. She’s not dead yet if that’s what you’re worried about.” He chuckled.

Well, I appreciate his effort in making a joke to break the tension but…

“You mean, she’s in college? JONGIN FELL IN LOVE WITH YOUR OLDER SISTER??????”

I thought we were talking about Jackson’s YOUNGER sister here. Well, that’s if he has one.

Jackson laughed even louder at my outburst and it took seconds for him to calm down before nodding, giving me a confirmation.

Heck! Jongin and Jaebum have a thing for an older girl!

Oh my god!

“But I’m glad he has gotten over that and to add on the bright side, his passion for dancing is growing. Then, you came. Since he got entangled with you, I see more of himself. And I thought, you might be the chance for Kai to start opening up his heart again before it closes forever.”

I snorted almost immediately at his confession. I think I need to call an ambulance because there’s another maniac in this school. “So the offer from that day was you trying to hook me up with that satan?”

He nodded.

“God, you’re crazy!”

“What, don’t tell me you’re not having fun with all those roller-coaster days every time you encounter fate with Kai.”


Scowling at him like a lioness on period, I straightened myself, ready to leave. “I’d rather kill myself than getting into a relationship with a mad monkey. Thanks for the information though. I might need some time for myself to digest everything.”

“No, it’s my pleasure. If there’s another thing you’re curious about, feel free to come here. You’re like part of our family already.” He stood in front of me, saluting at me in a joking manner.

“Eww, no.” I rolled my eyes jokingly. “Not Jinyoung.” With a small smile, I returned his salute and walked away.

I guess I gained another family.








Am I… starting to make friends again?

I bit my lips to refrain the big grin appearing on my face and shook my head unbelievably.

Gosh! I can’t believe myself.

Who’s starting to open up now, huh? Kim Jongin or me? Tch…


Sunday came and I’m lazing around in my room doing nothing.

Alright, let me tell you, I have a love-hate relationship with Sunday because why? Sure, I love it because it’s a rest day but I hate it because tomorrow is Monday which means school day and ugh!

It’s casual day AGAIN tomorrow, it. I hate casual day.

I tried calling Jongdae the dinosaur neighbour just now, to tell him to gather the EXO boys. Can’t believe the almighty Park Sora will say this but, I wanted to apologize to them for my rudeness yesterday, and also to tell them what I knew about Jongin already.

But the dinosaur is nowhere near his phone. And he’s nowhere near his home either.

Heck! The annoying operator on the line kept on me telling the call is not connected.

And I don’t know the other boys’ number. Heh. Credit to me for being so stubborn a boulder might break if it hits my hard head.

Just then, my phone vibrates against the table, indicating a call is incoming.

Seeing the unknown number popped up on my phone screen, my eyebrows met at the center.

Don’t tell me it’s Jinyoung again.

Being careful, I picked it up and waited for the person on the other line to speak up. There was silence for a moment, before a VERY familiar raspy voice greeted my hearing.


My frown deepened at the situation I’m in.

Pardon me but…

Why on earth is JONGIN calling ME?!


Remembering what Jackson told me about Jaebum going towards our club room yesterday, I sighed. Don’t tell me it’s him again…

Gosh! I REALLY should change my number soon.

“What, satan?” I asked, uninterested.

Heavy breathing was heard before he called my name for the last time. “Sora…”

And the call ended.


DID HE JUST HUNG UP ON ME???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10