Love or Lost Game

Author’s POV


“Can you repeat what you just said?”

“Why am I stuck with this guy?”

“Sora, don’t you even know how picky that guy is?”

“Speaking of which, you’re even worse than me, stingy deer.”

“Well, excuse me, Minseok, but someone’s trying not to be a spendthrift here.”

“Said the guy who just bought a bunch of facial products yesterday.”


“Definitely caught red-handed.”

Sora sighed heavily as she raised both of her hands to stop the two five-year old kids from their little debate competition. “Guys, I still exist, okay? And, excuse me? Luhan and facial products?? You’ve gotta be kidding me…”

“Yes, it’s true. And you know what, I-”

Holding her hands up once again, Sora stopped the living-steamed bun from gossiping. “As much as I’d love to know the details, I’d like you to save your hot news for the school, Kim Minseok.”

“It’s oppa for you.”

Automatically, Sora’s face contorted up in disgust. “Mind you! We’re just months apart, okay? And I’m not calling a girl ‘oppa’.”

“But I’m a guy!”

“Check the mirror if you don’t believe me. Alright now, back to the topic!” The girl clapped her hands twice to get the attention from the twelve boys who were sitting around the table in the cafeteria.

It is recess time now and they were discussing about their designated task after having decided what they will be doing during the opening carnival.

When Mr. Hoon called all of the members of Performers Club for a short meeting early that morning, Sora was just giving one of her WEIRD ideas and UNEXPECTEDLY, the teacher exclaimed it to be INTERESTING and voila! She’s the one who’s going to be responsible in splitting the tasks up.

A round of applause for the girl who never touch the word leadership in her entire life please.

“Okay. Listen.” The lass heaved out and trying to clear her mind as the noise in the cafeteria gradually getting louder. ‘Why are we even discussing about this matter at a place like THIS?’

“First of all, I need someone who can assist me in all these task-splitting thingy because for heaven’s sake, I feel like throwing this table away if I ever hear one word of complain from any of you again.” She just assigned Minseok and Luhan to look for the materials needed for the carnival, yet the two bickered like there’s no tomorrow.

As if the scene is not familiar enough to her.

“Take Junmyeon then.” Baekhyun quickly suggested. The others agreed with him in an instant.

And so, Sora motioned Junmyeon to sit beside her and immediately crowned him as her assistant, with a hope that he’ll be of much help.

Just then, the bulb in her mind lit up. She flickered her eyes to her right side and called out. “Slave!”

At the mention of that one word, Jongin came over and sat beside her before she even get to order him, not forgetting to scoff LOUDLY. And it impressed Sora a bit.

“You’re getting better at these things.” Sora smirked, referring to how he already guessed her next order. “Alright then, you’ll be my second assistant or in a more understandable word; SLAVE.

The lad just replied with a hum as he was busy playing games on his phone. Seeing that, Sora just shook her head at the hopeless guy before starting their discussion.

“So, as I mentioned this morning, we’re doing ‘Mirror Maze’ and just like the name, we’re going to need lots of mirrors and a large room for it.” She began explaining.

She was suggesting that they will be doing a maze-like game and the maze will be filled with mirrors but in addition to the excitement, there are surprises.

“Oh! Oh! I have a suggestion!” Yixing suddenly shot his hands up, gaining all their attention. “I think we can use the old store room at Block C.”

Sehun, who sat across Sora, nodded in agreement. “That’s a good idea. The room is big and vacant anyway. Just like what we need.”

Sora nodded briefly as she typed some memo in her phone, reminding herself to check out the place later. “Alright. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.”

“And… for our dance performance?” Luhan asked next.

Immediately, the girl froze.

“We can leave that to Jongin and Yixing. They’re the best dancers in this school.” Jongdae suggested.

“That’s right. They will be perfect to be our choreographers especially Jongin. No one can beat his passion for dancing.” Baekhyun grinned like a proud mom.

“So, you agree on this, Sora?” Junmyeon asked as he turned to glance at the girl who suddenly turned drop dead silent.

As if coming back to reality, Sora blinked a few times and nodded hesitantly. “Y-Yeah. I have no objection.”

“Alright. It’s settled then.” Junmyeon smiled in delight.

And so, they all resumed their lunch after deciding that they’re going to start their dance routine that evening, obviously not noticing Sora’s perplexed look.

Jongin, who mistaken Sora’s sudden silence as hunger, pointed out. “You only eat that?” He asked, referring to the lollipop in Sora’s mouth.

“I’m not hungry.” She simply said, not peeling her eyes off her phone.

That made Jongin to scoff unbelievably. He thought Sora was just lying about her not being hungry when in fact, the latter was being honest.

After all, she’s ACTUALLY busy planning 101 ways to escape their dance routine later.


Sora’s POV

Earth, I command you to open up now and swallow me and never vomit me back.


“Ugh!” Letting out a manly groan, I buried my face in the Maths textbook, not caring about my classmates who were staring at me weirdly.

Everyone was busy solving the equations given by Mr. Jung which resulted in the noisy class now. Most of them were diligently discussing with each other about the solution to the equation and not to forget, there are also some of them ‘diligently discussing’ about gossips and etc.

While there’s me, with my notebook still clean and clear from pencil traces.

Not in the mood for maths right now, bruh.

Just as I was wishing to have an invisibility cloak just like in Harry Potter’s movie and disappear, I felt a nudge from my right side.


I lifted up my head lazily and saw a plastic of bread coming my way. My eyes travelled up to the bread, to the hand, and finally, to the ING face.


I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at Jongin and before I can reply back, the lad cut me fast.

“I know you’re hungry since you didn’t eat anything in the cafeteria just now and don’t misunderstand, I accidentally bought two breads during lunch and I don’t know who to toss it to because throwing it away would be a waste of food.” He explained in one breath without glancing my way.

Whoa… he thinks he’s a rapper or what?

And excuse me? Why would I misunderstand? Geez…

I naturally let out a scoff and retorted. “No thanks. I might end up in a coffin before I can even digest that bread of yours.”

This time, Jongin snapped his head at my direction and furrowed his eyebrows at me. “Stop being stubborn, will you? It’s not like I put poison or something. You’re not Snow White, please. ”


“Yeah, said the guy who caught red-handed trying to pour a whole bottle of glue on MY chair the other day.”

The cocky guy rolled his eyes immediately. “That’s because YOU put a dead rat in my bag and not enough with that, you even RIPPED my P.E. shirt after I beat you in the volleyball game.”

I huffed out in annoyance, remembering about the incident during P.E. class that day. “Don’t blame me when you’re the one who ask for it. I can’t believe you throw the ball in MY FACE. Do I look like a goal post to you?”

He chuckled teasingly and it irked the hell out of me, really. “I would love to say that but compared to you, I would rather choose the goal post to hit on, rather than a skinny witch who doesn’t even weigh more than a sheet of paper.”


“Excuse me but I’m not even THAT thin! You said it as if I never touch food in my entire life.”

“Then, accept it already! What’s taking so hard for you to reach out your hand and take the goddamn bread before the teacher noticed?! Gosh!” Jongin slowly grew irritated as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Why is he being so insisting on this?!

“Alright, alright! I take it, okay?” I stretched out my hand and took the plastic wrapper filled with bread harshly. “Satisfied now?”

He turned his head immediately to the other side and just waved me off.

Excuse me?

Call me delusional but


Don’t tell me…



Jongin’s POV


“She tricked me.”


“So you’re telling us that we’ll continue this discussion without her?”

I moved my eyes towards Jongdae’s bewildered face and merely nodded. “She just passed this notebook to me and fled away. And, that’s it.” I then showed the boys the notebook filled with the plans for the carnival that Sora handed to me.

Okay, as for that, I can say I’m quite impressed. I never thought she would be the type to co-operate in these activities.

Hearing my explanation, Luhan chuckled. “As expected from that girl.”

“Alright. So now, we need to figure out what kind of performance we’re going to perform on the opening carnival.” Junmyeon then stood up beside me, joining me in getting everyone’s cooperation.

“Well, we’re doing dance battle with Jackson hyung’s gangs, aren’t we?” Kyungsoo stated the obvious.

“Yes. But this is our only chance to win and you guys know how important this is to Jongin, right?” The ‘leader’ gestured his hand at me. “I say, we need to make it special.”

Oh, how nice of you, hyung.

“Well then, why don’t we let Jongin choose the theme for the dance battle?” Tao suggested.

My eyebrows rose upon hearing that and I pointed to myself in disbelief. “M-Me?”

They all nodded in unison.



“Alright. Let’s sit down first and for those who have any idea, just say it out and we’ll discuss it together with Jongin.” Junmyeon, noticing my troubled face, pulled me along with him on the cold tile floor and sat in circle with the others.

Thank God there’s Junmyeon hyung.

After a moment of brief silence, Baekhyun suddenly raised up his hand, making us pay full attention towards him.

“I have an idea!”

Yeah, we can CLEARLY see that.

“Spill.” I simply said.

“Well, here’s the plan.” Baekhyun started off with an excited face. “You see, this year, we have a sole female member in our club, which is Sora.”

My eyebrows furrowed at the mention of that one name. What’s with that witch, Baek? And as for y’all information, THAT girl doesn’t do dance (according to her).

“So, I was thinking maybe we can make this dance battle be like, we’re fighting over a girl with Jackson’s team…”

Immediately, I scrunched up my nose over that INSANELY RIDICULOUS idea. He’s kidding, right? Tell me he is.

“…and at the end of the battle, Sora is free to choose which team she’ll be on.” He ended his so-called plan with a playful smile. “How does that sound?”


At my sharp word, Baekhyun’s face immediately fell and the bright expression from earlier, quickly replaced with a frown. “Seriously, Kim Jongin? For once, throw away your hatred towards her, will you? And might I remind that you two are still in the period of the LOL game.”

God, you don’t need to remind me trillion times when there are other people reminding me about that already.

“Yeah, I know.” I waved it off. “But your idea doesn’t sound fancy to me.”

The lad threw his hands exasperatedly in the air. “Fine, whatever you say. I’m just voicing out my idea.”


Turning towards the source of the voice, we all looked at Yixing in hope because the guy doesn’t always say out his brilliant idea.

“Baekhyun’s idea is not that bad.”


My jaws dropped so low upon Yixing’s words and if possible, it might reach the floor.

Am I… hearing things right?

“Bro, you serious?” I gave him a perplexed look.

He nodded with much delight and continued his sentences. “Well, we can follow Baekhyun’s idea but might as well add some spice to it.”


“Okay. Now, Sora doesn’t know anything about our plan right now, does she?”

We all shook our head.

“Then, we’ll give her the surprise.”

Hearing Yixing’s elaboration on the plan, the corner of my lips slowly curved upwards.

On a second thought, the witch WILL do dance. And I’m so going to make it happen.


Sora's POV

“How mindless can you be, Park Sora?” Letting out a sigh, I dragged myself back to the classroom in hope of not finding any of the twelve boys on my way there.

Yep, peasants. I escaped the dance routine.

Heck, I’m NEVER gonna dance, okay?

And the careless side of me decided to betray me and make me forgot my cap in the class.

Yes, the almighty Sora forgot her dearest treasure. Oh how can wonder make that happen?

Ask my mindless mind.

Arriving at my class, I heaved out a relief sigh for not encountering any of the spawn of satans.

But then, the back view of the only guy in the class playing with MY cap, making my eyebrows met at the center.

Shrugging it off, I just strutted towards my table and simply snatched my cap away from the unknown guy’s possession. Not giving a damn about his bewildered expression, I walked away with a blank face on.

But I was then being stopped by the same guy when he suddenly blocked my way out. “Wait!”

Rolling my eyes, I tried to escape from his other free side. God please. I don’t want another ‘hey-don’t-you-remember-me?’ incident. Once is enough. And I’m already more than tired.

“You’re Kai’s girlfriend!”

Hearing that, I halted and raised my head to see the guy’s face. Wait. This one seems familiar…

“You’re… Jongin’s enemy?” I asked, in hope for my memory to not betray me.

The guy in front of me chuckled. “Well, you could say that. I’m Jackson.”

“I know, duh.”

Perplexed at my boldness, the Jackson guy let out another amused chuckle. Retreating back his right hand which he offered for a handshake just now, he said. “And here I’m wondering how are you Kai’s girlfriend.”

I rolled my eyes annoyedly. The topic about me being that slave’s girlfriend ((ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww)) is slowly getting on my nerves. Excuse me but we’re just tied on that LOL game, oh-kay?

“Okay, listen. Number one; I’m not his girlfriend. Number two; I don’t think we have a business to settle so, number three; move over.” I cleared out the confusion with a poker face on.

Before I can even take a step, Jackson stopped me again. I clucked out my tongue and my frown got deeper at his act.

FREAKING what does he wants?!

You, listen first, Park Sora.”

Oh. He knows my name.

Well, why wouldn’t he? I’m the hot topic of the school, baybeh!

“First; I already knew about you two and the LOL game, alright? Second; I need you to do a favour for me. Third; no, I’m not moving until you agree to listen to my request.”

Favour? What favour?

Seeing how insisting Jackson can be, I just let him continue to say what he wants from me. Might as well get this over quickly before one of the boys sees me here.

“Fool Jongin during the dance battle on the opening carnival.” He stated out.

I crossed my arms and tried to digest what he just said. “Pardon?”

“Well, I’m sure you’re already well aware about the dance battle that my team and your team are going to do at the carnival, right?”

I nodded, allowing him to continue.

“Andddddddddddddddddddd, during the performance…”







*inserts a moment of silence here*


just kidding


Just as I was about to lose my patience, he blurted out his plan again.

Only this time, I feel like I want to kill myself instead.

“Make him fall for you.”



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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10