Love or Lost Game



Sora’s POV

I’m dead.

REAL dead.

I swear Kim Jongin is going to kill me when he wakes up again later.

“Park Sora. Second year of high school, found dead in Millennia’s Apartment.”

Yes, that’s going to be the exact headline for the news tomorrow.

I slapped my forehead and exhaled loudly. “Why do you do that, Park Sora?”

Turning off the stove, I took a ladle and poured the chicken soup I made into a small bowl.

It’s three in the evening now and Jongin has been knocked out by ME for almost one and a half hour. It took me ages to snap out of my senses before calming myself down and cook the soup for him.

Bracing myself for the upcoming storm, I placed the bowl on a tray and headed towards the living room along with his medicines.

I knelt and placed the tray on the coffee table carefully while waiting for Jongin to wake-



I literally froze there, in front of the satan, on both of my knees, not able to process what should I do.

I wait for him to say anything but all he did was lying there on his side, staring right into my eyes. None of us spoke and it felt like damn forever.

Clearing my throat, I took the initiative and break the eye contact. “Uhh… h-how do you f-feeling?”



Out of all question…

“You have the strength of a wrestler.”


I immediately snorted after hearing him talking for the first time today. It’s an automatic response whenever we’re going to start a war.

Ha yeah, a war with a sick person.

“Sick or not, you’re still a satan.” I grumbled under my breath.

He sat up and leaned his back on the armrest, still not breaking off his stare. “Said the one who took advantage of a sick person and molest him.”

With just the mention of that one word, I looked up and shot him a disgusting look. “I did NOT molest you!”

He chuckled.


Ha. “Why do I even bother taking care of you?” I snorted unbelievably. I should’ve let him die by himself.

“Because you care for me? Aww~ that’s so sweet, Park Sora.”

I gave him a piercing stare at his ridiculous statement. Then, something flashed in my mind and a mischievous smile made its way on my face. “Perhaps because a certain satan called me and say my name.”

Now, it’s his turn to freeze. Take that, peasant!

It took him a minute to recover from what I just said. “W-Well, that’s because Sehun didn’t answer my call. And, your number popped up in my contact so I just pressed whatever before I passed out.”

“My number, huh? How did you get it?” I know the informant is Jaebum but I just want to interrogate Jongin more and see how he handles this situation. Cue in evil laugh.

“I… I- uh…” He scratched his nape and I don’t know whether it’s because he got caught red-handed or because of the fever, but his face grows redder as the time went by.

I let out a chuckle and decided to give him a break. “It doesn’t take a genius to know it’s Jaebum. Now, open your mouth.”

His face showed some relief but then, quickly replaced with a frown. “Are you feeding me?”

Uh oh.

“Right.” I said when realization hits me slowly. “Right. Why should I feed you?”

He snorted in disbelief. “You’re such a witch.”

“Well, you have hands that perfectly work.”

“But you’re treating a sick person here.”

“I don’t see the relation there.”

“You should be nice to me.”

“I’m being nice to you by making you this soup. If I want, I can just let you starve here.”

A huff came out from his mouth as he shook his head at me. “You’re definitely not human.”

He pulled down the comforter that was covering him up to his neck and stretched his hand to take the bowl of soup on the coffee table.

I noticed the way his hands trembled and his body shivered a bit.



He halted at my order and stared at me confusedly. Ah, I hate doing this.

“Lean back. Don’t laugh. Don’t mock me.” With those three simple sentences, I picked up the bowl and blew on the soup to cool it down.

Ladies and gentleman, you’re about to witness a very rare situation in which the almighty Park Sora is going to feed Kim Jongin.

Yeah. Unbelievable is going on right here.

“Blow it slowly, woman. I don’t want to be contaminated by whatever germs your saliva might’ve brought.”



I raised my head and narrowed my eyes at the satan who was currently looking down at me with his arms crossed.

Alright now, someone tell me where is the pliers in this house? Because I want to stretch his mouth badly.

“.” I hissed quietly. “Open your mouth, you good-for-nothing satan.”

Having heard that, his mouth formed a wide grin. Err… excuse me, I just insulted him?

“That’s my girl.”

My eyes widened after hearing that. Did he just said that? Did I hear it right? Do I have a problem with my five senses?

“Eww!” I exclaimed loudly. “Who are you? What did you do to Kim Jongin?”

The guy sitting in front of me frowned deeply because I pulled back the spoon before he even has a taste of it. “Hey! Feed me properly!”

“Do you have split personality when you caught a cold?”

He rolled his eyes, uninterestedly. “I’m just trying to be civil here.”

“Civil, my .”

“Don’t get mad at me when I’m back to my self, missy.”

“Oh that’s more likely sounds like you. There will never be the term ‘civil’ between the both of us.”


After that small fight, we’re back on feeding session. Or more accurately, shoving-food-down-Kim-Jongin’s-throat session. Surely, he was glaring at me the whole time but my stubborn self decided to stay on its path.

Done feeding him, I gave him the medicine next. I thank God he’s not the type of person who refuses to take medicines. Unlike me.


“Are you leaving?”

I was done cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and was about to wear my cap when Jongin asked me that.

I bend over the couch and put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. “You seems pretty much alive now so yeah.”


I was about to pull back my hand when warmth encircled my wrist. I stopped my action and furrowed my eyebrows at Jongin’s firm hold on my right hand. For a sick person, his strength is quite impressive.

“Can you… stay for a while?” When he said that, I saw the way his face flushed and how he refused to make eye contact with me. And the glint in his eyes starts doing magic to me.

Okay. Let me tell you two things that can melt my heart and makes me weak within a second.

One, a stray cat.

Two, a pair of eyes filled with sadness and emptiness.

And the spawn of satan just so happened to have criteria number two.

I blame my soft heart for this.

Putting down my cap, I let out a heavy sigh. “You really owe me, Kim Jongin.”

Jongin’s face immediately lit up like Christmas tree and that made me to smile unknowingly.

“Can you get up?” I asked, trying not to show much concern because that would be bad for my record. Taking care of him is worse enough for me already.

He pondered for a while before shrugging his shoulders. “I guess.”

“Good.” I nodded. “Because you need to be in your bedroom. The temperature in here is not going to help much on recovering from your fever.”

He copied my action and agreed. “Right.”

He stood up carefully and stammered a bit. Immediately, I steadied him by holding his shoulders with my left hand.

“You’re such a weakling I’m not even surprised anymore.” I remarked, earning a glare in return.

“I’m fine, I can walk by myself.” He said before making his way towards his bedroom.

Boy, he forgot about one thing.

“Jongin.” I called out. He turned around and eyed me. “I need both of my hands to carry these comforters inside.”

He was confused at first but after he realized he was still holding onto my wrist, he let it go immediately. Pfft…

“I’m… sorry.”

I just shrugged it off. “I know my charms are irresistible but you don’t need to be so obvious about it.”

His eyes turned into slits after me having said that. “You sure are having so much fun teasing a sick person.”

I tried to hold in my laughter and a smirk formed at the corner of my mouth. I didn’t reply at him and just waved it off instead.

Following behind, I carried the comforters inside Jongin’s room and draped it onto the satan who was already lying on his bed. He did offer himself to carry it earlier but I just felt the need to show him my masculine side.

“Sit here.” Jongin pat the spot just beside him on the bed and said that.


Getting no reaction from me, he repeated again. “Stop being stubborn and grant my request just this once, Sora.”


Oh, shush!

I think his fever dropped an impact to me because when he said my name, my stomach twisted. I swear, if I puked, he’s not going to see the end of it.

I rolled my eyes but followed what he said and sat beside him on the bed. Even though his bed is already huge enough to fit an entire family but the awkwardness is still felt, dancing in the air.

“So, umm…” I scratched my head and tried to change the mood. “How did you even caught a fever?”


“I’m not telling you.”

“What?” My head immediately snapped to my right side so quick I thought my neck was going to break.

Jongin refused to make eye contact with me and buried himself deeper into the comforter. “You will laugh at me.”

Really now?

“Why should I laugh at something that caused a high fever?”

Slowly, he looked up at me, searching for the truth in my words. That’s funny. I’m not a ‘truth’ kind of person.

“You won’t laugh? Honest?”

I nodded my head nonetheless. I need to keep this conversation going anyways, rather than being drowned in an awkward atmosphere.

“Well… I slept on the school’s rooftop and didn’t realize it was raining until I woke up completely drenched.”







“Sora, are you liste-”


Sweet heavens, for real???

“THAT WAS THE MOST HILARIOUS REASON EVER FOR SOMEONE TO FALL SICK!” I managed to say in between my laughs. As soon as he said it, I can’t hold in and break into laughter.

I just had to, it’s so funny! Probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in centuries.

I heard Jongin grumbled from under his breath, must be regretting his action for telling me. “I know I’ve seen this coming.”


“Go ahead and laugh until the world ends.”

And I did exactly what he said.

But it only lasts for a mere 15 minutes.

Alright. I’m done. Damn! That brings such a good laugh.

“Okay, I’ve calm down now.” Literally. “So, I guess you have weak antibodies, huh?”

“Anyone will catch a cold after being soaked in a rain.” He replied in an annoyed tone.

I put on my smug look. “Not me.”

“What, you’re trying to tell me you’re a superman? Or superbacteria?”

Well, I’m an only child and my parents are always busy so I don’t have anyone to take care of me when I fall sick so I guess, my resistance to sickness just grow up like that.

But I can’t tell him that now, can I?

Speaking of which…

“Don’t you miss your family?”

I can’t help but ask that question and I knew I hit a soft spot when he immediately fell into silence.

After some time, Jongin looked at me and smiled. A sad smile. “Not a single day passed by without me thinking of them.” He said in a low tone. “But, do they think about me too?”


“When I was little and still in the house, I always celebrated Christmas and New Year with my sisters. Never my parents.”

His walls are crumbling.

“And later, I celebrated it with the maids.”

His façade is down.

“The more I grew up, the less people celebrated these events with me.”


“To the point I don’t remember my own birthday.”

He’s lonely.

Unknowingly, I put a hand on his, making him surprised and shot me a disbelief look. Screw everything. This small puppy in front of me needs someone right now.

I offered him a sincere smile which he returned slowly.

I totally know what it feels to be alone.

To be the only one to bear your own overflowing emotions.

To not have anyone to complain to.

To not have anyone to comfort you on your bad days.

“But those boys…” He continued and I know instantly he’s talking about EXO. “They crashed into my life.”


“And taught me the meaning of life. Heck, they even forced me to set up my unit’s password with my birthday so that I don’t forget.” He let out a chuckle. A sincere one, that is.

I was starting to think that we’re the same. The same loneliness, the same wreck we’re going through but…

I lack something.

“They’re so precious to me I can’t bear to lose them.”


I don’t have friends. I have no one by my side.

Those ex-schoolmates of mine are useless.

They’re the definition of pure evil.

They’re the society that just wanted to find entertainment for themselves by using other’s misery.

They’re the reason I’m afraid of people.

Yet, they labelled me weird for not socializing.

Not only that, the worst they called me is ‘parentless’.

And the sad fact is that it is the bitter truth I had to swallow.

“Park Sora!”


I snapped out of my senses and found Jongin cupping my face with a worried look in his eyes. “Hey, you okay?”

I blinked in confusion and that’s when I felt warm liquids rolling down my cheeks.


I’m crying…?

I quickly pushed his hands away and wiped whatever evidence left on my face. I can’t let him see me in this state.

“Umm… your story is sad.” I blurted out, refusing to make eye contact with Jongin.

I prepared myself for his laugh but nothing comes out. Confused, I turned to my left and saw a concern expression on Jongin’s face.

Immediately, I’m ticked off.

That’s the exact expression I hate.

I hate people who take pity on me.

But thanks to him, I had my firm self back on.

“You should sleep.” I said coldly before distancing myself away from him on the bed.

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10