Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

The light has found its way. The birds are chirping again. The sick are healthy again. The poor are rich and the rich are getting richer. The dead has rise to life. And-

“So, you want to end this game?”

Yes. THAT sentence.

I’ve been waiting for so long for miracle in January to happen and now that the angels start singing, I want to join the path of deeds from now on.


Life has never felt so good.

“Perform as a partner for the dance battle.”


Excuse me?

I blinked my eyes in confusion at the bald principal sitting in front of me.

As soon as the satan said that he wanted to end this game as much as me, I dragged him by the collar (yep, you read it right. ‘by the collar’) towards the principal’s office without a second to waste.

And VOILA! The old hag agreed to cut off the game from us! What a surprise~

But, why do I feel so uneasy as if an even BIGGER disaster (if possible) is about to land on us.


“I heard that your club is having a battle against the Entertainers Club again on the festival day, isn’t it?” Principal Kim casted a knowing look towards both Jongin and I, who were standing in front of him. We both nodded our head.

Please tell me it’s not what I’m thinking, because my worst intuition ALWAYS becomes a reality.

“It’s set then.” He smiled lopsidedly.


Angels, please don’t stop singing.

“As an exchange for ending the game in such a disgrace manner, you two must perform as a pair during the dance battle.”

BOOM! The thunderstorms are back. And it’s inviting tsunami to come over as well.

“But, all the members need to perform in the battle. That’s what stated in the rules.” Jongin blurted out. I nodded my head like a peacock, agreeing with him for once.

Whoa~ that should be recorded in Park Sora’s World Book of Records. But, too bad I don’t want to stain it with the satan’s name.

“I know that.” Principal Kim leaned forward in interest. “What I want is just a little bit of solo performance, or in this case I should say, pair performance. You can try to insert it somewhere in your performance. A mere 30 seconds solo shouldn’t be so bad.”

When Jongin was about to voice out another protest, the principal cut him FAST. “I’m giving you some tips now, you know. Since your club has a female member, your club would get the advantage by putting on a show. Getting the spotlight on just the both of you for a short span of time will DEFINITELY grab the audiences’ attention.”

“But Mr. Kim, I don’t know how to dance.” Those words then flowed out of my mouth smoothly like a river. Heck, I’m NEVER doing dance, alright?

“Ah, Park Sora.” He then averted his eyes at me and I don’t know whether it’s just my imagination but I swear, the look in his eyes somehow gave me goose bumps.

“Or should I say… P.S. Raven?


How the heck did this old geezer know?!


Yep. You’re right. I forgot his name again so I decided to go with calling him a food. Takoyaki is delicious, okay? Except that he’s not.

My eyes widened as big as saucer and my jaw dropped so low that I can wipe the floor with it.

I can feel someone boring lasers into the side of my head and it doesn’t take a genius to say that Jongin is confused as .

“Why not take this opportunity, P.S. Raven? I’m sure you’re still upset from that incident happening in Tokyo Street Dance Tournament last three years, isn’t it, P.S. Raven?”

I took a step backwards unknowingly, feeling a stab in my heart at his every words.

What is he? A CSI agent??

Are you even sure he’s the principal of San Maryosa High School??? Not a professional agent working for INTERPOL????

By the way, can he NOT press my pseudonym?

He smirked at my baffled face. Heck! I bet he’s lighting series of fireworks inside that mind of his for victory.

“As a principal, I need to know every single thing about my students, you see. And let me inform you two that I’m capable of doing anything to my reckless students.” That supposed-to-sound like a caring statement came out as a warning.

“Also, for this performance, don’t let your personal feelings affecting your focus at the battle just like last year, Kai.


I looked up and this time, it’s Jongin’s turn to be surprised. And I’m the one drawn into a whirlpool of confusion.

Don’t tell me he shoots bull’s-eye on Jongin too…

Wow~ I’m too amazed to clap my hands.

“How do you…” Jongin breathed out, unable to finish his sentence. I feel you, bro.

The victory smirk re the principal’s face once again and that’s when we knew we’re completely defeated. “So now, dear students…”

He looked at both of us with the spark in his eyes and dropped the final bomb.

“You agreed to fulfil my request, right?”


“No way.”

“As much as it sounds like the worst nightmare, it unfortunately turns into reality, so yeah.” I said with a straight face and robot-talking mode on.

The boys and I were in the old store room in Block C, the spacious room that Yixing suggested to be used for our ‘Mirror Maze’ booth. We just finished cleaning the room full with webs and dust, now enjoying the meal Junmyeon bought for us.

Except that I’m not enjoying it.

All I can think about at this moment is, who can I kill right now? Because my serial killer aura is back.

Oh! How about bringing Takoyaki or JinOLD (previously JinYOUNG, but R.I.P to him and his hopeless romantic self, I came up with a more suitable name) over here and be my punching bag?

Yeah, the answer is ‘no’, right? Okay. I would stop these nonsenses in my head.

“Wow~ congratulations!” Luhan blurted out casually.

“You’re asking for a death.” “Is that a death wish?”

I sent a glare in Jongin’s direction when we both talked at the same time.

“Don’t copy me.”

In unison, once again.

Instead of taking out comebacks, we resorted to laser glares and invisible wars with our eyes. Oh how I wish I can stab him with my thousand-knife glare. That would make me the happiest person ever alive on attending a funeral- Kim JongUGH funeral.

“Ah~ too bad the game ended this early.” Jongdae confessed beside me, with a pout.

I snorted inwardly, sending message to that satan Jongin with my deadly stares. ‘That er would probably be dead if the game continues any longer than this.’

As if getting my message, Jongin replied with the same electric stare. ‘As if I will. You, yourself, barely escaped from your own flame of rage.’

“Yeah, there’s no fun in this abrupt stop.” Baekhyun voiced out next.

‘Tch. I’m sure your life sooooooooo smells like hell by now. I’m not even surprised if it smells like BURNT hell.’ I shot once again.

“There’s not even much progress in the game. Except for you two throwing curses at each other. I wonder when will your World Wars end.” Kris said.

‘Heh, you wish. I bet you’re the one stink, drowning in dead organs soup. Oh wait. I think you need to check your limbs, in case one of them is missing and boiled along with the soup, because for a lady, you can’t even do a cleaning job properly.’ Jongin replied my mental message, rather long.

Surprised, huh? That I can read secret codes. I’m so awesome!

“And I’m not surprised that Jongin was thrown plenty of orders today for it’s his last day of slave contract.” That was Sehun.

I smirked. ‘Hear that? I should’ve given you much more orders. There’s no other word that suited well with ‘germs’. It would be only YOU, slave.’

“Well I guess the fun is just for today. Because I’m sure the sleeping devil in Jongin will wakes up next week.” Chanyeol then patted my shoulders. “Be strong, okay, Sora?”

It’s Jongin’s turn to smirk this time. ‘Hear that? Prepare yourself because once this day ends, you’re no longer a witch. I could do so much better than you.’

‘Ooh~ I’m so scared. Yeah, yeah, do what you want because I, the almighty Park Sora, never install the words ‘backing down’ in my dictionary.’ Me.

‘Right. Then, I guess you better add a new word in your dictionary, and that would be ‘scared of satan’.’ Jongin.

‘Hah, you bet! You would be kneeling down if I kick your balls.’ I threatened.

‘IF your kick is high enough but then, too bad you’re so short a dwarf might be ashamed.’ Jongin.

‘Well, I don’t want to be born as high as Mount Everest. Heck, you look like a toothless giraffe without even trying.’ Me.

‘Tch. Yeah right, you’re so jeal-’


The mental battle between Jongin and I came to an abrupt stop when the leader spoke up in his once-in-a-while strict tone.

“Now, don’t rip each others’ throat when we’re eating.” He said seriously, clearly noticing our own battlefield just now.

The both of us peeled our stares off and returned to eating, or more like, stabbing the innocent chickens. Actually, not so innocent because I imagined each and every fried chickens as Jongin.

“God, I can spell out ‘catastrophe’ perfectly with that disastrous request of him. He’s so unpredictable it surprised me every time.” Junmyeon sighed, remembering the principal’s action and rubbed his temple, as if he’s having the biggest problem in the country.

Ha. He would grow grey hairs from now on.

“Yeah. And here, I’m wondering why you are so different from your dad. Your face doesn’t even resemble the principal.” Sehun said.


What did Sehun said??

“Hold up.” I raised my hand in the midst of confusion. “Who did you say Junmyeon’s father is? Mr. Kim?? Am I not hearing it wrong???” I asked, directing it to Junmyeon, to be exact.

The latter nodded lightly and shrugged. “Well, being a principal’s son is nothing big act-”


“PFFFFFFTTTTTT!!!!!!!!” Luhan accidentally spat out his Coke after hearing my outburst which was followed by the others laughing hysterically.

Junmyeon, on the other hand, can only return me a disbelief look. “Wow~ Park Sora, I… tch. What am I expecting from you anyway?” And he let out a defeated chuckle.

Oh, well. Sorry not sorry but that’s the truth. I don’t like that old hag. He threw me another disaster, alright?

“Speaking of which, you two SHOULD really come up with a practice as soon as possible. We got only a week to prepare for the dance battle.” Kris said, being the second mom he is. The first mom goes to Junmyeon. AHEM.

Immediately, I contorted my face up in disgust after having imagining the nightmare. Just kill me now please. How many times should I beg?

“If it’s that hard to come up with an idea, maybe you two should just insert some of troublemaker’s dance moves.” Sehun suggested, the evil smile decorating his milky white face.

“ you.” I punched his arm and of course, it’s not enough to shut him up.


That night, I felt so glad to be greeted by my dear fluffy bed that I dropped myself on it, not moving an inch.

Fortunate enough, Jimin already left to Seoul this evening, which means one trouble is down. He’s supposed to be leaving on Sunday but well, college assignments are calling. But I’m REALLY glad that he didn’t cause much trouble this time.

Except for grabbing Jongin by the collar, which is not a trouble for me because I TOTALLY enjoyed it.

And yeah, before he went back to Seoul, I told him that the game is over and also about the principal’s disastrous request.

Heck, his expression was like, someone who got dumped but get an even hotter chick after.

Excuse me? Why is he SO elated about the idea of putting me and Jongin together in a pair solo?

“He’s unbelievable.” I breathed out.

And now, it’s so peaceful without any single spawn of satan disturbing my precious, quiet, serene night.







Okay. Let’s admit it.

I DO feel a little bit lonely without that annoying cousin of mine and his noisy mouth. He may be, ugh, scratch that. He IS a busybody grandmama -except the fact that he’s a hot boy- but he’s also my diary.

Jimin and I are like siblings already. He knows my darkest secrets and I know his. I told him about my day and he lends me his ears. I hate his guts but he always makes my day better.

Can’t believe I’ll say this but…

“I’m gonna miss him.”

Speak of the devil and here he comes.

My thoughts were interrupted by the vibration I felt from my left. I turned my head towards the bedside table and reached for my ringing phone, indicating a new message arrived.

‘Missed me already? I knew it~’ –Jimin

I rolled my eyes before typing a quick reply. ‘No.’

It didn’t even take a minute before my phone beeped again. ‘I already arrived at my apartment safely. Thanks for your concern. J’ –Jimin

I let out an incredulous scoff. ‘I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING’

‘Oh, your heart does. Don’t deny.’ –Jimin

And he managed to make me let out a chuckle. ‘Stop bothering me and go to sleep, hopeless romantic!’

This time, my ringtone filled the air, notifying a call. I picked it up with a small smile threatening to come up on my face.

“What, you miss me?” I fired back at Jimin.

“How do you know?”









Hearing a different tone in the voice, I removed the phone from my ear and looked at the screen. An unknown number.

Oh . I thought that was Jimin!

“Y-You got the wrong number, sir.” I brought out the most serious tone I had despite of the tons of embarrassment I got and was about to slide the red button when the caller, which is a guy, called my name.

“Wait! Park Sora, you didn’t know it’s me?’

My eyebrows furrowed. “Who is this?”

“It’s me. Jinyoung. And I want to ask about our date for tomorrow.”

Holy dudes.

It’s the REAL hopeless romantic!

“You got the wrong number. Bye.”

Call ended.

And so does my life.


A/N: SURPRISE MADAFAKA!!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! so, they ended the game alrdy? or nah?? well, as the principal, or rather, Junmyeon's dad said, he agreed. but well, i have many plans for this fic so, prepare yourself for future surprises. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10