Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“And as for the next contestant, let’s call P.S. Raven on the stage!”

Applause was heard, anticipating the new young dancer in town to make its appearance. Accurately saying, it’s ME they’re announcing.

Huffing out heavily, I made my way towards the stage with determination in my eyes. It’s the day I’ve been waiting for! All my hopes and dreams are depending on this one day!

But it crashed within a second.

As soon as I stood on the spacious stage, flashes of cameras started attacking me, making my vision blocked.

The upbeat music started booming through the speaker, echoing inside the school’s auditorium. But for some reason, I still stood there, frozen.

What the hell, Park Sora?! This is your first stage and yet you stood there like a fool, doesn’t know what to do!

Every nerves of my body is forcing my body to move but I don’t know why my legs are turning into a jelly, just waiting for the time to gave way.

Beneath all those blinding flashes, I still can feel the stares from the audience, looking up at me as if I’m committing a crime.

No way! This is not happening!

Unable to bear all the hyenas watching, I stepped back unconsciously and…




“Hey, Sora, wake up!”

I lifted up my head from my desk abruptly and saw that Luhan was looking at me with a worried look in his eyes. “Are you okay?”


Don’t tell me I’m having nightmare in class.

“Huh?” I blinked my eyes a few times before sitting in an upright position. “Oh. Yeah, I’m okay.”

He let out a chuckle at my short reply. “It’s just the first class and you’re already drifting off to your la la land.”

I just shrugged it off and pretended nothing happen. Nothing happen, huh? Yeah, right. I’m sweating like I just finished a 739km marathon.

Noticing that Mr. Yoon has gone out of class, I strutted away towards the toilet casually.

! The past came haunting me again.


“I don’t do dance. Park Sora doesn’t do dance. Alright. That’s it. Park Sora is NEVER gonna dance. Yeah.”

Heck! I look like an escaped mental patient talking in front of the vending machine.

Inserting the amount of coin needed into the vending machine, I choose my drink and pushed the button. For the umpteenth time, I breathed in and out to calm the nerves down.

I’m lucky that no one passed this deserted hallway or else, someone might have already reported me to a mental hospital already.

“Time to wake up, Park Sora.” Picking up the beverage, I opened the can and gulped it down immediately, realising how thirsty I am.

Wow! Did I REALLY run a marathon today?

Just as I was turning on my heels, I found Jinyoung standing RIGHT in front of me with a creepy smile. Accidentally, I spurted out my cola RIGHT at his face.

What the actual hell?!

The cocky guy clicked his tongue and wiped his cola-showered face with closed eyes, obviously holding the lava inside.

“Hello to you too.” He said sarcastically with that flirty smile of his.

Well, nobody ask you to appear so suddenly.

“What do you want?” I asked in a boring tone.

The corner of his mouth lifted up into a crooked smirk. “Cold as ever, huh? Well, maybe after this, I can heat you up a little bit?”

My nose scrunched up immediately after hearing that. “That sounds gross as ever. You should hear yourself.”

“That’s because you never want to see me in a sweet way.”


“Can I vomit in your face? Gosh… that’s DEFINITELY the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard. If that’s even one.” I shook my head unbelievably.

Jinyoung let out a sigh as he made a step forward. “Sora, can I ask you something?”

“What?” I gave him signal to continue as I took another gulp of Coke.

“What do you not like in me?”


Jinyoung closed his eyes again as he tried his best in cooling down the wave of anger inside of him. “That calls for twice in a row.”

Ummm… Congratulations for your second shower?

“Then why did you even ask such a question out of the blue? Geez…” I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear it.

“Then…” After wiping his gorgeous face cleanly, he spoke again. “Will you give me a chance to show another side of me that you won’t hate?”

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to process his words and when I FINALLY get the idea of what he’s trying to convey, I rolled my eyes automatically.

“You’re asking me out?” I figured his code out, though my words came out as a sentence rather than question.

He smiled knowingly. “I can’t beat around the bush in front of you.”

Oh please, Captain Obvious.

“Yup. A date for just the two of us.” And at the end of his sentence, he shot a wink.


Does someone have a grenade right now? Because I want to throw it in his face.

When I was about to give another sarcastic reply, an arm was wrapped around my shoulders out of the blue.


“I’m sorry but she’s taken.”




With widened eyes, I turned to my left to see who the culprit is and in a flash, my serial killer mode came back.

“Kim Jongin, you-”

“Now, if you will excuse us. We have a DATE to attend.” Without giving a chance for me to protest, the damn devil dragged me away from the almost-to-be crime scene forcefully, leaving Jinyoung dumbfounded.

“WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” I screamed when we’re clear from Jinyoung’s sight.

That ing slave just gave me a blank look and answered. “The boys want to see you at the cafeteria during recess, remember? And it’s recess time now but you’re running away.”

I huffed out in annoyance and removed his hand from my shoulders harshly. “Not that one. I asked, why are you doing that to Jinyoung?”

Stopped in track, he gave me a bewildered look. “The only words you should say to me right now is ‘thanks’. I saved your sorry from that crocodile.”

I clucked out my tongue. “But that doesn’t permit you to drag me away like a lifeless mannequin.”

“You’re not even a mannequin.”

I rolled my eyes immediately. Okay, now, how many times do I roll my eyes in one day? “Whatever. I have an order for you, slave.”

“What? To give you a chance to escape again or to meet that crocodile again? Tch. Not today, witch.”

My mouth was slightly ajar at how quick he noticed my intention, I mean not the latter one but the former. But seriously what’s wrong with him today? “N-Not that. Who’s escaping anyway? I just want you to buy another can of cola for me.”

Because my cola was wasted on a certain crocodile.

He merely nodded and did a U-turn towards the vending machine once again.

Heh. Guess someone’s not smart enough.

Just as I was about to break into my sweet escape, thinking everything is going in my way, the damn cocky guy returned and grabbed my wrist.

“Just in case you’re escaping, witch.”


Just shoot me please.


Jongin’s POV

After meeting up with the boys during recess, I managed to drag Sora to the studio room as soon as school ended. Reluctantly, she followed me, but not after throwing a stack of ridiculous orders for me. And I had to endure everything just for the sake of the damn festival.

It’s okay, Kim Jongin. Tomorrow is the last day of the slave contract and then, you will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

But I can already imagine the terror she will bring me tomorrow. And it makes me shudder just by thinking about it.

Ah, extra information, ladies and gentleman, I was right! Jinyoung is DEFINITELY marking on Park Sora. That’s not a good sign.


Hearing Jongdae’s voice calling for the witch, I briefly glanced at them from the mirrored wall. The lazy girl was sleeping at the corner of the studio while the twelve of us started our dance routine.

“Park Sora, wake up!” This time, Luhan went over and shook her shoulders.

Unable to bear it any longer, I joined them and pulled out the earphones stuck into her ears in a harsh manner.

It works.

She immediately opened her eyes and sat up. “What the heck?!”

“Let me remind you for the trillion times, witch. YOU.ARE.IN.A.PRACTICE.ROOM.” I rolled my eyes before returning back to my position.

I heard her throwing curses at me and followed by Jongdae’s attempt in pulling her into our practice. “Sora, the date of the festival is nearing. You should practice together with us.”

“After you guys made me the main character of the dance performance without my permission?” She scoffed. “NEVER. I can’t believe you guys have the guts to direct the spotlight on me and forced me to do a solo performance. And heck! What’s all that things of making me fall on the stage about?”

“Well, no one asked you to run away yesterday.” Luhan shot her and that immediately shut the witch up.

I smirked in victory under my cap. Serves her right. And now, Yixing’s plan is revealed to her already.

“But I wonder why she hates dancing so much.” I heard Sehun muttered beside me.

“I know, right? Yet, she’s in our club.” Tao joined Sehun.

“Maybe she has a bad past with dancing.” Yixing voiced out next.

And suddenly our dance routine is now turned into a talk show-- a talk show discussing why a certain Park Sora despised dancing so badly.

A round of applause please.

I threw a glance at Sora and saw that the stubborn girl was absorbed in her own world once again, sitting by the corner with earphones stuck in her ears. As expected from that hard-headed witch.

But honestly, why does she HATES dancing?


Sora’s POV

I let out a heavy sigh as I stared at my phone screen since just now. Why the hell am I stuck in this room with twelve monkeys kept on pestering me to dance with them?

Right. I’m a member of Performance Club.

And how did that happen?

Well, a certain dumb teacher who goes by the name Mr. Hoon mistaken my misery as a volunteer. Now I wonder how he can become a teacher with that slow mind of his.

Oh, Park Sora. Look at how deep you’ve gotten yourself into. Might as well dig your own grave for preparation.

First, the weird school, then the crazy principal and from there, starts a ridiculous game. And after that, a round of thunderstorms and tadaaaaaaaaa!

Wow~ I never wanted to transfer school THIS bad before.

I grunted for the umpteenth time and typed an SOS text to Jimin. Ha. Again, who would’ve thought that annoying cousin of mine will be my saviour? Ugh.

Just as I was about to press ‘send’, the door to our studio room flew open, revealing Jackson with a wide grin on his face. I stood up immediately at his sudden visit.

“Jackson hyung!” I heard someone exclaimed from across the room and what I saw soon, made my eyebrows met at the center.

The named Kim JongUGH was rushing over him and gave a bear hug to Jackson. Eh? I thought Jackson is his enemy?

Breaking away from the hug, Jackson then scanned the room and exchanged greets with the others as well. And then, his gaze stopped and fell on mine. I raised an eyebrow at him and I swear, I saw him smirking there.

“Nice to meet you again, Kai’s girlfriend.” He waved at me, pressing the word ‘girlfriend’ on purpose.

I clenched my fist and bit my lip in annoyance. “Unfortunately to me, it’s not nice meeting you again, Jackson sunbae-nim.”

“Feisty~” He teased with a smile.

Alright. Can I just punch him? For once?




“Well, I’m here to catch up things with you guys before our battle at the festival next week. Guys, come in!” Before I can launch an attack, he then gestured for someone to enter the room.

Oh, scratch that. What I mean is, 6 guys.

Yeah, six other guys entered the room and did what Jackson did earlier. Greetings and all and bla bla bl… Blergh! Boys stuffs.

And that was when the bulb in my mind light up.




Smiling in triumph, I grabbed my bag and secretly making my way towards the door.

Just as I was about to be free from my misery of the day, God decided to throw me another twisted fate.

“It’s you!”

One of Jackson’s friends suddenly exclaimed and blocked my way out. I rolled my eyes in an instant.

Oh, not another ‘hey-I-know-you’ incident. I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo done with that already, ‘kay?

“P.S. Raven!”

oh my god


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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10