Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“And the reason you’re calling us here is?”

“Uh… well, to discuss about our performance…?”


“Why? Err… yeah, the festival is nearing, isn’t it?”

Luhan stabbed me with a suspicious stare and interrogate me even more. “I thought you said you don’t do dance.”

I tried to avoid his stare by looking somewhere else and my reply came out unconvincing. “I-I didn’t say I’m going to dance. I just said about discussing the performance.”

“On this very day? Saturday?? Wow~ you’re too excited to meet us, didn’t you? We just gathered yesterday though.” Baekhyun joined in teasing me.

“I just thought that today is the perfect day to discuss about it. Well, nobody is in the school right now, isn’t?” Nice comeback, Park Sora.

“Except for the teachers in the charge for the festival.”

I turned towards Jongdae and rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, Einstein. But at least there’ll be no distraction today, am I right?”

“No.” Yixing suddenly said. “Jongin is not here yet. Wouldn’t it bother our discussion?”

“Yixing is right. Besides, rather than our performance, the conflict between you two need to be solved faster. Or else, you can never figure out about your pair performance.” Kris second that.

Aish… I hate this.

“So what? It’s not my fault he’s not here. I told Jongdae to inform everyone and he did. You guys are all here now except for that satan. It’s his fault.” I retorted back with a rather harsh tone.

“Speaking of which, none of us know your phone number except for Jongdae, but you even threat him not to reveal your number. Now, how do you expect to work together with us from now on if we can’t even contact each other?” Chanyeol in, taking out his phone in the process. Wha-- he’s ready to save my number already?

Tch. Like I would give it that easy.

Wait a minute.


Having saying out that one word, all of them looked at me as if I grew three heads. Yeah I know. Unbelievable as it sounds.

“But with one condition.”

And their faces fell.

Heh. Of course Park Sora isn’t going to raise the white flag so easily.

“Record the dance moves that we’re going to perform as a group and give it to me. I’ll try to memorize it before the festival day.”


I hissed at their high notes and had to cover my ears to block the tons of questions greeting my hearing. Unfortunately, monkeys are never quiet when protesting.

“What did you say?”

“Are you NOT going to practice with us?”

“Wait. Don’t tell me you’re never gonna practice it even once.”

“Are you planning on running away during the festival?”

“You’re not serious, are you?”

“For real, Park Sora?”

I glared at every each of them before uncovering my ears. Obviously, the glare is not enough to scare the out of them. I sighed desperately. “Just do it. Don’t worry about anything else. I can do something about myself.”

Sehun, who sat beside me, scoffed incredulously. “You’re hundred percent not taking this matter seriously, aren’t you?” Before I can even reply, the lad suddenly sat up, getting all furious. “Stop it, Park Sora. STOP IT!”

I jolted in surprise at his sudden outburst. What the HELL is wrong with this guy?!

“I know you’re taking this mere battle lightly. But for once, can’t you throw away your stubborn self? I know it means nothing to you. Heck, it’s maybe just another trash for you to throw. But no! This dance battle is a VERY important thing to Jongin. AND YOU’RE JUST GOING TO DRAG HIM TO HELL WITH ALL THESE YOU’RE CHALLENGING!”


The studio room turned deadly silence.

After seconds of sitting frozen with my jaws opened, I came back to reality and my soul returned to my body. Then I stood up abruptly, gaining their attention.

“Oh Sehun.” I pressed firmly. All of them, including the guy standing in front of me, waited patiently for my next words.


For Jongin?

And, you think the almighty Park Sora will waver at those oh-so-concern acts?

In your wildest dreams.

The corner of my mouth curved up slightly into a smirk. “ you. FOR ETERNITY.

And just like that, I bolted out of the room, leaving eleven monkeys dumbfounded.


Author’s POV

“Oh Sehun! What did you just do?!”

Being the first one to save the situation, Junmyeon made his way towards Sehun, shaking the lad’s shoulders in disbelief.

The other guy, who seemed like he just realized his action, blinked his eyes. “H-Hyung, I… it was…”

“Sehun, I know you’re concern about this matter. We all are. But you’re leashing your anger towards Sora who doesn’t know a single thing.” Kyungsoo tried to knock the senses out of Sehun.

The younger guy let out a heavy sigh and plopped down in regret. “I’m sorry. I-I just… it slipped out of my tongue.”

“Don’t be.” Luhan, being the peacemaker he always is, patted Sehun’s shoulders assuredly. “The one you should apologize to is, Sora. But for now, let her cool down. And about Jongin, I’m sure Sora will find out about it sooner or later.”

There was a moment of silence when the door to the studio burst open. All eleven heads turned towards the direction or more accurately, towards the unexpected guest.

“Jaebum, what’s up?” Chanyeol be the first one to break the quiet surroundings.

“You guys have practice for today too?” Minseok asked him next.

Jaebum nodded merely before revealing his actual intention coming to the club room. “I actually… have something to say. About Sora.

The boys exchanged curious glances at each other. Junmyeon then gestured the tall guy to sit with them before spilling the topic.

He obliged and took a seat in between Kris and Junmyeon. Preparing himself for the worst, he inhaled a deep breath and decided to ask a safe question first. “Before that, may I ask how much do you know about Sora?”

Confusion arise and the room was filled with an unusual atmosphere. After a long pause, Jongdae answered for them. “Well, she’s… been to many schools before. And her family is always moving here and there.”

“That’s all?”

“Umm… yeah..?”

“Oh! And also the fact that she doesn’t do dance, according to her.” Baekhyun added.

Having hearing that, Jaebum pursed up his lips together before he began. “So, I assumed you know that she’s been to Japan before.”

They all nodded and Jaebum took it as the sign for him to continue.

“We’re ex-classmates.”

As soon as the first bomb dropped, the boys wore a baffled expression on their faces.

“We both attended Osaka High School before and we were classmates. Well, hard to believe this but, we were actually best friends.”


Hearing their overwhelmed tone, Jaebum smirked in a good way. “You heard it right.”

“You said were, so what happened after, that made Sora grabbed you by your collar that day?” Luhan asked, curiosity at its’ peak.

Jaebum chuckled lightly at the mention of the incident where Sora dragged him all the way towards the back of the school’s building. Instead of answering Luhan’s question, he simply shrugged and dropped the final bomb.

“You might want to ask her yourself. But, just so you know, she really does dance.”

Cue in eleven gasps.

“It’s just that she has a terrible stage fright.” With a small smile, Jaebum stood up and made his way towards the door, leaving eleven guys dumbfounded again and frozen in place.

After shutting the door behind him, Jaebum suddenly pulled back by a strong force. Surprised at the action, he immediately spun around and his eyebrows raised at the culprit.


Standing in front of him is none other than the best dancer of the Performers Club, Kim Jongin a.k.a Kai. In fact, he’s been there since Jaebum entered the studio room and he’s been listening to everything.

“Tell me.” He blurted out with a hard-to-decipher face. “Tell me what you know about Park Sora.”


Sora’s POV

“Who the hell does he think he is?!” I huffed angrily and aimed the shot-gun at the target before firing it.

“What, he thinks I’ll compromise for the sake of their oh-so-beloved Kai?” I snorted, firing another shot at the zombie. “And why are they calling him Kai anyway? Eww.”

Alright, peasants. If you’re trying to guess the location where me, Park Sora, is currently at right now and what the hell is she doing, well, she’s currently pouring out her anger at the arcade.

Yep. The almighty Park Sora is playing at the arcade after bolting out of the stuffy room.

Tch. SHE is the one who summoned the EX-whatever guys to the club room and now, SHE escaped from there. Heh, the irony.

And it’s her 8th win on the shooting game already. A round of applause, please.

“I hope they die like this!” And after shooting my last shot, I raised my hands in victory, not minding people’s attention on me. “That marks my ninth win, biatch!”

“Having fun playing alone?”

Hearing the very familiar voice, I immediately rolled my eyes. It doesn’t take a genius to know who the owner of the voice is.

“What are you doing here? I thought you’re at school? I saw you just now.” I said without looking at the er’s face.

Yeah, apparently when I was on my way out, I saw the figure of Jung Jinyoung in the school. So I decided to run away from the devil in disguise and came here.

But voila! Fate throws me a punching bag on its own.

“And I saw you fleeing away so I followed you over here.” He replied casually.

I shut my eyes tightly, enduring the volcano inside of me waiting to erupt. “Alright, first of all.” I began, turning around and glaring him straight in the eyes. “What do you want from me?”

“Why did you hung up last night?” He answered my question with another question.

“What are you talking about?” I replied, FULL OF CONFIDENCE in pretending not to know what he’s talking about. I should get an award for that.

“I called you last night. I know it’s your voice so there’s no need to deny it.”

“I honestly don’t have any idea about this topic.”

“Okay. We’ll see about that.” Contrary to my expectation, the crocodile took out his phone and started dialling a number.

Not even a second passed before my phone started ringing. With a knowing look on his face, Jinyoung flashed me that annoying smirk of his.


“Fine!” I crossed my arms together. “Okay, it’s my number but, where did you get it?”

He put his phone back into his pocket and shrugged. “I have my source.”

“And that source is Jaebum.”

With only the mention of the name, Jinyoung’s eyes rounded, practically taken aback by my sentence. So, my guess is correct after all.

Wow~ I’m more amazed at myself that I ACTUALLY remembered his name.

Remind me to change my number after this.

“Alright, let’s make a bet.” I said out of nowhere.

Perplexed at my sudden suggestion, Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows at me.

“Play this against me.” I pointed towards the shot-gun game that I had constantly won over since just now. “If I win, you delete my number.”

The smirk from just now slowly went up on his lips. “And if you lose, go on a date with me for today.”

Ha. Why am I not surprised?

I nodded casually. “Fine by me. Now, shall we begin?”

“Challenge accepted.”


“What… the hell…”

Jinyoung gladly bowed prince-ly way and smiled in satisfaction. “Welcome to the world of discovering one of Prince Jinyoung’s amazing talent.”

Ugh! Someone give me a pail. I want to vomit.

Or just push me off a cliff. Yes. That would be more effective.

I let out a defeated sigh after losing to the obnoxious prince. Yes. I lose to Jung freaking Jinyoung.


“I guess this is one of your secret moves to hook girls.” I scoffed naturally. Well, I know way too well what a playboy is. “But sorry to say, I’m not attracted.”

“Wow, you know me more than myself.” He made a challenging face. “I win anyways.”

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time of the day. “Alright, let’s get this date over with.”

“Whoa, whoa, you’re not protesting?!” Jinyoung, not believing what he just heard, looked at me as if I just said I’m pregnant.

I faced him with a firm expression and said. “I’m the type to keep the promise I made.”

I’m the one who challenged him first anyways. But I’m not the type to grant forced request though. See the difference?

“Cool!” He beamed at me brightly that I think I need sunglasses to conceal the amount of blinding sunshine radiating from him. I don’t like sunshine.

Just as I was about to walk after him, he suddenly grabbed my wrist and I was completely taken aback by that. I reacted fast by pulling my wrist back but instead, Jinyoung overpowered me and pulled me closer towards him. Oh, he’s THE guy here, and I’m a girl.

And you must’ve been expecting for me to gasp dramatically and time stops and I looked into his eyes and all those s, isn’t it?

*wiggles finger*

You must’ve forgotten but, Park Sora doesn’t do cliché. At least not with that male with a prince symptom.

I looked up dangerously and gave the guy a warning glare. “I assumed you’re not afraid of losing your manhood.

He was confused by my sentence at first but after he realized what I said, he gulped within a millisecond and in an instant, backing away from me. My hand is still in his possession though.

But after that, his loud laughs greeted my hearing.


Is he not afraid of my warning??

“You’re so interesting, you know?” He tilted his head to take a better look at my frowning face. “That’s what I like about you.”

Oh, why I ought to!

“First step of a date, holding hands.” Jinyoung then lifted up my left wrist.

*scoff scoff* Congratulations, Park Sora! You’re looking for trouble on your own accord.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, uninterested. “I don’t need a counsellor. And you’re not a love doctor.”

He chuckled once again and I felt the urge to slit his throat before feeding it to his own family; crocodiles.

“Ah!” When we just about to walk out of the arcade, he suddenly halted before turning towards me with a real creepy smile. “I forgot to tell you something.”

What now, madafaka?

“My date consist of three packages.” He flashed me a knowing smile. My forehead roughened hardly at that.

Taking my silence as a signal, he continued. “First package; a date for a relationship.”

Kill me.

“Second package; a date as a friend.”

Friend, my . I don’t even remember knowing a crocodile.

“Third and last package; a date with a benefit.”

My ears perked up in interest at the mention of the word ‘benefit’.

“And the topic for package number three just so happened to be Kim Jongin.

Immediately, I lifted up my head, eyes gleaming in curiosity.

Benefit, huh?

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10