Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“Hey, how’s my baby girl doing?”

I lifted up my head from my hand phone and was surprised to see my mother standing by the dining table.

“Wow, you’re home?”

I didn’t mean to say out the words in a sarcastic way but duh, I’m surprised she’s here when it’s just 8 o’clock. Usually, my parents wouldn’t be home at this time. Not until I’m asleep, that is.

And mind you, I always sleep late.

She smiled at my remarks and made her way to sit in front of me by the dining table. “I’m sorry, honey.”

Here we go again.

“Mom…” I pressed the word. “Don’t say that. The both of you are working, I understand that. Don’t give me those ‘I’m not giving you enough mother love’ speech again.”

You two know really well you’ve given me the all the love I deserved. More than that, actually.

“We promise you this will be the last time.” I turned my head to the source of the voice and found my dad giving me the same warm smile he always did. “We REALLY promise.”

I returned his smile and nodded. “Okay, dad.”

It is very rare for a day like this where we gather together in one space and I’m so happy to see them but, the both of them must be so tired I can even see the dark circles around their eyes getting darker.

Remembering something, I quickly got up. “Oh my god! Your dinner! I’m so sorry, I’ll make a quick one for tonight.”

Making my way towards the kitchen cabinet, I quickly racked up my mind for a menu.

In this house, I acted as the cook, wherein I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. But we seldom get the chance to eat together and that saddens me, really. But I’m glad that I can make sure the both of them are taking proper meals. It makes me looking forward to cook for my parents every day.

I heard the screeching sound of chair and someone my head from behind. “Once the last deal is over, I’m going to make sure all of us eat together as a whole family again.”

Mom always makes these kinds of promises though it all ended up as empty promises, but this time, she sounded so determined.

At least, I hope so.

“Okay, mom.” I smiled, lopsided.

I was about to crack an egg when my mother decided it was the right time to ask the unexpected.

“Who’s Kai?”


The egg fell into the frying pan with a loud crashing sound. .

“W-What are you talking about? Haha.”

My laugh sounds so freaking fake.

“So…” She dragged on. I’m so done. “Is there something that we missed here?”

I quickly threw away the evidence of ‘egg accident’ into the sink and cracked a new egg to be fried.

“Missed? HA! There was nothing to miss. I’m still, like this.” I replied, controlling my nervous feelings.

Why I’m nervous, you ask?

You’ll see.

“Then, who’s Kai?” My father questioned the same thing.

“Well, he’s just… a classmate of mine, yeah.” I reassured them, or more like, myself.


How do they know about Kai???

My mom hummed beside me in a suspicious way, making me to almost break out in cold sweat.

Okay here’s one fact.

Once my parents know about a new guy friend of mine, they’ll tease me about him for a year and that’s definitely not exciting.

“Close enough for you to have his clothes, eh?”


I was flipping the fried egg when mom said that and I ended up throwing the egg out of the frying pan.

There goes the tragedy of egg number 2.

Mom knows the perfect timing to make me waste food.

She must’ve saw Jongin’s jersey that I washed as soon as I’m back from school earlier. I did that in order to not let them see but yeah, it seems that the heaven didn’t favour me today.

“Uh… about that-”

“Is this friend you’re telling me yesterday, the Kai guy?”

Damn. I just remembered I texted dad about me going to a ‘friend’s’ house yesterday, a.k.a the day I’m nursing Kim Satan to life.

“So, you spend the night there yesterday?”

Mom, please don’t make a misunderstanding arise.

“So, you two sleep together?”


I abruptly turned my head around and protested. “NO! Dad, why should I-”

“Oh my god, our daughter is already growing up.” My mom cooed next and wiped fake tears from her eyes.



“You better take him to meet me, Sora.”

“You should be. He’s the first one to take our daughter’s ity.”

I can’t believe what dad just said.



The next day is a doomed day.

I wish I hadn’t gone to school.

Guess whose face I’m seeing first thing after stepping into the school ground.

“Good morning, beautiful~”

Yep, a living crocodile.

I think I need to send him to a museum of exotic animals.

Knowing him, I’ve taken the liberty to ignore him and walked straight towards my class. I know he’s not the type to give up so I just let him trailed beside me.

“Ouch, playing the ignoring game, are we?” He clutched his chest, pretended to be hurt.

Guess he’s smart enough to figure that out.

“How are you and your club’s progress for the dance battle?”

So far so good.

Excluding me and Jongin.

“I’m actually more excited to know about the pair dance between you and Kai.”

No surprises there.

“Still ignoring me, huh? Alright, let’s see. Hmm…”

While the crocodile is pondering on his words, my class is already in sight and I can’t be more grateful to escape from the crocodile.

Oh heavens, please just let me end this misery.

“Say, is there a meaning behind the name P.S Raven?”






Excuse me?

I turned my head towards him so fast I thought I might break my neck. When he finally got my attention, Jinyoung smiled a thousand smiles.

“There, the face that I miss.”

Ignoring his remark, I approached him with dangerous aura surrounding me and glared. “Who told you?”

He shrugged and it lit the fire of the dragon sleeping inside of me. “You know who.”

With that said, he strode away, leaving me fuming in anger. There’s only one logical explanation behind who he got the information from.


That damn guy!


“Oh my god! Seriously Kai, control your girl!”

“Nu-uh. First of all, she’s not my girl. Second of all, it is my wish to see you being hunt down, so yeah, I’ll just be your rightful audience over here.”

I made my way to the opposite of the bench by jumping across it and Jaebum ran as fast as lightning before taking cover behind Jongin.

Huh, coward.

I looked up and threw daggers with my glare towards Jongin. “Move.”

He shrugged casually. “Well, I never really the type to obey you but this time…” Leaving his sentence hanging, Jongin smiled, well, almost laughed, actually. “My pleasure.”

He then gladly moved aside, revealing a terrified Jaebum and I didn’t think twice to pounce on him. Unfortunately, he dodged my attack and we continued the chasing game on the rooftop garden.

Yes, our school’s rooftop has garden, ladies and gentleman. This isn’t a cliché high school you’ve seen in drama where the rule-breaker always escapes on the rooftop. No.

The botanical garden is open to all students.

Except that I may or may not shun the students out of here to turn it into a wrestling rink.

Back to the story, I pointed an accusing finger at the culprit. “WHY DID YOU TELL IT TO THE FLIRTY?!”

Looking confused, Jaebum asked back. “Tell what? And who’s the flirty?”

“My best guess is Jinyoung.” Jongin answered the second question from Jaebum as he ate the remaining rice cakes in his possession.

Apparently, he saw me chasing Jaebum just now from the hallway up till the rooftop. Decided to waste his recess time unproductively, he followed us and is currently watching our chasing game as the entertainment.

I can’t believe him.

And I can’t believe this soon-to-be eaten Takoyaki.

I stopped for a while to catch my breath but still fuming. “WHO ELSE DID YOU TELL IT TO, HUH?? THE WHOLE SCHOOL? YOU SON OF AN OCTOPUS!”

He copied my action, huffing to get his breath on track. “Tell what?? I’m in a whirlpool of confusion over here.”

“The incident three years ago, you told Jinyoung, didn’t you?”

Cue in silence.

And from there, I knew it.


“You piece of ake mushroom!!!” I stood up straight and was ready to throw the vase beside me at Jaebum when Jongin stopped me from doing so.

“Whoa, whoa! Hold right there.” Jongin rushed at me immediately and blocked my way. “As much as I enjoyed today’s entertainment, unfortunately, I don’t want you to turn this rooftop into a crime scene.”

When he saw me calmed down, he turned towards Jaebum and said. “As for you, how can you open up someone’s secret just like that? You should consider her trauma after that terrifying stage fright.”

I nodded, agreeing to his statement at first, until I processed what he just said. Arching my eyebrows upwards, I turned Jongin around and stared at him sharply. “You what?”

As if realising what he just blurted out, his mouth hanged open and with a hint of panic, he looked at me and Jaebum back and front. “I-I…”


No, he didn’t.

The memories of the tragedy suddenly rushed into my mind and I already felt tears b in my eyes. In an instant, I turned away and made my way out of there without saying a word.

From behind me, I heard Jaebum said something in between the line ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I didn’t mean to’.

But I was gone before they have a chance to chase me.


Jongin’s POV

“Is that true?”

“No, I-”

I stared straight into Jaebum and asked once again. “Did you really tell Jinyoung?”

He looked devastated and sighed out loud. “Jackson asked me about Sora because he saw her once in the dance tournament video, and I guess Jinyoung overheard about that.”


Immediately, I ran out of there and searched for Sora’s shadow all over the building but she’s nowhere to be found.

I sprinted towards my class and she’s not there either. “Ugh! Where is she?”

I don’t know why but when I saw her eyes just now, I felt the sudden urge to hug her. The Sora I know wouldn’t shed her tears easily.

At least not in front of people, I guess.

I swear I’ve never seen her that fragile before.

“Hey, Jongin, I thought you were with Sora.” Sehun greeted me as soon as I stepped into the classroom.

I whipped my head at him at the mention of Sora’s name. “Have you seen her?”

He blinked twice and answered. “Just a minute ago, I saw her running towards the opposite part of the building. I thought she was chasing you.”

Without wasting a second, I made a u-turn but come to a halt when Miss Jang entered the class.

“Kim Jongin, where do you think you are going?”

Ugh, her timing.

I scratched my head and cursed mentally. What am I going to do now?

Sighing, I muttered a sorry and sat on my seat, giving up on searching for Sora at the moment.

“Wait a minute, where is Park Sora?”

I perked up my head and quickly raised my hand. “She… went down with a fever, Miss.”

Miss Jang nodded her head and started the lesson for the day.

Throughout the whole class, I can’t help but let my mind wandering about Sora.

She must be breaking right now.

Even I can get crazy if my darkest secret is revealed to everyone.

Heck! She must have not moved on from the trauma yet.

And that damn Jinyoung!

I unconsciously clenched my fist at just a mere thought of Jinyoung knowing the girl’s secret that she really doesn’t want anyone to know.


Sora’s POV

Okay, let’s see 101 ways to disappear.

Hide myself?

“Well, I’m already hiding.”

Run away to the opposite side of the world.

“I’m too tired to do that now.”

Make myself vanish with Invisibility Cloak.

“For the umpteenth time, this ain’t a Harry Potter movie.”

Sleep in a coffin?

“Then the coffin should’ve WiFi, portable toilet and endless supply of foods.”

Bury myself.

“I’m not ready to die yet.”

Bumping my forehead at the mirrored wall, I grunted loudly that I thought I just turned into a lion king. “Ugh! What am I gonna do? Out of all people, why Jongin??”

The result from running aimlessly just now has brought me to an old practice room I encountered at the deserted hallway opposite of the school building.

Although the practice room looks old with cobwebs covering every corner and the dusty mirrors, it’s still in a good condition.

And so, I decided it to be my new hiding place. Yay

Sighing loudly, I turned my back towards the mirror and leaned on it. I can’t help but felt lost after having my book of life opened up. In front of Jongin, at that.

And Jinyoung.

I’m not usually the type to be emotional and all those s but… I never thought everyone would know about it so soon.

Instinctively, I rolled down my socks and touched my right ankle that was once injured three years ago.

The memories are still so fresh in my mind to the point I can still hear the screams.

After having a small episode of my stage fright, I stepped back and fell off the stage, hitting the tall, steel ladder in process. The only thing I remembered after that is my own self screaming in pain as I watched the ladder crushed my ankle.

I winced unknowingly, reminded by how painful it was.

“I can’t bear to lose you again.” I said to my precious ankle.

Yes, I said to my precious ankle.

Feeling warm liquid flowing down my cheeks, I turned to look at the mirror and found myself crying again.

“Tch.” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands, realising how foolish I must’ve look right now. As if my brain has no authority over my body, I started crying even more.

“Gosh, Park Sora, you are such a crybaby.” I told myself and laughed at my own misery.

But seriously though




I stood up in surprise and turned to see the owner of the familiar voice.


“W-W-What are you doing here?” I slapped myself mentally for stuttering in front of the satan.


I wiped my face hastily, trying to get rid of all the evidence of the almighty Park Sora crying. No, not in front of him.

He isn’t supposed to-


Jongin suddenly pulled me into a hug and I swear to God, this is the biggest shock of my life.

What is happening?!!

I squirmed and tried to get out of his strong arms. He got muscles, that one, I tell you.

With so much struggle, I looked up and brought out my deadliest glare. “What the are you doing?!”

He looked at me in silent for a second. “You’re crying.”


No, I’m laughing, you idiot.

I scoffed absurdly, building up my strength once again. “Yeah, so? You’re saying you are going to comfort me?”

“And what’s wrong with that?” He replied with an unreadable expression.


What’s wrong with that?


I pushed him away and snickered. “You think I don’t know people like you are just looking at me as a source of entertainment? As a guilty pleasure??”

He opened his mouth, about to say something when I quickly cut him off.

“You try to get close to me, making me open up and when I thought I finally have someone to trust, that’s when you decided to attack me.” Without knowing, the feeling of frustration flows out of my mouth like a river.


What am I doing?!

“And as soon as you find my weakness, you trampled on it easily and throw me away like I’m a piece of trash.”


“Before we know it, the whole school is already looking at me in disgust and started talking as if stage fright is the most ridiculous thing ever!”


“Suddenly, I was the attention seeker. Suddenly, they said I was just making up stories. Suddenly, I was the liar and I’m doing it for the sake of not becoming the outcast.”

Okay fine, don’t listen to your brain, Park Sora. Don’t regret your own action to embarrass yourself later.

Jongin stood there without saying anything, waiting patiently for me to let everything out.

Being an idiot I am, I continued on my outburst.

“Being the only Korean in a foreign country is not easy. What more scary is, being in a terrifying place called high school where people judged you endlessly just because you are a new student who came from another country.”

I didn’t know how or when but I started crying uncontrollably.

I’m such an idiot

“They thought I was a joke. When I decided to not attract people’s attention, they took notice of me and try to bring me out of my shell. But when I started talking, they said I’m a fake. What do they want from me?!”

I finally stopped talking when I’m already out of breath. I don’t even know why am I saying all these things in front of my arch nemesis.

Good job on making my own self look like a fool.

“Sora…” Jongin finally spoke up, taking a step closer to me. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

I looked at him with so much hate and shouted. “Bull! You’re no different from them!”

There’s a crestfallen expression wore on his face and I noticed the way he winced at my words. “Sora, if that’s the reason why you’re so cold towards everyone, fine, I can accept. But saying I’m the same as the people you’re referring to is a bit biased, don’t you think?”

I scoffed and countered back. “No. You and the other boys are doing exactly what those kind of people are doing.”

“What if we’re not?”

Hearing that, I stood still just an inch away from him and kept silence.

“What if we’re doing this on our own accord? What if we want to approach you not because of pure curiosity? What if we’re sincere in wanting to be your friend?” He ended the sentence with the most unfamiliar look that makes my wall crumbles bit by bit.

“What if…” He then closed the gap between us and now, we’re standing eye to eye. “What if I care about you more than I should?”

My mouth hanged open, unable to believe what I just heard. I don’t think I’m hallucinating right now and I’m sure my ears worked perfectly.


This is Kim Jongin we’re talking about.

“What…” I managed to breathe out. “No, you’re not.” I tried to deny. I know how bad our relationship is and also knowing Jongin, this is an impossible situation.

“Yes, I am.” He stressed out, in a firm tone.

I’ve never seen him like this.

Once again, he wrapped me in his arms and I tried to get away before I found myself feeling warm in his embrace. “Jongin, wake up. You’re not supposed to-”


He breathed out heavily and tightened his grip around my body. “Stop pushing me away, Park Sora.”

And that’s it.

It took me a genuine pat on my head before I buried my face in his chest and started sobbing softly.

I can’t help but breaking down my façade for once in my life.

All of my mixed emotions came rushing over me at a time.

I can’t believe this.

We’re in that position for quite a long time and I don’t know whether it’s just my imagination or what, but what he said next made my heart skipped a beat.

“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”


A/N: ooo hellowww my lovely readers! idk what am i doing with this chapter. i want to make it an emotional chapter but hey, Park Sora over here is a strong girl with an enormous talent for sarcasm so yeah idk how to make it an emotional chapter. and i swear i'm cringing after finished writing it. BUT, one thing i can say is that you may look forward for the next chapter *wink*

EXTRA NEWS!! i know i hv tons of unfinished fanfics but i want to announce that i'm currently writing a SEVENTEEN fanfic!! carats here, anyone?

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10