Love or Lost Game

(A/N: please read the author's note at the end of chapter. I have a very IMPORTANT annoucement :))


Jongin’s POV

I fell on my butts after hearing all about Park Sora’s past.

“Last three years, it was the awaited street dance tournament. You might be wondering but yeah, P.S. Raven is her pseudonym. Just like me, Sora was so excited for the day. But soon as she stepped on the stage, she just froze there, in front of the big crowd. I started to get a bad vibe about it and then, in front of my very eyes, Sora tripped and she fell off the stage.”

“Only after that day I figured out about Sora’s stage fright. Unfortunately, after the incident, not only that she lost her passion for dancing but also, her feet. She needed a month to recover from her injury and the worst part is she didn’t want anyone to visit her. She transferred school soon as she got discharged from the hospital. From that day onwards, I’ve never heard anything from her.”

Stage fright. Accident. Feet injury.

Gosh! I think I should be punished for dragging Sora into all this. How terrified she must’ve been after all those encounters?

I can’t believe myself for being so insensitive about the tough-but-fragile-on-the-inside Park Sora and has been dragging her deep into the pits for my own selfish battle.

A slight chuckle escaped from my lips when I just realized the current situation.

ME, the great Kim Jongin is sympathizing towards Park freaking Sora.

I’m unbelievable.

And you know what’s more unbelievable?

The truth that I fell asleep on the school roof after forcing JB to tell me everything about Sora and then, woke up soon after to find myself getting drenched.

Yep. I woke up to the sound of rain and the stupid fact that I slept UNDER the rain is what makes me caught the worst fever EVER.

Stupid Kim Jongin.

What have you done to yourself?


Sora’s POV

After that one short, confusing call, I found myself standing in front of Jongin’s unit on the 15th floor.


Since I can’t contact anyone, I decided to rush over towards here and even sacrificing myself to climb up the mountain of stairs. (Remember? Sora and elevator don’t mix up well.)

How did I end up here?

Alright. I may be a heartless witch and a ruthless but still, I have the purest of heart. *tries so hard not to puke while saying this*

The way Jongin talked just now and how his voice sounded makes me feel so uneasy. I don’t know if it’s just me but he DOES sound like he’s sick. And not to mention, he called ME!

Hey, if he’s in his right mind, he wouldn’t do that even if the world ends.

And after arriving in front of the penthouse door, I realized one stupid fact.


“KIM ING JONGIN! YOU BETTER TELL ME YOUR UNIT’S PASSWORD OR I’LL BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN!!!!!!” I banged my fist on the silver door loud enough a deaf might hear again.

Heck! He wouldn’t even answer his call again. How can I get through his password?

“KIM SATAN! OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Call me rude but that’s the only ing way for me to check if he’s dead or not in there. And if he is, I’ll be more than glad to prepare his funeral.

After long enough to get my throat burning and my fist blue with bruise (blame the hard silver door), a ‘CLICK’ sound was heard.

I stopped breaking down his unit and waited patiently for the owner of the house to show his face.

I was about to shout out a curse but stopped myself when the door opened widely, revealing a collapsed, lifeless Jongin.

And you know what’s more dramatic?


I suddenly felt déjà-vu rushed over me but I can’t remember what it is.

“What the… hey! WAKE UP!!!” Trying to support his weight, I slapped his face not-too-harsh with my right hand while the other hand was holding onto his shoulder.

His warm breathing hitting my neck and I tried so hard not to shiver. Shifting my hand from slapping his cheek, I checked his forehead. Feeling the heat radiating, I quickly retreated my hand.


“How on earth do you even caught a fever?! Did you dance under the rain or something??” Huffing, I pushed him up and with the best energy I have, I dragged him into his unit before the both of us locked out of the house.

Thanks to the inner beast inside of me, I managed to throw him on the sofa in the living room. And that’s as far as I can take him to. You’re not expecting me to drag him all the way towards his room, do you?

Looking at his sprawled position on the huge leather sofa, I took some time to get my breath in track while thinking on what I’m supposed to do next.

Excuse me but I’ve never treat a fever person as I’m the only child in the family. And being the amazing witch I am, I rarely caught a cold.

Seeing as to how the innocent-looking satan curled up on the sofa like his life depend on it, I acted like what my brain told me to.

Grabbing a comforter and a blanket in his room, I returned to the living room and stacked it on top of Jongin. After feeling the warmth of the comforter on top of him, he automatically snuggled into it like a baby.

Yep. As much as it sounds ‘ugh’, but that’s what I saw right now.

Shrugging off the disgusting thought, I picked up Jongin’s phone on the coffee table and pressed the ‘power on’ button.

Dammit! It’s locked with password!

“And here I thought I can get away from this mess.” I sighed tiredly at the red-faced Jongin and sat myself down across the couch where the boy occupied.

And right when I thought I’m going to be stuck forever in the satan’s house, something under the coffee table caught my eyes.

Reception desk.

Yes! That’s it!

Without wasting a second, I picked up the paper and immediately dialled the number written on it. After the second beep, a familiar voice was heard.

“Millennia Apartment here. What can I help you?”

I smiled instantly when the saviour of the day come. “Yoora, it’s Sora here. Still remember me?” Oh the rhymes in our names.

Her tone then quickly changed into a friendly one. “Sora! Yes, yes, of course. I saw you rushing upstairs just now. Did anything happen?”

“Yeah, umm… actually…” I scratched my nape, not quite sure what to say. “Uh… you see, Jongin is sick. And, I don’t exactly know what to do.”

There’s a brief pause on the other line before she choked out a gasp. “Oh dear, are you serious? H-How is his temperature?”

Her voice sounded urgent so I rushed over towards the kitchen to look for any thermometer or whatever meter it is, and when I found it, I returned to the living room.

Alright. Now, call me stupid but… “Err… how to measure his temperature? Uh, I just… need to put the thermometer in his mouth, right?”

A long sigh was heard and I guess she must’ve thought I’m hopeless. “Yes, Sora. And wait a couple of seconds then his temperature will show up.”

I did as what she told and read Jongin’s body temperature after waiting for centuries. “It’s, umm… 40.1?!!”

“WHAT?!!!!!!!!!! THAT HIGH?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Immediately, I distanced myself from the phone to save my ear from bleeding at Yoora’s high-pitched shriek.

I’m as surprised as her too, okay.

When she finally calmed down, I asked again. “So, w-what should I do now?”

“Well, first, you need to cool down his temperature. Soak a small towel in warm water and put it on his forehead. Then, leave it. If the towel starts to get cold, soak it in the warm water again and repeat the process.”

“Okay. Got it.” With one hand holding onto my phone, I looked for a small towel in the kitchen and did as she instructed. “Okay, I’m soaking it.”

“So when you’re done with it later, make a soup for him. Mushroom or chicken soup would do- wait. You know how to cook, right?”

The uncertain tone in Yoora’s voice made me to roll my eyes immediately. “Of course I know.”

I could hear her smile on the other line when she replied. “That’s good then. So when he wakes up, feed him the soup. And after he finished eating, even if it’s just a spoon or two, give him the medicine next. A sick person can’t eat medicine with empty stomach.”

I nodded even though I know she can’t see it. “Alright. So, I assume that is all?”

It’s much simpler than I thought.

“Yes, dear.” A relief sigh came out from Yoora’s mouth. “I guess I can count on you, right? Considering that you’re his girlfriend. Aww~ how sweet is that?”

I rolled my eyes instantly and was about to fight back a reply when she beat me to it.

“Sorry that I can’t be of your help today, Sora. One of my colleagues is hospitalized so I had to take her shift and be behind the reception desk all day. But if anything, you can call me, alright?”

There goes my final hope.

Not wanting to make Yoora feel guilty, I bit back a disappointed sigh and said my gratitude. “Alright. Thanks, Yoora. And sorry for disturbing your work.”

I formed a small grateful smile on my face and returned back to the living room to treat the sick satan.

“Oh, and don’t forget to change Jongin’s clothes, or else, it will be harder for Jongin to recover from his fever. And use a towel to wipe his body with warm water. Okay? Bye~”

The line ended.

Accidentally, the towel slipped out of my hands and fell onto Jongin’s eyes. His weak grunt snaps me out to reality and I put the towel on where it should be.

The frowns on Jongin’s forehead slowly disappeared and replaced by his calm but burning-with-fever face.

And I’m the one who can’t calm down here.


I face-palmed myself and tried to think of something. Anything.


Okay. Let’s face the reality.

Reluctantly, I stood up and went towards Jongin’s room. Now that I take a better look, his room is better than I thought. It was clean and neat, not like what I imagined a room of a normal teenage boy living alone would be like.

He’s not normal after all, then?

Returning to the living room with a new clean sweatshirt (to keep him warm) and a towel in hands, I battled with the inner voices in my mind.

Alright. So now, I’m going to u-u-un…d-dress THE Kim Jongin.

Heck! Why am I so nervous?!

It’s not like I haven’t seen him shirtless before, right?

Suddenly being reminded of the day my eyes being violated, I shriek. “Ah! WHY DO I EVEN CAME ACROSS IT?!!!!”

Jongin stirred in his sleep at the ruckus I made myself and I shut up immediately. Tch. How irony.

“You’re lucky I’m not in my usual witch mode today or I might’ve turn on a speaker or something and held a concert right in front of you.” I mumbled to myself.

Going back to my nursing, I pried the blanket and comforter off his sprawled position. Grabbing onto the hem of Jongin’s shirt, I gulped at the thought of seeing his glory abs up close.


“God! You owe me, Kim Jongin.”

Closing my eyes tightly, I slowly lifted up his shirt and the heat from his body radiates furiously that even my cheeks felt warm. Wow~ his fever is quite high, huh?

And no. I’m not blushing, okay? I’M.NOT.

After taking off his shirt completely, I soaked the small towel in warm water and damp it on his arms, shoulders, neck and here comes the worst part.

With my eyes still closed, the towel went down his chest and--


Guess what?

The towel accidentally slipped off my hand and I, unintentionally… TOUCHED.HIS.ABS.



I retreated my hands quickly and tried to calm my ing horse down.

I know the heavens hate me but THIS.IS.ABSOLUTELY.NOT.FUNNY.

I’m lucky Jongin is asleep or else, I’m going to jump off this building before he even makes fun of it.

“Okay now, settle down, Park Sora. You’re not going to waver, aren’t you? Yeah, that’s right. I’m the almighty Park Sora.”

Please note that I’m still closing my eyes.

Okay, that’s it.

With shaky hands, I finished my task and sighed in relief when there’s no incident happened after. Slipping the sweatshirt on him, I finally get to open my eyes.

Wrong choice.

As soon as I fluttered my eyelids open, the greatest disaster and my worst nightmare became true.

I caught myself staring into the satan’s brown orbs.

My train of thoughts raced furiously I can barely comprehend what was happening.

I was closing my eyes.

I stripped Kim Jongin.

Not his trousers though.

I wiped his body.

I accidentally touched his abs.

And now…


And he’s staring straight into my eyes!


Why the heck am I stuttering?

“T-THE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

And I, Park Sora, with or without intention, punched the sick Kim Jongin square in the face.

May he rest in peace.


Author’s POV

“Do you think it’s going to work?”

“Oh come on~ you saw the guilty look on Jongin’s face yesterday. I’m sure he softened up, even if it’s just a tiny bit.”

Sehun sighed. “I can already imagine we’re hanged upside down the oak tree behind our school.”

“Chill, we’ll just tell Jongin we’re in the cinema when he was calling.” Jongdae assured us again.

“And if he asked, why is he not included in our ‘hangout’?” Chanyeol voiced out his concern, not forgetting the air quotation.

“Well, uh… because….”

“Oh, forget it! We’re doomed.” Sehun interrupted, making the situation not getting any better.

“No, we’re not.” Luhan in calmly. “He only called one of us which is, Sehun. So, we need not telling him all the bluff. Only Sehun will need to clear out his reason.”

The lad stared at the older guy exasperatedly. “You’re pushing the hardest part to me?”

“Sehun, you just had to say that one excuse and bam! He’ll not suspect anything.” Baekhyun tried to assure him next.

“But, I’m still worried about the two though.” Minseok raked his hand through his hair and tapped his feet impatiently on the cold tile floor.

Jongdae shrugged but replied positively. “They would be just fine, trust me. Sora is not going to kill him, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“And if a fight does occur, we can hear it till down here.” Tao wailed his hand in the air. “It’s Kim Jongin and Park Sora we’re talking about.”

“That’s why I’m worried.” Minseok said, still having the disastrous thought in his mind.

Junmyeon interrupted in between their ‘what ifs’ and said. “Alright. We’re going to wait and see the outcome first. If all the worse possibilities come true, only then we had to lift the white flag.”

Kris snapped his fingers, agreed with the leader. “True.” He then scanned everyone sitting in the apartment’s lounge. “We’re doing this for their sake anyway. Or else, they’ll not break their own World War even if the world ends.”

Jongdae grinned and clasped his hands together, getting the others’ attention on him. “Everyone just sit back and relax. Kim Jongdae knows best what he’s planning.”



A/N: Hello, everyone! ^^ First of all, thank you so much for supporting this story up till now. I really, really, really appreciate it. REALLY! And, I'm sincerely sorry to leave you hanging for not updating in such a loooooooooooooooooong time, I know. Something came up and now, I'm still trying to find where've my inner author self gone to. Don't worry, I'm NOT going to discontinue this story because I love my readers so much and heck! I'm not giving up on my passion that easily. I'm still going to update in the future but I can't guarantee how long will it take for me to update a chapter. Again, no worries ladies and gentleman, I have drafts saved in my lappy. My stories won't just disappear without a trace. Right now, I'm trying very hard to retrieve back my old writing style because I'm slowly losing them under certain circumstances. I'm sorry to scare you with this news but really, I'll still be in the writing world no matter what. For the umpteenth time, do not worry :).

Also, I would love it if you lovelies give me feedbacks on my story if you noticed any changes or something wrong with it. Again and again, thank you for reading! I love you, my awesome readers! :D

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10