Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“Carry my bag.”


“Boy, you totally forgot, didn’t you?”

Hearing that, Jongin sighed helplessly as he took the bag from my hands and slinged it on his shoulders. I smiled, satisfied. “Good boy.”

There’s an obvious annoying look in his eyes as he was boring lasers at me but meh, I’m the boss now.

“Whoa! What a power you have there, Sora.” Jongdae said in an amused way.

I gave him a lopsided smirk. “Too bad this lasts only for 10 days. By the way Jongin, cat got your tongue? You haven’t spoken at all since we met this morning.”

 And that’s when I know Jongin has reached his limit. He stopped walking and glared at me with those murderous eyes of his. “I’m sick of this!”

Hoho~ burn the witch. I flashed a sly smile. “Why? You’re going to use one of your wishes?”

It seems like he wants to say something but shut back his mouth and continued walking to our class silently. Aww~ he’s almost tricked. Too bad.

As we arrived at our class, Luhan and Sehun greeted us.

“Morning, Sora! Morning, J- whoa! Wait! Whose bag are you carrying, Jongin?” Sehun asked when he saw Jongin walking towards his seat with two bags on his shoulders.

Harshly, he slammed my bag on my table and that made me to widen my eyes. “This witch.” He exclaimed.

I exhaled loudly, not believing what he just addressed me. Ohoo~ the nerve he got there.

When he was about to sit down, I called out for him. “Wait!” Walking up to my seat, I adjusted the cap on my head and glared at Jongin. “Pick it up.”

His eyebrows met at the center. “Excuse me?”

“Pick up my bag.”

“But I just-“

“I said, PICK.IT.UP. That’s an order.”

He let out a loud sigh and obliged as he kept a tight grip on my bag. It’s obvious he’s holding the volcano inside him. Heh. Who’s the boss now?

“Put it on my chair gently and carefully.

He did as to what I said with gritted teeth. “Done?”

I smirked in satisfaction and nodded. “Good job.” He was about to sit when I called again. “Hey, wait!”

There was a visible anger smokes coming out from Jongin’s nose and his knuckles turned white as he balled up his fists. Yoohoo~ someone’s on fayahhhh.

“What now?” He asked, fury in his eyes.

“Wipe the seat for me.” I smirked again.

Luhan and Sehun who witnessed the scene stared in amusement. “Wow~ that’s cool!” Luhan voiced out.

Jongin, who heard that, shot daggers to them and the two immediately gulped back their words.

“Okay, that’s all. You can go back to your seat.” I put on a smug face as I sat myself down.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jongin muttering something and then, he looked out of the window, avoiding my gaze.

Man, this is so much fun!

101 ways to make Kim Trash’ life miserable.

Way to go, Park Sora!


Jongin’s POV


“Is she that bad?”

I turned to the curious Chanyeol with a dreadful look. “Oh~ try and replace me. I’m sure you wouldn’t even last a second.”

It was already recess time and as usual, I’m with my 11 friends at the cafeteria. How glad I am when I can escape quickly before that rotten girl catch my shadow. I hope she would not find me here.

“But it’s Sora we’re talking about. She’s special.” Baekhyun beamed.

What? SPECIAL?! Gosh! I’m going to vomit!

“Are you out of your mind? That witch is insane FOR SCREAMING OUT LOUD!!!” There goes my outburst.

Honestly speaking, they REALLY should be in my place for once and experience themselves how hell tastes like.

“Who’s insane?”






Slowly, I turned around and there, stood the witch with dark aura surrounding her. Geegeeboom.

I scoffed at her. “You.”

She let out a mocking laugh as she sat beside Junmyeon, carrying her food tray. So, she didn’t go to the library today, huh? Pssh...

“You really have no fear, do you?”

I smirked, lopsided. “Why should I?”

“Because... you’re going to regret what you just said.” The witch leaned in with a challenging face on.

She really has the potential to make my blood boil, huh?

I was about to open my mouth when the devil spoke again. “Stand up.”


“I said stand up, you deaf ears.”

I blinked a few times and stood up slowly, waiting for her next words.

“Buy me soda. With your own money.” She smirked.


“What are you waiting for? This is an order. Shoo shoo~ doggie.”

That’s it!

With anger written all over my face, I stormed away towards the vending machine to buy her stupid soda.

I literally glared at every students who passed by me. Most of them got intimidated by me as they make a way for me.





Sora’s POV

I secretly jumped in victory after seeing the expression on that er’s face. How dare he call me insane? He’s the insane one!

“Don’t you think you have gone too far, Sora?”

I turned towards Junmyeon and rolled my eyes. “He started all this catastrophe so he is the one who should work his butts off.”

“Have you forgotten about the game already?” Yixing asked then.

I clucked my tongue in annoyance. He’s talking about the stupid LOL game. “There’s no rule, right? So, YOLO.” With that, I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

On my way to class, I bumped into the brat. Oh, right. “Where’s my drink?”





Holy cow.


This boy.





“WHAT THE IS THAT FOR?!!!!” I screamed in rage as I wiped my face.


He smirked. “You want soda. So there goes your soda shower.”


I gritted my teeth to endure the anger piling up inside.

Calm down, Park Sora. CALM.DOWN.

“Follow me.” I blurted out, keeping a poker face on.


“Follow me. THIS.IS.AN.ORDER.”

Jongin rolled his eyes and trailed behind me as we entered back into the cafeteria. All eyes were on us including the students who witnessed the scene where the er splashed the soda right at my face.

Ignoring my soaked clothes, I walked towards the EXO’s table and halted. The boys looked at Jongin and me questioningly.

“OH MY GOD! WHAT’S HAPPENING, SORA-YAH??” Jongdae asked, noticing my condition.

I didn’t answer him as my hands quickly snatched away Kris’ unfinished bowl of black bean noodles and dumped it on Jongin’s head. Gasps were head as the cafeteria turned drop dead silent.


Now, we’re even.

Jongin’s shirt is now soaked in black bean noodles’ sauce and his hair also smells like one.

I returned him the same smirk as before. “How does it taste? Delicious?”

The devil wiped his sticky face and bit the inside of his cheek in anger. He then glared at me.

Heh. You think you’re the only one who knows how to rebel?

I walked up to him and hissed. “Wrong step, boy. You still have 9 days to survive and by then, I’ll make sure your life smells like hell.

Without wasting a second, I went away towards the toilet, leaving everyone dumbstruck.


You’re messing with the wrong person, Kim ing Jongin!

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10