Love or Lost Game

Sora’s POV

“You don’t tell me-”

“Yes, your friends are waiting outside, Sora. Geez... why won’t you tell me about your handsome friends, huh?” Mom wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “Now, better go before you’re late.”

I sighed and made my way towards the front door reluctantly. What have you done to your life, Park Sora?

Stepping outside, 12 monkeys dressed in school uniform came into sight. All of them greeted me brightly.

Ugh! Can’t my life get any worse than this?

“What do you want?” I glared at every each of them.

“You’re our friend now. So, we’re going to school together!” Tao announced excitedly.

I snorted in annoyance. “I’m not your friend.”

“But yesterday-”

“No.” I cut Sehun FAST. “I never said I agree to your dancing contest. So, the deal is invalid.”

“Seems like you forgot about my other 10 wishes, my lady.” Jongin said and winked playfully at me. I contorted up my face in disgust. e double eww

“Make me.” I challenged him and walked past the boys towards the gate.

Boy, I am so wrong.

In an instant, I felt like I’m floating in the air.



When I turned to look at the culprit, my eyes widened. “LUHAN, PUT ME DOWN!!!!”

He smirked at me and secured me in his arms as he threw me over his shoulders. “Hold on tight, baby.”

With that, he ran towards the school and laughed like a madman. I had no time to react because damn boy, I’m afraid I might slip out of his grasp and hit that concrete road.

I still value my life so, no thanks.

I constantly heard his friends shouting from behind saying something like ‘unfair’ and ‘we want to carry her too’.


Someone’s bound to be dead today.


“Tell me what kind of coffin you want.”

“W-wait! Sora, I’m just playing around.”

“Playing around?” I scoffed absurdly. “You call carrying me all the way to school and passing me to your friends as playing around??? Don’t you ing know how much stares I received today?!” I spat at Luhan who were shivering at my threat.

“Loosen up, little princess. You received many love from us too, might I remind.” Kyungsoo spoke beside me as he put the amount of coin needed into the vending machine.

I was about to retort back when a cold can hit my cheek. I retreated and saw Jongdae with a wide smile. “Here. You must’ve been tired from all the flying around. Hahahah!”

I took the cold drink rather harshly. “Thank you very much.” Please notice the sarcasm.

“Like it or not, you’re officially our friend now. Welcome to the EXO club, Park Sora! With open arms, we accept you in.” Sehun bowed with full of courtesy in front of me.

Wait! What did he said?

“Ex what?”

“EXO. E. X. O.” Jongin repeated for Sehun.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. “What kind of animal is that?”

“ANIMAL?!” Minseok’s jaws dropped upon hearing my question. What? Did I say something wrong?

“That’s our group name, Sora. How could you say it’s an animal?” Kris pretended to be hurt and clutched his chest.

I just rolled my eyes. “Weirdos.”

Just then, I noticed something. “Wait! Where did Luhan go?”

On cue, all of them pretended to look elsewhere but my face.




“Wow! This morning gotta be the best morning ever!”

“Nice show, Sora!”

“Aww~ to be carried by hot boys is my dream. You’re one lucky girl!”

“Let’s exchange luck, Sora-yah.”

Can someone shoot me?



Okay. I’m sooooooooooooooooooooo done.

My classmates were constantly talking and teasing me about those boys carrying me in their arms all the way to school. Frick! I think the whole school saw the incident already. I’ve never been glad for wearing tights under my school skirt or else, I’m going to be in a great doom.

“Thanks to us, you’re famous now.” I heard an annoying voice said from my right side and I knew instantly who it is.

“Yeah, thanks to you guys, I’m the center of attention now." I muttered with gritted teeth.

“And you don’t like it?” Sehun who sat at my left blurted out.

Definitely. “Who likes attention anyways?” I cocked my head to the side.

“We?” He simply said and that made me to scoff in absurd.

“Yeah, self-centered maniac like you guys would definitely love it.”

Just then, I heard Jongin’s laugh from my side. I turned around and saw some of our classmates were surrounding him as they whispered something to him.

As my curiosity strikes, Jongin stared at me right on time and gave me a smile. A real creepy smile. I'm seriously shivering at the scary scene. Now, what is he up to?

“Sora-yah, let’s play a game.” He suddenly said.



“It is called, Love or Lost Game.”

Not wanting to erupt here, I took a deep breath before saying. “Jongin, if this is one of your tiny little stupid games, I’m not interested.”

“Within 101 days, if we both fall in love with each other, we’ll be granted with three wishes. But if both of us don’t, we’ll have to become each other’s cupid.” Jongin explained the rules of the game without being asked.

“Huh?” I cocked my eyebrows. IS HE CRAZY? “You’re not going to make me.”

He leaned forward and casted me a challenging look. “Seems like you forgot about my 10 wishes left.”

“Oh~ come on, Sora. It’s just a game.” I heard Luhan said from in front.

I glared at him real quick before turning towards Jongin again. “Use that wishes all you want but let me tell you one thing; I’m not the type to obey.”

“Oh really?” And he gave me that infamous annoying smirk of his. “Let me tell you one thing too; I’m not the type to kill the fun and the word ‘giving up’ does not exist in Kim Jongin’s life.”



“Then you should also know that Park Sora never give in.” Heh! Not that easy, boy.

“You’re slowly getting on my nerves, you know?” His eyes twitched a little and I noticed the way his jaws tensed up because of my challenge.

Standing up, he exhaled loudly and tried to calm himself down. All attention was on us the moment he spoke up.

“Okay. I’m going to use one of my wishes.”

On cue, our classmates started to whisper amongst themselves about the wishes thingy since they don’t know about their dance contest yesterday except for Luhan and Sehun who were in my class.

I stood up as well and flashed him the same smirk as an idea popped up into my mind. Maybe I should enjoy myself a little.

“Okay. I’m on.”

Gasps were heard and the whispers spread across the classroom getting louder.

“But you don’t need to use one of your wishes. You can keep it if you want.” Jongin stared at me unbelievably.

“I’m volunteering myself in your game. But with one condition.” As I added, Jongin rolled his eyes, knowing that I’m not the type to give the easy way.

“What is it?” He asked annoyedly.

I flashed him a deadly smirk.

“Be my slave for a month.”

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Chapter 24: Park Sora is sure a thing. Well Kai, please tame her.
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 23: Never underestimate sora. Never. can't wait for the next chapter. <3
Chapter 22: As usual i laughed hard again :D i hope you'll update again sooooooon :)))))
shineeFANt #5
Chapter 19: Pleaaase update soon
Chapter 18: Please keep update! I love your story so much
Eschtik #7
Chapter 16: Omg!!!*.* I love your story so so so much!! It's so funny and it's really cute>•< please update soon!!! I want to go on reading so bad:(*.*
smys23 #8
Chapter 14: Ahh this is so good❤ Update please TT
shineeFANt #9
Chapter 13: Oh my god they are so funny
Please update soon
_byunseo_ #10