Favorite Girl

I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye


            “Why are they taking so long?!” The nurse annoyingly said while she walked back and forth the room.

            “Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.” Taeyang said.

            “But it’s already so late.”


            Suddenly, TOP saw Daesung carrying Sora in his arms. “They are coming!” he excitedly told everyone. All of them were excited to see Sora but Daesung just walked pass them. He walked like he didn’t know where to go. His face was expressionless.

            “What’s happening?” Seungri asked but no one knew the answer. They just followed Daesung. He laid Sora down her bed and sat in front of her.

            “Sora…” a nurse suddenly approached them. She saw a pale Sora lying in her bed looking so peacefully while her eyes were closed. She knew it, her tears started rolling down her face. She looked at Daesung. “What happened?” Daesung just shook his head and cried as well. Everyone in the room was speechless.

            “SORA!” a nurse came near her. “SORA! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” she shook her but there was no response. “SORA! SORA!” Tears burst out in the same room. The boys started to tear up while Daesung hold onto her hands and cried.


            She was gone…


            Daesung loved Sora so much but he accepted the fact that they can’t be together forever.


            “She wanted me to give you this.” The nurse who was closest to Sora handed out a letter to Daesung right after the funeral. “She loves you so much.” She patted his shoulders and went out. He opened the letter and slowly read everything.


Dear Daesung,


            Upon reading this, I know that I am now in heaven with the Lord. I’m sorry for leaving you too soon but you know that I was very happy when I was with you. You were like my wings who helped me soar high when I felt down. Right now, I know your tears are falling again because of these words I’m trying to tell you but I hope your tears would dry soon. Thank you for loving me for these past months and letting me feel that I was special. You are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. After I left, I hope that you could find a new love… A girl who would never leave you. I want you to have a good and happy family with cheerful little children. Don’t worry, I won’t be jealous of them but you have to promise me again… promise me that I’ll still be your favorite girl forever. I hope that we’ll see each other in our next life and I hope that we will be always there for each other then. I’ll be watching you from heaven so if you won’t do everything I told you, I’ll be really mad and lonely. Smile for me, okay? I love you very much my Doraemon. J


                                                                                                Love, Your Favorite Girl,



            Daesung smiled after reading the letter even if tears were falling from his eyes. He knew that Sora is happy now and she will forever stay in his heart. 



only one chapter to go! :) thanks for everything guys! :D

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Daesung oppa!
criaming #2
tears all the way. it's my first time to read DAESUNG FF and it made me cry TT^TT OMO. i love your story. <3 JJANG!
Hi eomma~
Deetour #4
awww nice update soon and welcome back!
Iheartlife #5
So...omo! D:
*in tears
Iheartlife #7
yay! You're back :D
kaytbear3 #8
yes, he is surely the best!! this update has a sad ending :( poor daedae, he's so caring of sora
Iheartlife #9
This is so fluffy! Update soon
kaytbear3 #10
aww so very sweet!! daesung is so funny tryin to make it like he didnt buy the lifesize doraemon!! hehe doradaesung!!!