
I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye



            Daesung successfully did other things that were written in Sora’s wishlist like sending her favorite dishes, watch the stars through a telescope, have a boat ride in Han River and lots of fun things. Sora was so happy with everything. She’s so much thankful to Daesung.


            “Did you had fun today?” Daesung asked after they watched a concert of Sora’s favorite singer.

            “Of course I did!” she smiled. “Thank you!”

            “You’re welcome.” Then he pinched her nose.

            “Yah! Let me guess what we’ll do tomorrow…” Sora said that made Daesung wonder.


            “Movie Date, right?” Daesung nodded.

            “How’d you know?”

            “It’s obvious that you were fulfilling the wish list I made years ago.” She grinned.

            “Okay. You’re really great in figuring things out. I give up.” Sora laughed.

            “But you don’t have to do those things for me…”

            “I want to…” Sora’s expression suddenly changed into a sad one.

            “But, I don’t really want to be a burden. You did enough…”

            “Sora…” Daesung cupped her cheeks. “We can only live once and I don’t want to live in regret for not making you happy. When you’re happy, I’m happier so don’t think about this anymore, neh?”

            “I don’t know if I can still do this… I don’t really want to make you do everything just to make me happy…”

            “Yah! Just let me, okay? I’m happier with this. Okay?” Sora just nodded hesitantly.

            “But you can’t fulfill the last wish I put in there…”

            “What is it? I haven’t read it yet.”

            “My last wish is to… marry the one I love.” Daesung was speechless at first.

            “Why not?” he grinned.

            “I don’t want you to be a young widow.” She chuckled and suddenly ran.

            “Yah! Where are you going?”

            “Let’s race to the ice cream parlor!”

            “But you’ll get tired!”

            “Don’t worry, I’m fine!”



            Sora continued running through the ice cream parlor while Daesung continuously chased her. Sora was so happy but when she was just near the store, she felt a serious ache on her heart. Her heart started to beat faster and faster. Her breathing started to get deeper and deeper. Daesung finally noticed her being pale and being short of breath. Sora felt her knees become weak but still stood up trying not to fall because Daesung was there.


            “Are you all right?”

            “I’m just tired.” She smiled.

            “Okay then. Just wait for me here and I’ll come back immediately then we’ll go back to the hospital, okay?” Sora nodded. Daesung turned back as Sora watched him. She was still in pain. Slowly Daesung became further away from her and slowly her eyes gets blurry and blurry. Until…


            “THE GIRL COLLAPSED! HELP HER! HELP HER!” An ahjumma suddenly yelled. Daesung heard her and immediately went to where the crowd started to gather. She saw Sora unconscious.


            “SORA, WHAT HAPPENED? CAN YOU HEAR ME?!” but Sora wasn’t responding. “HELP! PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE IMMEDIATELY!!!” Daesung seemed so worried and was very shocked with everything.


            Fortunately, they got into the hospital soon. Daesung held Sora’s hand while they were taking her to the emergency room.


            “Sora, don’t give up… Please…” he cried as they ran through the room. The atmosphere was full of pressure. Daesung wasn’t in his right mind and can only think of saving Sora. He was dead worried about her.

            “Sir, you can’t enter here anymore.” One nurse told him.


            “I’m really sorry sir.”

            “Just do everything to save her!” The nurse nodded. Daesung was left alone outside the emergency room miserably and was praying so much to God for Him to save Sora. He kept going back and forth in front of the door of the emergency room because he was nervous thinking that something bad might have happened to Sora.

            “Lord, please don’t take her away from me yet…” he whispered as he prayed hard for his love’s safety.

            “DAESUNG-AH!” TOP cried as he ran towards Daesung with Taeyang.


            “We heard it from the nurse so we came immediately.”

            “How’s she?” Taeyang asked.

            “I don’t know…” TOP patted Daesung’s shoulders as the sign of their support for him. Daesung smiled weakly at his hyungs trying to cover up his fear.


            After an hour, the doctor finally came out of the room.


            “Doctor, how is she?” Daesung abruptly asked the doctors.

            “She’s fine now.” He heaved a sigh of relief as Taeyang and TOP’s face lit up a little hearing the good news.

            “Thank you. Thank you so much!”

            “But…” the looks on the doctor wasn’t good.

            “What is it?”

            “Her body is so gradually giving up. If this happens again, I don’t know if I can revive her again…”



kaytbear3  ~ LOL. doradaesung is the best, right? xD

Iheartlife ~ this one is a sad update though. :(

hey guys! thanks for the new subscribers and the frequent readers.

this fic will actually end soon. i'm working with the ending and i think there are 6 more chapters to go. :/

it's quite short compared to my other fics but i originally planned it to be shorter but in the end, i made many chapters for you guys. :D i hope you would be there till the end and read what will happen with Daesung and Sora. :D

and yeah, BB will come back real soon. let's support them a lot. :D HAHA. :D

i also have a new fic coming, it's entitled "Dealing with Mr. G". you can check it out on the sidebar on the left side. :D

it's a story about GD having to deal with another girl :D

for the GD lovers there, i hope you would subscribe. :D and yeah, my "Lollipop Diary" one shot fics is still on, so please subscribe as well. :D

that's all for today. have a great day ahead.


<3 yehl :)

ilavicecream <3

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Daesung oppa!
criaming #2
tears all the way. it's my first time to read DAESUNG FF and it made me cry TT^TT OMO. i love your story. <3 JJANG!
Hi eomma~
Deetour #4
awww nice update soon and welcome back!
Iheartlife #5
So...omo! D:
*in tears
Iheartlife #7
yay! You're back :D
kaytbear3 #8
yes, he is surely the best!! this update has a sad ending :( poor daedae, he's so caring of sora
Iheartlife #9
This is so fluffy! Update soon
kaytbear3 #10
aww so very sweet!! daesung is so funny tryin to make it like he didnt buy the lifesize doraemon!! hehe doradaesung!!!