The Girl Who Doesn't Smile

I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye

  3 years ago…


            “AAAAHHHH!” There was a commotion in YG building because Daesung got into an accident. He fell on the stairs because of saving a little girl. Good thing he only had small injuries. In the hospital…


            “Yah! You made us worry!” TOP told him.

            “Mianhae Hyung! I didn’t want this to happen too.” He pouted as they laughed at him.

            “The doctor said that you’ll stay here for one week for your fast recovery, okay?” he nodded. “At least you can rest for a while, it’s a good thing we have no schedules yet.”

            “Keke ~ Yeah. Thanks!”


            The Big Bang members then went on their way and Daesung was left alone.


            “How about taking a walk outside, Daesung-sshi.” The nurse told him since he was alone at the room.

            “That may be great.” He went outside and went to the hospital’s garden. This hospital is a prestige hospital in Korea so the patients there enjoy the good service and even conducive environment like its garden.

            “Whaaaa ~ Fresh air is all around.” The nurse nodded.

            “Yes and most of the people here wouldn’t recognize you since they are always in the hospital.”

            “What do you mean by always being here?”

            “It means that they have terminal diseases or they need full attention when it comes to their medical needs. It can also be that they are orphans, they are just being supported by the Government so they stay here.”

            “I see…”

            “Well then, I’ll go to work now.” The nurse waved goodbye to Daesung.


            He stayed in the garden and continued to walk. In there, he saw different kinds of people. There were little kids who were playing there, there were grandmothers and grandfathers but there was one person who caught Daesung’s eyes. She was a fine lady who was sitting in a bench. She has a very fair skin with a long black hair. Her eyes are amusing as well as her lips but there’s something more about her that made Daesung curious. She looked so lonely and sad. Daesung suddenly sat at the bench too. He didn’t sat closer because he thinks she might be mad at him.


            “Annyeong!” he greeted her cheerfully. She just looked at him and then looked away. Daesung was shocked, this girl is somewhat sulky. “My name is Kang Daesung, I just got injured a while ago so I might stay here for a week. I hope we can be friends while I stay here.” He smiled at her.

            “Sorry… I don’t wanna have friends Please just leave me alone.” She said. Daesung was stunned. She was really ill tempered.

            “Yah! How can you be that rude? You should as well greet me even if you don’t wanna be friends… I don’t want anything else from you. I was just wandering why you look so sad.” She looked at Daesung and stood up.

            “You don’t care if I want to be alone.” She then went on her way.

            “Aigoo… What a rude girl!”

            “Sora is really like that.” Suddenly a halmunni sat close to Daesung.

            “Oh Annyeong!” Daesung bowed courteously.

            “Annyeong!” she smiled. “I saw you talking with Sora a while ago…”

            “So her name is Sora?” the halmunni nodded.

            “Even though you see her as a rude girl, she is very polite to elders like me. She always helps me with everything. She is also good with kids right here… but as you see she doesn’t like being friendly… I always pity her.”


            “She doesn’t have any parents anymore… only a rich company supports her. The owner was the former friend of his father who died. I’ve rarely see her smile, to top all of that, I’ve never seen her laugh before.”

            “Ah… so that’s why she’s so ill tempered.” The halmunni nodded and smiled at him.

            “I hope you could be friends with her, especially you’re the only one here that seems to have the same age as her.”

            “That’s what I really want to do, but…” he ended up heaving a sigh.


another update :D

@DAESUNG123 ~ thanks alot :)

please do subscribe guys. :D


♥ yehl Ü

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Daesung oppa!
criaming #2
tears all the way. it's my first time to read DAESUNG FF and it made me cry TT^TT OMO. i love your story. <3 JJANG!
Hi eomma~
Deetour #4
awww nice update soon and welcome back!
Iheartlife #5
So...omo! D:
*in tears
Iheartlife #7
yay! You're back :D
kaytbear3 #8
yes, he is surely the best!! this update has a sad ending :( poor daedae, he's so caring of sora
Iheartlife #9
This is so fluffy! Update soon
kaytbear3 #10
aww so very sweet!! daesung is so funny tryin to make it like he didnt buy the lifesize doraemon!! hehe doradaesung!!!