
When Fire Meets Ice

Jaemin was standing in front of me, her hands on her hips. 

"I hope you're weak now." She said.

My head hung low as her voice echoed in my head.

"I'll let them go." She announced.

My eyes widened and I looked up at her. 

"On one condition." She smirked.

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Your power. Give it to me." She blankly stated and crossed her arms.

My eyes widened again.

"If you give me your power, I'll free your family. Each and every person." She smirked.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I narrowed my eyes at her. 

She shrugged. "Your choice if you want to believe or not. But think about it. If you don't take my offer, they'll suffer every day. Don't you want to have a little trust in me now?" 

I bit my lip. She was right. I have to believe her or my family will suffer even more. 

"What do you mean by give you my power?"

She rolled her eyes. "Are you really that stupid?" 

I glared at her. "What I ing meant was how am I supposed to give it to you."

She walked closer to me and poked my chest, where my heart was. "That. You give it to me, and your power is mine."

My eyes widened for the 3rd time. "Are you insane? I'll die!" 

She smirked. "Your choice." 

"Isn't there any other way. The same way you did with Jongin's power! You stole his teleportation right?"

"His is easy. But yours is difficult. You have the most powerful power. I have to take your heart to get all of it." She smirked.

"This is bull." 

"Family~.." She chanted.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Alright. Take it."

She laughed evilly and suddenly, we were in a different room. I looked around. I felt my body starting to shake as I gulped. It was the gym. The same room were my parents were killed. Jaemin walked over to stand beside me. I looked forward and I gasped. My family was standing in a line and this time, they were all awake. They all had ropes tied around their waists and guards holding the other end of the ropes.

They all shouted my name as they begin to struggle. They all look like they were in so much pain and I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I showed them all a small smile.

"This is the only way.." I whispered.

"Shall we start now?" Jaemin clapped her hands. 

Jaemin walked forward and out of nowhere, a glass wall appeared in front of me, separating me from my family and Jaemin. She looked towards me and smirked. She snapped her fingers and I felt wind suddenly circle me. My hair was flying everywhere as I saw my family struggling and shouting. 

Soon, I had a hard time breathing and I was moving my wrists, trying to free myself from the ropes. I saw Jaemin smirk at the other side of the glass as the wind picked up. The ropes disappeared and I fell to the ground. I heard something rolling and I looked to the right to see the small bottle Sehuns umma gave me roll away from me. I tried to reach for it but I was too weak to move. The wind got even stronger as I was lifted up in the air, my body limp. I felt something rip out of my chest. I looked forward and saw a black circle glowing. My breathing got heavier and less as I fell to the ground once again, but this time, on my back.

I looked at the circle as it passed the glass wall and flew towards Jaemin. She grabbed it and held it in her hands with a big grin on her face. Suddenly, the glass started frosting and it exploded into little tiny pieces. 

"JAEHYUN!" I heard Kikwang shout.

Suddenly, a fight broke out in the room. Everyone kicked and punched big guys as Jaemin looked around with her eyes wide open. Sehun and Jongin ran towards me, both kneeling on either side of me.

"Umma!" Jongin shouted, holding onto my hand.

I his cheek as tears fell down his face. I looked at Sehun and saw him tearing. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Sehun.." I whispered. 

"Please don't die.." He whispered. I felt pain in my chest.

"Umma.." He whispered as tears fell down his face.

I weakly smiled. It was the first time Sehun has ever called me umma. I felt a tear slide down my face as I looked at my two sons who held onto both my hands.

I looked at the fights and saw all the big guys dead on the ground. Jaemin was backing up against the wall as Kikwang, oppas and Hyunseung walked towards her. 

"Give that back." I heard Junhyung growl.

"No!" Jaemin refused and held the black heart close to her.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind her and kicked her forward, causing her to fall down on her knees and the heart to slip out of her hands.

"Take that loser." Jirae growled at her.

"No!" Jaemin shouted with her eyes wide open. She reached her arms out towards my heart.

The heart flew away from her and towards the boys. Junhyung oppa was about to grab it but it suddenly exploded.

"You idiots! Look what you've done!" Jaemin shouted and pounded her fists into the ground. 

"No.." I heard Junhyung oppa whisper.

"It's gone! Her power is gone! It's not suppose to stay out of a body longer than a minute or it will disappear! It's gone!" Jaemin shouted.

I saw all the boys slowly starting to walk closer to her. Kikwang threw an ice ball at her but before it could hit her, she disappeared.

I felt my body weaken even more. I had a hard time breathing as everyone ran towards me and surrounded me, worried expressions on their faces. Jongin and Sehun stood up as Kikwang kneeled down beside me and wrapped his arms around me, holding me against him.

"You'll be fine. I promise." He whispered and swept my bangs away from my face.

Tears slid down my face as I weakly brought my hand up to Kikwang's chest. 

"Keep it safe.." I whispered. Kikwang started crying.

"I love you.. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you that when I had the chance.." I weakly whispered and soon, I started coughing.

"Please don't fall asleep." Kikwang breathed out. "Please.." He held onto me tighter.

I shook my head and weakly smiled.

"I'm sorry. I have to.." I coughed again.

I looked around me and saw everyone crying. I looked in front of me and saw Sehun picking up the small bottle and running towards us.

"There's another way!" He shouted. Everyone looked at him anxiously.

"This is what my real umma gave her. It's a potion my mother created. My mother has a strong sense when it comes to making things like this." He said.

He opened the bottle and a circle that glowed brightly flew out the bottle and floated in the air.

Sehun looked towards me sadly.

"But someone has to sacrifice.." He whispered.

Everyone suddenly started volunteering to give themselves up. 

"No.." I weakly said. "No one is dying but me. It's done.." I smiled.

"No! You are not dying!" Junhyung oppa shouted. Yoseob oppa cried beside him, covering his mouth. 

Suddenly, someone walked up to the circle and grabbed it. 

"If anyone is dying, it's me." Jirae whispered and slapped the circle against her chest. 

My eyes widened. "Jirae..."

Sehun backed away and stood beside Jongin. Jirae's body floated in the air as she started glowing. Everyone looked at her with wide eyes. A blue circle flew out of and floated towards me. Her body slowly started descending to the ground. 

"Umma." Sehun said. "Eat it." 

The blue circle stopped in front of my mouth but I refused to eat it. I looked at Jirae's limp body on the ground and shook my head.

"No.." I whispered.

"Please.." Kikwang whispered.

I looked at everyone and saw them crying. 

"Please umma.." My sons whispered in unison. 

Kikwang slowly moved me up closer to the circle. I opened my mouth and the circle flew in. I felt more pain in my chest but after awhile, the pain went away and my breathing turned normal again. I felt strong again. I slowly sat up and looked towards Jirae. I stood up and ran to her. I sat down beside her and held her against me,

"Wake up. Wake up." I slapped her cheek a few times.

Her eyes slowly opened and she weakly smiled at me.

"Hey.." She whispered.

"Why would you do that?! Why would you give up your heart for me?!" I yelled at her in frustration. 

She chuckled and patted my cheek.

"Cause your my best friend.." She weakly said.

I started crying.

"It wasn't a lie. I really thought of you as a best friend.. You were my only true best friend.." She said.

I squeezed my arms tighter around her and started rocking her back and forth. 

"I can be with my brother now.." She whispered. I looked at her.

"And now, be with your family.. I love you best friend.. And I hope you forgive me.." She whispered one last time before I felt her body go limp and her eyes close. 

She started turning pale as my tears fell on her cheek. 

"I forgive you... I forgive you best friend..." I whispered and rocked her back and forth faster. I cried louder.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Kikwang and everyone else around him.

"Let's go home.." He whispered.

I let go of Jirae's body, slowly laying it on the ground. I stood up and Kikwang wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I glanced at Jirae one last time, one last tears rolling down my cheek.

We all started walking out of the building. Once we were out, everyone cheered. I looked at the building one last time and sighed.

"Everything is done.." I whispered.


That was a ty chapter. Not lying. I'm so sorry that that was such a bad chapter. 

I can't really explain things well and if you hated it, I don't blame you.

But this isn't the last chapter. There's still more. 


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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd