Phase two.

When Fire Meets Ice

I watched as Sehun slept peacefully beside me, a pillow put between me and him. Sehun felt uncomfortable sleeping directly beside me so he asked if we could put a pillow inbetween us. Trying to be a good mom, I allowed it since if I were him, I would probably be uncomfortable too.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I couldn't find myself to sleep properly since Jongin went away, which was only yesterday or so. Everytime I closed my eyes to try and sleep, memories of Jongin would always flash into my head. I would imagine his little voice saying 'umma' over and over again. No matter how hard I try to stop thinking about how much I missed Jongin, I just couldn't. I needed some air.

I stood up from the bed and tip-toed to the door. I took one last glance at Sehun before slipping out of the room. I tried my best to stay quiet as I headed down the stairs and towards the front door. I opened the door and the cold air hit me. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I sat on the cold front steps of the house and stared up at the night's sky. The moon was shining brightly and many stars were shining just as bright around it. 

I looked at the stars.

"Umma, the orphanage lady told me that when a person close to your heart dies, they become a star and continue to watch over you. Is that true?" Jongin looked at me as we laid down on the grass in the backyard.

I looked up at the night's sky before turning my head towards Jongin.

"My umma would always tell me the same thing." I said. 

"So does that mean that they only watch you at night?" Jongin gave me a confused look. 

I chuckled. "No. They will always watch over you, night or day. But in the night, you can see them as a star shining brightly. Also, if you need light in the dark and can't find your way out, they will be the bright light to guide you out of the darkness."

He nodded in understanding. "Umma, will you become a star and watch over me?"

I raised my eyebrow at him. "And who said I would die first?" 

He pointed a finger to himself and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes and sat up. Jongin followed and also sat up. I wrapped my arms around him and held him closely, giving him a hug.

"Dead or alive, star or human, I will always watch over you." I softly whispered as I rested my chin on Jongin's head.

He wrapped his little arms tightly around my waist.

"I'm such a lucky kid.." I heard him whisper. I pulled away from him and looked at him oddly. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Because night or day, a star will always be shining brightly near me. And also, I'm always safe with umma by my side. Thank you umma.." He leaned in to give me another hug.

I his hair and smiled. 

A smile appeared on my face as the memory played in my head. I hugged myself as the cold air hugged me. I was only wearing a thin shirt and sweatpants. I let my body turn a little warmer. Soon, my body felt warm and I was relaxed.

"Couldn't sleep?" I turned around and saw Kikwang closing the front door behind him.

I turned to look forward again. "Yeah.." I whispered.

He sat down beside me and looked up at the sky. "So many stars tonight. They're so beautiful." He said.

I nodded. He looked at me.

"Are you alright?" A worried look was on his face. I nodded and gave him a small smile. "I'm fine."

Suddenly, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, causing my head to rest on his shoulder. I slightly froze.

"I'm always here for you. Remember that." He said with a soft voice.

I looked at him and relaxed once again. For some odd reason, I felt safe with him around. Silence took over us but it wasn't awkward. Actually, it was more like a peaceful silence. I could fall asleep anytime. I felt my eyes were slightly closing already. Suddenly, I remembered that I had warmed up my body, which is way hotter for other people if they touched me.

I opened my eyes and looked at Kikwang. "Am I burning you?"  

"You are." He admitted. 

I looked at him and bit my lip. I tried to pull away from him but he just pulled me closer and held onto me tightly.

"But i don't care. All the pain in the world could be put on me, but I wouldn't care. All I care about.. Is you." He gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back at him.

I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. All the jealousy, the fast heartbeats, the weird feelings in my heart, they were all signs that I, Yong Jaehyun, was in love with Lee Kikwang. I have to tell him that before anything happens to him. The air around us started getting harder.

"Kikwang.." I whispered. He hummed.

"I.." Before I could finish my sentence, I had already fallen asleep.


"Jaehyun! Jaehyun!" Someone shook my body awake.

I opened my eyes and saw Hyunseung with a panicked look on his face. I looked around my bedroom. How did I even get here? I remember I was with Kikwang..

"Jaehyun!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Hyunseung.

"What's wrong Hyunseung?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing eyes.

"I-i-it's.. It's just.. Oh my gosh! I can't even.. It's just!" Hyunseung was burying his face in his hands and shaking his head around.

I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Hyunseung." I calmly said. I felt him relax a little. "Now tell me what happened. Calmly." I said.

He looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes. "Junhyung and Yoseob. They're gone too!" He announced.

My eyes widened. Did he just say that.. Junhyung and Yoseob oppa are gone?! 

"W-what d-did you just s-say?" I looked at him, hoping that I had heard him wrong.

"They're.. gone." He whispered.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards oppa's bedroom. I slammed the door open and I saw Sehun standing in front of their bed while Kikwang sat on it. I walked over to stand beside Sehun. Sehun held out a video camera to me. I stared at it.

"Press play." Sehun said and nudged the camera closer to me.

I looked at Kikwang and saw his head down, staring at the bed. I took the video camera from Sehun and looked at the screen. My thumb stayed on the play button for a few seconds before I pressed down on it. Suddenly, Yoseob oppa appeared on the screen.

"Is it recording? Hyung, it's recording right?" Yoseob oppa said and looked behind him towards Junhyung oppa.

"It is you . Just start talking." Junhyung oppa rolled his eyes at Yoseob oppa.

I chuckled at their silliness.

"Alright. Geez." Yoseob oppa pouted then turned back towards the camera. "Hey Jaehyun! You probably forgot but it's your birthday today! Happy birthday my dear little sister!" He cheered and smiled happily.

I looked at the screen oddly. My birthday isn't until the 6th and it's only the 3rd today. 

"They wanted to make the video early. Because they were scared they would forget.." I looked towards the door and saw Hyunseung. I nodded at him before looking back at the camera's screen.

"Happy birthday Jaehyun." The camera was pointed to a smiling Junhyung oppa. I smiled.

It went back to Yoseob oppa. "So, we just wanted to make this video to tell you how much we love you. To be perfectly honest, when you came out of umma on this very day 17 years ago, we weren't too happy. We were even more mad when you came home with umma and appa and the first thing appa said was 'Look Junhyung. Look Yoseob. That's your baby sister!'. We didn't want another sibling and another person to take care of." Yoseob oppa bit his lip.

Junhyung oppa chuckled. "We already had to take care of our childish parents. We didn't want to take care of you either." He said.

I giggled and shook my head.

"We wanted you to disappear, no offense. But after a few years, we got used to you. And guess what, we never wanted you to leave anymore. We wanted you to always be by our sides. You know, when you were still young and you were just getting used to your power, you almost burnt the whole house down. And guess who got in trouble, me and Junhyung hyung.." Yoseob oppa said with a pout.

I laughed. 

"You pointed at us when umma and appa came home and they thought we told you to burn the house. You little devil." Junhyung oppa growled at the camera.

I laughed even more.

Both Yoseob oppa and Junhyung oppas face was in the camera now.

"But we both still love you very much." They said in unison. I smiled and felt tears forming in my eyes.

"We love you so much Jaehyun.. And if anything were to happen to you.." Yoseob oppa stopped talking.

Junhyung oppa continued. "We wouldn't know what to do anymore."

I felt a tear fall down. 

"When our parents died, you were the only thing that kept us going. Even if we lived a hard life, it was still filled with love and happiness because of you." Junhyung oppa said.

More tears fell down my cheeks.

"We are so lucky to have a little sister like you. Even though other people can't see the real you, we do. And if people will take the time to know you, they'd see how special you are. How much of a kind-hearted and great person you are." Yoseob oppa smiled at the camera.

"Jaehyun, if anything happens to us and we too disappear like Jongin, please don't turn depressed. Even if you can't find us anymore, keep smiling. You deserve all the happiness in the world." Junhyung oppa smiled with tears in his eyes.

"You know, we're happy umma and appa brought you home. Without you, our life would've been ty." Yoseob oppa was crying.

"Yeah.." Junhyung oppa sniffled.

"Yong Jaehyun..." Junhyung oppa started.

"Happy Brithday. We love you very much our dear little sister.." Yoseob and Junhyung oppa said in unison, both smiling at the camera.

I covered my mouth and started sobbing. I love you too oppas. Just as much as you love me. Suddenly, a loud slam was heard on the camera. I looked at the screen intensely.

"Wait, wait. Who are you?" Yoseob oppa said towards where the door was. Junhyung oppa was holding onto Yoseob oppa tightly.

The camera started shaking. I stopped crying and looked at the screen weirdly.

"No, no! Let go!" The camera fell on the ground and Yoseob oppa was shouting. You could heard muffled voices and the camera was slightly kicked away. 

"Yoseob!" Junhyung oppa yelled.

I held onto the camera tighter. Suddenly, the camera was lifted up and pointed towards a person. My eyes widened. 

"Phase two." Jaemin said with a smirk.

The last thing that was heard from the video was Yoseob oppas scream before the screen turned blank. I dropped the camera and it fell onto the bed. I dropped onto my knees. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing again.

"Why is this happening to me?" I whispered to no one in particular.

Suddenly, arms were wrapped around me. I looked up from my hands and saw Kikwang. He wiped my tears away and hugged me tightly. He rocked us back and forth while I kept sobbing into his shoulder.

"Don't worry.. We're still here for you." He whispered. "We're never going to leave you."


We were all gathered in the living room, heads hung low and silent. After what felt like an hour, I spoke up.

"When were they taken?" I asked, looking down at the ground.

"Just last night." Kikwang answered. "The video was dated to last night."

"How did we not hear it?" I asked, looking up at the boys.

Hyunseung sighed. "I guess we're all just heavy sleepers." 

"Or they used magic." Sehun said. "There is a type of magic to keep a person asleep and to keep them that way for awhile. Maybe they used it on us."

"But me and Kikwang were awake. Sitting on the front steps." I said.

Sehun shook his head. "It's a wind magic. It's the air they use to work the magic on us." 

"How do you know?" Kikwang asked him. Sehun shrugged. "Because my power is wind. So I learnt a little bit of history on wind and air." 

I nodded. So that's why I fell asleep right away last night. I looked at Kikwang and he seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"It's already phase two. Who do you think is next?" Kikwang asked.

I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know."

"This is really scary now. We could be taken anytime. Why is she taking us anyways?" Hyunseung said.

"Because she wants to see Jaehyun weak. She's taking all her loved ones away." Kikwang explained to Hyunseung.

Hyunseung sighed. "Our life has gotten more difficult after you guys moved in."

I looked at Hyunseung. "What are you saying? This is all my fault?" I asked him.

Hyunseung nodded. "Yes it is! This is all your damn fault! You're the reason why she's doing this! My best friend is gone now because of you!" He shouted at me.

How can he blame me at a time like this! I didn't ask for any of this to happen! Hell, I don't want any of this to happen anymore! I care about everyone disappearing.

I stood up furiously and pointed my finger at him. "Listen to me, and listen well. Your best friend that disappeared is also MY BROTHER! So I didn't even want him to disappear! I don't want any of this to happen anymore! And if all you can do at a time like this is blame other people, then you're just pathetic." I yelled before storming off up the stairs and into my room.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and jumped onto my bed. I sat against the headboard and hugged my pillow tightly. I felt tears falling down my cheeks. Hyunseungs words kept repeating in my head. 

'Yes it is! This is all your damn fault! You're the reason why she's doing this! My best friend is gone now because of you!'

I hugged the pillow closer to my chest and kept crying. I rested my chin on my knees as I cried harder. He's right... This is my fault. If it wasn't for me, Jongin and oppas wouldn't have disappeared. I can't handle anyone else disappearing. I don't want Hyunseung to disappear. He's like an umma. I don't want Sehun to disappear. He's my second son.

And last but not least. I can't let Kikwang disappear. He's the one I love and the person that has captured my heart.

"Please stop this.. I'm weak now.. Give me my family back.." I whispered and sobbed louder.


I can't believe I wrote this. I actually felt like crying while I was writing this. 

Who do you think will disappear next? 

Find out in the next chapter.


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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd