First Power;

When Fire Meets Ice

Junhyung and Yoseob ran into the room. "AAAHH! What did you do?!" My two brothers yelled. They looked at me.

I smirked at them while they shook their heads at me. "Aigoo.. What are we gonna do with you."
This was me. Always causing trouble for everyone around me. No matter where I go, something bad always has to happen. I'm like the trouble-magnet. Even though I cause many trouble, many people still love me... NOT! I bet you, many people hate me, and guess what, i hate them too. When I was young, both my parents died in a fighting accident. Awkward right? Most parents would die in a car accident or something stupid. But not mine. My parents died in a fighting accident. But no ordinary fist fight or weapon fight, more like a magic fight. You're probably thinking 'What the hell is this girl talking about? There is no such thing as magic!'. Well, let me tell you something. 
Come closer..
A little bit more..
Just a little bit closer..
Almost there..
Are you ready for this. I have..
Magical powers.
And no, it is nothing like Harry Potter when you wave a wand and someone dies or gets hurt. My powers come from my bare hands, not from a stupid stick. Now you're probably wondering 'How the heck do you have magical powers?'. Well, when my parents were born, both of them had been given magical powers. Well, only some people get magical powers, and both your parents don't even need to have magical powers. My mom's mom had magical powers. I have no idea how she got them, but some of the power got into my mother. Same goes with my dad. It was told in the legend that this all started when a man and a woman had magical powers, and they did 'that'. And the generation passed on and on. But only certain families were blessed with magical powers, and only certain people. And sadly, I had to be one of them. And don't tell them I told you, but my brothers have magical powers too. It was said that when both your parents had magical powers, all the children they get have magical powers. There's probably only one rule to all the magical people out there. And thats, to never let mortals know you have magical powers. 
Now it's time to tell you how my parents died. My parents just had me. A little baby girl. Many people tried stealing me from my parents. Awkward... Why would they steal me? Because in a legend, it was said that the man and woman had the power of Ice and Fire. And in the generation, no one ever got Fire or Ice. So people concluded that only one boy will get the power of ice, and one girl will get the power of fire. And unfortuantely, I was the girl who got the power of fire. So many people tried stealing me to get power and fame. Power, because ice and fire was the most powerful magic ever, and fame because many people would worship them for getting the only fire or ice. That's how my parents died. They protected me. In one fight, they were both very exhausted and many people were against them. My mom was about to be hit when my dad covered her. And in the end, both my parents died. I loved my parents very much. And people took them away from me. So i hate everyone. Well, except for my brothers of course.
Now, in the present, I am living with my two brothers, Uncle and Auntie. They don't have magical powers like we do, so they think we're freaks. In short, They're stupid. They really hate me and my brothers. But they hate me the most. I always cause trouble for them and they can never do anything about it. I always burnt things down and made them pay for everything. My brothers usually let me off the hook though. They understood me. It's hard to control your powers, especially when you're mad. One time, i burnt my Uncle's hair and now, he's bald. HAHA! He pissed me off, i had to do something. I change school once a month. Why you may ask? One answer. Fire. I always burn the school or a classroom. And people always find me in the room when its burning. So people always think that i started the fire. I don't even try to deny it since it is true. 
"This is the 50th time i have to change my cabinet. Why do you always have to burn my cabinet? Why can't you burn Junhyungs?" Yoseob looked at me.
"Because I know oppa won't get mad at me." I gave him a cute smile while batting my eyelashes.
He just sighed and flicked my ear. "You owe me so much." He looked at Junhyung. They both nodded at each other before turning towards me, a smirk on their faces.
"What?" I saw them walking closer and closer to me. My eyes widened and I quickly tried to run away. Suddenly, two Yoseobs grabbed each of my arm. I screamed. "CHEATER!"
He held you in front of Junhyung. Junhyung stared into your eyes. "NOOOO!" I shouted. I quickly lifted myself in the air. In short words, I was flying.
Did i forget to mention? Every person who has magical powers is blessed, or in my words cursed, with two different power. One is a minor one. And the other is a major one. Like me for example. My minor power is flying, and my major power is fire.
The two Yoseobs held me down forcefully, which hurt, and Junhyung kept starting into my eyes. I then quickly stopped fidgetting and walked over to the burnt cabinet and cleaned it up until it was shining. After I was done, I quickly stopped and came back to reality. I walked over to Junhyung and hit his chest. "I hate it when you use magic on me." 
Junhyungs minor power was to control people with a stare in the eye. While his major power was lightning. Cool right? Yoseobs minor power was duplication, when there could be many Yoseobs (How awesome would that be?) while his major power is water. 
Junhyung chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Sorry, you deserve it."
"Sorry for this too then." I threw a fire ball towards his and he quickly dodged it. "Geez! That would burn." 
I saw Yoseob holding a water ball in his hand. I quickly made a fireball and threw it at him. He threw the water ball trying to stop the fireball from getting to him but the water fell to the ground once it hit the fireball and the fireball continued to hit Yoseob on the stomach. Yoseob looked up and started pouting.
"WAAAAH! THAT HURT! IT BURNS!" He quickly kept throwing water on his stomach.
I laughed along with Junhyung.
"STOP LAUGHING!" Yoseob glared at us..
The reason why the water fell to the ground was because the fire was too hot. I know water beats fire, but not in our book. Fire can't be beaten. Unless that thing is ice. Fire and ice can never be beaten, unless fighting with each other.
"That's my little sister!" Junhyung gave me a high-five. Yoseob looked at us two.
"I hate you two!" He quickly stormed out of the room, which actually was his bedroom. He quickly walked back into the room. "Never mind. This is my room. GET OUT!" He made two other Yoseobs and they pushed us out of the room and slammed the door on us.
"He's mad." I looked at Junhyung. My eyes widened, and so did Junhyungs. Everytime Yoseob gets too mad, water gets out of control. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't open. I threw a fireball at it and it burnt. But that was a bad idea. Because Junhyung and I were quickly invited by a wave of water coming out of the room. We fell to the ground, coughing. I sat up and opened my eyes, rubbing it. Junhyung sat up and spit out water that went into his mouth. We stood up and looked into Yoseobs room, finding everything wet. 
"Don't be mad oppa. I'm sorry!" I ran to Yoseob and hugged him.
He hugged you back. "I wasn't mad." He let go and looked at me confusingly.
"Then why was your room flooded?" Junhyung raised his eyebrow.
"I wanted to see how long i can stay under water!" Yoseob happily jumped up and down.
Me and Junhyungs mouths opened wide. "That's why?!" I looked at Junhyung and he looked at me. We shook our heads before walking out of the room leaving Yoseob alone.
"WAIT! WHAT DID I DO?!" Yoseob quickly ran after us.
I looked at him before giving him a small smile. "Nothing oppa. Nothing." I stood in between both my oppas and gave them both a hug. After that, we all started walking towards the park, hand in hand.
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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd