Breakfast commotion.

When Fire Meets Ice

"Umma! Umma! Umma!" I heard an extremely squeaky voice shout over and over again while the bed slight shook. Is there an earthquake or something?

I opened my eyes and saw Jongin smiling at me widely while jumping up and down on the bed. I groaned and looked at the alarm clock on my bedside table. 7:00 a.m... 7:00 a.m.. 7 ing o'clock in the morning! I stared wide eyed towards Jongin who continued to show me his wide smile.

"Jongin.. Do you know what time it is?.." I asked as calmly as I could.

He anxiously nodded. "It's 7:00 a.m!" He happily clapped his hands

I was just getting more and more annoyed. I was trying my best to keep myself from bursting.

I gave him a fake smile. "Do you know that it's a Saturday?"

He looked at me innocently and shrugged. "So?"

I tried to calm myself down because as of right now, I was already close to burning this kid. I felt my hands getting alot warmer so I laid back down and closed my eyes. Like I said. It's Saturday. I'm sleeping in and not even Jongin can stop me.

"Why are you sleeping again?" He whined. "Wake up umma! Let's go play!" He started shaking my body.

"No." I softly mumbled and pushed him away. I rolled over and laid on my side.

I felt air hitting my face. I opened my eyes to see Jongin blowing air into my face. 

He smiled. "Wake up~!" He chanted.

I groaned and turned over to the other side. I closed my eyes again, hoping to get some peace this time. I felt something tickling my nose. I opened my eyes again to see Jongins finger close to my nose.

He smirked. "Good morning umma!"

I pushed his hand away and laid on my back again. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, it felt like I was alone in the room and would be able to sleep in peace. Finally... 

Suddenly, I felt a huge weight on my stomach. I shot my eyes open and saw Jongin sitting on my stomach. 

He winked and smirked. "Am I heavy?" 

I sat up, pushing him down on the bed in the process. I yelled out in frustration before standing up and running to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my tired face.

"Stupid kid.." I muttered with a glare.

"For your information, I am not stupid!" I heard Jongins voice.

I turned around and saw him glaring at me with his arms crossed.

I made a fireball. "Get out right now!" I was angry now. No lie.

He showed me a peace sign and his cute smile before disappearing.

I yelled again before throwing the fireball towards the door. It made a black circle in the middle of the door but it didn't burn.

Since I was already wide awake, thanks to that annoying boy, I just got myself ready for the day. I took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth. Luckily, we left towels in the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom with my hair wrapped in a towel and a towel wrapped around my body. I walked into my room and locked the door. I turned around and saw Jongin on the bed.

"Umma! Put some clothes on!" He shouted and covered his eyes with his tiny hands.

"Calm down. I'm wearing a towel.." I looked at him, amused at how innocent he was.

"So?! Please put some clothes on!" 

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door and opened it. "Wait in the hallway." I nodded towards the hallway.

I saw him look through his hands and nod. He took little shuffle steps and when he was out of my bedroom, I slammed the door shut and locked it again. I changed into a plain black v-neck shirt and into dark blue skinny jeans. I tied my hair into a ponytail and clipped my bangs back. I took out a small shoulder bag and put my usual items into it; cellphone, Ipod, wallet, and my keys. I also brought sunglasses with me.

I usually don't stay home on the weekend and usually go out to kill time. And since my Saturday camp doesn't start until next week, I'm free this weekened. Besides, I'm not even planning on going to those stupid camps. It's useless. 

I walked out of my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I saw Jongin sitting at the very top step of the stairs with a bored look on his face. 

"Bored.. Bored.. Bored.. Bored.." He whispered repeatedly.

I walked over to him and nudged his head. "Let's go."

He looked at me, his eyes beaming. "We're going somewhere?"

I nodded and sighed. "We have alot to do today so let's get started now so it'll be over with.. Besides, I'm not sitting on the stairs the whole day with you."

He nodded and we headed down the stairs. We saw my Auntie and Uncle sitting in the dining room, eating breakfast.

My auntie scoffed. "Don't even think about eating. We are not feeding that thing." She nodded towards Jongin who looked down towards the ground.

I held onto Jongins shoulder and I gave my auntie a fake smile. "I'm sorry but we weren't even going to eat your food. It'll just kill us. In short, your cooking . Good bye." I turned Jongins body around and we headed towards the door.

I put my red converse shoes on while Jongin slowly put on his velcro sneakers on. I raised my eyebrow. 

"You still wear velcro? Is it because you can't tie your shoes or you have no other pairs of shoes?" 

He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Both.." He softly mumbled.

I sighed. "Alright. Let's go."

"Don't be careful! And never come back!" I heard my auntie yell. 

I rolled my eyes. "Go and kill yourselves!" I yelled and slammed the front door shut. 

Jongin looked at me in an odd way. "Isn't that a little harsh umma?"

I smirked and snapped my finger. Screams can be heard inside the house. We started walking down the front steps and walked out of the gate.

"Why are they screaming umma?" Jongin looked at me curiously.

I shrugged. "Beats me. Those two are crazy." He slowly nodded.

Obviously I know why. I burnt the dining room table. Well, I hope thats what I burnt. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I don't care about them. I really meant it when I said they should go kill themselves.

Me and Jongin took the bus to get to Myungdong. The streets were already filled with many cars and people were already walking around. The stores were open early today but since we haven't eaten yet, we stopped by a small cafe first.

I watched as Jongin ate  his breakfast muffin hungrily with a smile on his face and his eyes shining. It seemed as if he hadn't eaten in years.

"Is it good?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

He nodded and held out two thumbs up. "Delicious! My new favourtie food!" 

I small smile crept onto my face and I softly nodded. I had to admit, Jongin was actually an adorable kid. The cafe was filled with many people laughing and chatting with each other.

"What the ?! This is a brand new dress!" I looked towards the commotion on my left and saw a waiter frantically bowing towards a girl.

Suddenly, the cafe turned quiet.

"I'm sorry!" He kept bowing over and over again.

The girl was wiping her dress with a bunch of napkins. Probably got spilt on. I turned away from them. All eyes were on them. Even Jongin was staring intenly at what was happening.

"Don't stare. Ignore it." I told him and looked out the window.

He obeyed and continued eating his muffin.

"You're so stupid! Where's your manager?! I'm going to complain about you!" I heard the girl shout.

This girl was starting to annoy me. I mean, can't she see people are eating and that she's making a huge scene? Maybe she's the stupid one.

"I'm sorry! Please don't!" The waiter was begging her.

I turned towards them. The girl kept complaining and whining about her new dress and she even grabbed a nearby customers drink and spilt it all over him.

"There. Now you know how i feel." She threw the cup at his face and gave him a victory smirk. She even crossed her arms. What a .

I glanced at Jongin and saw him uncomfortably fidgetting in his sit white taking small bites of his muffin. I stood up and walked over to the girl and the waiter. I pushed the waiter out of the way and nodded at him.

"Go clean yourself up. You look stupid just standing there with coffee all over your clothes." He was shaking. He gave me a nod and took small but fast steps into the boys bathroom.

I turned to the girl. "What the is your problem?"

She looked at me with disbelief. "And who are you? I don't remembering you being part of this."

"Actually, I am. Everyone in this cafe right now is. Can't you see that you're disturbing everyones morning? It's just a little spill, get over it. Go and buy a new dress. And a better one this time. You should be lucky he spilt coffee on that dress. You look ugly in it." I smirked.

She gasped at me. "Why you little--" She grabbed a nearby empty cup and threw it at me but I swiftly dodged it.

Instead, it hit.. Jongin. It hit the hand which he was holding the muffin with so it caused him to drop his muffin. It rolled towards me.

"My muffin.." I heard him whisper and his eyes saddened.

I turned towards the girl, who had a smirk on her face. I'm about to wipe that smirk of her face. I was slowly starting to make a fireball when suddenly, i felt something cold against my hand. I looked down and saw Jongin looking up at me with his big, adorable eyes. He was holding his ice smoothie against my hand.

"Umma, do you want a drink?" He asked with a soft voice and a small smile.

I felt myself slowly calm down. I looked at the girl before kicking her leg and pushing her down. She fell onto the ground, her dress getting even more messed up.

I looked at Jongin and shook my head. "I'm fine." He softly nodded, pulling the drink away from me.

He walked to the girl and kicked her leg, causing her to yelp. "That's for my muffin!" He shouted at her, pouting.

I smirked and shook my head. I pulled Jongin back. 

I looked around the cafe and saw all eyes on us. "Commotion is over. Stop staring and move on with your lives." I shouted.

Everyone quickly went back to chatting and eating. I nodded at Jongin and we both walked out of the cafe, leaving the girl to glare at our backs.


That girl, you might want to remember her. She's pretty important (: Just a little hint.


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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd