Actor Jongin.

When Fire Meets Ice

"Can I hold your hand?" Jongin asked me, holding his hand out and smiling. 

I looked at his hand then shook my head. "Nope."

He pouted and took his hand back, holding onto it. We were about to walk into a kids clothes store when a person bumped into Jongin, causing him to fall towards the ground. I was about to help him up when Jongin jumped up angrily and fixed his clothes.

"Ajhussi! Watch where you're going!" Jongin shouted at the person.

I looked at Jongin, shocked. This kid, seriously has no manners. Is that really what I'm like?

"I'm not an ajhussi!" The person shouted back.

Wait.. I know that voice. I looked at the person and saw none other then.. Kikwang.

I threw my arms up in the air. "Okay! This is ed up. Why do I always have to bump into you?" 

"For you information, I bumped into this little kid, not you." Kikwang crossed his arm.

"I'm not a little kid.." I heard Jongin mumble with an angry look on his face.

I scoffed. "So? You really need to learn to watch where you're going." 

He smirked. "You're not the boss of me." I glared at him.

"Umma, you know this ajhussi?" Jongin looked at Kikwang weirdly.

I nodded. "Unfortunately.."

"I'm not an ajhussi! And wait.. UMMA?!" Kikwang's eyes widened. He looked at me and pointed at the kid. "You had with a guy and made this kid?"

"I'm not a little kid!" Jongin puffed his cheeks out.

"I'm not an ajhussi either!" Kikwang stuck his tongue out at Jongin.

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a kid. Arguing with a kid." I shook my head at him.

"According to him, he's not a kid so it doesn't matter now does it?" He said in a matter-of-fact tone while smirking.

I waved my hand at him. "Yeah Yeah.. Whatever."

"So, is he really your son?" Kikwang looked at Jongin with interest. Jongin just stared at Kikwang with a bored expression.

"Yes. He's my son." I admitted, no hesitation in my voice whatsoever.

"Wow.. I can see the resemblance. He's exactly like you. On the outside.. and the inside." He smirked at his last comment.

"No sherlock. He's my son." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

I'm surprised Kikwang didn't ask anymore questions. Not that i wanted him to. Besides, it's not his business.

Jongin tugged on my shirt. "Can we go now umma? I don't want to stick with this ajhussi.." I nodded and looked at Kikwang who gawked at Jongin.

Suddenly, Kikwang started nodding. "Yup. He is your son. Never learns." I smirked.

"Okay. Bye!" Jongin grabbed my hand and pulled me into the store. I looked at Kikwang who had a confused look on his face. I chuckled and shook my head.

I helped Jongin pick a few clothes but each one I held out for him, he shook his head to.

"Damn kid! Just pick something!" I was frustrated now. Jongin shrugged.

"He can't pick because your sense of style is stupid." I turned around and saw Kikwang looking through the racks of clothes.

"Are you shopping for your clothes too?" I smirked and crossed my arms.

He scoffed. 

"Are you a stalker ajhussi? Why are you here?" Jongin asked Kikwang. I looked at Kikwang, also waiting for an answer.

"One. I'm not a stalker. Two. I'm not an ajhussi. Three. You'll be thankful later that I'm here." Kikwang walked over to us and smiled.

Jongin scoffed. "I doubt it..." He mumbled.

I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing. Kikwang pouted.

I looked at Kikwang. "Well, aren't you leaving? It's obvious that we both don't want you here.." 

"There's the door." Jongin pointed towards the door with a expressionless face.

Kikwang shook his head. "Trust me. You'll be happy that I stayed." 

He started taking random clothes off the rack. He grabbed Jongin and they walked over to the fitting rooms. He pushed Jongin into a stall and told him to try on the clothes. Jongin sulked and looked at me. I walked over and shrugged. He sighed and locked the change room stall. Kikwang walked over to me.

"I have a good sense of style. Well, better than yours at least.." He said.

I punched his arm with my fist on fire.. "Hot!" He yelled while rubbing his arm. I glared at him. "That'll teach you to shut up."

"I look disgusting!" We heard Jongin shout from inside the stall. 

"Just come out.." I crossed my arms and waited for him to come out. Kikwang was smirking beside me. 

Jongin walked out in this cute outfit. (Ignore the little girl.)

He had his arms behind his back and he looked down towards the ground. Kikwang was happily clapping beside me.

"You look cool!" He held two thumbs out.

Jongin looked up at me. "Do I look okay?" He asked me cutely.

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "You look great Jongin." I was saying the truth.

I heard a gasp. We looked at Kikwang who looked at me with wide eyes. 

"You're actually complimenting someone?! Who the hell are you?" He held his chest.

I rolled my eyes. "He's my son. Therefore, he looks good to me. Geez Kikwang. You're such a ." 

"Yeah ajhussi. You're a ." Jongin suddenly said.

Me and Kikwang gawked at him.

"Jongin! Don't say that! That's a bad word." I scolded him.

Jongin smirked. "Why? Is it really that bad? Dumn.." He said, emphasizing the word even more.

A couple passed by and shook there heads at me. I glared at Jongin. 

"Yong Jongin. If I tell you not to say something, you don't say it. Araso?!" I raised my voice a little.

I saw tears slowly form in his eyes and he looked down. "I'm sorry umma..."

I sighed and walked over to him, squatting down in front of him. I fixed his shirt and made him stand up straight.

He looked at me with teary eyes. "Just listen to me araso? I don't like disobedient kids." I looked into his eyes.

He nodded and slowly smiled. I raised my eyebrow. "Shouldn't you still be sad and guilty for disobeying me? Why are you smiling?"

He smiled even bigger. "Because you called me Yong Jongin." 

I shrugged. "So?"

"So.. You used your last name. You see me as your son now, huh?" He winked at me.

I smacked the back of his head. He pouted and rubbed it. I stood up straight and cleared my throat.

"Go try on the rest of the clothes." 

He nodded and ran back into the stall.

"You know, your a bad mom." I heard Kikwang say. 

I looked at him. "You don't need to tell me that. I already know. Besides, I never planned on being one." I mumbled the last part.

"Huh?" He looked at me, confused. I shook my head. "Nothing you'd understand."

He shook his head. "You really think I'm a ." 

"At least your smart enough to get that." I smirked. He rolled his eyes at me. 

Suddenly, there was an awkward silent.

"Even though your a bad mom, there's something about you that is very motherly..I can see that somehow, you have a soft spot for the kid." Kikwang smiled at me. A genuine smile. Not those fake smiles or irritating smile.

Something inside my heart clicked. I suddenly felt my cheeks get warmer. Must be my fire power activating..

Jongin came out in all the clothes Kikwang picked and they all look great on him. So trying to be a good mom, I bought all of them for him. I actually had a decent amount of money on me so I was able to buy all of them for him.

After buying all those clothes, Jongin started to whine about having a snack. Being the easily annoyed person that I am, we went to a little ice cream shop. Happily, Kikwang said he would treat us.

"I want chocolate. No! Vanilla. No! Strawberry. No! Cookies and cream. No!" Jongin looked over all of the ice cream.

Kikwang sulked. "Damn. I'll be broke after today." I chuckled. He glared at me.

"Can I get all of them?" Jongin looked at me and Kikwang with his eyes shining.

"Hell no!" Kikwang made an 'x' with his arms while I simply shrugged. I wasn't paying so I didn't care.

"Please!" Jongin started begging him. Jongin pouted and made his eyes even bigger.

Kikwang looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed.

"Alright. Jongin, just pick one. Don't take advantage." 

Jongin suddenly started sobbing out loud. Mine and Kikwangs eyes widened.

"Jongin-- You better not be doing--" I was cut off by him.

"UMMA! APPA! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME?!" He shouted at us.

I sulked. Damn. He did it. Everyone around glared at us. 

"I'm not his appa!" Kikwang shouted at the people around. They looked at him in disbelief. 

I squatted down in front of Jongin and tried to calm him down. "Jongin, don't make a scene! I hate attention." I quietly hissed at him, holding his arms.

That just made him sob harder. "That's not going to work.." I whispered.

"APPA! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING US?! DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!" Jongin shouted, tears slowly falling down his face.

I looked at him, impressed. This kid can act. I looked over at Kikwang who  was shaking and looking confused. Jongin kept sobbing loudly. 

Kikwang quatted beside me and patted Jongins head. "Stop crying. Please.." He pleaded quietly.

Jongin sobbed even louder, more tears falling down his face.

Kikwang ruffled his hair and gave up. "Alright alright! Pick as many as you want!"

Jongin stopped sobbing and smirked. He wiped his tears away then turned to the people watching and bowed. "I'm sorry for the bother. My appa actually isn't leaving me."

They all shook their heads then turned away. Kikwang and I stood up while Jongins eyes shined at all the ice cream. He pointed at all the ice cream he wanted and the worker got them all ready.

Afterwards, we got about 5 different ice cream on one cone. We sat on a park bench. Jongin happily ate his ice cream while I watched him. Kikwang was sadly staring at his wallet.

"I can't believe I let a kid spend most of my money on ice cream.."

I rolled my eyes. "Calm down Kikwang. It's just a little bit." 

"Easy for you to say! He didn't use your money!" He shouted at me while messing his hair up.

"Thank you ajhussi! I am happy and thanful you came with us today." Jongin grinned.

"Whatever..I'm so happy I'm not really your appa or my life would be torture." Kikwang muttered. He looked at me and patted my shoulder. "I'm sincerely saying this to you Jaehyun. Good luck." 

I brushed his hand off. I looked at Jongin who winked at me. I shook my head and smiled. Silly little boy.


Jongins got game! Boom! Haha! He's a pretty cool son huh?


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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd