Power 2.

When Fire Meets Ice


I yawned and scratched my head. I went downstairs to find my Auntie and Uncle sitting down in the living room.
"Jae Hyun, We need to talk to you." They gave me a serious look. I ignored them. I started walking towards the kitchen. "Now."
I looked at my Auntie. I saw her glaring at me. I cursed at her in my head. I sat in front of them. "What is it?"
"Your Auntie and I decided to make you go to magic school. Like your brothers." My Uncle announced.
I stood up furiously. "BWOH?!. Why do i have to go to that school?!."
"That is the only way that you can stay in one school longer than a month." My Auntie said. She then threw a brochure at my face. 
"This is the school. You should know. Its where those monkeys go to school." I glared at her. *No one calls Oppas monkeys but me.* She gave me a fierce look.
From all the angerness bulding up inside of me right now, My hands started turning really warm. "Don't even try to make a fireball."  I calmed down.
"Now go get me some ice cream. My teeth hurt and ice cream might cool down my mouth." My Uncle said.
I grabbed the brochure off the ground and headed towards the kitchen. I put the brochure down on the counter and got some ice cream for my Uncle. I put it in a small cup. I was about to head back and give it to him when I thought of an idea. I gently put the ice cream back on the counter and smirked. 
I headed back into the living room and put the ice cream in front of my Uncle.
"Here you go." I gave him a warm smile.
My Uncle looked at me suspiciously and back at the ice cream. He shrugged. "Thank you. Now get away from me."
I just scoffed and walked away smirking. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs where they couldn't see me. I saw my Uncle eat a spoonful of ice cream.
"3..2...1." I counted down. "AAAAAAAH!" My Uncle shouted. "Bingo!" I snapped my fingers. I saw my Auntie patting his back.
"YAAAAAH! JAE HYUN! WHY IS THIS ICE CREAM SO HOT!!??" I chuckled quietly and headed upstairs to my room happily humming to myself.
I heard the front door open and knew exactly who was home. I ran downstairs and happily hugged my brothers.
"Oppas!!" I gave them a cute smile. I let go of them. 
They looked at each other then looked back at me. "What did you do?" They asked me in unison.
"Me?" I pointed to myself and gave them a innocent look.
They crossed their arms. Yoseob oppa pointed at me. "Yes.. You."
"Well..." I hesitated on telling them when my Uncle and Auntie came to the front door. My Uncle angrily pointed at me.
"Shyou. Thish ish all shyour faultsh!" My Uncle was holding a ice bag to his mouth.
I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing and hid behind my brothers.
"What did she do?" Junhyung asked.
"She burned your Uncles ice cream." Your Auntie told your brothers while patting her husbands back.
My two brother glanced behind them to looked at me. I gave them a cute smile and a peace sign. The two brothers looked at each other and nodded. They looked at their Auntie and Uncle.
"We will take care of her. Don't worry about punishing her." Yoseob oppa then grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.
Junhyung then quickly followed. The two led me into a big open field. I sat down on the grass and happily looked at my brothers.
"Thanks to oppas, I'm not going to be punished. Which is never possible." I chuckled.
I then saw Yoseob oppa walking away and a bunch of other Yoseobs surrounded me. I then looked around.
"What's going on?" I stood up. A lightning bolt then struck right beside me. I didn't see Junhyung oppa anywhere. 
I made a huge fireball and threw it at each Yoseob. But each Yoseob i threw at, only kept disappearing into thin air. I only saw two Yoseobs standing in front of me. One was the real one, and one was the fake one. I made a fireball and hit the one on the right. But it just disappeared. I widened my eyes. I saw Yoseob oppa gathering water and he threw it at me. I fell to the grass. Lightning then suddenly kept striking near me. 
"Okay okay!!! I get it! I won't do it anymore!" I squatted down to the ground. Yoseob oppa smirked. I saw Junhyung oppa jump down from a tree. The two then started walking towards me. I smirked. 
I gathered a big ball of fire and quickly threw it at the two. Oppas eyes widened and they quickly hugged each other. The fireball hit them but i made sure not to burn them. They looked at each other and started whining.
"I HATE YOU YOSEOB! THIS WAS ALL YOUR IDEA!" Junhyung oppa whined.
The two kept crying while hugging each other. And I thought Junhyung oppa was manly. I fell to the ground laughing hard. The two gave me a weird look.
"Y-yah! Why are you laughing?" Yoseob oppa let go of Junhyung oppa.
"D-d-id you see your-yourselves? You gu-guys looked h-h-hilarious." I tried to hold in my laughter the best I could but I obviously failed.
Junhyung oppa stared into my eyes and I immediately stopped laughing. 
"This happening will be forgotten. Got it?!" He gave a cold look and started walking back home.
Yoseob oppa helped me up. "What's wrong with him?" I asked.
"Junhyung usually dosn't like to look weak in front of people. Especially you. He wants to show you that he's there to protect you." Yoseob oppa pouted.
"He should be fine. Right?" Yoseob oppa gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. "He'll be fine."
Once we got home, my Auntie threw the brochure at my face. "Tomorrow, you need to go pick up things at your brothers school and the next day, you'll be starting school with them. Got that?" She started walking up the stairs not even waiting for my objection.
I picked up the brochure and looked at Yoseob oppa. 
"Isn't that our school?" Yoseob oppa pointed at the picture of the school on the brochure. I nodded.
He jumped happily. "Waaaah~! My dongsaeng is going to the same school as us. Won't that be fun?" I gave him a fake smile and nodded.
He stopped jumping and gave me a sad look.
"You don't want to go to that school. Do you?" I shook my head.
"Why not?" He asked. "Is it because its a magic school?"
I nodded.
"Don't worry. No one is gonna try to get you or hurt you. Everyone will be too scared. Trust me." He smiled and hugged me.
I smiled. He let go of me.
"Even though you show yourself to be a strong girl, you're still a baby." Yoseob oppa stuck his tongue out at me.
I raised my hand up. "Don't even make me."
His eyes widened and he quickly ran up the stairs and slammed the door of his room. I chuckled. *My oppa is also a baby.* I looked at the brochure in my hand. I guess, I have no choice now do I. I'll just have to go to this school. 
I held the picture up and looked at the school in front of me. This is the school, Masul Hag-won. Junhyung and Yoseob oppa couldn't come with me today since it was a Saturday and every Saturday, they had to go to a camp for magic, which soon, I'll have to go to. I sighed and entered the school. I burnt the brochure in my hand. I had to admit, the school was huge. If you combine all the school I went to in the past, this school was still bigger, I think. I went into the office and saw a lady at the desk. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.
"Yong Jae Hyun." 
She handed me a folder, a few books, a uniform, and more papers. Greeeat, just what I needed, work.
"This is all the things you'll be needing in this school. Further rules and instructions will be told to you tomorrow by the principal. Don't be late tomorrow." I just looked at her.
"That's it? I came here just to pick things up?" I gave her a disbelieving look.
"Didn't a family member of yours tell you that you're only coming here today to pick things up." The lady looked at me.
I think Auntie did tell me, but whatever. I decided to try something already then, like a little prank. While the lady wasn't looking, i was about to burn the papers on her desk when she threw a pen at the wall right beside my head.
"Don't even try." She said not even looking up. I puffed my cheeks out and started walking away.
I had trouble opening the door so she flicked her hand and the door opened. I stepped outside and the door slammed behind me. I started wandering around the school. Everything looked like a normal school. Its just, everything was larger. There was a big field behind the school. There were many targets hanging from nothing but air. Also many flags were hanging around the school from air. Weren't they suppose to keep magic a secret? I don't think hanging a bunch of things from air around the school will help. I was walking out of the school when a bunch of people zoomed past me. I fell to the ground and dropped everything. I stood up furious and had fireballs ready in my hands. 
I turned around. "YAH!" 
I saw a bunch of Yoseob oppas giving me peace signs. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yoseob oppa. "Annyeong!"
The other Yoseob oppas disappeared. I turned to Yoseob oppa again. "YAH! I dropped everything because of you!" I put his shirt on fire. I picked everything up.
He started running around screaming. "WAAAH! WATER! WATER!" 
Junhyung held his arm out and stopped Yoseob from running around any longer. "You have the power of water you idiot."
"Oooh. Riiiight." He kept throwing water at himself but nothing worked. I just kept laughing.
"Don't even try. You're lucky i didn't use the killing fire." I blew air at him and the fire went away.
He still kept throwing water at him. 
"Yah. Yah. YAH!" Junhyung oppa yelled at him. Yoseob oppa stopped and looked at himself.
"It's gone!" He gave us a cheeky smile. 
"No Sherlock." Junhyung oppa gave him a weird looked while I chuckled.
"So, did you get everything you need?" You nodded. "Good."
Oppas started walking away when i stopped them. "Oppas, why did they hang everything from air? Won't mortals see?" I asked.
"No. The school is surrounded with a force field. It's invicible. The mortals outside can see everything were doing but can't see any magic. So those hanging flags and targets, to the mortals outside the force fields, it's not there." Yoseob oppa said.
"So when were doing magic outside at the big field and a person passes by, we look like dancing monkeys." Junhyung oppa sighed.
I laughed at the thought. "You are monkeys though.." 
They looked at you. "Bwoh?!. Since when were you allowed to call your oppas monkeys?" 
"Since the day I was born." I smirked.
Junhyung oppa striked a lightning bolt beside me. I held my hands up. "Okay! Sorry!"
He gave me a satisfied look while Yoseob oppa shook his head.
"Let's go home. I'm tired from practice." Junhyung oppa started walking away.
Me and Yoseob oppa followed while Yoseob oppa helped me carry everything. 
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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd